Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Devlin's Plan ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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A/N: Thanks for the reviews
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: “We need to meet them,” Angelo stated. Duo gave him a look. “We won’t even take a taste, scouts honor!” Devlin said. “Were you ever in the scouts?” Duo asked. Devlin shrugged and grinned heading for the door. “Where the hell did Heero meet you people?” Duo asked. “That is something you need to ask him,” Angelo said following his lover. “Something tells me I’m in for one hell of a ride,” Duo said shaking his head and following the other two men.
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Chapter 8
Duo opened the door and smiled at his friends.
“Oh hey fellas! Quat don’t kill me the car is fine!” Duo added hastily.
“I know the cars fine, I noticed it when we pulled up. So you stayed the night here?” Quatre asked innocently.
“Yea, so,” Duo said.
“He want’s to know if you shagged Yuy,” Wufei stated bluntly and received an elbow to the ribs from a blushing Quatre.
“Real tactful there wuffers,” Duo chuckled.
“It’s Wufei! You braided idiot!” Wufei shouted.
“Is it alright if we come in?” Trowa spoke from behind the rest.
“Sure, come on in,” Duo said hiding his nervousness.
The pilots came in and stopped when noticing the other two occupants of the room.
“Oh this is Devlin and Angelo, Heero’s other friends,” Duo stated keeping a close eye on the vampires as they shook hands with the pilots.
‘Chill out doll, I said there would be not biting or tasting,’ Devlins voice spoke from inside Duo’s head.
Duo’s eyes widened and then glared at Devlin. Devlin just smiled and waved at him. Angelo pulled Devlin closer to him and glared at Duo. Heero entered the room dressed in those sinfully tight black leather pants, a black silk tank, that laced up the sides, black gauntlets, and black steel toed boots. His eyes were lined with black eyeliner making his Prussian orbs more piercing than before, and the black diamond cross neckless was joined by a simple black choker, and the matching black cross hung from his left ear. The pilots turned and looked surprised while Angelo, Devlin, and Duo looked at Heero appraisingly.
“Nice choice sweety,” Devlin said winking.
“I agree, what do you think Duo?” Angelo asked silently laughing at the heated gaze running over Heero’s body.
“Perfect,” Duo said smirking.
“When the sudden change in wardrobe Yuy?” Wufei asked his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Felt like it,” Heero answered walking over to Duo.
“So Heero how are you?” Quatre asked.
“Fine,” Heero said standing closely beside Duo.
Quatre just smiled, and then frowned when he still couldn’t feel Heero’s aura.
“You ok kitten?” Trowa asked wrapping his arms around Quatre.
Quatre nodded and relaxed into his lovers arms.
“Hey! I got an idea! Since old friends have now met knew friends lets go clubbing!” Devlin said cheerfully.
“Absolutely not,” Wufei said.
“We aren’t really dressed for the occasion,” Quatre said motioning to his khaki slacks and pale pink shirt.
“Not a problem Pussy-Cat, we’ll go shopping for this special event!” Devlin said jovially.
“Darling love, what are you planning?” Angelo asked.
“Well honey, because of the circumstances, I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind treating our new friends to some stylish clubbing attire. It isn’t as though you don’t have enough money, and we can take your limo,” Devlin said giving Angelo a pouty look.
“Alright, where did you have in mind?” Angelo asked with a knowing smirk.
“Why at Submit to Your Dominant,” Devlin purred.
“That sounds...interesting,” Trowa said.
“Oh trust me sugar, you won’t regret this,” Devlin said excitedly.
“No way,” Wufei said.
“Scared Wuffles?” Duo chuckled.
“No straight Maxwell, incase you didn’t notice you all have male partners, which means you will most likely be going to a gay club,” Wufei stated.
“You got a point there stud, but we happen to be going to a gay, bi, and straight club,” Devlin said smirking.
“I have other plans,” Wufei said ignoring Duo’s snicker.
“Oh, a lady friend! We’ll just have to bring her along and take her shopping as well,” Devlin said.
“He’s got you Chang just surrender. Devlin is a force of nature,” Heero commented.
Wufei sighed heavily.
“Oh goody! Now the catch!” Devlin said with a devilish smirk.
“Catch?” the pilots chorused.
“Oh yes my pretty’s! All the submissive’s must come with me, the dominants must go with Angelo. We are going to pick out your outfits, and you must ware what we choose,” Devlin said mischievously.
“Ooh, sounds like fun!” Angelo said.
The pilots looked skeptical especially Wufei and Trowa.
“Oh relax stud, I’m gay and won’t touch your lady! And you sugar I am madly in love and sex crazed over my lover, I’m not interested in pussy-cat,” Devlin said smiling.
This seemed to make them a little less nervous.
“Come on guys, you can trust them,” Heero said.
The pilots had great respect for the wing pilot, and if he trusted Angelo and Devlin than so could they.
“We agreed then?” Devlin asked.
“Agreed,” the pilots said.
Everyone headed out of the apartment, and discovered the limo already waiting.
“We will need to go back to the hotel, and pick up Sally,” Wufei mumbled.
“Sure thing stud,” Devlin said ordering the driver.
“Excited love,” Angelo asked amused.
“Oh yea baby! Tonight we party hearty!” Devlin laughed.
Duo was sitting quietly for once looking back and forth between Angelo and Devlin.
“Relax Duo,” Heero whispered in his ear.
“I’m trying,” Duo whispered back.
They picked up Sally and explained what was going on, before heading over to Submit to Your Dominant, which looked to be a kinky clothing store.
“Oh god what did we resign ourselves to!” Wufei wailed as they exited the limo.
“Relax stud, my lover has good taste,” Devlin assured him.
“I swear if you keep calling us by these ridiculous nicknames!” Wufei growled.
“Yea, he fears your flustered wrath. Now come along dominants!” Angelo hollered walking into one side of the store.
Wufei, Duo, and Trowa followed Angelo while Devlin, Heero, Quatre, and Sally followed Devlin into the other side of the store.
“Well Heero sweet heart, your already dressed to kill so I’ll just ask your opinion on my choices,” Devlin said.
“This stuff really looks...” Quatre started to say blushing madly.
“Kinky? Sexy? Forbidden?” Devlin supplied.
Quatre just nodded.
“Relax pussy-cat! Forbidden is the idea!” Devlin laughed pulling Quatre along.
“Some of these should get Wufei’s attention,” Sally said smirking at the clothing.
“Oh yea peach, he won’t be able to take his eyes off you...his hands either,” Devlin added as an afterthought.
“Careful Devlin, my guys are territorial as hell. If other people get to interested in their lovers...lets just say fight wouldn’t quite cover it,” Heero whispered.
“Aww sweet heart, a party ain’t a party without a few thrown punches,” Devlin whispered back.
“Yea but what about the un-dead people?” Heero whispered seriously.
“Way ahead of you sweet heart,” Devlin said showing a small bottle of dark pink liquid in his back pocket.
Heero quirked a brow.
“Some of Angelo’s blood and mine of course mixed with rose oil. Any immortal will be able to smell our scent on them, which means they are with us, and no one is stupid enough to fuck with us,” Devlin whispered darkly.
“Awesome,” Heero commented.
“Ooh! Pussy-cat come here!” Devlin squealed excitedly.
On the other side of the store Angelo was dealing with the others.
“You can’t be serious?” Wufei said looking at his chosen outfit.
“Dead serious,” Angelo said amused at Duo’s sudden cough.
“Come on Wuffers! Sally will be all over you!” Duo said assuring his friends.
“He’s right you know, now get changed!” Angelo said ushering Wufei into the changing room.
“But!” Wufei tried to protest.
“Now Wuffers, you agreed to this. If you go back on this, it would be dishonorable,” Duo stated.
“Fuck you Maxwell,” Wufei said closing the curtain.
“Alright silent one your next!” Angelo said handing Trowa his outfit.
Trowa looked slightly surprised but shrugged and went into the dressing room. Angelo began looking around and something fantastic caught his eye.
“Oh yes! Hey sweety here you go!” Angelo said shoving the outfit at Duo and then shoving Duo into the dressing room.
Back with Devlin and the submissive’s.
“Yes! This was the perfect outfit for you pussy-cat!” Devlin said excitedly.
Quatre was dressed in low cut, tight black leather pants, A pale blue, see threw, sleeveless shirt that laced up and tied in the back similar to a corset, and a black, blue stoned, studded choker with a chain attached like a leash.
“I like it,” Quatre said looking in the mirror and blushing slightly.
Next to come out was Sally.
“Oh peaches you look luscious!” Devlin gushed.
Sally was warring a scarlet red bodice around a black tank, with a pair of short, skin tight, black leather shorts, and spiked black heels.
“I agree,” She said.
Devlin had changed into a red mesh tank, and black low-rise leather pants, and black boots. He also wore a simple thin black satin ribbon around his neck tied in a bow.
“Well we’re almost ready. Heero give pussy-cat a bit of eyeliner like yourself, and peaches let your hair down and give it a good shake, ” Devlin said satisfied.
Back to Angelo and the dominants.
“Well stud, I think your ready except for some eyeliner,” Angelo stated.
Wufei was wearing a black shredded mesh tank, with tight low-rise black leather pants, and black army boots. His hair was down, and a black key on a silver chain hung around his neck. The key matching the set of steel handcuffs handing from his right hip.
“I suppose this is alright,” Wufei said glancing at the mirror.
“Trowa you lack eyeliner as well, but other than that, you are good to go,” Angelo said.
Trowa was wearing a dark moss green mesh tank, with a black leather vest over it, and tight low-rise black leather pants, with black army boots. He had a moss green choker around his neck and a coiled whip hung on his right hip. Trowa just smirked at his reflection.
“Duo I have already done your eyeliner, and you look good enough to eat,” Angelo said with a smirk.
Duo was wearing a black, long sleeved, shredded mesh shirt, with tight low-rise black leather pants, and black army boots. His hair was in a loose ponytail, and a little scythe hung around his neck by a black satin ribbon. A silver chain was being used as a belt.
“Sorry buddy, but I’m all Heero’s,” Duo chuckled.
Angelo had changed into a blue shredded silk tank, and tight low-rise black leather pants, with black army boots. He had a black satin ribbon tied around his neck in a bow.
“Well gentlemen, ready to go meet your other halves?” Angelo asked with a smirk.
Devlin and the submissive’s were already in the limo. Angelo and the dominants entered and the sexual tension almost exploded the limo.
“Good work love,” Angelo said kissing his lover.
“God help me?” Wufei groaned lowly looking at Sally.
Sally just smirked at him and scooted closer. Trowa just grabbed Quatres chain and pulled him into a kiss. While Heero resisted the urge to tackle Duo.
“Alright one more thing to complete the change! Everyone hold out your wrists this is for both submissive’s and dominants!” Devlin announced pulling out the bottle of rose smelling liquid.
Everyone did as they were asked, and Devlin lightly misted everyone’s outstretched wrists.
“Ok! Now to Dark Domain!” Devlin cheered.
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A/N: Well I have finally uploaded another chapter folks! Enjoy and review!
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A/N: Thanks for the reviews
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: “We need to meet them,” Angelo stated. Duo gave him a look. “We won’t even take a taste, scouts honor!” Devlin said. “Were you ever in the scouts?” Duo asked. Devlin shrugged and grinned heading for the door. “Where the hell did Heero meet you people?” Duo asked. “That is something you need to ask him,” Angelo said following his lover. “Something tells me I’m in for one hell of a ride,” Duo said shaking his head and following the other two men.
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Chapter 8
Duo opened the door and smiled at his friends.
“Oh hey fellas! Quat don’t kill me the car is fine!” Duo added hastily.
“I know the cars fine, I noticed it when we pulled up. So you stayed the night here?” Quatre asked innocently.
“Yea, so,” Duo said.
“He want’s to know if you shagged Yuy,” Wufei stated bluntly and received an elbow to the ribs from a blushing Quatre.
“Real tactful there wuffers,” Duo chuckled.
“It’s Wufei! You braided idiot!” Wufei shouted.
“Is it alright if we come in?” Trowa spoke from behind the rest.
“Sure, come on in,” Duo said hiding his nervousness.
The pilots came in and stopped when noticing the other two occupants of the room.
“Oh this is Devlin and Angelo, Heero’s other friends,” Duo stated keeping a close eye on the vampires as they shook hands with the pilots.
‘Chill out doll, I said there would be not biting or tasting,’ Devlins voice spoke from inside Duo’s head.
Duo’s eyes widened and then glared at Devlin. Devlin just smiled and waved at him. Angelo pulled Devlin closer to him and glared at Duo. Heero entered the room dressed in those sinfully tight black leather pants, a black silk tank, that laced up the sides, black gauntlets, and black steel toed boots. His eyes were lined with black eyeliner making his Prussian orbs more piercing than before, and the black diamond cross neckless was joined by a simple black choker, and the matching black cross hung from his left ear. The pilots turned and looked surprised while Angelo, Devlin, and Duo looked at Heero appraisingly.
“Nice choice sweety,” Devlin said winking.
“I agree, what do you think Duo?” Angelo asked silently laughing at the heated gaze running over Heero’s body.
“Perfect,” Duo said smirking.
“When the sudden change in wardrobe Yuy?” Wufei asked his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Felt like it,” Heero answered walking over to Duo.
“So Heero how are you?” Quatre asked.
“Fine,” Heero said standing closely beside Duo.
Quatre just smiled, and then frowned when he still couldn’t feel Heero’s aura.
“You ok kitten?” Trowa asked wrapping his arms around Quatre.
Quatre nodded and relaxed into his lovers arms.
“Hey! I got an idea! Since old friends have now met knew friends lets go clubbing!” Devlin said cheerfully.
“Absolutely not,” Wufei said.
“We aren’t really dressed for the occasion,” Quatre said motioning to his khaki slacks and pale pink shirt.
“Not a problem Pussy-Cat, we’ll go shopping for this special event!” Devlin said jovially.
“Darling love, what are you planning?” Angelo asked.
“Well honey, because of the circumstances, I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind treating our new friends to some stylish clubbing attire. It isn’t as though you don’t have enough money, and we can take your limo,” Devlin said giving Angelo a pouty look.
“Alright, where did you have in mind?” Angelo asked with a knowing smirk.
“Why at Submit to Your Dominant,” Devlin purred.
“That sounds...interesting,” Trowa said.
“Oh trust me sugar, you won’t regret this,” Devlin said excitedly.
“No way,” Wufei said.
“Scared Wuffles?” Duo chuckled.
“No straight Maxwell, incase you didn’t notice you all have male partners, which means you will most likely be going to a gay club,” Wufei stated.
“You got a point there stud, but we happen to be going to a gay, bi, and straight club,” Devlin said smirking.
“I have other plans,” Wufei said ignoring Duo’s snicker.
“Oh, a lady friend! We’ll just have to bring her along and take her shopping as well,” Devlin said.
“He’s got you Chang just surrender. Devlin is a force of nature,” Heero commented.
Wufei sighed heavily.
“Oh goody! Now the catch!” Devlin said with a devilish smirk.
“Catch?” the pilots chorused.
“Oh yes my pretty’s! All the submissive’s must come with me, the dominants must go with Angelo. We are going to pick out your outfits, and you must ware what we choose,” Devlin said mischievously.
“Ooh, sounds like fun!” Angelo said.
The pilots looked skeptical especially Wufei and Trowa.
“Oh relax stud, I’m gay and won’t touch your lady! And you sugar I am madly in love and sex crazed over my lover, I’m not interested in pussy-cat,” Devlin said smiling.
This seemed to make them a little less nervous.
“Come on guys, you can trust them,” Heero said.
The pilots had great respect for the wing pilot, and if he trusted Angelo and Devlin than so could they.
“We agreed then?” Devlin asked.
“Agreed,” the pilots said.
Everyone headed out of the apartment, and discovered the limo already waiting.
“We will need to go back to the hotel, and pick up Sally,” Wufei mumbled.
“Sure thing stud,” Devlin said ordering the driver.
“Excited love,” Angelo asked amused.
“Oh yea baby! Tonight we party hearty!” Devlin laughed.
Duo was sitting quietly for once looking back and forth between Angelo and Devlin.
“Relax Duo,” Heero whispered in his ear.
“I’m trying,” Duo whispered back.
They picked up Sally and explained what was going on, before heading over to Submit to Your Dominant, which looked to be a kinky clothing store.
“Oh god what did we resign ourselves to!” Wufei wailed as they exited the limo.
“Relax stud, my lover has good taste,” Devlin assured him.
“I swear if you keep calling us by these ridiculous nicknames!” Wufei growled.
“Yea, he fears your flustered wrath. Now come along dominants!” Angelo hollered walking into one side of the store.
Wufei, Duo, and Trowa followed Angelo while Devlin, Heero, Quatre, and Sally followed Devlin into the other side of the store.
“Well Heero sweet heart, your already dressed to kill so I’ll just ask your opinion on my choices,” Devlin said.
“This stuff really looks...” Quatre started to say blushing madly.
“Kinky? Sexy? Forbidden?” Devlin supplied.
Quatre just nodded.
“Relax pussy-cat! Forbidden is the idea!” Devlin laughed pulling Quatre along.
“Some of these should get Wufei’s attention,” Sally said smirking at the clothing.
“Oh yea peach, he won’t be able to take his eyes off you...his hands either,” Devlin added as an afterthought.
“Careful Devlin, my guys are territorial as hell. If other people get to interested in their lovers...lets just say fight wouldn’t quite cover it,” Heero whispered.
“Aww sweet heart, a party ain’t a party without a few thrown punches,” Devlin whispered back.
“Yea but what about the un-dead people?” Heero whispered seriously.
“Way ahead of you sweet heart,” Devlin said showing a small bottle of dark pink liquid in his back pocket.
Heero quirked a brow.
“Some of Angelo’s blood and mine of course mixed with rose oil. Any immortal will be able to smell our scent on them, which means they are with us, and no one is stupid enough to fuck with us,” Devlin whispered darkly.
“Awesome,” Heero commented.
“Ooh! Pussy-cat come here!” Devlin squealed excitedly.
On the other side of the store Angelo was dealing with the others.
“You can’t be serious?” Wufei said looking at his chosen outfit.
“Dead serious,” Angelo said amused at Duo’s sudden cough.
“Come on Wuffers! Sally will be all over you!” Duo said assuring his friends.
“He’s right you know, now get changed!” Angelo said ushering Wufei into the changing room.
“But!” Wufei tried to protest.
“Now Wuffers, you agreed to this. If you go back on this, it would be dishonorable,” Duo stated.
“Fuck you Maxwell,” Wufei said closing the curtain.
“Alright silent one your next!” Angelo said handing Trowa his outfit.
Trowa looked slightly surprised but shrugged and went into the dressing room. Angelo began looking around and something fantastic caught his eye.
“Oh yes! Hey sweety here you go!” Angelo said shoving the outfit at Duo and then shoving Duo into the dressing room.
Back with Devlin and the submissive’s.
“Yes! This was the perfect outfit for you pussy-cat!” Devlin said excitedly.
Quatre was dressed in low cut, tight black leather pants, A pale blue, see threw, sleeveless shirt that laced up and tied in the back similar to a corset, and a black, blue stoned, studded choker with a chain attached like a leash.
“I like it,” Quatre said looking in the mirror and blushing slightly.
Next to come out was Sally.
“Oh peaches you look luscious!” Devlin gushed.
Sally was warring a scarlet red bodice around a black tank, with a pair of short, skin tight, black leather shorts, and spiked black heels.
“I agree,” She said.
Devlin had changed into a red mesh tank, and black low-rise leather pants, and black boots. He also wore a simple thin black satin ribbon around his neck tied in a bow.
“Well we’re almost ready. Heero give pussy-cat a bit of eyeliner like yourself, and peaches let your hair down and give it a good shake, ” Devlin said satisfied.
Back to Angelo and the dominants.
“Well stud, I think your ready except for some eyeliner,” Angelo stated.
Wufei was wearing a black shredded mesh tank, with tight low-rise black leather pants, and black army boots. His hair was down, and a black key on a silver chain hung around his neck. The key matching the set of steel handcuffs handing from his right hip.
“I suppose this is alright,” Wufei said glancing at the mirror.
“Trowa you lack eyeliner as well, but other than that, you are good to go,” Angelo said.
Trowa was wearing a dark moss green mesh tank, with a black leather vest over it, and tight low-rise black leather pants, with black army boots. He had a moss green choker around his neck and a coiled whip hung on his right hip. Trowa just smirked at his reflection.
“Duo I have already done your eyeliner, and you look good enough to eat,” Angelo said with a smirk.
Duo was wearing a black, long sleeved, shredded mesh shirt, with tight low-rise black leather pants, and black army boots. His hair was in a loose ponytail, and a little scythe hung around his neck by a black satin ribbon. A silver chain was being used as a belt.
“Sorry buddy, but I’m all Heero’s,” Duo chuckled.
Angelo had changed into a blue shredded silk tank, and tight low-rise black leather pants, with black army boots. He had a black satin ribbon tied around his neck in a bow.
“Well gentlemen, ready to go meet your other halves?” Angelo asked with a smirk.
Devlin and the submissive’s were already in the limo. Angelo and the dominants entered and the sexual tension almost exploded the limo.
“Good work love,” Angelo said kissing his lover.
“God help me?” Wufei groaned lowly looking at Sally.
Sally just smirked at him and scooted closer. Trowa just grabbed Quatres chain and pulled him into a kiss. While Heero resisted the urge to tackle Duo.
“Alright one more thing to complete the change! Everyone hold out your wrists this is for both submissive’s and dominants!” Devlin announced pulling out the bottle of rose smelling liquid.
Everyone did as they were asked, and Devlin lightly misted everyone’s outstretched wrists.
“Ok! Now to Dark Domain!” Devlin cheered.
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A/N: Well I have finally uploaded another chapter folks! Enjoy and review!
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