Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ All If You Say To ❯ Confusions in Mind ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter three is here. Thanks to all that read the last chapters and continue to read this. I know that you like this so I know that I have to continue it.

I like it when I'm able to update quickly.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.


All If You Say To
Chapter 3 : Confusions in Mind

A droplet fell from the top of the still damp leaves. It made its way down from the top leaves until it left their security to the open air. In a matter of seconds, it fell down onto a peaceful face that alerted itself of it's presence.

Quatre blinked as he felt the cold liquid fall on his cheek. His eyes graduated to the light that came through the trees and illuminated the scenery. To his surprise, he was all the way stretched on the earth-path, but he didn't remember himself doing that. He had rested his back to the tree, if he would have rolled down he would've woken up from the surprise motion of his body.

Then, he noticed that his head wasn't on a hard rock or dirt, but on a smooth and delicate surface. The sounds that emitted from it when he moved made him realize that it was a fabric of a clothing. Without alerting anyone, he moved his head to the other side and was greeted with the belly of Dorothy who had her eyes partly open and partly closed.

She was looking up, or trying to. Sunlight made it's way to her eyes as the rays had moved by the hour. She seemed uncomfortable but hadn't moved for his sake. He wondered what had possessed her to put his head on her tights. He didn't want to alert her of him being awake. So, instead of moving away, he closed his eyes and continued to let the time pass.

Dorothy had been thinking. She wondered what it would be like to . . . Her thoughts had trailed off as Quatre's even and soft breathing lulled her to a peaceful slumber. She hadn't really slept like that, no one could sleep in that position as she saw it but she rested her body and mind of the new preoccupation that was just knocking at the doors of her conscious. She just wanted to drift away and away from the world into her own place.

There she didn't have to wonder about things or worry because of it's entirely peaceful atmosphere. This seemed like the perfect time for her to day dream and remember of the times that she had been here before. Her uncle and dad took her on rides and let her wonder through the place and see the wildlife.

She remembered once that her father had cradled her on his knees as she had Quatre and lulled her to sleep with his talking and laughing. Those had been the good times before the war. All of it had been gone when she had been sent to live with her grandfather.

If her father hadn't died on that accident, then he would have been there for her when the war had broken out. She then wouldn't have had to move in with her grand-father and avoided the emptiness in her life that had come. Her isolation from her family and her dedication to please her grand-father by accepting his ideals and putting them to be hers no matter what.

She had understood what he had been fighting for. Absently, her hand came to his hair and started to brush it attentively with her fingers. And he had been right about her. A boy that caring and sweet had transformed into a man that still held the same ideals. He had refused to change many things about him and she wondered how he coped with it.

He was always so busy with his family and the corporations that he needed to take care of himself. He still made time for his friends and for himself. She wondered what would happen if he would close himself from others because of what had happened to him.

No matter how much she tried, she couldn't find a right image for him that way. He wasn't meant to suffer more than he had to cope with during the war. From a selfish brat, transforming himself into a person who cared of others and left all of his money to help with the ideals of the people of the colonies. He had held them high, his thoughts and his courage, he had and still held on until the last part of the endless waltz of life and of the war.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed as Quatre moved suddenly to his other side. His face coming in front of her stomach and his eyes on her. She saw as he closed his eyes again after acknowledging were he was. She knew that he must feel embarrassed because of the situation they were. That being a reason to why he didn't want her to see that he was awake.

Slightly shifting her weight on her body, she took the hand out of his hair stopping its caressing motions. She didn't really know what had possessed her to do that and she would never know how to respond if he asked her what had driven her to do that.

Taking matters onto her own hands, she softly moved her arms to him. Her long fingers wondered to his face, tracing small patterns along it. Dorothy leaned her body to his face and made a notion to wake him.

"When are you planning to open your eyes?" She asked playfully at him. His eyes opened and a apologetic smile appeared on his lips.

"Sorry," he responded not really knowing what to say to the blond that eyed him carefully. "How much time did I sleep?"

Using his torso, half of his body came up from it's resting place on the soil. He was now before her on a sitting position. Dorothy couldn't help but smile at his expression. Sleep was still in his eyes and she knew that he had deserved a nice rest.

"I can't say," she said truthfully. Quatre stood up and helped her do the same. Taking a moment to regard his clothing, he saw all of the dust and dirt that had settled on it from his little escapade from the world to sleep.

"We should be going," Dorothy looked at her clock and mouthed some words that couldn't be heard by Quatre. He was preoccupied because he couldn't see the horses anywhere. He knew that they were in the forest but there were miles between were they were and were the car was. Or another human being for that matter that walked on two legs and talked.

Taking a deep breath, Dorothy inserted two fingers in her mouth and let out a deep whistle. Quatre wondered what that was for. Paces could be heard on the distance. The sounds intensified as the horses neared them on their even paced trot. They whined as Dorothy whistled again signaling their presence to her.

Wasting no time, Dorothy came to her horse and mounted. Quatre soon followed to the other. "Where are we going?" Quatre was famished. He didn't know what time it was but he knew that they were well over lunch time.

"Well," exploring her watch further, Dorothy smiled. "There's enough time for you to go back to your mansion and change clothes."

"Could I eat there?" He asked hopefully.

"I don't recommend it," Dorothy laughed at the way his face showed his hunger for food.

"Why not?" He wondered if she wanted him to starve.

"Because I told Francesca that I'd bring you to the house today," Dorothy explained. "She's going to feed you so much food that you'd be full for the next three weeks."

"Is she family of yours?"

Dorothy nodded, the horses now taking their usual speed. Dorothy didn't want to get there even later so she patted the horse making it gain speed. Quatre did the same, both of the horses being neck to neck. He seemed to understand that they would be getting there later than they were expected.

Lazaro waved at them from his office as they both entered the car. Quatre seemed to be in good spirits from the rest he had just a few hours ago. Dorothy felt better for herself and him knowing that he had forgotten his troubles if only for a small amount of time. Ever second helped in her account, so it had been a productive day.

The ride back to Quatre's mansion was tranquil and quiet. Neither one of them wanted to spoil the mood by saying something that would seem wrong to the other or vice versa. They stopped once they reached the village for some time. Quatre stayed in the car as Dorothy entered a house and came back just a minute later.

He wondered what was going through her head when he saw her smiling at him. He in reality felt relieved to have had a good afternoon, especially the nap. He now felt high in energy and wondered if Dorothy knew. He felt grateful toward her, nature had always calmed him and the horse ride made him feel as if soaring through the air that he found himself in.

"Do you feel better?" Dorothy asked as she passed the gate to the mansion.

"Yes," Quatre nodded. "Thanks for the morning."

"I figured that you would be a nature lover, you being from the colonies and all." Dorothy shrugged her shoulders letting the fine straps from her blouse fall from her shoulders.

Quatre blushed at her comment, he himself knowing that she had been right. He loved everything of the Earth. It's trees, flowers, animal and the peaceful air that it implied. "I never have any free time to actual come to Earth and spend some time to myself."

"Then maybe you should make some if you love it here," Dorothy smiled at him and stopped the engine. They were in front of the house. "Take a shower if you want. We'll be returning late." He nodded as he set for his room going up the stairs.

Dorothy took the time to wonder through the part of the houses that she had been the night before. Without counting the upstairs, that is. Moving through the enormous hallways, she entered through a partly open door. It led to an indoor pool that she remembered from her younger days. It had been so long since she had been here, in this house.

Every night, before going to sleep, she and her father used to swim to calm their muscles and get a night of peaceful slumber. It had been here that she had learned how to swim with him. But he sold the house, right before the accident. She had always wondered why? They had been financially well off but she always wondered about that.

Deep in her thoughts, she didn't hear the steps of many people coming to the hallway. Dorothy couldn't help but to get closer to the pool and pull herself to the floor. In her sitting position, she could see the blue water as it shined by the rays of the sun and entered through the glass of the other side. The in-door plants moved by the breeze set by the air conditioner that blew constantly.

The voices stopped right in front of the open door. One of the men whispered to the other as they saw the way that Dorothy looked out into the distance. Rashid smiled at their silent questions making a sign that he wasn't talking to anyone.

The other two continued to watch her until Rashid turned his vision to the other side of the hallway. Quatre had changed into more presentable clothes after his shower. Not formal but comfortable as Dorothy had told him to do.

"Hello, Master Quatre." The two Manaquacs greeted him with their smiling faces. Dorothy's attention was changed as she heard the deep voices greet Quatre. She was frozen as she remembered that she wasn't supposed to be in this side of the house. How could she explain this?

Quatre advance to where the three men were standing and looked into the room and saw what had taken their attention. "There you are Dorothy."

She staggered to her feet smiling at the four people in the hallway. "I love what you've done with the room."

"You've been here before?" Quatre's surprise was found in his voice.

Now she had done it. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut when it came to him and this house? "Yes," there was no point in lying to him. It wouldn't accomplish anything. "This room was bare though at the time, it only had the pool with nothing like this."

She pointed to the front wall to the door and was connected to the pool. It had enormous rocks connected to each other with water pouring down like a waterfall. It had taken her breath away by the reality it implied to her. It made it as a secluded place in which she found herself not on a house but a forest.

"Was your father the owner of the house?" Quatre broke the silence brought in the room.

"Yes," Dorothy smiled as she felt the warm water pass through her hand. "I loved this pool."

"You can come and use it anytime you want," Quatre offered. The other three men in the room felt left out of the conversation and invisible.

"Well, I do recall telling you that my father had sold it to yours before. Yesterday. That didn't mean that we weren't allowed to come visit and use the house with advance warning."

He smiled at her apologetically. "I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention yesterday."

"Don't worry about it."

Dorothy smiled out of her reverie and finally noticed Rashid and the other two men looking at both of them waiting to see what would happen. Not wanting to make a fool of herself in front of them, or anyone for that matter. She walked toward them and closed the door herself.

"So, are you leaving now Rashid?" she asked changing the subject completely.

"Yes Mistress Dorothy," the title took the other two men by surprise. The both looked at Quatre wondering what was going on. Quatre just shrugged, he had no idea what they wanted from him.

"Hope you have a good trip," she waved good bye to them as she moved out to the main room. She stopped on her tracks as Quatre stood on his place. "Are you coming?" There was amusement on her voice.

Quatre bid his good byes to the others and quickly followed her out to her car. The plans that she had made were going to be on wear now. His mind slipped to when he saw Dorothy in the pool. The look seemed painful and wonderful at once. He must be going crazy though, how could that be?

The three men moved to the window of the house and watched as the car passed through the driveway and out of the gate. Rashid had two men who had many questions for him. Laughing at their uncontrolled of curiosity, he walked out of their gaze to the kitchen. It had been a good thing to find Miss Dorothy here. Quatre wouldn't feel left alone with her presence. He just was curious about one thing. What would happen tonight with Quatre being all alone?

"Is this supposed to be a surprise?" Quatre asked as he opened the window of his side slightly.

"Not really."

"Well then, what are we doing after we eat at your family's place?" He asked.

Dorothy just chuckled at his question. "Well, now that is a surprise."


I hope that you all liked this chapter. I can't wait for my brain to start working on the next one. Here we go. I hope you remember to review. Please,... please.

See you all later,