Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Duo's Decision ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: For this chapter is HEAVY LIME! 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: Heero released Duo’s neck and licked the bite mark. Duo was breathing heavily on top of him, though unconscious. He was also trying to catch his breath, and trying to think. He wouldn’t erase Duo’s memory and decided to wait for Duo to wake up and see what happened from there.
Chapter 7
Duo slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked up and nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw himself laying beside a sleeping Heero.
“What the hell possessed you to put a giant mirror on your ceiling?” Duo asked.
Heero didn’t respond and snuggled closer to Duo’s shoulder. Duo looked around the room for a clock. He noticed a small clock on the glass top table next to the bed. It was 10:00am which meant, assuming this legend was true, Heero wouldn’t wake up for several more hours. Duo moved to stretch and grimaced when he felt his pants sticking to him.
“Man I need a shower,” Duo said standing up and heading to the bathroom across the room.
Heero had a very nice bathroom. The floor, tub, shower tiles, and counter tops, were black marble. His tub looked like it would fit five people in it, and the shower was also large. He took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
“Uh oh, didn’t think about the cloths situation,” Duo said to himself looking around the bathroom.
He located a black bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Duo also found a hair brush and hair dryer. He growled at the hair dryer as he noticed ‘Devlin’ carved into the handle with a little smiley devil beside it.
“I’m gonna have to ask Heero about that later,” Duo grumble brushing an drying his hair.
He put his hair in the custom braid, and looked around for a washer or dryer. He found them in a closet like room next to the kitchen.
“Well its 12:00pm now, so I probably have another six hours before Hee-chan wakes up...I’M GONNA DIE OF BOREDOM!” Duo shouted dramatically.
He ran back to the bedroom to see if that had bothered Heero. Heero was sleeping like the dead though, and didn’t seem at all bothered. Duo snickered as he thought about the phrase ‘sleeping like the dead’ and how ironic that in this case it was true. His stomach then decided to make itself known, and growled loudly. He headed to the kitchen and looked into the fridge to discover it was empty.
“OH GOD I AM GONNA DIE!” Duo wailed.
********************************************************** ****************************
‘Man he is scary when he’s mad’ Wufei thought to himself.
“I did not kill Maxwell, though I would love to. He took the car to go see Heero and I guess he ended up staying there for the night,” Wufei stated.
“Well I suppose it is a possibility. They might have finally gotten together! This is so great!” Quatre squealed and ran from the room to get the keys to the other car.
“Does your boyfriend do complete one-eighty’s often?” Wufei asked.
Trowa just gave a quiet smile, and chuckled lightly.
********************************************************* *****************************
Duo had finally discovered the food he had brought over last night. He had thankfully however, had been to distracted to eat that night. Duo groaned as he thought about Heero, and he placed his fingers lightly on the place Heero had bit him. The bite mark was gone, but he still felt it tingle and kind of throb when he thought about it. Duo was once again fully clothed in his black pants, red shirt, and black jacket. Heero seemed to like his apartment below freezing. He went into the bedroom and looked down at Heeros sleeping form. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Seemingly unmarked by war and all the ill fortune that had fallen on him. He knew now that Heero, was still Heero. He would have most certainly killed him if he was the blood thirsty monster from legend. Duo loved this man faults and all. Lord new he had plenty faults of his own. He looked over at the clock. It was only 4:00pm.
“I wish the sun would hurry up and go down damn it,” Duo growled.
He crawled onto the bed and spooned against Heero closing his eyes.
************************************************************ **************************
“Quat we will find the keys, I’m sure Duo is fine if he is with Heero,” Trowa consoled.
“I think he’s just nosy and wants to know if the baka, and Yuy finally hooked up,” Wufei said smirking.
“I am not!” Quatre argued with a cute blush and a pout.
“Wufei stop teasing my lover,” Trowa said with a small smile pulling Quatre into his arms.
“He started it,” Wufei said.
“I did not!” Quatre whined.
********************************************************** ****************************
Heero’s senses slowly came back to him as the sun went down. He stiffened as he felt breath on the back of his neck, and heard a strong heart beat.
“It’s okay Heero it’s just me,” Duo said kissing the back of his neck.
Heero was shocked. Duo had stayed with him, even after what he’d done.
“Why are you still here?” Heero asked in a small voice.
“Where else would I be. If your feeling guilty for the other night don’t, I asked you to and I enjoyed it,” Duo said with a chuckle.
Heero tried to turn around and give Duo a kiss but grimaced.
“I need a shower,” Heero stated sitting up.
“Want some company?” Duo asked nipping the side of his throat.
Heero blushed and shivered as he stood up quickly.
“No thanks I’m capable of getting clean on my own,” Heero said walking towards the bathroom.
Duo smirked and ran over spinning Heero around and kissing him passionately.
“Duo,” Heero breathed as he pulled away.
“Yes,” Duo said pulling an ear lobe in his mouth and sucking on it.
“I..ah! I’m not...oh god!” Heero moaned as Duo sucked feverishly at the side of his neck and pulled there lower bodies together.
“Not what?” Duo asked huskily nibbling on his ear.
“He’s not that experienced in this field,” Angelo said from the doorway with a smirk on his face.
Heero broke away from Duo blushing madly.
“Don’t you ever knock!” he shouted flustered.
“I guess I should start to huh?” Angelo grinned wickedly.
“Love leave him alone,” Devlin said chuckling.
“Who the hell are you two?” Duo asked.
“Oh hello again! I’m Devlin and this sexy devil beside me is Angelo...You already know Heero,” Devlin said with a wicked smile.
It was then that Duo noticed both men had an apparent set of fangs.
“Your vampires to then?” Duo asked.
Angelo looked at Heero sharply.
“He’s alright Angelo, he won’t tell anyone,” Heero said sternly.
“Good because if you do,” Angelo bore into Duo, “You will endanger not only us, but Heero as well so I would think real hard about what your doing before jumping into it,” Angelo growled.
“Angelo I said he is trust worthy!” Heero snapped.
“I just need to know that he understands wholly what position he is in Heero. We don’t need another Hope incident,” Angelo snapped back.
A look of raw pain and then anger flashed in Heero’s eyes. Before Duo knew what happened he witness Angelo flying across the room and into the wall.
“I MAY BE A FLEDGLING BUT I WARN YOU NOW NOT TO PISS ME OFF!” Heero roared his fangs elongated and his eyes flashing red and then back to Prussian blue.
Angelo stood up and looked as though he was about to retaliate when the firm hand of his lover on his shoulder stopped him.
“No Angelo, you should not have said that when you know damn well it was no ones fault,” Devlin said sounding a little choked.
“God Heero I’m sorry. I just...we lost one, I can not bare the thought of losing another,” Angelo said sorrowfully.
“You have to trust me Angelo. Trust my judgement,” Heero asked pleadingly.
“Fine I will trust you, but just know this, If he becomes one of them or associates with any of them...I will not hesitate to wipe him off this earth with one quick blow. Explain to him all that he must know so as not to endanger us,” Angelo said wrapping his arms around Devlin and kissing the top of his head.
“We’re all good again right?” Devlin asked.
“Yea it’s all good,” Angelo said giving Heero a grin
“Um....what the hell is going on?” Duo asked.
“I’ll explain everything...after a shower,” Heero said heading for the shower with a small blush on his face at the look Devlin was giving him.
“Boy are you in for an extremely wild time,” Devlin said smirking at Duo, While Angelo glared at him.
“Look I would do nothing to endanger Heero,” Duo stated.
“Good then I won’t have to drain you dry and set you aflame then will I,” Angelo said with a cold gaze.
“Behave!” Devlin said elbowing Angelo in the ribs.
Duo was about to make a comment about that when a loud knock came from the door.
“I hear three heartbeats, and a loud oriental,” Angelo stated.
“That would be my friends Trowa, Quatre, and the loud Oriental,” Duo said heading for the door.
“We need to meet them,” Angelo stated.
Duo gave him a look.
“We won’t even take a taste, scouts honor!” Devlin said.
“Were you ever in the scouts?” Duo asked.
Devlin shrugged and grinned heading for the door.
“Where the hell did Heero meet you people?” Duo asked.
“That is something you need to ask him,” Angelo said following his lover.
“Something tells me I’m in for one hell of a ride,” Duo said shaking his head and following the other two men.
A/N: Well I have updated! Sorry for the wait folks, writers block is a major bitch! Enjoy and review!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: For this chapter is HEAVY LIME! 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: Heero released Duo’s neck and licked the bite mark. Duo was breathing heavily on top of him, though unconscious. He was also trying to catch his breath, and trying to think. He wouldn’t erase Duo’s memory and decided to wait for Duo to wake up and see what happened from there.
Chapter 7
Duo slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked up and nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw himself laying beside a sleeping Heero.
“What the hell possessed you to put a giant mirror on your ceiling?” Duo asked.
Heero didn’t respond and snuggled closer to Duo’s shoulder. Duo looked around the room for a clock. He noticed a small clock on the glass top table next to the bed. It was 10:00am which meant, assuming this legend was true, Heero wouldn’t wake up for several more hours. Duo moved to stretch and grimaced when he felt his pants sticking to him.
“Man I need a shower,” Duo said standing up and heading to the bathroom across the room.
Heero had a very nice bathroom. The floor, tub, shower tiles, and counter tops, were black marble. His tub looked like it would fit five people in it, and the shower was also large. He took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
“Uh oh, didn’t think about the cloths situation,” Duo said to himself looking around the bathroom.
He located a black bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Duo also found a hair brush and hair dryer. He growled at the hair dryer as he noticed ‘Devlin’ carved into the handle with a little smiley devil beside it.
“I’m gonna have to ask Heero about that later,” Duo grumble brushing an drying his hair.
He put his hair in the custom braid, and looked around for a washer or dryer. He found them in a closet like room next to the kitchen.
“Well its 12:00pm now, so I probably have another six hours before Hee-chan wakes up...I’M GONNA DIE OF BOREDOM!” Duo shouted dramatically.
He ran back to the bedroom to see if that had bothered Heero. Heero was sleeping like the dead though, and didn’t seem at all bothered. Duo snickered as he thought about the phrase ‘sleeping like the dead’ and how ironic that in this case it was true. His stomach then decided to make itself known, and growled loudly. He headed to the kitchen and looked into the fridge to discover it was empty.
“OH GOD I AM GONNA DIE!” Duo wailed.
********************************************************** ****************************
‘Man he is scary when he’s mad’ Wufei thought to himself.
“I did not kill Maxwell, though I would love to. He took the car to go see Heero and I guess he ended up staying there for the night,” Wufei stated.
“Well I suppose it is a possibility. They might have finally gotten together! This is so great!” Quatre squealed and ran from the room to get the keys to the other car.
“Does your boyfriend do complete one-eighty’s often?” Wufei asked.
Trowa just gave a quiet smile, and chuckled lightly.
********************************************************* *****************************
Duo had finally discovered the food he had brought over last night. He had thankfully however, had been to distracted to eat that night. Duo groaned as he thought about Heero, and he placed his fingers lightly on the place Heero had bit him. The bite mark was gone, but he still felt it tingle and kind of throb when he thought about it. Duo was once again fully clothed in his black pants, red shirt, and black jacket. Heero seemed to like his apartment below freezing. He went into the bedroom and looked down at Heeros sleeping form. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Seemingly unmarked by war and all the ill fortune that had fallen on him. He knew now that Heero, was still Heero. He would have most certainly killed him if he was the blood thirsty monster from legend. Duo loved this man faults and all. Lord new he had plenty faults of his own. He looked over at the clock. It was only 4:00pm.
“I wish the sun would hurry up and go down damn it,” Duo growled.
He crawled onto the bed and spooned against Heero closing his eyes.
************************************************************ **************************
“Quat we will find the keys, I’m sure Duo is fine if he is with Heero,” Trowa consoled.
“I think he’s just nosy and wants to know if the baka, and Yuy finally hooked up,” Wufei said smirking.
“I am not!” Quatre argued with a cute blush and a pout.
“Wufei stop teasing my lover,” Trowa said with a small smile pulling Quatre into his arms.
“He started it,” Wufei said.
“I did not!” Quatre whined.
********************************************************** ****************************
Heero’s senses slowly came back to him as the sun went down. He stiffened as he felt breath on the back of his neck, and heard a strong heart beat.
“It’s okay Heero it’s just me,” Duo said kissing the back of his neck.
Heero was shocked. Duo had stayed with him, even after what he’d done.
“Why are you still here?” Heero asked in a small voice.
“Where else would I be. If your feeling guilty for the other night don’t, I asked you to and I enjoyed it,” Duo said with a chuckle.
Heero tried to turn around and give Duo a kiss but grimaced.
“I need a shower,” Heero stated sitting up.
“Want some company?” Duo asked nipping the side of his throat.
Heero blushed and shivered as he stood up quickly.
“No thanks I’m capable of getting clean on my own,” Heero said walking towards the bathroom.
Duo smirked and ran over spinning Heero around and kissing him passionately.
“Duo,” Heero breathed as he pulled away.
“Yes,” Duo said pulling an ear lobe in his mouth and sucking on it.
“I..ah! I’m not...oh god!” Heero moaned as Duo sucked feverishly at the side of his neck and pulled there lower bodies together.
“Not what?” Duo asked huskily nibbling on his ear.
“He’s not that experienced in this field,” Angelo said from the doorway with a smirk on his face.
Heero broke away from Duo blushing madly.
“Don’t you ever knock!” he shouted flustered.
“I guess I should start to huh?” Angelo grinned wickedly.
“Love leave him alone,” Devlin said chuckling.
“Who the hell are you two?” Duo asked.
“Oh hello again! I’m Devlin and this sexy devil beside me is Angelo...You already know Heero,” Devlin said with a wicked smile.
It was then that Duo noticed both men had an apparent set of fangs.
“Your vampires to then?” Duo asked.
Angelo looked at Heero sharply.
“He’s alright Angelo, he won’t tell anyone,” Heero said sternly.
“Good because if you do,” Angelo bore into Duo, “You will endanger not only us, but Heero as well so I would think real hard about what your doing before jumping into it,” Angelo growled.
“Angelo I said he is trust worthy!” Heero snapped.
“I just need to know that he understands wholly what position he is in Heero. We don’t need another Hope incident,” Angelo snapped back.
A look of raw pain and then anger flashed in Heero’s eyes. Before Duo knew what happened he witness Angelo flying across the room and into the wall.
“I MAY BE A FLEDGLING BUT I WARN YOU NOW NOT TO PISS ME OFF!” Heero roared his fangs elongated and his eyes flashing red and then back to Prussian blue.
Angelo stood up and looked as though he was about to retaliate when the firm hand of his lover on his shoulder stopped him.
“No Angelo, you should not have said that when you know damn well it was no ones fault,” Devlin said sounding a little choked.
“God Heero I’m sorry. I just...we lost one, I can not bare the thought of losing another,” Angelo said sorrowfully.
“You have to trust me Angelo. Trust my judgement,” Heero asked pleadingly.
“Fine I will trust you, but just know this, If he becomes one of them or associates with any of them...I will not hesitate to wipe him off this earth with one quick blow. Explain to him all that he must know so as not to endanger us,” Angelo said wrapping his arms around Devlin and kissing the top of his head.
“We’re all good again right?” Devlin asked.
“Yea it’s all good,” Angelo said giving Heero a grin
“Um....what the hell is going on?” Duo asked.
“I’ll explain everything...after a shower,” Heero said heading for the shower with a small blush on his face at the look Devlin was giving him.
“Boy are you in for an extremely wild time,” Devlin said smirking at Duo, While Angelo glared at him.
“Look I would do nothing to endanger Heero,” Duo stated.
“Good then I won’t have to drain you dry and set you aflame then will I,” Angelo said with a cold gaze.
“Behave!” Devlin said elbowing Angelo in the ribs.
Duo was about to make a comment about that when a loud knock came from the door.
“I hear three heartbeats, and a loud oriental,” Angelo stated.
“That would be my friends Trowa, Quatre, and the loud Oriental,” Duo said heading for the door.
“We need to meet them,” Angelo stated.
Duo gave him a look.
“We won’t even take a taste, scouts honor!” Devlin said.
“Were you ever in the scouts?” Duo asked.
Devlin shrugged and grinned heading for the door.
“Where the hell did Heero meet you people?” Duo asked.
“That is something you need to ask him,” Angelo said following his lover.
“Something tells me I’m in for one hell of a ride,” Duo said shaking his head and following the other two men.
A/N: Well I have updated! Sorry for the wait folks, writers block is a major bitch! Enjoy and review!