Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ TYLC Months 1 and 2 ❯ Movie Night ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: I don't own the following: DBZ, GW, IY, SM, TM, or YYH. I also do not own the OC's that were donated to me. I just write them in the fanfic, and control what they do in it. I am myself though.
Pairings: Wachey/Wufei, Freya/Yusuke, Abigail/Duo, Nenagh/Jin, Angel/Ryoko, Matthew/Relena, Shane/Kagome, Umbra/Vegeta, Kayori/Heero, Sahar/Quatre, Nikki/Trowa, Kita/Sesshoumaru, Vanny/Trunks, Akira/Yukina, Candis/Hiei, Ember/Kurama, Crystal/OC, Miroku/Sango, and Inu Yasha/Kikyo.
Warnings: Big crossover, a lot of self-insertions, and switching POV's, points anyway. Today is movie night, for them anyway. Guess what movie I'm having them watch!!
The Year Long Contest Chapter 7: Movie Night
The alarm clocks rang, and the first period students got ready like the day before. Only when they went into the pool area, all they found was a sign that said, 'No school for today or tomorrow. Have a nice day!'
"You'd think they'd be considerate enough to announce this sort of thing," Koenma complained, and the others nodded along with him. Turning back, they figured they would at least have breakfast, or go back to sleep.
"Hey Wufei, you're back early," Wachey stated, going through her bag. Yawning, he responded with, "No classes today. I brought some muffins from breakfast if anyone wants some?"
"I'll take a few," Miroku replied, and grabbed about three. Sitting back in bed, the Hispanic girl brought something from her bag that she had been meaning to show the Chinese boy. Waiting for him to get into the large bed, she handed over the Episode Zero comic. Recognizing his face on the cover, he asked, "What is this?"
"Just proof that in my world, you guys are anime. If it offends you in any way, just give it back to me and I'll put it up," the hazel-eyed girl explained.
"Why should I be offended," Wufei continued to ask.
"Nothing, just saying that in case." This of course caught the interest of Miroku and Mina, who were the only other ones awake at the moment. With them staring over his shoulder, the raven-haired boy started to read the manga.
Meanwhile, at breakfast, the other gundam pilots were eating some waffles, and drinking coffee, even the Arabian. But just like his tea, he liked it sweet, but their booth didn't have any sugar. Getting up, he said before walking off, "I'm going to ask for some sugar."
"Whoa, that is enough for you young lady," Sahar joked, taking away the many packets of Sweet'n'Low away from Abi. She had chosen to eat cereal this morning, and all they had were Rice Crispies. Everyone knows you need to add sugar to give it good flavor.
"Aw, come on, I promise I won't get too hyper on the beach," the black-haired, with two red streaks, girl pleaded. Sticking her tongue out at her friend, the violet eyed girl was caught by surprise when she heard a soft male voice ask, "Excuse me, may I borrow a few packets from you?"
"Huh, oh, sure," she responded, blushing slightly, as he grabbed a few then walked off. Staring off after him, she stayed in the same position for about a minute, before the other girl at the table coughed.
"What," Sahar responded, turning away, and blushing more.
"And I thought I had it bad for Duo," Abi stated, grabbing a few more packets of sugar. That day they didn't have a meeting to attend, instead, they were allowed to just roam around the beach, and do what they please. While walking around, the both of them spotted some of their team members setting up a net.
"Hey, do you guys want to join us for some volley ball," Kayori asked, holding a sack full of balls.
"Maybe later," Sahar replied, and walked on, with Abigail close behind. Shrugging, the clumsy girl turned around to go to Umbra, only to trip over one of her sandals, falling face first into the sand, and dropping all the balls everywhere.
"Ow," she said softly, as she sat up, eyes tearing. Nenagh was by her side in a second, and tried to cheer her up. This leaving Angel and Freya to retrieve the volley balls.
"So, what should we do," Sahar asked, quite bored.
"I don't know, watch the gundam pilots," the other girl suggested, smirking. Nodding in agreement, both went to find said pilots, and stumbled upon their leader, who was sitting in the sand. From the distance, she looked somewhat upset. Going upto her, the lightly tanned girl asked, "Are you okay? Anything wrong? Should I get Nenagh?"
"No. I'm just watching the sea. If you're wondering where the pilots are, they're over there," Wachey replied, pointing to where the group of boys were. All but the Chinese boy were hanging out in the sand, chatting away with one of the girls on their team.
"Hey, you guys know about Episode Zero, right," the Hispanic girl then asked.
"You mean the Precious," the score keeper joked, sugar starting to kick in.
"Yes, the Precious. Anyway, I showed it to Wufei this morning." The other girls stared at her for a moment, then asked, "What did he say?"
"Oh nothing. He read it quietly, kept an unexpressive face, gave it back to me once he was done, got up, and then left the room. I haven't seen him since. I don't think they have at either," Wachey explained.
"I don't think that was very wise of you to do that. I mean, it shows what all had happened to them before the war. Imagine, he knows everything that happened to his friends, that they don't know," Sahar stated, becoming a little debatable here.
"Eh, I know, it was a spur of the moment type of thing. Wasn't thinking. Besides, he's probably just meditating it out." Silence then fell upon them, and it was quite uncomfortable. Seeing as she was now hyper though, Abi poked her leader in the side. The Hispanic girl jumped away slightly, and glared playfully at the other girl. /So she likes to poke to, eh? /
With that, the poking game was on! Didn't help that all three were ticklish, or that two of them were now very hyper. Before long, they were running along the beach, trying to get away, or chase each other. Reaching their friends who were barely starting to play volley ball, the hazel-eyed girl whispered, "Hey, lets see if they're ticklish!"
"Okay," the other two responded, and all three started to walk by casually. Deciding who to target first. Seeing as Freya was closest, they went for her.
"AH! Stop that! I said stop it! Stop it I say!!" But no matter what, they kept on, and would say, "Aw! You're so cute! Chubby cheeks!"
"GAH! Stop poking fun of my cheeks! I can't help it," the girl continued to yell.
"Nothing wrong with being chubby! It's just more woman to love! Besides, you're just the right size," Wachey responded, smirking, and really enjoying poking at her friend's tummy. Not wanting to be tickled, both Nenagh and Kayori started to walk away.
"Oh no you don't," Abigail shouted, and they then proceeded to run for dear life!
" we help," Angel asked Umbra. Shaking her head, she replied, "Lets just watch. If they come our way, we'll poke them right back, or punch them."
"Don't you think that's a little rough," the curly-haired girl inquiried.
"No," the golden cat-eyed girl answered calmly. These girls weren't the only ones watching, however, because all of the noise they were making attracted a few. Those being the demon slayers, and spirit detective group.
"This really is a beautiful place," Miroku stated, sighing happily.
"What makes it beautiful," Sango questioned, getting a feeling he was enjoying the sight too much.
"Uh, the ocean! What else would I be referring to," the monk responded, laughing nervously. Before he could be smacked though, someone yelled, "Hey Miroku! Are you ticklish?"
"Um, I don't know," he answered honestly. Within a second, he was tackled by a bunch of girls, and was being tickled! /Oh what a wonderful day! But ow! Some of those pokes hurt, / he thought to himself.
"Hey! If you want more of a response, tickle Kuwabara," Yusuke yelled.
"What? I'm not ticklish, you are," the other boy shouted. Either way, once they were done with the monk, they moved onto the spirit detective. He tried to run of course, and distract them with his friends, but one eventually got him.
Once it was around six, everyone was called into the mansion, to prepare for the movie. They were then called into a room that was specially designed to be just like a movie theater. Only the chairs were much more comfortable, and they were provided more space to walk through. Outside of the entrance, both Akira and Yukina were giving out food. They were the usual, popcorn, pickles, nachos, hotdogs, candy, ice-cream, and drinks.
"Here you go Goku. I actually prepared a cart for you, that way you don't have to keep getting up during the movie," the sapphire-eyed demon said happily to the saiyan. Smiling in return, Kakarot replied, "Thanks!" He then went off with the cart into the theater room.
"Kagome, what is a movie," Shippo asked, curious and confused.
"Oh, it's sort of like a watching a story," the girl tried to explain, holding the little demon in her lap. Next to her were Inu Yasha, Sango, and Miroku at the end of the row. About two rows behind them, was Shane. His mind told him he was only this close so he could spy on the half-demon, but another part of him knew better. The girl that always seemed to cling to his enemy's side kept his attention.
/That girl, Kagome, she's always next to Inu Yasha. I'll have to find some way to get her away from him. If only for a second, / Kikyo thought to herself, and decided to sit in one of the back rows. She noticed the brown-haired boy staring at the girl as well. What was so great about her? Was it enough that she all ready had two demons infatuated with her?
Tapping his braded friend on the shoulder, Quatre asked, "Duo, you see those two girls over there?"
"Yeah, so," the American replied, looking towards Abi and Sahar for just a brief moment. Seeing his friend blush, he wasn't the least bit surprised when the blonde stated, "I keep feeling, well, certain types of feelings coming off of them."
"Oh. Well they probably just fantasize about us. Nothing to worry about," Duo said calmly.
"F-Fantasizing about us?!? How can you be so calm about it, and how do you know," the Arabian boy asked in return, still whispering, and his blush increasing.
"Simple. You know that girl I share a room with, Abigail? Well, she is very talkative with the other people in our room, but when I'm near, she just stays quiet, and blushes every now and then. And if I remember correctly, this morning, after you asked for sugar, that other girl was staring off behind you for about one full minute, with a loving look in her eyes. I'll bet that if we go over there, and sit next to them, they'll be blushing just as much as you are now."
"I'm not blushing," Quatre said in his defense, but it was an obvious he was in denial. Though he stopped when Trowa went to sit next to him, their representative Nikki following. Smiling at his friends, the Latin boy sat, and said, "She asked if she could join us. I said it was all right."
"Oh okay," the blonde replied, nodding, then looking to Duo who pretty much knew this girl had a crush on their friend.
"Everyone! Please quiet down!" Once everyone did, Kita continued speaking with, "Good evening. We'll start watching a movie in twenty minutes. We just need you to vote on which one you'd like to see. We will have Piccalo and Sesshoumaru summarize the two movie choices you have."
"The movie, I'm holding was suggested by the sailor senshi. It is titled, 'Sailor V: The Revenge.' It's about how the female warrior known as Sailor V avenges the attack against her friends. Rated G, for everyone," the namek explained, really not liking the movie.
/Obvious which one I'm going to choose, / Wachey thought to herself, punching one of the buttons in the remotes they had in front of each seat. Seeing someone sit next to her, she found it was Miroku. Smirking, she stated more than asked, "Sango scared you away?"
"You could say that," the monk replied, and got comfortable in his new seat.
"Rated PG-13, the movie I'm holding is named '50 First Dates.' A romantic comedy that is about a man named Henry Roth and how he avoids commitment by only dating tourists of Hawaii. Then one day, he meets a woman named Lucy, and falls in love with her. Only problem is, the very next day, she acts like she never even met him. The problem being that she has short-term memory loss. This movie suggested by those from team seven." the dog-demon said calmly.
"Mind if I sit here," the Hispanic girl heard someone ask. Turning to her other side, she found it was Wufei. Nodding, she started to eat some of the popcorn she had gotten.
"So, which movie should I choose," the Chinese boy then asked.
"50 First Dates, it's funny, and it's good," Wachey responded, talking rather quickly, but only out of nervousness. The majority did choose the romantic-comedy, even some of the sailor scouts. With the movie chosen, Sesshoumaru exited the theater room and went in with Koga and Jin to the projection room.
"I'm glad they chose this movie. Sure the other has girls transforming and being naked for about a second, but this one has some funny stuff," the wind creating demon stated happily. He then put the film on, and made the movie roll.
Outside, at the entrance, Yukina asked, "Should we go in and watch the film as well?"
"If you'd like to, you can. I on the other hand must stay, just in case someone wants more to eat," Akira answered. Shaking her head softly, the light-haired girl stated, "No, I'll stay here to help you."
"Um...thank you," the youko replied, a little surprised. Then again, this whole thing had been full of suprises for him. First he finds out that he was only invited to cook, then he finds his supposedly dead cousin wasn't dead, and now this. Not that it was a bad surprise.
Meanwhile, the other staff members, were having a private meeting in one of the other rooms. They were busy organizing papers. Mainly bills, scores, stats, health records, and other information.
"Here are those ads you wanted to look at Crystal," the Duo look-a-like stated, handing over a handful of ads. Thanking him, she looked through them as he sat next to her, and looked over the other papers she had in front of her.
"Man, how Kyo is able to afford all of this is beyond me. Luckily this place isn't too expensive, but the palace in Arabia," Candis said, rubbing at her temples. There was just so much that had to be bought and rented for this whole thing. It was a wonder why he had ever wanted to do this.
Also rubbing at her head, Kita asked, " Crystal, have you found the medical supplies you need from there? Oh, and Vannessa, have you figured out when it would be a good time for Candis to start teaching choir yet?"
"No not quite yet. I figure at least by December, but I'm going to try and see if I can get her to start before then," Vanny answered first.
"I've found a few, but they're too expensive. Let me continue looking through these ads, and I'll get back to you," the silver-haired girl then replied. As they conversed, Ember stayed quiet, looking through papers and typing down scores and stats onto a lab-top. Compared to the others, she wasn't much of a talker, and preferred to work away from others usually.
/Hm...teams 1, 2, and 7 seem to be the winning teams right now. Each with thirty-five points, / she thought, looking over what she had typed so far.
The rest of the day went on quietly. Those in the theater enjoyed the movie, and those in the meeting got everything they needed to get done.
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My attempt to mention every single character. I didn't mention all the anime characters, but oh well. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Now I'm off to write the next one!