Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Yaoi / Yuri Race ❯ Preparations I ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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Because of extremely boredom a single Fanfic authoress decided to organize a big race and much to her surprise many bishounen and bishojos announced their interest (^^ Authors note: I forced them. *giggles like mad* *cough* *whistle*).

And so the big day was coming nearer and nearer. So let's take a look at the single teams and their way of preparation for the big race.



A black Lamborghini raced with an incredible speed across the empty highway, the light of the rising sun shining at the sports car. After several hours of apparently aimless driving the car stopped at one side of the highway next to a traffic sign and the door of the front passenger opened.

Two long legs, which were dressed in a skin-tight, black Catsuit, came out of the car and stalked on black high heels to the sign. The red-haired woman, who was the owner of those legs, got a spraying can from nowhere, shook it and then crossed out the number on the sign.

"Speed limit? No way!" the redhead replied satisfied and ran her finger through her red curls.

Then she went back to the Lamborghini and got in. Inside the car the red-haired woman and the driver, a brunette woman, could hear the sirens of the highway police coming nearer.

"Looks as if the boys want to play us! What do you mean? Are we doing them this favour, my dear Manx?" the brunette, who was also wearing a skin-tight, but violet Catsuit, asked.

"Certainly, my dear Birman-chan! What are still waiting for?"

"Okay! Then LET'S PLAY!" Birman smirked and stepped on the gas.

The Lamborghini roared for a moment and then fired away, a thick cloud of dust behind him. A few minutes later a police car rushed over, chasing the black sports car. It was hard on the Lamborghini's heels, but the two women got a big distance since their car was much faster than the police car.

One hour passed by. The whole chase already went over several hundred miles now without any results. Manx and Birman loved it to lure the poor policemen all over the place. Only one time the police men had tried to corner the Lamborghini by trying a trick.

At a highway exit they had taken the opposite exit hoping that they would be there down before the sports car. But the Lamborghini was faster and so the police were left behind, swallowing dust. Now it was the women's turn and the chase continued.

Suddenly the policemen lost sight of their target. Nevertheless they drove further. However the Lamborghini had hidden himself into the bushes and as the police car had swept over, the sports car came out of it and was now chasing the police.

Another hour passed by and the highway police couldn't find any single sign from the black car. So they decided to inform their headquarters.

//Hello, headquarters? Here is Car 23. We're still after the black Lamborghini.//

//What the hell do you mean? Are you two really after it yet? You're chasing that black thing for over 2 hours now. How long do you plan to be after it?//

//As long as it takes us to catch him!//

//Okay. Do what you want! But in five minutes you reach the next state. Just as information. Over!//


If the policemen had looked in their rear-view mirror they would have seen the aforementioned Lamborghini right behind them. This one now elegantly passed the police car while Manx and Birman happily waved their hands and threw kisses towards the puzzled policemen, whose jaws threatened to fall down, before they settled down in front of the police car and then finally drove off them, leaving lots of dust behind.


A compact car drove into the yard of a garage. After parking it, the driver, a young man with a striking long braid, got out and went, I mean, stomped inside the building, on whose outside wall a sign hung: "DUO MAXWELL - LAND; AIR; WATER".

"Trowa! Where are you?" Duo shouted.

He looked for his partner, because he had to discuss a lot with him about an approaching race. Both of them had been interested to participate in this race. But until now they still had no clue which kind of vehicle they would take.

"TROWA! Where the hell are you?" he shouted again.

But Duo couldn't see him. So he looked around, then his partner had to be somewhere in this building. Suddenly he felt like having a cup of coffee and so the braided boy grabbed the coffee pot and poured himself a cup.

"Duo!!!" suddenly a voice said at the same moment when the longhaired boy wanted to drink.

Frightened to death, Duo got a coughing stimulus and the whole coffee from Duo's mouth ended up in Trowa's face.

"Thanks, but I don't think that I've ordered a coffee or a shower. Where have you been? You're late." The banged youth asked.

"Sorry, but my hamster had had terrible depressions and I couldn't leave him alone. It became so worse, that he first began to nibble at his own tail and then he tried to destroy his tread-mill. It was so awful." Duo replied depressed.

"Very interesting. But can you help me anyway? I've problems with the engine."

"Why not? By the way, what car do we take for the race?" Duo wanted to know.

"No idea. I guess it must be a fast one. What do you suggest?"

"I don't care a hang as long as *He* comes with us."

As a result of the sudden mention of *Him* Trowa's head abruptly shoot upwards. Unfortunately he had forgotten the presence of the bonnet and hit his head painfully there.

"Could you please stop mentioning *Him*? I thought you were over this phase!" Trowa hissed, rubbing his aching head.

"Sorry! But you know..."

"Shut up!"


"Shut up!"

"But I...!"



Sometimes Trowa was such a spoilsport.



"Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Sir J. It's been a long time! Do you remember me?" a loud voice yelled.

J, the owner of the betting office, flinched. Yes, this voice really seems familiar to him. He hung up the receiver, which he had been holding in his hand, and turned round, praying that he was wrong. But then the man sighed. Why did he always have to be right?

"Hidaka, do us a favour and evaporate or something else! But don't bother me with your stupid bets!" J said.

"Calm down, old man! I just want to know the quotas for the Yaoi/Yuri race!" Ken Hidaka replied insulted.

J took a deep breath.

"Listen: It would take many, many years of hard work and lots of patience and skill as well to explain this to you."

"If I wouldn't know it better I would say that you think that I'm too stupid to get it!" Ken answered with an earnest expression.

"Oh, you're so clever!" J said sarcastically.

For a moment there was icy silence between them while staring at each other darkly.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a race. All you have to do is to hold on and not being caught by the police." Ken finally said.

"Do you think that's a walk? You have to be whole man if you want to drive more than 3000 miles at an average speed of 200 mph. Do you know what this means?"

But finally Ken had enough of J's blathering.

"Do you want to talk or take a bet?"


Trowa and Duo raced across the country road in a red sports car. Duo was driving.

"Okay, the Anti - radar - colour is on the car and the turbo is functioning faultless. Now nothing more can happen!" the braided boy replied optimistic.

Unfortunately he oversaw the road block right before them, which was blockading both sides of the road and which they were heading for.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUT!" Trowa screamed panic-stricken and covered his eyes with his hands.

But after scraping against the crash barrier the sports car already crashed into the road ditch. Some police officers, who had been at the block, immediately rushed towards them. Duo giggled embarrassed.

"Sorry, Tro. Wasn't my intention. Guess I somehow have overseen the road block....Ahem, Trowa, are you alright?"

But Trowa didn't answer because he was somehow indisposed at the moment. Duo could see it at the strange frozen and shocked looking expression. Meanwhile the policemen had reached their car and they didn't look friendly.

"You two, are you nuts or who do think you are?" one of the policemen yelled angry.

Duo just grinned dumbly at them. But then he knew what he had to do.

(That's my chance.) he thought by himself and giggled.

And in the next moment the driver's door opened with a loud slam and a black clothed figure burst out of it......It was Duo, dressed with a black mask and cape (O.O Split personality?). He made some strange poses until he persisted in one.

"Tada, I'm the Great Shinigami, the god of death, and this is my faithful companion Tro - Tro." Duo shouted aloud.

He was still in his superhero pose and pointing at Trowa, who was still deep in shock, but much to his luck. The policemen on the other side just looked aghast at Duo or Shinigami. This guy was clearly mad.


"Okay, what are the quotas now?" Ken asked impatiently.

"Fine. The quota is 50:1." J finally said.

"Okay. Then take a look at this, JJ!"

Very suddenly Ken had a thick bundle of notes in his left hand and waved it seductively right before J's nose. This one became suddenly a certain greedy expression in his eyes and followed the movements of the money.

"May I ask how much money is in the bundle?"

"One Million. And since we are driving the race by ourselves you can imagine how much more it'll be after we've won the race. And WE will win, because I have the best racing driver in the whole world as my partner. May I introduce my partner and boyfriend Youji Kudou?" Ken announced grinning and then pulled at the sleeve of the young man next to him, who seems to flirt with a girl.

This one turned round.

"Yo." Youji said to J with a slightly drunken voice.

This one was really astound. Somehow he knew the young man with the brown, shoulder length hair and the jade green eyes half-covered by sunglasses.

"Youji Kudou, the former racing driver? I'm flabbergasted, Hidaka!"

"But we still have a secret weapon...God is our co-pilot!" Ken grinned and showed him a silver chain with a cross, swinging it back and forth.

"Okay, then good luck! You'll need it!" J laughed and began to count the notes.

Youji grabbed the younger one on both shoulders and shook him well with his whole strength.

"" he asked.


"You know our Ferrari?"


"He has two seats?"


"And where is he supposed to sit, hnnn? Where?" Youji asked confused, hittingKen's cheeks with his hands several times.



"Okay, I've thought about the whole matter. Somehow we have to camouflage our starting car if we don't want to be caught by the police!" Duo said.

After the fiasco with the sports car and the fact, that the car was now a wreck, Duo and Trowa had come to the conclusion that they needed another tactics. Right now they were sitting in a small aircraft and flying above the clouds, thinking about the perfect car for the race.

"What do you think of a limousine with diplomatic registration number?" Trowa asked.

"I don't know..." Duo grumbled and took a big gulp of cola out of his can.

"I know...We take a blood transporter. No one stops a car which transports blood."

Puzzled Duo looked at Trowa.

"That's a stupid idea!" the braided boy said and emptied his can. Then he threw it bored into the back part of the plane. When Duo tried to grab the next can he noticed that they had no more drinks.

"Shit...." Duo cursed, pulled the control stick away from him and brought the plan into a fast nosedive downwards.

"Duo, calm down. Somehow you're totally off the role because of this race!"Trowa replied with panic in his voice.

"Relax! I just want to organize some drinking supplies. After all I don't want to die of thirst!" Duo snarled at him while taking course at the city below them.

Masterly he landed on the crowded main street, where the screaming people scattered horrified and hooting cars made way for the aircraft until Duo stopped right before a small groceries store.

"And get me some chips, while I turn round!" he shouted to Trowa, who got out of the plane and went into the store.

"Yes, yes, yes!" this one grumbled.

After Trowa had grabbed a six pack of cola-mix and some chips and paid them at the stunned salesman, he went outside, where Duo was already waiting for him.

"Hey what do you think about a military truck?" the braided boy asked while Trowa got inside with the purchases.

"Or a hearse! No, maybe not yet..." Trowa replied.

"It doesn't matter! We'll find a car! And now hold on!"

Duo stepped on the gas and the plane climbed and reaccelerated, shooing people aside.



Aya/Ran Fujimiya went to a small desk with sunshade at a swimming pool, where a young girl was sitting and drinking tea.

"Good Morning, Aya-chan!" Ran replied.

"Good Morning Ran! And successfully hunted the dark beasts?" Aya-chan answered.

"How do you know...?" Ran asked confused.

"I'm not blind. First it isn't fun that you constantly borrow my name. Your name is Ran Fujimiya, heir of the Fujimiya empire, and NOT AYA!!! THAT'S MY NAME! And what are you doing the whole time instead working?

You are away at night, because you think you're assassin named Abyssinian, who lives with an assassin group named Weiss. And this group works in a flower shop during the day and at night for an organization named Kritiker. You're crazy, do you know? If only father knew what you're doing...he would rotate in his grave." Aya-chan replied.

"You don't understand. I'll protect the innocent!" Ran grouched.

"Yes, yes! Maybe with this thing?" the girl said and uncovered a long katana, which had been lying under a cloth.

Ran's gaze became dark and he took the katana in his hand. Coldly he stared at the sword and then at his sister.

"I'm afraid I have to kill you now. You know too much!" he whispered with an ice cold voice.

"Of course!" Aya-chan said, rolling her eyes.

"That's not a joke. SHHHHHIIIII - NEEEEE!!!" Ran yelled and attacked his sister.

This one immediately fell back quickly.

"Are you nuts? What the hell are you doing?" she screamed panic-stricken.

Aya-chan closed her eyes and awaited the attack of her brother. But nothing happened. Instead the girl heard a deep laughter. When Aya-chan opened her eyes she saw Ran who was laughing aloud. Immediately her face became dark.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"You should have seen your face! Simply divine!" the red head laughed.

"Very funny! Ha-ha! I'm lying on the ground because of too much laughing!" Aya-chan replied furious and went to her red haired brother.

And before Ran could do something, Aya-chan had kicked him into the pool, full dressed.

"Moron!" she yelled and left.

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So that was Part 1 of the crossover. More is coming soon.

Did you like it? Just write me:

Ja ne!

^.^ Terrenis-chan