Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 2: the dark corridor ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

2: the dark corridor

Chang Wufei stared at a face he did not know, yet recognised as his own. Drawn, haggard, circles black as the night sky he could glimpse outside the bathroom window if he dared to turn around; circles almost as dark as his eyes that stared back at him like a door slammed coldly in his face. He wanted to want to know that person, but he could not bring himself to care. He wondered about that sometimes, how Yuy was so similar to him yet they held that single key difference in their core. Beneath it all Yuy cared too much. But time had passed too slowly, leaving history in their wake where it belonged, and leaving them to the future they had never meant to see. Leaving them to memory. Leaving him.

Sighing heavily, Wufei left the dirty, yellowed sink and the man he did not know and found his own room, aware of the constant hum of a laptop elsewhere in the house. It never ended, never faded, and while they ate, occasionally, and slept, when they collapsed from exhaustion, they lacked that essential element that screamed 'I am alive!'. Yuy could not see it, but Wufei...Wufei knew the difference, knew what it had been to live, to be surrounded by those who cared, who breathed life...He understood all too well Yuy's hunger, but could not bring himself to hunger along with him. Some essential element was gone from his spirit and Wufei knew he was just playing the game. The waiting game. On a much larger scale than he thought Yuy could ever imagine.

Yuy wanted to find Duo to end the pain. Wufei wanted Duo to help him find it. He couldn't see the face in the mirror as he stared at the ceiling, but he knew it was there, waiting and watching, two black holes in a gaunt existence. He fell asleep, staring down the dark corridor of his own reflection.