Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Time to Roll ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is not a yaoi fan fiction. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in here.

Ask Me To
Chapter 1 : Time to Roll

Midii sat at the bar reaching for her glass, a half bottle of whiskey by her side. She reached for the bottle, missing the first couples of times but finally getting it. She poured some more into her cup and drank it straight up. She sat there at the far end of the bar on the last stool alone in her blue faded jeans and her preventers jacket.

Her mind took a toll to see why she was here in the first place and she grimaced as she remembered. Damn it, she could never get it right. Everything that she planned on doing and getting never came. He was so blind or maybe he just choose not to see. She was deep in her thoughts when another woman sat beside her, not making any comment at all.

"Give me a beer," she ordered the bartender and slumped on the chair in the same manner as Midii. She looked around as if looking for something that might be hidden and her eyes came to Midii without making any connections.

"You're a preventer," she said drinking some of the beer.

"Yeah, so," countered Midii taking another whiskey in her.

"Nothing, nothing," the other blond girl replied.

Midii concentrated her eyes on the woman beside her. She seemed familiar to her in some way. Her blond hair was carefully put in a braid with slacks on and by her ring, Midii could tell that she wasn't bad put out on the money.

"You know, you seem familiar," Midii saw herself carry out a conversation she didn't want to have now.

"Many people tell me that," the other woman fidgeted nervously. A preventers wasn't that stupid as to not make the connection even if she was drunk, or almost drunk.

Midii concentrated better, her spy eyes came into light as she made a match with that face. No, it couldn't be her. She would never be in a place like this. She shook her head as to stop the thoughts to come to her. Or would she?

Her gaze came back to the woman who looked as miserable as her. Maybe having the same problems that she was having. But, no. There was no way that she would be here, no way.

The woman beside her saw as Midii looked her over trying to make a face. It's too late to run now. Whatever, no way to get out. Midii turned to her with her cup in one hand and the whiskey bottle on the other pouring some more.

"I can't believe what my eyes are seeing," she muttered to herself loud enough for the other woman to hear.

"What are your eyes seeing?" she asked with a monotone voice.

"Relena Peacecraft in a bar drinking beer," responded Midii smirking at the way Relena closed her eyes found out. "And wanting to get drunk might I add."

"I wish," Relena muttered herself.

"So, what brings you here," Midii started a conversation again.

"Troubles like all the other human beings in this world," Relena answered taking another drink of her now almost finished beer.

"Well, can you tell what does problems may be?" asked Midii asking for another bottle of whiskey from the bartender. She asked for another cup too, Relena slowly smiled.

"Stress," began Relena counting with her fingers. "An inconsiderate brother who stuck me with the running of a country, a stone man for a bodyguard who doesn't get me." Relena let her eyes travel to the woman beside her. "I got a lot of them."

Midii smiled at her. Even royalty and high classes have problems like everyday people; even more in Relena's case. Relena accepted the cup that Midii gave her with whiskey and drank it just like she had.

"And what are you going here, um..." her hands moved as if giving a clue to her not knowing the name.

"Midii," intervened Midii letting her hand go up and to the princess who took it smiling. "Midii Une."

"Well, Midii," Relena used her name. "What are you doing here?"

"To be sincere, almost the same problems that you seem to have. I have a job which is good for me and I get a good living considering that it's steady for me. But I have a really bad partner that gets on my nerves. I asked for a change but they say that they can't do it until some months. To add to that, I also have a guy that man it's either totally clueless or chooses not to see. I've never been able to coop with love things. Sometimes, I just want to kill him." Midii's hands made a circle and she moved them as if chocking someone.

Relena laughed, her cheeks red from the alcohol and her hands unbuttoning the first buttons of her blouse. Her bra almost visible for everyone.

"My job is exhausting and I need a break from it," Relena began to talk again. "I think that Heero could care less where I was or anything. People and friends keep on telling me how much he feels for me and stuff but hell, I'm only human and I can only wait so long. I'm 23 for God's sake."

"I agree," intervened Midii, raising the cup to her lips again. The bottle already containing only half of it's portion. "Those guys need to get a clue that we're not going to be there waiting for them."

"So who's the guy that has you here?" asked Relena turning to the new friend she has seem to make.

"Trowa Barton." Midii said drinking another cup briskly.

Relena snorted at the name. "Go wonder, another Gundam pilot." Midii laughed at the response, the alcohol evident in her body.

They both continued to talk about their respective men who seemed to be the center of their conversation. They both finished the bottle a little slower, letting their minds concentrate on the conversation.

"I'm crazy enough to disappear for a while and let Heero do the job for me." Relena outright laughed at this. "You imagine Heero in those conferences, he'd simply point the gun at the other people and get them all to agree whether they want to or not."

"Uh-huh," Midii finished her last drink. Her head was banging from all the alcohol she consumed. "You know, you should disappear for a while," Midii's eyes sparkled with mirth. "Let's see what will happen in their minds if you disappear without a trace."

"Won't work," disputed Relena. "I'd have Heero Yuy behind my back trying to find me. He'll find me in a heartbeat.

"Not if you have a professional spy and preventer with you," finished Midii with a smirk in her face.

"You'd go with me?" Relena couldn't believe it. "What about your job?"

"Who cares about my job." Midii snorted at the thought of her not showing up tomorrow at work. Her perfect record being broken and with no way to get to her. "No one will miss me not being there."

Midii waited for an answer from Relena. "So, what do you say?"

"I don't know, I don't think I'd like to risk all that can happen."

"Like what," Midii's shoulders came up. "You have to take a risk once in a while."

Relena's eyes came together in thought. The alcohol not really helping with her train of thoughts.

"Let's do it," she simply answered as she got her purse and left a big bill in the table taking Midii by the arms. "You have a car?"

"Yes," Midii got out her keys from her jean pocket. They entered the parking loot and entered a silver Mercedes. Midii started the car and in a swift movement, they were on the road to the unknown.


Firs t chapter finished, I can't believe I wrote this... Relena in a bar! I couldn't see her there, never... maybe once but. Anyway, hope you liked it... it's about time that Heero and Trowa got some problems with their counterparts.

Next chapter coming soon... all of the chapters of this will be kind of small, I don't want to break my brain for it. That way I can update quicker too.

See ya later... everyone.