Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Should I Choose? ❯ First Parting ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: read previous (remember, use Wuzhou, China in one of the chapters)
Pairings: read previous
Warnings: All general thought will be /.../ because it's too much trouble making different ones for each character.
Who Should I Choose? Chapter 4: First Parting
It wasn't long before Kurama was able to walk about, and the others were a little more than concerned as to how he was able to heal so fast. Did he have physical enhancements like Heero had during his training?
"I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to understand why Heero and Trowa don't trust him," Duo said towards his Chinese friend.
"It is very easy to confuse when one dances around the situation. If we simply ask and go right to the point, I'm sure everything will become clearer," Wufei replied, taking a sip of green tea.
"You sound philisophical everytime you drink that stuff," the braided boy pointed out jokingly. He then added, "But you're right. We can't keep beating around the bush. It'll make things worse."
"And what are we to tell him when he asks why we're giving him such an inquisition," the green-eyed boy interrupted, entering the kitchen. To further his point, he explained, "We can't be completely honest with him, because he may not be completely honest with us."
"He could've easily made up a story by now, and is simply waiting for us to ask," he finished, drinking some coffee.
"Man, this is getting worse and worse by the day, we have to do something," Duo interjected, banging his hand on the table. Then, as if on cue, Heero entered the room, along with Quatre.
"Wufei, you have a mission, along with Quatre," he stated simply. Nodding, the raven-haired youth got up from his chair and headed to his room to get ready. Yet on the way he spotted Shuuichi sitting on the couch in the living room.
"What are you doing here," he asked bluntly.
"I was told to wait," the redhead responded honestly. He seemed perfectly calm just sitting there. Not like a man who was going to be put through an interrogation by the perfect soldier.
Back in the kitchen, Quatre was speaking in a low whisper, and ordered, "Duo, you'll have to distract Shuuichi and take him someplace else while Wufei and I leave for our mission. We can't risk the gundams being seen."
"Trowa, you and I are going to follow them, to make sure he doesn't try to contact anyone," the Japanese boy then said. Everyone nodded their head, and the braided boy went into the living room.
"Hey Shuuichi! Like to go shopping with me? There's a small town nearby," he said upon his arrival. Smiling an all knowing smile, and having heard every word said in the kitchen, Kurama answered, "Why certainly."
/It seems the oppertunity to leave has finally presented itself, / the fox demon thought, carrying a few bags, and walking alongside the other. He had no intention what-so-ever of hurting the beautiful boy, but he wouldn't take threats either. And he knew once this trip was done, he'd be confronted with quite a few.
He was positive the two following them would not trust him, even if he didn't do something suspicious as of yet. So the best solution would be to leave, and figure his way around this world. Though by listening carefully to the violet-eyed youth next to him, as well as remembering all he had heard and seen during the past week, he was able to figure out quite a lot.
For one thing, there was a war going on, and these five boys were involved in it. They faught in machines called, 'gundams,' and were obviously terrorists of some kind, because they couldn't trust anyone but themselves. There was an organization they were fighting against, but he didn't hear it's name.
/They would be unable to help me with my affairs, and I'd probably cause more trouble if anything, / he thought to himself privately. Indeed, right now would be the perfect time to leave, and find out more about this place. If he was going to stay here forever, he may as well know everything about it.
"So like a dumb ass, I had to--" Duo was saying, before Kurama interrupted with, "It's been fun listening to your stories, but I'm afraid it must end."
"What are you talking about," the American asked, suddenly on guard.
"I must take my leave. I am very grateful that you have taken care of me, and I'll be sure to pay you back one day, but I cannot stay any longer," the redhead replied. He didn't understand why it hurt to say this to the violet-eyed boy. Maybe it was the fact that he reminded him of Yusuke a little bit.
/Stop that, you shouldn't get attached, / he reprimanded himself.
"Are you sure about that? I mean, it's not exactly safe," Duo stated, suddenly feeling worried. Not only for the boy's safety, but of what he might do when he leaves. Nodding, Kurama answered, "I'm sure, and I know full well that I can defend myself if necessary."
He could tell there was a moment of hesitation before the braided boy nodded, and departed from him. Sighing, he went on his way towards a local library, but stopped as he realized he was still being followed by one of the boys.
/Well, the next town shouldn't be too far, if I go by demon speed, / he planned quietly. His next action would have to be to continue walking and following the road out of that town. Then he'd be able to run through the woods, possibly test his abilities in this world, and head into the next village. There he would do his research, and find out which side the five young men were on.
/Damn, where's he going, / Heero thought frustrated. He was angry enough at the fact that Duo let him leave without even questioning why. Yet he wouldn't dwindle on the matter and allow it to distract him, especially since it brought up emotions he hardly ever felt.
Before long, he found himself on the edge of town, and cursed silently as he realized where the boy was probably headed. There was a military base next to this town. Turning around, he headed towards the safe house, intent on preparing for infiltration.
"So why'd you let him go," Trowa asked casually, as both he and the braided boy walked to the house. Thinking it over for a few, Duo replied, "The situation just got too intense."
"I mean, I felt some kind of vibe coming off of him, and my instincts kept telling me to get away," he finished explaining. Nodding his head, the Latin boy responded, "It's a good thing you listened. Otherwise that rose probably would've gotten you."
"Rose?" Shrugging, the green-eyed youth answered, "It's an analogy. He's beautiful, like a red rose, and happens to have thorns as well."
"Man, did you drink the green tea too," the braided boy joked. Though it only earned him a blank stare in response.
Later on that night, Kurama had made it to the military base. /I suppose the best way to find out anything is through their files, / he figured. He then lept over the fence with the same ease he had when running through the forest.
Pulling out the red rose he kept behind his neck, he decided now was the best time to test out his abilities. A little unsure, the whip was slow to form, but it formed none-the-less. Content with himself, the fox demon then proceeded to head into the base.
Getting inside was simple, and there wasn't much security he had to worry about, but he was still careful. Finding a vacant room, he went inside, intent on using it's computer. However, a dilemma arose, as he found a password was needed, and he didn't know a thing about hacking.
"Wufei, is something wrong," Quatre asked his comrade over communications. Caught off guard, the raven-haired youth replied quickly, "Nothing, just thinking."
"About Shuuichi," the blonde stated more than asked. By his lack of response, he figured he was right. Then again, he couldn't help thinking about the boy too. He was very polite, and beautifully sad. You'd have to be blind not to see the sadness in his eyes.
"I wonder what he went through," the Arabian asked, mainly talking to himself. Yet he was surprised when Wufei responded, "He probably lost someone."
There were no further words, as the aqua-eyed boy could clearly feel his friend's pain right then. Maybe this was why he was more sympathetic towards the redhead than he had been towards anyone else. He felt they shared the same pain and loss due to this war.
/Nataku, please forgive my weakness.../
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Wow, I got this chapter done faster than I did the other one. Maybe I'm on a roll? Hopefully this version is better than the original. I'm still unsure as to who I should hook up with Kurama. I'm thinking about using the pairings I had in the original, but I'm not sure. If you don't remember what they were, or never got to read the original, (which I'm sorry for), they were: KuramaxWufei, 3+4, and 1+2.