Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Yaoi / Yuri Race ❯ Preparations III ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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*...* situations, character melodies and possibly important expressions
//...// radio
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Unfortunately the "Friends of Nature", a very strange environmental organisation, whose members only seemed to consist of some remaining Hippies, people who didn't seem to have better work to do at the moment and yet a lot more of very odd, more or less interested listeners, held their yearly meeting at the same time in the same hotel.

Just at this moment an older woman thanked a member of their organisation for an excellent consisting of rubber rolls and glued on sawdust (x.X: Don't want to know how it tastes. *chokes*). Everyone in the meeting room listened tensely to her because they found the talk sooooooooooooooooooooooo much interesting that the air in the room threatened to burst of sheer tension.

It was so interesting that one could hear the first loud snoring from the rows behind which came from a bearded man in a really interesting outfit, namely poison yellow pants, a blue-yellow shirt and a yellow hut-like house on his head, which obviously should be a cap.

But let's now turn to the first row, where an older man in a white suit and bow tie sat beside a young man, who handled with his camera. The older man, his name was Reiji Takatori, looked nervous around the room because it was his turn to give a talk in a moment.

When he didn't want to look around any longer, he bowed his head down to his neighbour, the young man with the short, wild, dark-brown hair and the camera in his hand, and whispered:

"That must be a great moment for you to take photos of this, isn't it?"

"Of course I do!" Heero smiled and took another look through his object lens.

Reiji took his briefcase and rummaged his lecture out of it.

"I suppose you're here to hear me talking!" he said to Heero then.

"No, I don't know you at all...I save trees!" Heero replied without looking at Reiji, since he still was busy with his camera.

"Oh...You save trees?"

"Yes, I love big trees! That's why I come to those events." The young man replied with a certain dreamy stars gaze in his eyes.

"Very interesting!" Reiji chatted.

"Yes. And I love people who love trees like me!" Heero replied, his stars becoming much bigger.

"Ah! It happened to be a passion of me, too!"

"Really? Do you know why I love trees? I love to lay under them in a warm moon night...!" the young man started to tell.

"Huhu!!!" Reiji nodded agreeing.

"...maybe with your best friend...!"


"...snuggled together, enjoying the beautiful night...!


"...and then getting fucked so hard until every part of your body is sore (O.O)...!" Heero said sighing with a gigantic stars gaze and his brain somewhere in the next galaxy.

Reiji blinked, choked, blinked and finally sweatdropped. But before he could answer, he heard as the lady called his name. He stood up quickly and went to the desk, while every present person, including Heero, applauded and the man in the last happily continued to saw.

"Thank you very much...Thanks...Thank you!" Reiji and started his talk.


Too bad for him that Relena and Lucrezia had chosen the place in front of the conference room of all places to repair their drowned car, after they had saved it from the bottom of the hotel swimming pool. While Relena expertly examined the engine, Lucrezia was sitting in the front seat, waiting for her signal.

"Accelerate some more!" Relena shouted.

Lucrezia did, as the blond girl had said, and started the car. But except a short roaring came nothing from the engine. And so Relena bowed over the engine and screwed on it again.

"Damn it!" she swore.

"Hey Lena, the only good thing is that the entire jalopy has been cleaned for once!" Lucrezia said.

"Yeah! Try it again!"

The dark-haired woman tried again to start the Pick-up, but again in vain. Relena sighed and bowed over the engine once again.


Meanwhile Reiji Takatori tried to start with his speech, but he had some little problems with several tiny feedbacks, which did its best to torture his eardrums.

"I thank you......beeeeeeeeeeeeep......for such gre......beeeeeep......number. I know there a......beeeeeeeeeeeeep......much probl......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......concerning the......beeeeeeeeeep....... environmental prote......beeeeeeeeeep......But today I want to sp......beeeeeeeeeeeeeep......out the number one......beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......the car." He said and went to the easel, where a big sketch pad was resting, while Heero took some pictures of him.


"Try it again!" Relena shouted.

"Do you think it will finally work?"

"We will know if you start that damn jalopy!"

Lucrezia shrugged her shoulders and turned the ignition key. A jerk went through the car and, there are still wonders, it started.

"Yay. Step a little bit more on the gas!" the blond girl cheered.

The older woman stepped more and more on the gas and the engine roared up. It became so loud that it could be heard in the meeting room until nobody understood a single word anymore. And especially not Reiji Takatori of all people, who tried to convince his fellow people of the devil known as car.

"SEEMS AS IF IT WORKS AGAIN!!" Lucrezia shouted.

"YEAH!" Relena yelled back.

The motor roared more up.

"I'M THIRSTY! DO YOU WANT OT JOIN ME?" the dark-haired woman asked.


At this time the more engine reached his highest volume.



One moment later, the only thing everyone was noticing, was the bursting of the window. Reiji, Heero and some other "friends" were flung backwards and also the man, who had been snoozing all the time, woke up and looked around very drowsy.

Relena blinked and went to the broken window and looked at the prevailing chaos there. Then she turned to her girlfriend and both women started to laugh almost hysterically.

"That was fun. I guess you can stop now. By the way what did you say?" she asked.

"I said I'm thirsty and a little bit hungry. Want to join me?" Lucrezia asked, a certain glance in her eyes.

Relena giggled and wrapped her arm around the other woman's waist.

"Of course, Lucy-chan! What about having some fun with each other after that?" she said with an innocent voice.

"Sounds good to me!"


"Those damn ostrich, ahem I mean street rowdies. This time they have gone too far. They have picked a quarrel with the wrong guy. I swear I'll see that they will be punished and if it's the last thing I do!" Reiji yelled furious while brushing some glass splinters off of his suit.

Something was happening here and he would find out what it was or his name was no longer Reiji Takatori.


Another, silver-coloured pick-up approached the motel. The passengers of this vehicle were the notorious Dorothy Catalonia, also known as "Mad Doro", and her girlfriend "Ice Cold" Une. Both raced along the road, already seeing the sign of the motel.

"There it is! Looks pretty full!" Une said with a monotone voice.

"Ah, don't worry. We'll find a parking space and if we make some room on our own. But when I just think about all those damn idiots meeting there I could throw up. It doesn't matter. Hold on tight!" Dorothy yelled and quickly changed their direction. The pick-up now raced directly up to the motel entrance and crashed through it a few minutes later with a loud noise.

People scattered, but unfortunately Reiji Takatori couldn't get himself to safety in time and ended up unconscious on a really ugly green couch, which the car pushed forwards, until it came to a hold.

Dorothy and Une got out of the car and looked at the chaos they had caused.

"I knew we would find a parking space!" the blond-haired girl laughed.


"HEY DORO! IS THAT YOU?" a loud voice suddenly called her.

The light-coloured one turned towards the direction the voice had came from and saw Duo and Trowa forcing their way through the gaping onlookers. Both of them wore the uniforms of ambulance men. The braided boy stopped right next to Dorothy.

"Hey Maxwell! You're also here?" she asked.

"Of course! Don't think I'll miss such a race. But just in case you don't know, the car park is outside."

Dorothy rolled her eyes.

"Oh Maxwell. I really wouldn't have thought of something like that. But unfortunately it seems as if my brakes are ruined. By the way, you still know my darling Une?" she said, blowing a kiss to the other woman.

"Yep. Who doesn't know "Ice Cold" Une? And you're sure you want to drive further with that plane?"

"I have no other choice." Doro shrugged her shoulders.

Then a mad smirk began to cross her features until she looked like a monkey.

"But that doesn't matter. Because I Mad Doro, the Queen of the Road, and everything only be a joke. Who doesn't understand this, can kiss my ass crosswise!" she mocked, then letting a loud, high-pitched, mad laugh.

Trowa and Duo sweatdropped.

"Are you sure she's sane?" Trowa asked.

"Don't know! Well...See you later, Doro!" Duo shrugged and went on, ignoring the unconscious Reiji.

Both of them left the blond girl, who was still laughing, behind and went to the reception desk, checking in. After getting the keys to their rooms, both boys went straight to the adjacent bar.


There was a small stand in front of the motel, where all teams had to enrol themselves. There were two bishounen overseeing the whole process - Yamcha and Tien. Both were sitting there for hours now, waiting for the remaining teams to arrive.

"Okay, why exactly did we agree to do this job?" Yamcha asked, deadly bored.

The other bishounen shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know! Because her "staff" was glaring at us?" Tien replied.

"Or because they were armed and had that same evil smile she had!" Yamcha suggested.

"I know. We agreed because she belongs to this evil species, which has even more power than we or anyone in this universe will ever have!"


"She's a Fanfic author!" the three-eyed bishounen finally said.

Yamcha nodded agreeing and muttered something about "lunatic and demonic psycho yaoi Fanfic authoresses". It was then when he almost missed the appearance of the convoy which was suddenly driving along the entrance way of the hotel before every car pulled into a free parking lot. His eyes went wide, when he didn't see just one, but loads of people getting out of 11 white Rolls Royce.

And then the whole crowd went towards him, about 40 men following a blond boy and a bearded man.

"Good afternoon!" Rashid greeted them.

"H...Hello!" Yamcha and Tien stammered puzzled.

"We would happily join your little race!" Quatre smiled.

"Of Course. Please sign in here!" Yamcha said and handed them a list, in which Quatre registered.

"Thank you and good luck!" Tien said when the blond boy gave him the list back.

"No, I have to thank you! Rashid, let's go to the motel! Guys, get the luggage!" Quatre ordered.


"I was so free to reserve two floors for us, Winner-sama!" Rashid said.

"Good, good!"

Shortly after the entire group went to the motel, heavy loaded with bags and suitcases.

In the meantime Yamchu and Tien had already to deal with the new team. It was a redhead in a black business suit and a young, black-haired boy in a grey Japanese school uniform.

"Please register here!" Yamcha said and pointed at the free spot on the list.

Aya took the pen and wrote "Abyssinian" in the list, then gave the listing back. The fighter took it and asked:

"Well...Be welcome to our little trip, Mr...Abyssinian?" he asked, just to be on the safe side.

"Yes. Is there a problem with it?" the redhead asked, glaring coldly at him.

"No, no! We just want to make sure that everything's correct!" Tien interrupted them.

"Fine! Let's go, Nagi!" Aya said to the boy and put on his sunglasses, after which they both headed for the motel. But suddenly a flash of a camera appeared, blinding them. Aya couldn't recognize who had taken a photo of him. He only heard someone giggling and saw a figure flitting by, which disappeared quickly.

Somehow confused, the redhead shrugged his shoulders. He and his young companion went into the motel, where the remaining teams already had gathered. Or almost all teams. One was still missing.

Tien and Yamcha were still sitting at the small stand, both reading a magazine, when they suddenly heard a strange noise which seemed to come from above.

"Do you hear that?" the dark-haired fighter asked his boyfriend.

Tien nodded. He also heard that whistling sound which slowly grew louder and louder. Both looked upwards. They only saw a shadow since the sun was blinding them.

"What the hell is that?"

"I don't know!"

The very next second something crashed down on the ground right in front of them, leaving behind a thick cloud of dust. Several layers of dirt and rounds of coughing later both men could finally see the source of the noise. Their eyes went wide as saucers when they realized that the black car, which was now covered by a white parachute, had been the cause of that whistling sound.

It must have fallen from the sky and that literally. Yamcha and Tien glanced at each other before looking at the covered car and the struggling under it. A loud cursing in a language, which sounded like Chinese or something, could be heard and one minute later two figures appeared from under the parachute, struggling to get off the white cloth. It was a young Chinese in a white combination and a really handsome guy with long, platinum blond hair in an also white overall.

The Chinese continued to swear for the next 2 minutes while they tried to get rid of the parachute. Only then both men looked round.

"Oh, it seems as if we reached our destination, Wu-chan." The blonde said.

"Don't call me that. Make yourself useful and park that damn car!" the Chinese answered grumpily.

"As you wish, my dragon!" Zechs chirped happily before pushing a button on his handy.

Just like magic, the car began to set in motion and then it chose automatically a free parking space to drive in.

"Oh, I love this new automatic parking system! What do you think?" the tall blonde replied.

"Hnnn...Whatever!" Wufei growled.

He was busy signing them in. When the Asian was ready, he grabbed a fistful of Zechs' long hair and dragged him into the motel.

Tien and Yamcha only sweatdropped.


Omi fiddled with his motorbike, when he was lifted up and that very ungentle.

"What the hell is the idea? Will you put me down whoever is there?" he swore, struggling around, when suddenly a well-known, deep voice whispered something in his right ear.

"Hello cutie! Long time not seen!?"

After that Omi was dropped down again. Immediately the boy turned round and his big, blue eyes began to sparkle.

"BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Is it really you?" he cried delighted and immediately bounced on the older man, wrapping his arms around Brad's neck and his legs around the other's waist.

Then both shared a deep, hungry, hot and veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnng kiss (^^ And I mean long - at least 5 - 10 minutes), until both were out of breath and gasping for it. Brad Crawford grinned.

"I suppose you missed me?" he asked.

"No, not at all! But I'm glad that my secretaries have found you." Omi replied smiling.

"Do you really think I'd miss such an event? We still could take a few days off, after we've won the race? What do you think?" Brad said with a seductive voice.

"Of course! But could you please take a look at my throttle valve! It doesn't seem to work right."

"Well... then let me see!"

Brad Crawford took the screwdriver out of Omi's hand and began to work.


The bar, which belonged to the motel, slowly filled with people, since every team wanted to have a little drink before the next day. They were in different corners of the bar. Manx and Birman were cuddling in the most distant corner, both women sipping at one big drink, while Dorothy, Une, Aya and Nagi (who was drinking a cola) were drinking and chatting at the counter. least Dorothy was chatting, while the others listened to her...more or less.

Quatre and his men were not there. They were too busy to drink their tea in their rooms. Zechs and Wufei sat in another corner, the latter one ignoring everything and everyone. Duo looked so bored in his seat so that it was a miracle that he was still awake. Relena and Lucrezia were doing the same thing as Manx and Birman, although they were already a little bit further (^^).

In short, everybody was looking forward for the race like mad. Everybody? Nope. In fact there was one or two teams, who still had to solve some little disagreements with each other. Like Youji and Ken.

"I 'ope you aren't sherious with thish, Gengen! Or I k...kill you personally." Youji angrily shouted with drunken sounding voice, his eye twitching oddly.

Ken gulped. Why didn't he foresee that his boyfriend would react like this? Especially after the ten beers and nine whiskeys, which Youji had drunken for the last half an hour. Or maybe it was the fact that they both wore priest uniforms und Youji wasn't too pleased about it.

"I'm very sorry, Youji-kun. But I thought they were useful if the police stop us!" he whined, when Youji grabbed him by the collar.

"YOU THOUGHT...YOU THOUGHT...? Oi, Ken thinks. That's the end of the world! ARE YOU NUTS TO PUT ME IN SUCH CLOTHES?" Youji screeched.

Then something flashed in his jade green eyes and the older man began to grin so wide that Ken suddenly got frightened of his boyfriend. And before he could think about escape, he was already thrown over Youji's shoulder.

"W...what are you doing, Youji?" Ken stuttered.

This one only said one single word.


Ken laughed nervous and Youji carried him out of the bar.


Wufei was in no good mood. In fact, he was in a very bad mood. This way he ignored the handsome guy next to him, sipping his drink.

"Are you still mad at me, dragon?" Zechs asked.

No answer.

"Come on, please tell me! Did I something to annoy you?"

No answer. Twitch, twitch.

"Wufei, are you still alive?"

Wufei sighed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"What makes you think that I'm still mad?" he replied with sarcasm in his voice.

"Is it because of this incident in Hong Kong?"

"Oh, you think I'm mad because of that? Am I the one who demolished the 5th TV studio within two weeks just to demonstrate someone what for great things he can do?" the Chinese hissed at him.

Zechs only giggled.

"You aren't jealous by any chance, are you? Is it just because I flirted a little bit with that Treize guy?"

"Me and jealous? Never in a billion years, Merquise!" Wufei growled.

Zechs only laughed louder and dishevelled the Asian's hair.

"Oh that's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute of you, my little dragon! How about a personal excuse in our room?" Zechs grinned.

Wufei went red and suddenly the remains of his drink were in Zechs' face. The Chinese choked and began to cough fiercely. Luckily Zechs came to his assistance, patting Wufei's back, and soon the Asian had fairly calmed himself down. But then he punched the platinum blonde.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Wufei shouted, glaring at the other man.

"Ouch, that hurt. I just wanted to help you!"

The Chinese still glared, but then he mumbled something unintelligible.

"What did you say, dragon? I couldn't understand you!" Zechs asked in a sugar sweet voice.


Zechs didn't say anything but grinned as wide as possible. Then he lifted Wufei up with both arms. But this one didn't like to be treated like a woman and struggled himself free.

"Do that again and I'll personally see that you're going to hell!"

"As you wish, dragon! Although you're ruining my fun!"

Wufei shot Zechs a death glare, but didn't say anything further, when they left the bar.

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What does Youji's revenge look like? When does the race finally start? And who's that mysterious photographer? Tune in next time for the next chapter of "THE BIG YAOI/YURI RACE"

Our guests this time:

Tien and Yamcha from DB und DBZ

Audience: *Applause*

Tien and Yamcha: *sneak away*

^.^ Terrenis-chan: ¬_¬ Where the hell do you think you're going?

Tien and Yamcha: Eeep. She noticed us. Hurry up or we're doomed!

^.^ Terrenis-chan: *twitch* *bundles mighty yaoi Fanfic author powers* YOU'LL STAY HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *throws several flashes after both bishounen*

Tien and Yamcha: x_X *give up*

^.^ Terrenis-chan: ^^V

Did you like it? Just write me:

Ja ne!

^.^ Terrenis-chan