Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ All If You Say To ❯ Nice Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is chapter two. Thanks to everyone who read the last chapter.

This is a Quatre and Dorothy fan fiction. Don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this.


All If You Say To
Chapter 2 : Nice Day

"Morning, sleepy head," Quatre opened his eyes lazily. A tall blonde's head came to his vision. Quatre groaned as the light flooded on his vision. The large window's curtains were opened.

He made no effort to get up, so Dorothy shook him again. He had turned to his side to avoid the sun, his movements sloppy, showing his tiredness.

"You get any sleep last night?" Dorothy asked, her tone concerned for him.

"More than in the last two days," Quatre answered, his eyes still closed.

"You want me to leave you alone?" She asked. "I can come back later."

"No, I won't get any sleep anyway." Quatre rubbed his eyes, willing them to open up from the darkness.

"I'm sorry for waking you," said Dorothy moving away from the bed. The clothes he was wearing the night before were thrown to a chair on one of the corner's of the room sloppily. It looked like he had just thrown himself on the bed, not having any thoughts on anything else.

Dorothy took time to look at the room as Quatre tried to get up and open his eyes. It was all organized, but it seemed like the room was for a woman. The colors were slightly pink, in her manner. It was as if he had gotten on the wrong room. He wasn't on the room that Rashid had said, so her theory could be right.

She turned, about to ask Quatre a question when she saw that he was still on the bed, with the sheets drawn and his eyes closed. She eyes her watch and groaned. It was well over 10:30, she had to look at all of the bedrooms of the mansion to look for him, and it had taken her some time to find him.

Dorothy approached the bed, and she yanked the sheets off of his fingers and shook him for the third time. "Get up," Dorothy pulled his arms away from the bed pulling him.

"I can't," Quatre said as he threw the blankets back over him. "I don't want to."

"You are behaving like a baby Quatre Winner," Dorothy scolded, stalking back to the bed. "It's time for you to get up whether you like it or not." She got the sheet's off of his head. His eyes opened, her head on his field of vision.

"You're not my mother," he said countering her. He pulled the sheets back over his face only getting Dorothy pent up with rage.

"No," she responded. "But I'm strong enough to kick your lazy ass." With all of her strength focus, she pulled the sheets off of him all the way. They fell onto the floor, revealing Quatre on his boxers.

Dorothy flushed a little but still went to him and pulled him out of bed to his feet. "And why are you sleeping in your boxers?"

"Because I want to," answered Quatre as he guided himself to the bathroom.

"You're in the wrong room," Dorothy announced as she heard the shower turn on. She heard Quatre swear as he finally heard what she had said. He had no clothes in this room, and there was no way to get out to his room that was all the way on the other side of the mansion. "I'll go get you some clothes."

Dorothy traveled all the way to his room, making sure to remember in what place the room he was in, was in the house. She got back giving him enough time to take a shower, brush his teeth, comb his hair. All he would need now would be to put on his clothes.

She entered the room again, the door to the bathroom slightly opened. Quatre was brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, a towel wrapped on his waist. Her shoes alerted him of her presence so he turned to her. Dorothy threw the clothes to his arms, closing the door for him to get dressed.

She heard him put on the clothes, inspecting them, she supposed. He wanted to see what she had brought him. She smirked as she heard him protest at her choice of underwear. It was funny to her though, his indignant face appearing before her eyes.

"Why did you get me that?" Quatre asked as he left the bathroom. He had a button up shirt and slacks.

"I wouldn't have known what to bring you," she answered swiftly, her mouth forming a smile and her tone contradicting her statement. "Let's go now. You should eat something before we leave."

Quatre let himself be led through the mansion by the hyper blond. Her manners had changed entirely from those last times he had seen her. She was more carefree and open with him. He had to say, that he liked her better this way than before.

Now Quatre took time to examine her. As much as he had grown on the past years, she had grown up with him. Her head was at the same height as his, just like Michelle. He shocked his head, he wasn't going to spoil the day by thinking of her. He wanted to enjoy Dorothy's company as much as he could.

They entered the kitchen just as Rashid was going out. The tray that he had in his hands was put over the table as he saw Quatre enter.

"Morning Rashid," Quatre greeted, he sat and began to eat.

"Morning Master Quatre," Rashid greeted. "Seems you found him Mistress Dorothy." Quatre blinked at the formal tone. Even if Michelle was going to marry him, Rashid only called her Miss. He had never liked her, and had expressed his feeling once.

"It seems I have Rashid," Dorothy said merrily. "He was only on the other side of the mansion." Quatre blushed, never liking being talked about.

"Look how cute he is when he blushes," Dorothy said patting his head like a little kid. His face turned a deeper shade of red. "You need more sun on your skin."

"I know," affirmed Quatre as he finished his breakfast. "I'll be gone for some time Rashid. I do expect to be back before you leave though."

"Where is he going?" asked Dorothy.

"He's going to my station on the dessert," answered Quatre as he and Dorothy make their way to the driveway. "Business."

"You're going to be all alone?" Her voice was concerned. A mansion that size with no way of escaping could get on your nerves.

"Yeah, I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow in the morning. Rashid will come back at the end of the week to lock the place and make sure everything is in order."

Dorothy sat on the driver side of the car. Quatre took the seat beside her, strapping himself knowing how she droved. He looked at the meter and gasped, the car had over 200,000 miles and it was a mark of this year.

"Why does this car have so many miles?" He asked bewildered.

"I like to travel by car on the Earth," she answered giving him a sideway glance. He smirked, the last time he remembered she had a gold car while he was on the Cinq Kingdom.

"You traveled all the way across the country?"

"I like to spend time with myself driving," Dorothy sped up on the country road, passing through the small village in a raved manner. A woman that was sweeping her store waved as the car passed. Dorothy waved back with her sunglasses and continued by.

"I thought you said we were going to the village yesterday," Quatre said waiting for an answer.

"Later, I'm kidnapping you for most of the day," she smiled as the windows rolled down and the air swept through the car.

The car rolled through the open space, getting Quatre to rest. His eyes wondered to the landscape, seeing the wildlife roam by the trees. This place seemed to have everything combined. A heaven-it was a heaven in his eyes.

Dorothy took a sharp turn into an unseen road. She stopped the car at about a mile as a man appeared. He came to the car, taking his hat off.

"Good morning Ms. Dorothy," he greeted smiling. "What brings you here?"

"I'm looking for Lorenzo," she answered. "I'd like to look around."

"He's here, on the main warehouse," Dorothy tanked him and continued on the road. Both of them got out as the enormous warehouse came to view. Quatre followed Dorothy as she opened the door and went inside. Everyone turned to them, greeting them and pointed to the same direction.

The door of the office opened up suddenly revealing a young man at about his late twenties. He stopped as he saw both Dorothy and Quatre standing there. He looked back to the office and made his way out of the warehouse.

"How much is it Lazaro?" Dorothy asked as she entered the office. A black haired man stood up from his seat in a second. He really hadn't expected her to be there.

"Hello cousin," he came to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "You brought a visitor."

"How much is it?" She wasn't going to change the subject.

"About 500,000 dollars," he responded. He hid his black eyes from hers. Dorothy groaned at his response and banged the table.

"You are going to owe me for this," Lazaro looked up at her with hope in his eyes. "When is it due?"

"In three days," Dorothy threw herself at the chair.

"I can't get that much in three days," she took in a deep breath to calm herself. "You'll have the money, but you have to have more time."

"Thank you cousin," Lazaro gave her a hug and turned himself to Quatre. He extended his hand and introduced himself. "I'm Lazaro Dalevez, I own this vineyard."

"Not anymore," breathed Dorothy not letting the sentence reach their ears.

"I'm Quatre Winner," they shook hands.

"Oh, the famous Winner."

"Famous?" Quatre asked.

"One of the Gundam pilots and one of the richest person in the world," responded Lazaro. "What brings you here cousin?"

"I want to take a look around," Dorothy turned to the small window of the office. There were three men outside, one being the one who had just got out of there.

"You want to take the horses?" Lazaro asked as he sat down.

"Yeah," affirmed Dorothy returning her vision to the people outside.

"They'll be ready when you get there."

"Thanks cousin. I'll see you in a little while." Quatre said good bye and they both left the warehouse on a restrained pace.

"What was that all about?" asked Quatre as both him and Dorothy got on their horses.

"Family stuff, don't worry about it." Dorothy replied, she cleared her head of anything else but the present. "Now, I don't know about you; but I want to gallop and race."

"Is there a trail that we can use?"

"We can go through the open trail of the vineyard, it leads to the forest we first saw when we came into the road."

"You ready," warned Quatre. His horse whined expectantly.

"Go," in a cloud of dust, both of the horses left their standing position. They both remained at the same place, neck to neck with both of their horses.

Their pace increased by the passing minutes, the wind increased and decreased it's strength. The trail letting the horses continue without any stop toward the outside of the small forest.

Quatre started to pull away from Dorothy, his horse gaining more speed. His mind was clear as Dorothy was swarming with problems. Even though the air was helping her with her mind and problems, it wasn't that effective to make her really concentrate.

Quatre took a chance by looking over his shoulder, his eyes meeting her face. He saw the struggle there to keep with the force of the race. If she didn't concentrate, she could risk falling down and at the speed they were going, it could be serious.

His gaze returned to the front again, his could see the trail disappearing by the trees. He had never actually raced like this before, he not being a really lover of horses. It seemed that Dorothy did like the animals like that. Another thing that was a surprise to him.

As they neared the end of the path, the forest taking up the trail occluding the sun from it, Quatre slowed the horse down pulling with Dorothy's.

They slowed down as they entered the terrain of the forest, their eyes exploring the untouched part of the earth that marbled and shined from all of the trees and animals that roamed free.

Dorothy stopped her horse as Quatre slid off of his and walked through the trees admiring the green leaves and multiple flowers that sprouted from the humid soil. A day before had rained a small pour, but enough for the soil to grant life and continue it's trip through time.

"Isn't nature wonderful," Quatre fingered a flower and sat leaning against a tree. He didn't care that his clothes would get dirty. Dorothy could just imagine how his face was when he first saw the earth when he came to be a Gundam pilot.

"It is," she agreed silently. The time had slipped as they had ridden on the horses through the whole vineyard. Dorothy had forgotten how big the place had been, but she still enjoyed running through it like when she was a little girl.

In a glance, she observed Quatre who had his eyes closed and the breeze that was laying low played with his hair and face. He was a very good person, too kind for his own good and trusting. She had resented him when they meet and what had happened to Libra but she learned to live with his truth. She hoped he would be able to get over what happened.

With pleasure, she would have been in line to kill that girl. If she was even a little smart, she would stay away from him. If all of his sisters went after her, she wouldn't be able to survive. Dorothy chuckled at the thought. Her eyes traveled through his face which was peaceful. He finally seemed at peace from what he looked yesterday.

She remembered how he looked when she had yanked the sheets off of him on the morning. He had looked flustered and even if he didn't notice, she was too. He was strong, she could tell by the contracting muscles and the hard back.

Quatre's head fell from the tree to his shoulder startling her. She moved her hand before his face trying to see if he was awake. She called his name but he only grunted, she was disturbing his sleep. He was going to get a cramp in that position and she knew it. He hadn't sleep for two days, he needed his rest.

Trying not to disturb him, she moved herself closer to him with her back to the tree leaning on it. She moved his body from the tree, his head resting in her hands as she moved him. Carefully not to disturb him with a sudden move, she put his head on her tights. Quatre murmured something incorrigible and moved closer to her belly. He took in a deep breath, catching her smell and relaxed his body against her.

Dorothy leaned her head to the tree, some of the rays of the sun making their way through the leaves catching some of the puddles of water. Her hand passed lightly over the head of the blond that rested his head on her tights and she closed her eyes, keeping the moment to it's quiet surroundings.


Chapter two is done, I hope you liked it like the last chapter. This is a troublesome couple that I'm trying to comprehend and stretch in this story. I hope you continue bearing with me.

See Ya later...