Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gundam Wing and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Bandai and all those other people.

The latest installment of Blood Stone.

The Heero and Relena lemon I promised is finally here! Though I don't know how good it is. Hope you enjoy it regardless. Since it's a lemon there is NC-17 material, so you've been warned.




With hands on her hips and her head tilted, Relena's eyes widened in confusion as she stared at her employer.

"What do you mean, my appointments have been filled for the day by one man?"

Not really seeming to notice her curiosity, her boss simply shrugged his shoulders, continuing to add several coins to the already half full cash box. "The gentleman paying for you says he wants you rested and polished until he arrives later this evening."

"That doesn't tell me why he's bought my time for the entire day."

"And night, don't forget." The old man chuckled. "And don't be asking me anymore about him. He paid extra for my silence and as long as the money is good, anything is all right by me."


"But nothing, sweetheart. You got your orders, now I suggest you head on up to your room and make yourself up real fine for the gentleman. You should be honored, he said you were recommended by the general himself."

With those words he walked away, leaving Relena even more confused and frustrated. "Damn men. They're all pigs." She mumbled grouchily under her breath as she lifted her skirts, making a perfect turn, heading toward the stairs.


"So the meeting has been set for the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, it has." The king's long wet locks clung to his shoulders even as he turned his head to look at his beloved. "Lucrezia, I'm sorry…but she holds my son, or a child at least she claims to be mine. I have to be sure, and until then, I cannot just turn my back on him, nor create a war with his mother."

Adjusting her position in the tub, her own soaked bangs framing her face, Lucrezia ran the soft sponge down the long contours of her lover's spine. "Yes, yes, I know. Please, you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm as scared and as uncertain as you, but if this child is yours you know Mariemeia will not release him to you. Not without naming a hefty price."

Leaning back into her arms, Milliardo closed his eyes, frustration evident in his tone. "I simply will have to deal with that when the time comes. But for now I only wish to have my thoughts filled with nothing but you."

With a soft kiss to his temple, the woman doctor wrapped her arms around the king's strong, broad shoulders. "Then, as my lord has commanded it, I will have to see to it, that his wish is carried out".


Having put on her tightest and most provocative dress, Relena paced around her room, wringing her hands nervously together. The night had come too soon for her, though the curiosity that had been eating at her all day would come to an end and her mysterious caller's identity would be known. A twinkle of light caught her attention and as she peered outside of her window, she noticed that it was only the yellow of a hoot owl's eyes, shining like two miniature moons from the darkness of the tree branches. "So have you come to have your curiosity quenched as well? Normally, I'd not prefer an audience, but considering, you are just an owl." The bird merely stared at her, his eyes blinking briefly as if to tell her he could care less and as if to drive the point home, he simply hooted and with a ruffle of his feathers he spread his wings and took off.

Her eyes followed the creature upward and as it seemed to disappear into the blackness, her gaze fixed on the moon itself, red and full and bright in the clear night sky. "The sadness and loneliness of the moon never seems to fade, especially when it cries tears of blood." She whispered to herself, as she leaned her palms against the windowsill. How long had it been since she had looked up at the celestial orb of light?

A certain memory crept up into Relena's mind, a memory of her having just turned seven. Heero and the others had been especially cruel to her that day, upsetting her so that she had run away, her eyes full of tears, running toward her isolated hill. She remembered vaguely falling upon the warm soft grass, curling up into herself and closing her eyes, sobbing into her hands, feeling so very hurt and alone.

The next time her eyes opened she had found the warm day had been replaced by the cool night and as she rolled over onto her back, the dew on the grass, chilling her skin even more, the first site she saw was the harvest moon. She blinked her eyes, adjusting them to the brightness and when her vision cleared it seemed as if the glowing sphere had come down to her, its face full of sorrow and solitary, a kindred spirit there to comfort her, as if to say, I too know what loneliness and sadness are, I too, only wish for a friend.

Relena remembered how very warm and comforted she had felt right at the moment, how very safe and loved, by the silent entity hovering above her, offering her its friendship. Slowly rising even higher, until the crimson from it drained, leaving nothing but yellow white light, a promise that in the end, everything will be okay.

"I've been very neglectful of you, haven't I? I'm sorry." She swallowed thickly wiping away a single tear that threatened to drip upon her cheek.

The moon and the grassy knoll, for as many good memories as her nights spent there had been, it also served as the place of the beginning of her destruction, when she had let down her guard and had allowed Duo to manipulate her feelings. Had the moon lied and betrayed her just as he?

Relena shook her head and tried to breath, why was it she was suddenly struck with such memories, tonight of all nights, when she should be placing herself as far away from the negatives she had experienced in her life as possible. But for some reason, her tenseness would not leave her, and her heartbeat would not slow.

The knock on the door startled her and she found that she could not move. Apprehension overtook her body as if to tell her that opening the door would lead her down a path that she may not be able to return. No. It's your imagination, your paranoia brought on by your recent memories. Move it, girl…don't let the past, make you fear the future. Strengthening her resolve, she forced her feet to move and her hand to grasp the knob. She put on her smile and batted her eyes for good measure as she opened up the door.

"You!" She tried her best to close the door, but it was to no avail, as he pushed his way through.

"Is that anyway, to treat a client, Relena?"

"You are not a client!" She spat at him as she took a step back, catching out of the corner of her eye Heero closing and locking the door behind them. "You are my tormentor! Get out of here! I'll scream, I swear!"

With the cockiness that made Relena's stomach curl, Heero continued to approach her, latching onto her shoulders before she could retreat any farther. He yanked her to him, his lips a breath's away from hers. "How is it you can so easily accept a stranger into your bed, yet reject one that is an old friend?" Before she was able to reply, he forced his kiss upon her, catching her wrists in his hands preventing her from fighting back. The wolf lord then broke their kiss, shoving her somewhat harshly up against the wall and in the process ripping her bodice down the center, exposing her upper body to his eyes.

"I was there, at the castle last night. I saw you, and that human. His hands all over you, your lips all over him, it made me ill, runt! Sick to see you soiling yourself with that creature! It took some persuasion, but that coward of human eventually told me where you were, of course he won't have use of his legs for awhile…"

Anger over took any fear that she had and wriggling her wrist free she brought it up to slap him across the face. He did not seem stunned in the least, though the smirk of his lips told her, that she had done the wrong thing. Any fight she had in her suddenly left her as she closed her eyes and let her body fall limp, not even fighting against her tears. "Fine, then, beat me, rape me, do whatever, just promise in the end to kill me. Just let me die, like the worthless creature I am."

Heero eased his grip upon the girl before him. He had expected, and looked quite forward, to seeing her anger, her spirit, her determination not to fall to him, but this reaction had left him totally unprepared. All his life, he had wanted nothing more then to dominate and control her, make her surrender and agree to be his, but now, as it seemed he was getting his wish, he found he did not want to take her in such a way… or did he? He cursed as he pushed himself away from her turning in a desperate attempt to contain his confusing emotions. He felt somewhat faint, his mind clouded with doubt and anger. Why could he not figure out this girl or his own feelings toward her?

When she did not feel him advance on her or even speak, she slowly slid open her eyes, surprised to see that his back was turned to her, his body shaking. Quickly wiping away her own tears, she took a step toward him, her shaking hand reaching out to touch his shoulder, her voice cracking as she spoke his name. And when he turned back around to face her, she saw that his own cheeks were wet with tears, his own eyes filled with a hurt and longing she knew all too well.

Relena closed the gap between them, her palms wiping away the salt from his eyes just as his hands smoothed through the tresses of her hair. … "I just want…I don't know…damn you Relena…why?"

Not knowing his question no more then how to answer him, her lips upon his gave him the only reply she knew how. His arms crushing her closer to him gave Relena a sense of safety and comfort that she had not felt since that night so long ago when the moon first came to her rescue. With a gentleness she had never felt from him before, he curled her into his arms, turning slightly until he deposited her even more gently onto the bed.

Pressing his body against hers, his lips sought out the soft hollow between her jaw and neck, his canines lightly nipped as he made his way around the front of her throat, delving his tongue inside the dip that lay at its base.

Relena's hands were upon him more then ever now, her palms and fingers working in unison to divest him of his shirt and kneed the straining and taunt muscles beneath his heated skin. He breathed her name giving a quick lick to her earlobe as his own hands braced her body, gently turning her over onto her stomach.

Leaving her for a mere second, to divest himself of his clothing, he was upon her again, his leg straddling her hips, his hands smoothing away the soft gold locks to the side of her. Her naked back was too enticing for his lustful gaze and even more lustful mouth. Laying his hands upon her shoulders he grazed his nails down the contour of her slender torso and the curves of her slim hips, tearing away what was left of the already ruined gown.

She moaned softly, as he adjusted his weight and warmth upon her again, his solid girth nestling in between her buttocks, its tip leaking proof of his desires onto the small of her back; if nothing else it could not be said that werewolves ever lacked in the size of their virility. Relena bit her lip and wriggled under him in anticipation, aching chills racing down her spine as he began a most sensuous and glorious massage.

His teeth bit gently into her, suckling her flesh while the tip of his tongue tickled ever so erotically over the top of it. Large and calloused hands, wedged under her, their palms, cupping her breasts, sculpting them most teasingly as his fingertips, pinched and twisted the centers of the mounds, bringing them to a peaked hardness that caused Relena to wriggle and buck underneath the wolf lord.

Unable to deny himself or his love anymore he gave a final peck to curve of her rear, before raising himself onto his knees with Relena following suit and leaning against him, careening her neck, so that they could share a kiss. Heero's left hand tangled in her hair as his right hand continued to assault yet again the softness of her breasts, all the while pushing her forward, causing the young blonde woman to grasp onto the headboard. She pulled her mouth away and opened her eyes to see him simply staring at her, his eyes passionate.

"Are you scared?" He asked her, as he placed his left hand upon himself, stroking his thickened length to even out the moisture of his body's fluids.

"Not anymore." She replied back at him, giving him a thin yet caring smile before turning her head to bow it forward. Relena's grip tightened upon the headboard as she braced her body, feeling Heero's own hands, clasping her shoulders. Barely was there time for her to even cry out before she felt herself being yanked back onto him, his rigid girth driving fully into her with that single, solid motion.

The werewolf male was unable to catch his own out burst, as he stilled his body for several seconds, languishing in the feeling of being sheathed deeply inside her. Even in his wildest dreams he had never expected her to be so warm and smooth, inviting, and ready. And ready she was, as she lightly bucked him backward with her hips, her voice somewhat shaky and coy.

"Damn it…Heero. This is not the time…to tease me."

She felt the hotness of his breath as he seethed into her ear, his lower body, pulling away from her, until just the tip of his sex remained in her. "Who's been teasing who?"

Her body jolted forward, as with his spoken words, he slammed his tool fully back inside of her, drawing back the same way, only to impale her harshly again. Relena could feel the edge of the head board biting slightly into her palms, though the pain seemed minimal, compared to ultimate euphoric feel of the lover of her dreams slowly and forcefully fucking her. Her body grew less intense as his pace eased and became steadier, taking on a more romantic rhythm, as his hands began to wander over and down her body.

Though calloused, Heero's fingertips could feel every goose bump that appeared on Relena's satiny skin as his hands smoothed over her, journeying their way southward, where they pressed her even more against him, trapping her, while his index finger slipped in between her feminine folds.

Relena could not help but scream from the dual pleasure, her body shuttering and her senses splintering into a thousand tiny slivers of light as she came, feeling light headed and weak, she slumped forward, his arms the only thing still holding up her body. He kissed her cheek, not yet having come himself.

She lazily opened her eyes, accepting his kiss, as well as the change in their body position as he slipped out of her so that she could lay on her back. Still locked in the heated kiss, Heero did not stay outside of her long, as he placed her leg over his shoulder, entering her again, just as swiftly and harshly as the first time, though now, he was not slow, nor romantic, but frenzied and wild.

Orgasmic sensations began to build up into Relena all over again as she felt Heero once more, ramming his sex in and out of her. His body almost crushing her, his kiss taking any breath she may have had left, but still she wanted more, she wanted him, and more importantly she wanted him to complete himself with her. For is she were able to etch this night into her memory forever, it might ease the pain of him leaving her tomorrow.

His lips left her, only to bury themselves into her shoulder, his teeth nipping, bringing to the surface tiny drops of blood from her pours. He was near the edge, unable to balance on the cliff any longer and so he let himself fall as he took a final plunge and came hard and deep within her. Bucking her twice more, until he was sure that he had emptied all of himself into her completely, forgetting that it was the night of the red moon, a time when the seed of a werewolf is more potent then usual.

Her breath more even now, Relena dared to move against the body still on top of her. She could feel the loss of warmth as he raised himself on his arms, slipping from her completely, though his eyes still remained locked with her. A tiny bit of fear came back into Relena's psyche, though it was not fear of physical harm from Heero, but emotional harm. She swallowed slowly and licked her lips.

"Are you leaving now?"

He said nothing at first, but only shook his head, before lowering it to give her yet another soft osculation. "I've chosen you and made you mine. There will never be any escape from me, ever, my vow is strong and honest."

Relena tilted her head, the passion fleeting and her cynical mind taking over. "But do you love me? Or only wish to control me? I will not be controlled."

Growing somewhat frustrated by her argument, he rolled off of her and onto his back. "I just made love to you, didn't I? What more do you want from me?"

Sitting up in bed, she pulled the sheet to her and glared at him. "I want you to love me, that's the only thing I ever wanted from you…to know that you love me."

He turned his head, his eyes catching hers as one of his hands cupped her cheek, softening her stern expression. "If love is the feeling of never wanting you to leave me…a feeling of wanting to protect you…to be by your side until the end of our days, leaving our children and their children to cultivate the world…" He stopped his sentence, looking away momentarily, as if his mind had finally caught up to his heart and when he gazed back upon her, his voice was soft and cracking as if he were about to cry. "Yes, Relena, I love you."

Though a tiny part of her wanted to clobber him for his moodiness, the majority of her wanted nothing more then to hold him and allow itself to fully admit her own feelings for him. She lay her head upon his chest, snuggling into him even more as his hands came up to smooth her hair, though her moment of serenity would once again be disrupted.

"They'll never accept me. I can not go back…I."

Heero halted her words with his fingertips. "I'll take care of it, you don't need to worry…about anything." He felt her shake her head in agreement, though his heart still hurt to see her stressed. "Now get some sleep." His tone was authoritarian, yet suddenly turned more amusing. "My animal nature will be viral again all to soon."

"Werewolves." She huffed, a soft chuckle escaping her as she willed all of her fears and doubts away. Staring ahead at nothing in particular, Relena's eyes focused once more on the moon, no longer red, but soft and gold; it will be all right, my friend, in the end you'll see. Feeling reassured she closed her eyes, anything was possible now, as long as she were with Heero, she would never be afraid again.

Hearing her breathing slow to the steady pace of sleep, Heero too, found himself looking up at the moon. The moon had always been sacred to his kind, revered and looked to for guidance. If ever you are at a quandary, he remembered being told by his father years before, look to the moon and she shall lead you to the answer, trust it her and she will never fail you.

So your words seem true, father, Heero mused, his mind feeling clear for the first time in a long time, realizing now what it was he had always wanted from Relena. All he had ever wanted from her was her warmth and caring spirit, her acceptance and understanding. He wanted an equal partner in love and friendship and he had found that the woman he held tonight in his arms, was the female he had wanted it with. "I don't want you to fear me, ever again, Relena." He whispered to her as he kissed her temple, pulling her even closer to his body as he willed himself into his own slumber... never again.