Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Angel of Death ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was dark outside. Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed. It was freaking the Oz General out. It was a little strange for a general who had been in numerous wars, to be scared of thunder and lighting, but for some strange reason, he was. Another flash of lightning illuminated the room and he saw something move. "Who's there?" It remained quiet. His eyes darted about the room, searching. His eyes widened as a figure approached. It was a young man. Chestnut hair hung loosely about his shoulders. A pair of elegant black wings arched from his back. And in his hand he held a glowing green scythe. "Who... who are you?" The man smiled, violet eyes gleaming. "Death."

Duo stood up and stretched. Man, it had been a long day. He wished he had more time to relax, but he didn't. He had to go on another mission tonight. "Damn that Doctor G." He walked to the hangar, then to the living room, kitchen, all over the house. 'Where was Heero?' He'd searched the entire house and there wasn't a sign of the Japanese pilot anywhere. "Oh, well. I guess I should just forget it." He turned and went back to the hangar. He greeted Deathscythe pleasantly as he entered. "Hey old buddy. You wouldn't have seen Mr. Yuy anywhere, would you?" He smiled. "I didn't think so." He jumped into the cockpit and started running some scans. Everything was running at one hundred percent. As he dropped down to the hangar floor, a loud grumbling came from his stomach. "Man. I didn't realize it until now, but I'm starving." He hurried to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets. Quatre came in as Duo was searching. "Hey, Q. There's no food." Quatre couldn't help smiling. There was plenty of food, just nothing the braided pilot wanted. "There's a bag of chips in the cupboard over the fridge." Duo flung open the cabinet and grabbed the bag of chips. "Perfect. Thanks Q." Quatre smiled as the braided boy left the room and headed upstairs. Duo stopped as he saw Heero, Trowa, and Wufei starring intently at the TV. He turned his attention to the news report. "Oz General Tron was found dead in his office early this morning. So far, there are no suspects, but there is some footage from the night he was killed." The screen switched from the reporter to a picture of the general's office. It was dark and lightning flashed outside the office windows. Then a shadowy figure appeared. It wasn't a clear picture. None of the figures features could be seen. The only thing that was clearly visible was a glowing green scythe. Duo starred wide-eyed at the TV screen. Heero looked over at the shocked face of Duo. "Hey, Duo. You okay?" Duo jumped, then smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. That was just a little weird." He grinned, trying to reassure the other pilot that nothing was wrong. Heero knew something was wrong, but he didn't push it. He watched Duo leave the room, then got up and followed.

Author's Notes: Okay, I know this is short, but I don't know if I should continue or not. What do you think? Does it really suck or should I continue. Please read and review. Let me know if I should finish. RurouniGirl