Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Suspicious ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews!!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.

Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.

Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.

Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.

Previously: ‘You think ending your life will stop your suffering?’ a feminine voice rang in his head. Heero shook his head to clear his thoughts. “No it only intensifies it,” Heero whispered vehemently heading for the shower.


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Chapter 5

After avoiding being killed by an angry Wufei, Duo headed for Heero’s. Well first he had to stop and get some food, he was starving! He got Heero a burger, so his buddy couldn’t make the excuse of having to go get some food. Duo walked up to Heero’s apartment and knocked on the door. No one answered so he banged on the door loudly.

“I know your in there! If you don’t open this door I will brake it down!”

Duo glared daggers at the door when it didn’t open.

“Fine be an asshole!” Duo growled turning around to leave.

He heard the door fly open and turned around to give Heero an ear full, but stopped short when he noticed what Heero was wearing. Heero was wet, he had probably just hopped out of the shower. His hair was matted around his face and forehead in the most erotic way. He was shirtless, and some of the water dripping from his hair started to drip down his neck and chest as well. Duo stared curiously at the black diamond cross around Heero’s neck for a second, before his eyes traveled down to the sinfully tight black leather pants. They hung low on his hips, and he had left them unbuttoned, and only halfway zipped, in his haste to answer the door Duo guessed. Duo didn’t see any sign of a boxer or brief, underwear band, so that probably meant that Heero was going nude underneath that tight leather. He felt himself start to harden and tried desperately not to drool.

“Duo?” Heero asked looking at his friend questioningly.

“I uh...brought you dinner!” Duo said cheerfully holding up the bag of food.

“Oh...Duo I’m not real-,” Heero was interrupted by Duo.

“Oh come on man why are you avoiding me!” Duo shouted.

“I am not avoiding you,” Heero stated.

“Well then invite me in for dinner,” Duo challenged.

“Look I have somewhere-,” Heero was again interrupted, but this time by his cell phone.

“What?” Heero answered.

Duo watched as aggravation, amusement, and humor crossed Heero’s features.

“He has chained you to the bed?” Heero asked amused.

Duo’s jaw dropped.

“No I won’t come and look. Oh shut up you know you love it...yea you to, by Angelo,” Heero said hanging up the phone.

Heero almost burst into a fit of laughter when he saw the look on Duo’s face.

“That was a friend of mine trying to explain that he wouldn’t be able to keep our plans,” Heero chuckled.

Duo closed his mouth and tried not to stare at Heero.

“Well...I guess sense I don’t have to meet anyone, we can stay here,” Heero said.

Duo just nodded and followed Heero.

‘Perfect soldier has a perfect ass,’ Duo mentally commented.
“Sorry I ran out half naked, but the pounding on my door gave me little time to answer,” Heero said zipping and buttoning his pants.

“Oh, no prob it was my fault,” Duo said.

“You said you wanted to talk?” Heero asked grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

“First lets eat,” Duo said taking two burgers and two orders of fries.

“I’m not really hungry,” Heero said glaring at the burger.

“Did the burger offend you in some way?” Duo asked jokingly.

“Huh? Uh no,” Heero said.

Duo looked at his friend curiously.

“Are you ok man?” Duo asked.

“Mentally or physically?” Heero snorted.

Duo was having trouble keeping up with the small conversation, because a larger problem was developing in his pants.

“Both,” Duo said gruffly.

Heero stared at Duo for a minute. His hearing was sharp and he didn’t miss the pitch change in Duo’s voice.

“Are you ok?” Heero asked.

“Your diverting the question to me,” Duo stated looking into Heero’s eyes.

Heero looked away for a moment before looking back.

“No, not entirely,” Heero said.

“Oh? What’s the problem?” Duo asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Heero chuckled darkly heading for his bedroom.

“Hey man where you going?” Duo asked following.

“To get a shirt it’s cold in here,” Heero answered.

Duo followed Heero into his room and stopped to look around.

“Heero?” Duo asked.

“Yea?” Heero replied pulling on his black tank-top.

“Why is there a mirror on your ceiling?” Duo asked pointing up.

“Oh...kink?” Heero lied.

Duo had to resist the urge to throw Heero on that bed and show him some kink.

“Your lying,” Duo stated.

“It’s none of your business,” Heero snapped.

“Hey! I’m worried about you man, don’t go being an asshole about it,” Duo growled.

“Sorry I’m just hung-,” Heero cut himself off.

“I brought you food remember,” Duo said stepping closer and watching him closely.

‘Fuck,’ Heero mentally shouted.

“I don’t handle greasy food well,” Heero said.

Duo just gave him a skeptical look.

“I’m sure you could eat both burgers and fries, if your eating habits haven’t changed,” Heero said with a smirk.

“Bite me,” Duo said in mock anger.

Heero leaned over and nipped the side of Duo’s neck.

“Heero!” Duo yelled in surprise.

Duo stepped back a couple of steps to stop himself from kissing the wing pilot.

“You asked,” Heero said smirking.

Heero’s brow furrowed when he noticed Duo’s body heat rose and his heart rate had accelerated when he nipped him.

‘Is he afraid?’ Heero thought.

“Uh...what’s with the cross, you never struck me as the religious type,” Duo said to change the subject, touching the cross to make a further point.

Duo was surprised when Heero grabbed his wrist in a crushing grip.

“Don’t touch,” Heero warned pushing Duo’s hand away.

Heero could feel Duo’s pulse and hear the blood rushing through it with each beat of his heart. His eyes kept there blue color, because he wasn’t in serous need to feed he was just hungry. His eyes would turn crimson if he didn’t eat for long periods of time.

‘Thank god I fed yesterday, or night anyway,’ Heero thought.

“Ok no prob, you can let go of my wrist now,” Duo said.

Heero noticed that he was still holding Duo’s wrist, albeit loosely. Duo’s heart rate had accelerated even more.

“Are you afraid of me?” Heero asked sadly.

“Huh? No way!” Duo said disbelievingly.

“Your pulse is going like you’ve ran a marathon,” Heero said.

“Well it’s not because I’m afraid,” Duo said stepping closer.

“Then what’s wrong?” Heero said stepping up chest to chest with Duo.

He now had to look up to see Duo’s eyes, because Duo was at least a foot taller. Duo looked down into Heero’s eyes. They were so close to each other, and Duo had a hard time not looking at Heero’s mouth when he spoke. He looked over to the side and closed his eyes trying to get himself under control.
“Duo?” Heero asked worriedly as he reached up a hand and placed it on Duo’s cheek, pushing him back to where he was facing him.

‘That’s it!’ Duo thought before his eyes snapped open and he wrapped his arm around Heero’s waist.

He used his other hand to grab the back of Heero’s head pulling him forward and crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Heero gasped in surprise, and Duo took this opportunity to slip his tongue into Heero’s velvety soft cavern. Heero’s eyes widened for a moment before fluttering closed. Duo growled into the kiss as Heero’s tongue joined his in a slippery dance.

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A/N: And another chapter is finished!! Things are heating up! Review and tell me what you think!
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