Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Change in Life ❯ First encounters ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Megumi 10: Hello minna! This is my first story, so try not to flame me. Meet my muse, Hikaru.


Megumi 10:*sweatdrops* WAKE UP!

Hikaru:Huh, what happened? Where am I?

Megumi 10:Where do you think, baka.

Hikaru:Oh yea, your telling everyone about the story I wrote.

Megumi 10:OUR story.

Hikaru:I did all the thinking! *starts running away*

Megumi 10:*chasing her with Wufei's katana and just happens to run into him*

Wufei: Baka onna, what are you doing with my katana?

Megumi 10:Sorry Wu-man.

Wufei:Its Wufei not Wu-man that's what we need, another Maxwell.*takes katana and starts chasing Megumi 10 with it*

Hikaru:*sighs* since Megumi is preoccupied, I'll have to say the disclaimer. We don't own Gundam Wing. If we did, we would be filthy rich.$_$ On with the story.


Long Night

Chapter 1-First encounters

It was a dark cloudy day. It had been for a long time.I was hurrying home. Selena, my sister, was home alone and I was late getting out of school because of a certain someone. If you're wondering who it is, I'll tell you. My ex-boyfriend, Damion, was keeping me from getting home. We have been dating for a while, but I broke up with him. That was a few days ago. He has been following me(to put it lightly) and it's been freaking me out.

Well any way, the reason my little sister was home alone was because our parents died a few years ago leaving the two of us orphaned. Our bigger brother, Sano, deserted us so it's been like that since I was thirteen. Selena was four about then. Four years later, Selena and I have been living peacefully in the home we grew up in.

I rushed to the door and turned the knob. The door was unlocked. I walked in and hung my coat up. I walked into the living room and saw Selena sitting on the floor watching TV and eating chocolate ice cream. She smiled at me and gave me a big chocolatly grin.

"Lena, what have I told you about leaving the door unlocked. What if someone tried to kidnap you?"I asked. 'Lena' was my nickname for her.

"I'm sorry Mei, I just forgot. What's for dinner?"

"I don't know. Want to go to Tony's?"


Lena got up and started hopping to the closet. Her blonde curls bounced along with her. She had blue eyes,unlike me. My eyes were a darker blue and I had black straight hair. I put on my jacket and we left. Tony's was a few blocks away from our house. By now, the street lights were on. Lena ran ahead of me and stopped in the middle of the road. A familiar car came speeding down the road. It was heading right for Lena! I ran to Lena and picked her up. We got out of the street and the car drove by. The car then turned around and came right back. With Lena still in my arms, I ran my fastest.

The car chased us to the suburbs of the city we lived in. By then, my legs were tired and I was no longer able to run. I fell to the ground sending dust everywhere. I heard Lena coughing so I covered her mouth. The car stopped and someone walked out. I could tell by it's shadow it was a man. He walked up to us.

"Mei, what am I going to do with you? Well there are a few things, but there is one obstacle. That little girl."

He took something that resembled a gun and pointed it at Lena. He fired the gun and waited for the scream of a little girl. It didn't happen. I was grinding my teeth together. The bullet jammed itself in my stomach. I moved enough so the bullet missed her. I started to feel drowsy from blood loss. Just then, another car pulled up. This time 5 boys came out. One had a braid, the one next to him held a katana, on his left was an older one with bangs that covered one side of his face,next to him was a boy that looked like he grew up in a rich family and the last one had messy hair.

I closed my eyes. I heard one of them say

"So you like picking on girls huh?"

After that, fatigue took over me. My saviors stood over me wondering what to do with Lena and I.

"Let's leave the onna."

"That would be rude."

"Yeah let's have her stay with us"

Everyone nodded in agreement.


Megumi 10: *panting* Well, that's the first chapter hope you like it. Please review.

Hikaru: How did you loose him?

Megumi 10: Who, Wufei? Oh, while he chased me around the block, I ran into Duo. I hid behind him and Wufei stopped. He walked away mumbling something about a weak onna hiding behind someone.

Hikaru: Oh. Well, where's Duo now?

Duo:*pops out of now where* Who called me? Hello ladies.

Megumi 10: Are you enjoying the story?

Duo: Yeah, I want to know who tried to kill that girl ... How do you say her name?

Hikaru:It's her nick name and it's pronounced 'May'

Duo: K. Listen everyone out there, please review. The more reviews Megumi gets, the more chapters you get.

Hikaru&Megumi 10: Thanks Duo!