Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.

Warning: For this chapter is HEAVY LIME!! 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.

Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.

Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.

Previously: Heero’s eyes widened for a moment before fluttering closed. Duo growled into the kiss as Heero’s tongue joined his in a slippery dance.


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Chapter 6

Duo backed Heero up against the wall, not braking the kiss, and lifted one leg up onto his hip before grinding against him roughly. Duo swallowed Heero’s cry of pleaser, and tightened the grip he had on Heero’s upper thigh as he ground against him again. When the need for air arose Duo broke the kiss only to trail kisses down the side of Heero’s neck.

“Duo!” Heero cried out in pleaser as Duo ground against him again.

One of Heero’s hands was at the base of Duo’s neck, while the other was fisted in the shoulder of Duo’s shirt. Duo kissed his way back up Heero’s neck and again took his lips in a fiery kiss. Suddenly Duo’s tongue struck something sharp and the coppery taste of blood hit his tongue.

“Ow!” Duo said braking the kiss.

‘Oh. Fuck.’ Was the only thought that ran through Heero’s mind. His canines had extended and cut Duo’s tongue. Now his craving for blood intensified as he tasted Duo’s blood still on his lips. Heero just stared at Duo wide eyed and waited to see what happened.

“Um...Your not hiding a razor in your mouth are you?” Duo asked puzzled.
Heero just shook his head.

“Heero?” Duo asked questioningly.

“Um...I need to tale you something,” Heero said pushing Duo away slightly, and removing his leg from Duo’s hip.

“Okay,” Duo said unsure.

“You might want to sit down for this,” Heero said nervously.

“How bad is this?” Duo asked sitting on the bed.

“Well that depends,” Heero said staying by the wall.

“On what?” Duo asked.

“Your sanity,” Heero stated.

“Huh?” Duo asked arching a brow.

“Well...there really isn’t an easy way to put this so I’ll just be blunt...and try not to run away from me when I tell you,” Heero said.

“Oh shit...what?...Wait a minute run! Why the fuck would I run away from you?” Duo asked.

“I’m a vampire,” Heero said watching Duo closely.

Duo burst out laughing.

“Jesus man don’t scare me like that! I mean I’m glad you got a good sense of humor, a little odd, but funny none the less, but you really shouldn’t scare me like that buddy,” Duo laughed.

“I’m not joking!,” Heero exclaimed.

“Oh yea? How bout some proof?” Duo asked.

Heero glared and smiled revealing his fangs.

“You could have had a dentist give you those,” Duo snorted.

“Fine,” Heero said walking out of the room only to return a few moments later holding a knife.

“Whoa! What’s that for?” Duo asked scooting back on the bed a little.

Heero didn’t say anything he just took the knife and sliced his forearm open.

“Shit! Heero!” Duo shouted jumping up off the bed and grabbing Heero’s wounded arm to inspect it.

Duo’s eyes widened as the wound healed right before his eyes.

“Ok I admit that, that is not normal,” Duo said still shocked.

He looked up to see Heero’s eyes, but Heero had turned his head to the side to avoid Duo’s gaze.

“Heero vampires aren’t real!” Duo exclaimed gripping Heero’s arm tighter.

“Yet there’s one right in front of you,” Heero sighed sadly and looked into Duo’s confused eyes.

“But how this is impossible!” Duo cried placing his hand over Heero’s heart to feel it beating.

Duo did feel it beating but it was extremely slow.

“Your hearts still beating! A vampire’s heart doesn’t beat!” Duo said.

“Answer me this. If the way you kill a vampire is staking it through the heart, then what good would that do if the heart wasn’t even beating in the first place? A lot of things written about vampires is untrue Duo,” Heero said sadly.

“Your also breathing,” Duo added.

“Well we can live without air for an amazing amount of time, but we would eventually die without it,” Heero stated.

“Vampires drink blood though right?” Duo asked.
“Yes,” Heero answered.

“Then you kill people?” Duo asked carefully.

“Actually, we can feed without killing our food source. We just erase our ‘visit’ from their mind before we leave them,” Heero said.

Duo just nodded still in shock.

“Duo?” Heero asked hesitantly.

“Huh?” Duo replied.

“What now?” Heero asked.

“How long?” Duo asked.

“One year,” Heero said.

Duo just stared at him.

“Would you just sa-,” Heero was interrupted as Duo’s lips crashed down on his.

Duo just needed to know one thing. If Heero was a vampire did that mean that Heero would hurt him? If it did then Heero wasn’t Heero anymore, and he would let himself be killed, because that would mean his reason for living would be over. If Heero wouldn’t hurt him, then he didn’t give a damn what he was as long as he was Heero. Heero opened his mouth to protest only to have Duo’s tongue cut off any protest. Then the taste of Duo’s blood again flooded his senses.

“Duo stop!” Heero said braking the kiss.

“Why?” Duo asked watching Heero closely.

Heero’s pupils had changed, now resembling cat’s eyes, only still Prussian blue.

“Your tongue is bleeding,” Heero stated.

Duo just moved in and kissed Heero again. Blood lust was starting to set in and Heero roughly pushed Duo away.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Heero said a bit unsteadily.

He could hear Duo’s heart beating in his ears, and his blood was so sweet.

“Then don’t,” Duo said walking back up until he was chest to chest with him again.

Duo leaned in and kissed Heero again, this kiss was short however and he broke the kiss to trail kisses down Heero’s neck. Unfortunately the way Duo’s head was tilted to get access to Heero’s throat, gave Heero a perfect opening to feed. Heero leaned down and kissed Duo’s neck. His fangs touched the skin but Heero pulled back and pushed Duo away again.

“Duo you have to leave now,” Heero said airily.

He really needed to go feed now. He could barely restrain himself as it was. He made a move for the bedroom door only to be caught around the waist by Duo.

“Duo damn it! I have to go!” Heero shouted.

Duo dragged Heero to the bed, before throwing him on it and straddling his hips pinning his arms beside his head.

“Why do you need to go?” Duo asked.

“I need to feed,” Heero growled.

“Well then feed off me,” Duo said seriously.

“NO! I can’t do that now get off or I’ll throw you off!” Heero roared.

“You said you don’t kill your victims! Prove it! Feed off me, and don’t erase my memory. I need to know Heero,” Duo ended softly.

“Du-,” Duo’s lips descended on his own fiercely cutting off any further protest.

Duo held both of Heero’s wrist in one hand, as his other trailed down to Heero’s leg pulling it up on his hip again and grinding roughly against him. Heero cried out breaking the kiss, and throwing his head back. Duo sucked on the juncture between neck and shoulder and waited for Heero to make up his mind. The lust and blood lust were weakening his resolve with every grind of their hips his mind became more fuzzy.

“Duo please?” Heero asked desperately as he felt his control slipping further and further away.

“Heero trust me. Take from me, I need to know,” Duo said grinding against him again letting out a moan of pleasure.

Heero’s muscles began to tighten as he felt his release approaching. He grabbed the back of Duo’s neck and tilted his head slightly to the right. He kissed and licked the juncture between neck and shoulder, and just as his climax hit him he sank his fangs deep into the offered flesh.

“Fuck!” Duo cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

He let go of Heero’s wrists and moved his hand to the back of Heero’s neck pulling Heero down harder against his neck. It didn’t hurt anymore and was adding to the pleasure he was receiving. He was starting to get light headed do to his approaching climax, and blood loss. He ground harshly once more against Heero’s willing body, before crying out and losing consciousness. Heero released Duo’s neck and licked the bite mark. Duo was breathing heavily on top of him, though unconscious. He was also trying to catch his breath, and trying to think. He wouldn’t erase Duo’s memory and decided to wait for Duo to wake up and see what happened from there.

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A/N: Well not exactly a lemon but closer! So what do you think? Should Duo stay with our poor tortured Hee-chan or leave him to is loneliness? Please review and tell me!!
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