Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Moon ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Blood Moon
Chapter 1
(Yaoi, lemon, some blood, and gore, and AU. I do not own Gundam Wing, and never shall, please remember to leave a comment, cause whatever you suggest I try and usually do put into the story.)
The destinies of men have always been of a certain wonder to those who have not lived it. To I, myself, to find a life of my own to find my identity, my path, that was what I thought I had done already... However, I was proven wrong the instant I wandered out of the bar that evening. By then, the war against space, and the earth was over... Nothing left for a bum like myself to try to live for, I thought I'd full filled my purpose in this world. I was wrong.
"Hey, Duo! How've you been these past couple of years?", Trowa asked, giving me a slap in the back.
Back then, I thought I knew who I was. I thought I was Duo Maxwell, a street urchin, who had made up his own name, had violet eyes, chestnut brown hair, and had served in the war against the Earth. Which had ended, and now I lived in a small town on Earth. I had an odd birth mark right where my heart was. Little would I know that that meant more to me then just another oddity to add to my list. Trowa, who had also had no past, as I had had once, was a former comrade, he'd eventually started living with his boyfriend, another comrade, Quatre Winner. The two seemed fitting for each other, as I seemed to fit with no one. After the war, the two had started going out, and eventually, decided to move in with each other. "Eh, you know, searching for a new job...", I shrugged the usual.",
"That's nice. I've been planning on going ahead, and you know, asking the question to Kat.", Trowa explained, "I don't know when, though, yet."
"Well, I'm happy to hear that.", I fibbed.
It's not that I wasn't happy for the two it's just that I was.... You know, sorry it wasn't myself in that situation. Everyone seemed to be finding happiness, going somewhere, but I... I was getting left in the dust. It felt like hell, standing still as everything raced by. Little did I know, that I would make a large difference to the world...
It was late at night, as I walked, hands in pockets towards home. I had made a decision to take a short cut through the woods to get home quicker. The moon rose with a blood red color spilled across it's surface. I felt the chill of the night closing in around me as I strode step by step through the forest... Someone watch me from the thickets, how did I know? I didn't understand, but I did. My long braid swung back, then forth as I walked deeper, and deeper into the forest. But, before long, lost my way, eventually, being used to sleeping outside from war. I climbed a tree and settled in for the night.
It came to me first, in my dreams, it didn't speak words, but, the sing- song sound came from the rounded, perfect lips. It's brightness was like a star, the eyes, like the deepest of the ocean, he seemed molded both of earth, and sky. The sounds that echoed from it sadly moaning a lost hope. It's broken, and battered wing lay limp, the other tucked tightly to his bare back. He seemed lost, frightened, and utterly helpless sitting, and crying, stretching pleading hands back up to the skies above, like a child for it's mother.
I woke, barely remembering the dream from the night before. However, upon waking, I noticed I was not where I should have been, and I sat up. Only to startle the person sitting close by. He sat up, and looked in my direction. Though he was without the radiance as the night before, I remembered him from my dream. The area I lay now seemed to be a field overlooking a valley below it. The trees where strange, their leaves of a rainbow of colors, the grass of silver strands... The sky an odd gold as the sun rose from the east. The boy looked at me, his skin was a tone darker, and his eyes shone with an inner light, yet were a dark blue. His hair was deeply brown, and though stark naked, he seemed to take no offense to being seen as such. His white wings where noticeable just behind his back. He seemed as though an angel, fallen from heaven, and yet, so strange... I looked around, this was not where I had drifted off to dreamland at... I decided it best that first, I make first conversation to see where I was. "Hello there, do you know where we are?", I asked.
"...", he blinked a couple times, cocked his head.
Before I knew it this strange man was on top of me, searching this way and that over something... He sniffed my hat, which had fallen off to the side, tugged my braid, and even managed to take off my watch while he was at it. As he was inspecting my shoes, he unknowingly moved his wing, crying out in pain when he did. "Hey, let me take a look, come on I won't hurt it.", I coaxed his way to my side.
He came to my side, before finally clutching to me tears sliding down his face as he whimpered, I stroked his messy hair as I reached for the damaged wing. Before the boy knew it, I had his wing in my hands, and had snapped it back into place. He cried out, before pushing away from me. I tore some cloth from a white towel that I had in my gym bag from working out earlier that day. I used some bark from a tree, and made quick work of making a splint, and dressing his wing, making sure that it was tight enough to hold the bone in place, and yet, not cut off circulation.
It had been a hot, humid day, and not wanting to feel sticky, and hot myself, had stripped myself of my clothing to lay bare skinned, on the coolness of the grass. Of course my companion had been stark since I had met him in the beginning. I had woke in the middle of the night to find him nibbling, and sucking on my tits, rubbing against my hips roughly. His lips seeking mine... I could not tell if my first reaction was a gasp, or a moan as his tongue found it's way into my mouth, for all felt a blur. My mouth felt as though on fire, and my body itself sang of it's own accord, as though all this being had to do was stroke it with one, long finger. "You understand me now?", the question startled me enough to cause a yelp from my mouth.
"You, you can talk?!", I blurted, but it felt strange, how I had said it.
"It works, I can understand you now, and you me.", he stated, "My name is Heerachiotangistacikageemora.",
"Can I just call you Heero?", I asked.
"...", he blinked a couple times, "I guess, yeah.",
"I'm Duo Maxwell.", I introduced myself, "Do you know where we are?",
"Um, I have a general idea as to where...", Heero stated, looking around.
I glared at the still naked boy, "Do you realize you're bare?", I asked.
"Hm? What do you mean bare?", Heero stated, looking at me.
"I mean you have on no cloths." I stated, firmly.
"...", his face wore a questioning expression.
"All right, here, I'll help you get something on.", I sighed.
My green work- out shirt really didn't fit him well, and hung loosely on his frame, but the spandex fitted him pretty well, I quickly got socks and my extra pair of Nike basketball shoes. he shirted cutting a couple spots for his wings to fit through the shirt. "I have to find the Jewel of Blood Moon.", he stated, simply.
"Why?", I asked.
"Because if I don't I can't get back to Father.", he stated.
"Who's your father?", I questioned.
"He created me, but...", Heero turned away a bit.
"He flung me down here to find it, if I don't come back to the Forest of Rain with it, then I can never return home...", he said, simply.
"Gee... I'm... Sorta in the same situation...", I admitted, "You see, I fell asleep in a forest near my town, and woke up here, and don't know how to get back.",
"Maybe the jewel will help.", Heero suggested, "It's said to have greatest powers imaginable.",
"You really think so?", I asked.
"I don't know for sure, but, my Father said anything is possible.", Heero whispered, before crying out as his wing moved a bit too much.
"...", I looked at the wing, "Here, let me tighten the bandages, that might help.",
As I leaned over, and started to tighten the bandaging, I noticed a mark of blood red on his wrist, it was three triangle shaped marks. "What's that? A birthmark, or some scar?", I asked.
"No, they're my magic marks.", Heero replied.
With that he muttered a few words, and the pile of wood nearby caught fire, that is, before it exploded. I winced, as did Heero, "It's never worked properly.", He stated, first.
"So, I see...", I gulped.
"I think we are heading towards Dracous City, the Dragon Lord will let us stay, and rest, provide some provisions, and such I'm sure... My Father knows him, and told me that he may provide some help when I needed it, come on, let us get going.", he said.
"Okay, I just hope this guy had food... My hunger's killing me.", I stated.
I just hoped that someone, of that jewel could help me to find my way back to my world, but, I was going to find out that my appearing in this world was no accident... As Heero's meeting up with me was as much a part of my destiny as I appearing in his was.
End Chapter