Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Should I Choose? ❯ Untitled ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: read previous

Pairings: read previous

Warnings: /.../ means Kurama's thoughts. Wufei's thoughts are, //...//. Oh, and Duo's are \...\. The others, I'm not sure what type of thought thingies I should give them.

Who Should I Choose? Chapter 2: Untitled

/ much...pain. I must have a concussion. It would explain why I can't lift my head. Wait a minute, where am I? The last thing I remember is falling in between two large machines. Before that, I took an attack from Contar. Oh no, Hiei! I have to find out if he's okay,/ Kurama thought in a panic.

He tried to rise, but this only caused him to moan in pain. It was then that he heard someone enter the room. Trying to feel their spirit energy, he found the person didn't have much, and would prove to be harmless against him.

"Hey, don't try to move. You'll make it worse," Duo stated, entering the room, and checking on the injured boy quickly. The braded boy had his gun hidden on him, just in case this guy was apart of OZ, but he trusted his comrade's judgement enough to be friendly.

"Hiei, I must find Hiei. Please, help me find him," the redheaded boy begged, but this caused him to black out again. A little surprised, and now very worried, the American yelled, "Wufei! Get over here! I need some help!"

"What? What is it," the Chinese boy asked, entering the room in mere seconds.

"He was trying to get up, then he pleaded that I help him find someone named Hiei before going unconscious again," Duo explained.

//Hiei? That's the name he said before blacking out on me. Whoever this Hiei is, they must be very close to this boy. I'll have to investigate the OZ files to see if they have any soldiers named that, or have red hair, and bright green eyes, // Wufei then thought.

"What are we going to tell the others when they arrive here," the braded boy asked, interrupting his reverie.

"I don't know. But I'll make sure to provide enough evidence so that even Heero will be convinced he's not apart of OZ," he answered, causing the other to laugh. Doing as he said, the Chinese boy left to the living room, and started to work on the labtop searching through OZ files.

\I hope he finds out soon. I can't stand being around someone I don't trust, \ the American then thought, and exited the room quietly.

It was a few hours later that Quatre arrived, and asked what Wufei was looking for. The raven-haired pilot was oblivious to anything else other than the task in front of him, so this left Duo with explaining.

"Some kid fell in front of his gundam, and now he's trying to find out whether or not he's apart of OZ." Nodding, the blonde asked if he could see the boy. He was then led to the room the redhead was placed to sleep.

"He's unconscious?" Seeing Duo nod, he then stated, "He doesn't appear to be an OZ soldier. He doesn't have a uniform."

"We know, but we have to make sure before Heero gets here," the American said, and the both of them then left the room.

"Is there anything I can do to help," Quatre asked, as they headed downstairs. The other boy shrugged, and went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

Meanwhile, the boy they had left in the bedroom was awake. His head and body still hurt, but at least his senses were working. He had felt a lot of spirit energy coming off of someone, but he couldn't open his eyes at the time to see them. Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself, and tried to concentrate on healing. There wasn't much he could do though, other than rest.

It wasn't until morning that he was able to move, and sat up in the bed. Concentrating on his senses, he found that same person he had felt earlier was still in the area. In fact, they were very close to where he was. Looking around him, he figured it was safe to assume, he was in a house, within a forest.

Entering the room quietly, the Arabian wanted to get a closer look at the boy. Only when he opened the room, he found him to be awake. Smiling politely he said, "Good morning. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes I am. Thank you for your concern, and thank you, for saving me," Kurama replied, just as politely.

"Oh, I didn't save you, it was my friends, Wufei and Duo," the blonde explained.

"Hm? Who," the redhead asked again, thinking the boy said Hiei.

"My friends Wufei and Duo. I'll go tell them you're awake." And with that, Quatre closed the door, and went to get the other two pilots. Yet when he got to the living room, he found Trowa to be staring in slight amusement as Duo annoyed their Chinese friend, by poking him in the back of the neck.

"Maxwell stop it!!" The yell was in vain, however, and the braded boy continued to annoy his comrade.

"Trowa, good morning. It's so nice to see you," the blonde greeted.

"Good morning to you too, little one. I assume your mission went well," the green-eyed boy asked back. Nodding, Quatre then said to the other two pilots, "He's awake."

It seemed almost instantly that those two were gone, and in the bedroom they had placed the redheaded boy. Confused, the 03 pilot asked, "Whose awake?"

"Well, yesterday, on their mission. This boy fell in between their mobile suits, and they brought him over, because he had a concussion. He's not apart of OZ, as far as we know, but Wufei has been checking constantly for the past couple of hours."

"Ah I see. They're probably trying to find evidence so they can convince Heero, right? Lets go see this boy." That being said, both went upstairs, and found their friends to be asking the boy if he could move certain parts of his body.

He certainly was beautiful, with his gorgeous red hair, and bright green eyes. Those eyes, however, seemed to be hiding something. Understanding slighty how the Japanese boy thought, Trowa was pretty sure he wouldn't trust this boy regardless of how much evidence their friends found. No matter what, no one was better at finding out information better than Heero. He'd find out for sure. But for the time being, he acted polite, and went back down stairs.

Kurama was unable to stay awake for too long, because he was still quite weak, and the pilots recommended that he sleep. So he was left to rest as they watched tv in the living room, or were on the lab-top.

"Do we have any missions coming up soon," Duo asked, quite bored.

"Not until next week," Wufei said off-hand, having all ready checked their mail earlier. Another hour passed, and all of them were nearly asleep.

Meanwhile, in the room the red-head was in. He heard a noise, at the window. Someone had entered through it, and were now in the room with him. Keeping his eyes closed, he tried to see where the person was moving. Before long though, he felt something cold and hard against the side of his head.

"Who are you," he then heard a cold voice say. Opening his eyes and glaring, he found it to be nothing but a boy. One with dark shaggy hair, and cold blue eyes that were glaring right back at him. The glare...seemed so Hiei.

"You'd shoot a person, even when they're laying in bed, helpless," Kurama asked, keeping his voice calm.

"Yeah," Heero responded. He wasn't in the mood for seeing his friends, specifically Duo, and went into the house through the window to a room he thought was empty. Now he held his gun to the boy's head, and was waiting for a response.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~

Sorry if it's short, and sorry for taking so damn long!!! I had a very large, emphasis large, writer's block on this one. It was like the Great Wall of China. Imagine trying to break down that!! Anyway, here it is, I'm going to rewrite the next one. Now to explain why I'm rewriting it: Everything seemed to be happening too fast, and the pilots were a little too trusting, especially during a war? That and one reviewer made me feel really insecure about the story, so I felt it needed improvement. Of course now I'm over that, and are going to write it as closely to the original idea as possible.

Oh! And I liked to say thank you to the reviewer who nagged at me! You shall remain nameless for the time being.