Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Should I Choose? ❯ How it Started ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW (wish I did), or Yu Yu Hakusho (wish I did too).

Pairings: I'm not going to say yet, but I will later.

Warnings: Crossover, angst, and this is mainly going to be in the Gundam Wing world. Also this is mainly about Kurama. I'd like to say I'm sorry to Holli, but this idea just wouldn't come out of my head! I'll write another fanfic about YYH only. Don't worry about that.

Who Should I Choose? Chapter 1: How it started

It had been months since Kurama had last seen Hiei, and to see him at this moment, in battle, along with Yusuke and Kuwabara, brought pain to his heart. It was obvious that the fire demon didn't miss him or even think of him at all the entire time. When he was all that Kurama could ever think about.

If only he had admitted his feelings instead of holding back, perhaps their argument would've never happened. But he knew to do so would've made him do the same. Leave him, and never go near him again. Hiei couldn't handle feelings, let alone the one's Kurama held for him.

Sighing and holding back the tears, the green-eyed boy listened in as Botan stated they were getting closer to their targeted demon. Supposedly he had developed an attack that could make any other person or demon disappear into another dimension. That alone sounded ridiculous, because there were only three known dimensions. Spirit world, youkai, and the ningenkai. Either way they still had to kill this demon before he seriously caused some damage.

Upon entering a large room, they found it was dark, and foggy. Their target didn't hide from them though. He stood a couple feet away from them. He had long blue hair streaming down his back, dark blue eyes, and a blue-ish tint to his skin.

"Botan, is this the guy we're after," Yusuke asked, making sure and preparing his spirit gun. All the blue-haired girl did was just nod, and watch as both human boys leapt into action.

"You fools," was what the demon said before appearing behind Hiei. This position wasn't kept for long, because the fire demon had went out on his first assault with his sword. It then appeared as if this demon wanted to fight only Hiei.

"Why would he want to fight with Hiei? We're just as strong as that little shrimp," Kuwabara yelled/questioned.

/Simple, Contar thinks of Hiei as a much stronger threat than Yusuke or Kuwabara, and he wants to eliminate him first, / Kurama thought/answered in his head. Normally he'd say it out loud, but at the moment felt that talking about the other demon would earn him another scornful argument.

"Well, Kurama, what do you think," Yusuke asked as he usually would. There was no other way to avoid answering the question besides saying, "I cannot say."

"You cannot say?? I thought you knew everything about Hiei," Kuwabara stated feeling confused and trying to keep up with the fight. Kurama only sighed, and kept watching carefully, and getting a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

It wasn't much longer when Yusuke found and took the opportunity to shoot his spirit gun at Contar, and this paused the fight between him and Hiei.

"You annoying human, stop interrupting our fight," the blue demon stated preparing an attack within his hand. He shot it quickly towards the spirit detective, and caused him to nearly fly across the room. Once he got back up he heard Hiei say angrily to him, "Listen to him! I'm fighting him first, don't help me!"

"You stubborn little shrimp, we're supposed to be a team," Kuwabara yelled, as Botan helped Yusuke back to his feet. Watching this argument made the bad feeling within Kurama grow even worse. Would Hiei get hurt? Is he over his head? Quickly and carefully, the redheaded demon watched Contar's every move. Making sure he knew what he was doing. Making sure no harm would come to Hiei.

Soon both demons stopped their fight, and glared at one another. Yet Contar was smirking, and stated suspiciously, "You're a good fighter Hiei. Too good I'm afraid."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," the fire demon said confidently, though his face not really showing any emotion. Still smirking Contar shot several attacks at Hiei, as a distraction. Some of the attacks the others had to dodge, and Kurama somehow found himself, closer to Hiei. Either way the shower of attacks kept coming, but they were easy to dodge.

"What are you trying to do? Exhaust yourself," Hiei yelled towards Contar, wondering what was the point of these small attacks, and then charged towards him. Nearly exhausted, the blue skinned demon just smirked, and soon prepared his ultimate attack. The one they were chasing him for being able to do.

"May you enjoy your stay in the next dimension!" Gasping, Kurama saw how Hiei was charging straight into the attack, and he quickly went into action to save his love.

"Hiei! Watch out," were the last things Kurama said before yanking and pushing the fire demon out of the way, and being the one hit by the attack instead. Nothing was left of the fox demon, nothing.

"You asshole," Yusuke yelled with rage, and quickly shot his spirit gun with almost all of his spirit energy. Hiei on the other hand was in shock, but quickly went on in another attack as well.

As for the one they were fighting for, Kurama, he was in a lot of pain. He felt he was on fire, yet in ice all at the same time! Even though this lasted only for a few seconds, it felt like eternity. After the pain was gone, the fox demon found himself falling. Falling towards a forest, and in between these two large machines.

"What the," the pilot of a Leo suit yelled before being sliced by the Gundam Shenlong. The pilot 05 was a bit shocked to have seen that bolt of lightening and that person falling from it, and had destroyed the Leo in order to prevent him from being shot in the process of falling. Yet he couldn't go and save him right away, for there were still way too many mobile suits to risk it.

"Good thing there's a storm tonight! Their radar systems should be fried by now with all this lightening," he heard Duo say to him. Wufei didn't respond, and kept his Gundam in the same place where he saw that person fall. It wasn't until all Leo mobile suits were destroyed did the Chinese boy turn off his own suit, and got out in search for the person he saw fall.

"Hey, Wufei, what are you doing," he heard the braided boy say, his Gundam coming towards him. Quickly he yelled, "Stop! A person fell over here! I'm trying to find them!!"

Upon hearing a painful moan, he quickly found the person who let it out. What he saw stunned him. A boy with beautiful red hair, and bright green eyes, had fallen next to a tree. Carefully, Wufei walked towards the boy, and tried to identify if he was a soldier for OZ. Though he doubted it with the Japanese outfit he had on, and the fact that he had fallen out of nowhere in between him and another mobile suit.

Then the boy looked at him, his eyes seemed to be filled with sadness, and right before he saw them close he heard the name, "Hiei…"

"Whoa, who is that," Duo stated holding out his gun, and prepared to fire.

"He's not a member of OZ. He came out of nowhere, and fell right in between me and another mobile suit. I think he might have a concussion," the raven-haired boy explained.

"We can't take him to the hospital, and I'm not sure Heero and the others would like us bringing someone that could be a burden or a threat. But you know me, I'm always going against what Heero says."

"Then help me get him to the safe house," Wufei stated throwing a rock at him for babbling. Both boys then made sure the redhead had no broken boys, or any serious injuries besides the concussion. Then they left, carrying Kurama carefully, back to their safe house.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Hope you guys like this updated version. I had a feeling this fanfic was just not good enough, and I wanted to change it somehow. The others are coming along soon too, don't worry, just be patient.