Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ She What! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter two is here. Thanks to everyone who read the last chapter. It's nice to know that people like this.

This fic contains Heero and Relena pairings and Midii and Trowa.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in here.

Ask Me To
Chapter 2 : She What!

Heero opened his eyes grudgingly and turned off the alarm clock with his fist. It was the third time this week that it happened. Stupid clock always woke him up at the best part. His hand went through his hair and he went to the bathroom to get ready for the new day.

Fifteen minutes later, Heero entered the immense kitchen and served himself some of the hot coffee. He glanced at his watch and his brows went up. By this time, Relena would be in the kitchen drinking some coffee herself. Could she have woken up earlier today? For what reason.

Heero still went through the whole house as he looked for her. The last place he had to check now, was her bedroom. He turned the knob and opened the door. He looked around the room for any sign of her but found no trace. The bed was kept nicely so it meant that she hadn't slept in it. What in the world? The bed hadn't been slept in. He went to it and found a note on the side over the night table.


If you read this, then that means you came to check on me before I came back. Don't worry about me, I'm fine and I'll be back in less than three hours.

Three hours? It was seven in the morning for crying out loud, where could she have gone. This was a problem for him. What if something had happened to her? His heart rate went up from his recent thoughts. Where the hell could she be?

P.S. I went to the bar downtown, I need to wind out somehow.

That explained it but not too clearly. She went to a bar alone where drunk men got even more drunk! What if she had passed out? Or worst, she could have gotten drunk and fallen on a ditch.

Heero shook his head from all of his irrational thoughts, there should be some way of knowing what had happened to her. With no other intension in mind, he got out the door and put on his black jacket. He had to know why she wasn't back now.

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The phone on Trowa's desk on his office rang. He got it at the third rang and greeted the caller.

"Trowa," he recognized the voice of Lady Une's secretary.


"Have you seen Midii today?" she asked. "She hasn't been spotted in the whole building."

"She could be sick," he responded giving a reason for her tardiness. It was strange though, she never missed a day of work and if there was an emergency she would have called.

"She must be really sick then, I've called her phone number more than twenty times for today and no one has gotten it." Trowa's face dropped from his normal mask to some concern. "Could you check on her?"

"Why me."

"You know her more than everyone else in here and you live in the same building." The secretary said something with the mouthpiece off that sounded muffled. "Are you going to?"

"Sure," he hang up and picked up his jacket from behind his chair. Quietly, he made his way out of the preventers building and to his motorcycle. He placed the key, and sped off. It took him five minutes to get to his apartment building. He left his bike in his usual place and went up the stairs to the fourth floor.

It had been a week and a half, he didn't know if he could go in there again. Without thinking, his hand came to the door and knocked. He waited a while but getting no response. He knocked a few more times but there wasn't a sound, nothing inside. His hands came to his key chain and he reached for a small round key with an M on the front.

He remembered that Midii had given him the key for safe keeping. She said that she last keys a lot of times and knowing that he would have one would make her life easier.

Trowa unlocked the door and stepped into the dark-covered room. The shades were drawn down and there wasn't a light in sight. Trowa made his way to the windows and pulled the shades up. Light from the morning sun filtered through and the small apartment came to view. There was nothing out of place as Trowa could see. He called her name and getting no answer was all he got.

Regretting it, Trowa advanced toward her bedroom. The door was open for the world to see in. There was no one in it. The bed was tucked as if it hadn't been slept on. He advanced slowly to her dresser. The drawers had some of it's contents but they were mostly empty. Trowa feared the worst, he opened the closet and found half of it's clothes gone. Midii's suitcase was gone from there. She had disappeared. Maybe to never come back.

Reality shone on him when he remembered the way she behaved around him after he had avoided her for the whole week. She had patched things up as much as she could but, her way of being with him had changed. He should have known that she was lying that day when she said it. It did mean something to her, maybe the same as it did for him and because of the same fear, and pride they couldn't tell each other the truth.

Trowa plopped down to the bed with his head in his hands. His mind began to ponder on the events that took place just a week and a half ago. How could he not just say what he was feeling, he should have let time deal with it. Emotions were the things that you should act like in those matters. His thoughts started to take him back to that night when his cell phone rang.

Not even bothering to look, he put the communication through. "Yes."

"Trowa," Heero was calling from his own phone. "We have a problem." Damn, more to add to the hole that was filing up.

"What is it?" he asked, suddenly his mind getting a powerful headache.

"It's Relena," Heero's voice broke off for a minute. "She's gone."

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"She what?" Heero heard Trowa asked.

"She disappeared."

"How?" Trowa's voice was getting more confused by the passing seconds.

"She left yesterday at night to a bar and she didn't come back."

"Did you check the bar?" Trowa asked Midii's disappearance going to the back of his mind for a second.

"I did," Heero changed the phone to his other ear. "The bartender recognized a picture of her and told me that she and another woman left the bar together."

"Another woman?" Trowa could show in his voice that his trail of thoughts were leading somewhere he didn't want to think of.

"The bartender said that she was a preventer because of her gun and her jacket. Both were getting pretty drunk drinking whiskey just like that."

"Did he describe her?"

"Yes, he said that she was about Relena's height and that her hair was pale b--" Trowa's phone vibrated again. It was his call waiting. He didn't hear a word Heero said.

"Hold on Heero," Trowa pressed another button and put the phone back in his ear. "Hello."

"Hello Trowa," his eyes dilated somewhat as he heard the voice. She was calling him, maybe she really wasn't leaving forever.

"Midii?" he couldn't believe she was calling him and at this time.

"Yeah," she affirmed. She noted that something was bothering him. "What's wrong?"

"Heero Yuy called, he says that Relena disappeared." He began by relating what had just happened. "And, I come here to your apartment and find half your things gone."

"Relax, I decided to take my vacation two days sooner," she tried to explain.

"Where are you?" he asked somewhat desperate.

"At an airport," she responded. He heard someone call Midii's name which seemed vaguely familiar to him. It was a girl's voice. "You're in my apartment?"

"Yes," he replied. "When are you coming back?"

"I don't know, my vacation is for a month and I don't know how long..." her voice trailed off of the line. He heard someone ask to talk to him. "Here's someone you want to talk to," Midii gave up the phone to Relena.

"Hey Trowa," he quickly recognized Relena's voice.

"What are you doing there Relena?" Trowa couldn't help but feel out of place here. He didn't know what was going on.

"I decided to take a vacation too," she had been listening to the conversation.

"Heero's looking for you," Trowa interceded. "He's on my other line."

"He is," her voice seemed distant and uninterested.

"Yes, what's going on?"

"It's time for us to go Trowa," Relena didn't even consider to answer the question. "Tell Heero to stop looking for me, I don't want to see him."

The tone in which she said it, made him see that she was angry. It was probably the same story as always but to do this was so not like Relena. It was so like Midii who was with her in whoever knows where. Trowa remembered that Heero was on his other line and switched back.


"I'm here," he contested, obviously his mind was on other matters.

"I have some information."

"What do you mean information?" Heero's voice raised itself without him even realizing it. Trowa noticed and knew what was happening to his friend.

"Relena just called," Trowa announced. He walked toward the door of Midii's apartment barely looking back and locked the door.

"What's going on?"

"She left. She doesn't want you to look for her and she doesn't want to see you. Those were her words." Although Trowa couldn't see Heero, he knew that on the inside, some feelings were stirring up and hurt may be one of them.

For some time, there was silence from both parts of the call. "Where is she?" Heero's voice had returned to it's mechanical set. Trowa knew that he would be in his trained mode. Nothing was going to stop him from getting Relena and finding her. Maybe Midii could delay it from him but, she couldn't stop it even with her experience.

"They were at an airport," Trowa answered as he went down the stairs to where he had his car.


"She's with Midii," Trowa answered. "She works on the same department of the preventers as I do."

"She's the one that was with Relena yesterday?"

"It appears that way," Trowa opened his car and went in.

"Can you trust her?" That was the question that couldn't be answered lightly when it came to her and Trowa. She had left but because of his own choices and doings. Could he trust Midii? He hadn't and now this was happening.

"You can trust her," he simply answered as he set the car into gear. "What are we going to do?"

"We?" Heero's voice didn't leave any tone for any enforcement in this. "There is no we, Relena's my problem."

"Yes," Trowa agreed. "But Midii is my problem." Heero seemed to understand what Trowa was saying. He seemed to be in a same position as he was right now.

"You have to tell me what happened," Heero went to his car. "Then, we'll see what we can do."

Both Trowa and Heero sped to the same direction. This wasn't going to be as easy as it seemed to Heero and Trowa knew it. Maybe they wouldn't be able to trace them in time, that seemed to happen always.

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Midii and Relena came out of the airport. There was an enormous line of cabs and both of them went to the one on front of them. They settled in, Midii being the only one with bags and Relena with only her purse in her hands.

"Where to?" asked the cabdriver. he seemed to be a man in his fifties.

"The best hotel you know, no expense spared." Relena answered smiling to herself. She was going to enjoy her freedom, no one was going to stop her from this. Heero better not spoil it really fast.

"Sure lady," the cab was out of the line and it soared through the open streets of this paradise.


Ch apter 2 done. It was like the reactions of Heero and Trowa to find both Midii and Relena gone, probable forever from their reach.

It sounds kind of stupid and corny, but it should get better. Now, thanks to everyone who has read this and whishes me to continue. Next chapter is going to come sooner than you can say, a lot sooner.

Next Chapter : Relena wants to get things out of the way from this, she wants to be left alone a making Heero a little dizzy may prove to be the thing to do. How about a call moved through all the satellites in the world? There's no way to cheat that.

Ask Me To
Chapter 3 : Phone Call

Bye readers...