Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SETSU Bandai etc. etc.

Well, I have some good news and bad news. Good news, well to some, I have this latest installment of Blood Stone finished, the bad new is that it doesn't have the 1xR lemon I so desperately wanted in it, though I can guarantee that in the chapter after this one a 1xR lemon will in deed be included.

This chapter is more build-up I guess, hopefully a little more tension filled than the last chapter was. I'm sorry if you find this disappointing, I hope you can still enjoy it.


"So much better then a temped or cold stream", Relena groaned in relief as she sunk her body down into the deep tub; living with wolves she had not really given much thought to bathing. Though having experienced such a thing since living with the humans, she had found herself growing in love with the warmth and smell of the lilac scented bubbles, as well as the feeling of refreshment to her skin, especially afterward when she would spread over her body a similar lilac scented cream.

Her brief relaxation was interrupted however, when a strange sensation swept over her body. She sat straight up in the tub trying to decipher exactly what her feeling meant. It was the same tingling feel she had gotten when she had lived with the wolves, or more precisely when Heero was near her. She curled her arms around her legs trying to suppress the aching heat that had begun to burn in her groin. "No, it's impossible, he can't be…there's no reason for him to..."

"Relena! Relena! "

The blonde woman's head shot up at the sound of her name, breaking the hold that her ardent affections had momentarily had over her body.

"Give me three minutes!" She hollered back as she rose from the tub.


"My lady Dorothy, it does seem that the night is befalling earlier than usual, does it not?"

The blonde woman's head turned toward the view, which her queen had settled her gaze upon. "I suppose it is because it has been overcast today, a gathering storm on the horizon does bring about the quickening of the night."

"Yes, well, I suppose we need the rain." With a tired sigh, Mariemeia averted her gaze to the noise that sounded behind her, seeing with her eyes, the scattered blocks around her son."

"My he seems to have grown quite fast, your highness." Commented Dorothy as she knelt by the now two year-old boy, smiling somewhat as she stroked his flaxen hair. "My, my you are a cute child aren't you?"

"I advise you not to get too attached, cousin. An accelerated growth is a mere side effect to the alchemy used by J. He has not much longer to live, perhaps until his tenth year, which it seems may come sooner than we calculated. Hence, why it is imprudent that we set our plans into motion as soon as possible."

Rising to her full height, her long gold hair, swirling slightly around her, Dorothy curtsied to Mariemeia. "I will check on the preparations of the evening meal, your highness."

"Very good, cousin. I do want our guests to enjoy the full extent of our hospitality."

"Of course," spoke the other woman, as she scurried to the door and took her leave.

Watching her cousin depart, the fire-haired queen sighed, setting her eyes once again upon the darkening skies.

"A gathering storm, yes indeed it is, and it is you, Milliardo, who will be the one to feel the wrath of the gale."


"I don't understand why we have to be doing this?" Grumbled the raven-haired male as his even darker eyes narrowed. Humans and their obsession with bathing."

"It's for the clan, Wufei." Scolded his superior, Trowa, as he took his place beside the male he was addressing. Across from them in the large spa tub was the lord of the clan himself, Heero. He sat back, his eyes closed and his brow furrowed with concentration. Ever since they had arrived at the castle, he had had a sense that the one who had left him was near, though how close, he did not know, nor did he understand how it was he was able to sense her presence, but then he had always been able to sense her presence. He dunked his head under the water, as the stirring in his gut grew stronger, telling him that the sensation she had always brought to him was one that he had found himself greatly missing these past few weeks.

"My lord, are you all right? You've seemed distracted, ever since we've arrived here."

He emerged from the water, opening his eyes to look toward his comrades. "We only need to put up with such irritabilities a few days. Then we will return home, our clan being better off then they have been for long while."

The male attendant entered the bathhouse quite meekly and placed on a stone bench a pile of clothes, representing a variety of colors and materials. "At the Lady Dorothy's request. She wishes for her and the Queen's guests to have nothing short of the best hospitalities that we have to offer." He bowed to them quickly before turning on his heel and exiting the room.

"Don't tell me we now have to dress in their ridiculous garments as well?" Spat Wufei who settled down immediately when Heero's steely glare flashed at him.

"Do not make me regret allowing you to accompany me, Wufei."


Lightening flashed overhead as the working girls climbed out of the carriage together, to begin their short stroll inside the back of the castle. There were only five of them going, being told that the party would be small, with only the captain of the guards and his commanders attending. Relena was the first to step into the room; wearing the gown she had purchased earlier, its flowing skirts brushing against the wood of the freshly polished floor. She was greeted most heartily by the already sodden Captain, who wasted little time in pulling her onto his lap and snuggling his nose in between the cleft of her uplifted bosom. Giggling politely she conceded to his touch, though the chill that had just ran down her spine she knew was not because of the burly man's touch.

Meanwhile, in the great hall, Heero sat with his two comrades, fighting the urge to pull and scratch at the high color that was irritating the pure hell out of him, or at least that's what he had convinced himself was the culprit of his discomfort. If he were to be honest with himself, the suffocating heat around his body was caused by another sensation, one that would not be so unpleasant if it only had an outlet in which it could be acted out upon. She was near, she had to be, this feeling was too strong, her scent, he swore he could feel invading his olfactory nerves; he began to growl under his breath, Trowa's hand suddenly upon his shoulder was a welcomed distraction.

"Are you feeling well, Heero?" The lord of the wolf clan let the casual addressing of him go, for before he became leader of the werewolves, to his loyal friends, he had always simply been Heero.

"A little hot is all. I'm about one step close to Wufei's idea of ripping off these damned threads and going for a nightly run."

"Perhaps later, when we can be less conspicuous."

"Anything to get out of this stone and brick prison." Wufei added, looking even more irritable than his leader.

"I think I need some air, now. Be so kind as to give an excuse to her highness for my absence, won't you?"

"Of course, Heero. But please try not to0 be gone to long, for the signing of the treaty will be soon."

The tawny haired male furrowed his brow as he watched his commander and leader, stalk away.

"What do you think is up with him Trowa?"

"Not sure. Though I've not seen him this unsettled, since…" The man speaking literally bit his tongue to prevent the escape of his next words. He could not let Wufei know the real reason he thought had Heero crawling in his human skin. He released a breath and closed his eyes. He was the only one who clearly had figured out the secret of his leader, and he had silently vowed to himself that he would not speak of it. "He is under quite a bit of stress, no doubt. Allow him to become a lone wolf for awhile and I'm sure, that he will bring himself back unto his senses."


Heero knew not where he was going, allowing his raw instincts to carry him through the long dark halls of the castle, his blood boiling over with a lust he had longed for since the time she had left. He would find her, most definitely, she was here he knew it, but why was the feeling so strong now? If she had always resided within these walls of brick and mortar, then why had he not sensed her presence earlier? Another low growl escaped him as his ears picked up the sounds of music and laughter, his nose picking up the smell of alcohol and smoke…and her. Though animal desire told him to burst right through the doors, his human logic told him to approach things much more slowly until he was sure.

He placed his hand upon the metal beam, pulling gently, until the door popped open just enough for him to peek into the room with one eye. His visual scans immediately centered on Relena, dressed, as he had never seen her before. Her hair piled and curled elegantly atop her head, gracing the frame of her face, the frame of her body, being outlined by the tightness of her bodice and fullness of her skirts. Skirts he noticed had been pulled up over her thigh, hiding the hand of the Captain whose lap she was sitting on. Heero could feel himself began to sweat, even as he curled his fists, fighting his every impulse to take his lupine form and rush inside to literally tear out the heart of any who dare touch his woman in such a manner.


Whipping his head to the left, he saw it was none other than Trowa, standing beside him, addressing him hastily. "I apologize for the interruption, but we must be getting back to the main hall. The queen is growing impatient, and…"

"Very well…human bitches…they're all the same." Huffed the wolf lord as he stalked past his subordinate, swearing to himself that he would deal with Relena later, in one way or another.