Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 2
GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc. etc.
Well, I don't know what to say about this chapter or where it came from or how it came about, I just started writing and this is the result.
Well, enjoy.
"No! I refuse!" Screamed Mariemeia as she hurled a crystal vase at the head of her prime counselor and the royal alchemist J. The elderly man ducked just in time as the glass object whizzed by his head to smash against the wall, shattering into several pieces. The queen continued her rant.
"I've waited too long and put in too many hours scheming to now find out before his death my father betrothed me to prince Milliardo! I will not allow anyone, especially a man come in and take over what is mine!"
Clearing his throat, J straightened his stance and took a chance on speaking, though he knew it could lead to a severe throttling, if not physically then verbally. "I believe that your father caught onto the fact that you had been slowly poisoning him over the years and this was his final act of revenge against you."
With a haughty nose in the air glare, Mariemeia smoothed her skirts, her voice sounding just as snobbish. "I never did anything of the kind. You are the one who poisoned him."
"By your request."
Clenching her jaw, she scowled at the sorcerer. "And I've rewarded you more then fairly, haven't I?"
He bowed slightly, his hand over his heart. "More then generous, your highness. Unlike your father you know how to show appreciation for one's hard work."
Calming herself and gaining back her regal bearings the red headed woman turned to the window and looked out towards the direction of Cinq. "I suppose for all appearances, I must go through with the wedding. And, if the rumors are true about how handsome and debonair the young prince really is, perhaps I'll overcome my disdain for men and even proceed with the wedding night. However, my dear, precious betrothed will not wake up to see the sunrise. Do I make myself clear, alchemist?"
"Crystal, your highness. I shall make preparations immediately."
A thin, devious smile crossed Mariemeai's lips. "You do just that…you are dismissed."
With a final bow, J exited the room.
Relena sighed a soft moan and closed her eyes as she sunk her body into the water of the small river that flowed freely along the edge of Bloodstone. A nice bath had always relaxed her, making her feel as if she had no cares or hurt in the world. Her quiet, peaceful reflection was interrupted however, by the faint sound of giggling coming from just around the bend of the river. She recognized them to be a few of the young she wolves, females of the clan that were as popular with Heero as he was with them. She crept silently within listening distance, but kept herself hidden out of their sight, knowing the water would cover her scent from them.
They were playing and laughing, and for a moment Relena wished that she could join them, but knew that she was not wanted. She had resigned herself to finish her bath and then exit the river when her ears picked one of the voices speaking her name.
A she-wolf with short raven hair had been the one to do so. "Oh I saw Relena earlier. She was in the field picking flowers singing some childish song. It's hilarious how much of a baby she acts."
"Oh, I agree with you, Hildie," spoke Catherine, who was an older she-wolf but in running to become Heero's mate just the same. "She so pathetic, no wonder Heero doesn't want anything to do with her. I mean, seriously, even if she wasn't a human, she still would make a poor wolf."
"I don't know what our lord Odin was thinking, bringing her into our fold." Added another girl who was given the name Une at birth. "He himself was an odd one falling for a human. Humans and werewolves just don't belong together in that way. What's your opinion, Sally?"
The three women turned to look at the fourth that had remained silent until now. "Well, if that Runt knew what was good for her she would just run away and go find a human village to live in. Is she so dense that she can't tell anyone wants her here?"
Not being able to stand to hear anymore Relena quietly snuck out of the river, her lips trembling, though she did not know if it was from the cold or the painful hurt of their cruel words. She quickly donned her clothing and then took off in a sprint. She had always been a fast runner and quite agile, though compared to her wolf family she was still slow and awkward.
She knew not how far she had run, but she was determined to make it out of Bloodstone and to a human village, perhaps she would be accepted there, though she knew many humans had prejudices against werewolves themselves.
Finally being too tired and sore to run anymore she collapsed onto her knees, her tears finally taking over, her body racking with loud sobs.
"So you're just gonna take what they say and run away? Man, you are weak."
Wiping her eyes Relena looked up to see the familiar face of her cousin Duo. He was leaning on a tree, his arms folded across his chest as he looked down at her.
"You've been following me? Why?"
"Well, I saw ya take off from the river in tears. I heard what those bitches said about you."
Relena raised a thin fine brow. "What were you doing by the river during females bathing hour?"
"Heh, heh, well, um…" He fought the blush that he knew was staining his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head "…we're talking about you, right?"
She curled her knees to her chest and looked back down to the ground. "I seem to be the topic of conversation as of late and what's worse what they say is true."
He hunched down in front of her, wiping the drying tears from her face. "It doesn't have to be. You're not fated to become what they say, nor should you believe it."
"No buts, girly." His tone was gentle but stern as he grabbed her shoulders. "Now stand up will you? It's a shame to see such a cute girl in distress."
She rose to her feet with him, her eyes still averted as she began to blush. "It's nice of you to say I'm cute, even though, I know you don't mean it."
"And who says I don't?" He grasped her chin lightly and gingerly forced her to look at him. "You might not be able to change into a wolf form, but as far as a human form those other girls really can't hold a candle to you, especially in a couple of years when you really begin to bloom, wow, I can only imagine…but anyway, they know it too, half of the reason why they choose to pick on the part of you that you can never be. Understand?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "I understand, but I don't believe you."
He released her and turned his back to her. "Figures, you've been run down your entire life so it's hard to think of yourself in any other way. Though I never thought you would be a coward. I mean, weak, yea, childish, yea, but to run away like you are. You really are pathetic."
Relena balled up her fists, angry confusion taking over. How could he have been so sweet to her one minute and so cruel to her the next?
"I'm not afraid of any of them, I'm not a coward."
"Oh aren't you? Then why are you running?"
"Because, because I…I don't want to be where I'm not wanted!"
"So nobody wants you around, huh? What about Odin? Peygan? Me? True you are somewhat of a runt like Heero says but that doesn't mean I hate you, in fact, I rather think you're sweet, though I thought you'd have more sense."
"You are being so mean!" Relena screamed and lunged at Duo's back, finding strength within her to push him forward and begin to pound him with her fists.
"I hate all of you! I'm not a coward! I'm not dumb! I'm not…!"
She lost her breath as she found herself flipped onto her back, pinned down by Duo; they were nose to nose and he was chuckling. "I knew you had bite in you somewhere. That's the first time I ever saw you get angry enough to try and fight back. You have more of a wolf's spirit then you even realize."
"I'm, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…"
"Like hell you shouldn't have. I pissed you off, I deserved it…in fact," Her eyes widened a little as she felt his right hand snake in between their bodies and smooth itself downwards. "In fact," he continued, "I think I need to teach you a few things. I've been thinking about it for awhile, but didn't know if you would truly be up to my lessons."
"Duo, what, are you…l, let me go! Get your hand out of there!"
His hand then slipped out from between them and to the side of his shin where he snatched his knife. "Calm down, listen to me and things will go pretty smooth I think." He pressed his knife's hilt into her open palm before rising from her. He reached down as she sat up and offered her his hand. "So what do you say? Want to learn how to fight? It's a lot more fun then running."
She looked up at him and noticed the smirk he gave her. She had always heard Duo was a bit of joker and tease. Half of her was embarrassed for mistaking his actions as something other than kindness while the other part of her was mad as hell at him having scared her in such a manner. But to learn to fight, to hunt and kill? Could she really accomplish those things? She would try, for she was tired of running and cowering and feeling as if she was worthless.
She took his hand and he hoisted her to her feet. "It does sound, interesting, but my father, he, you know how protective he is of me and others they might…"
"Hey," Duo spoke to her again, clipping her chin playfully with his fist. "I can keep a secret if you can." Though at the same time he was glad she hadn't figured out that while on the ground he had also intended to cop a feel, which he had managed to do. Slight arousal stirred in his loins as he remembered the feel of her soft wet heat underneath his fingertips. A wonderful sensation he was determined one day to experience again.
"So Peygan tells me there was an incident with Relena while I was away these past two weeks."
Heero looked into his father's eyes through the flames of the fire that separated them on opposite sides of the cave. He said nothing at first as he sat across from him, tearing the meat from their latest kill from its bone and popping it in his mouth.
"Yea, Runt tried to climb the look-out again just to bring me some dumb flowers. I caught the little pain before she fell though. She's such an unthinking clot."
Odin furrowed his wrinkled brow as he frowned at his son. "She is one who thinks with her heart. There is nothing wrong with that. But I must thank you for saving her life. I know it has not been easy being her brother."
"I'm not her brother." Heero emphasized as he glared back at him. "If I were, then that would mean she is werewolf, like us, but she isn't. She's just a pathetic human, born of a pathetic race."
"You are too arrogant and spoiled, Heero, young and stupid in your own right. True she is a human, but humans exist in this world with us, and so we must learn to coexist with them, and, if you are being truthful with yourself you would admit having her around is not so terrible."
"I do not have to admit to anything. I've hated her since the day you brought her and that is how I truly feel."
"How is it I raised one who could be so cold? I fear the day I pass and you are left to take the reins of our clan."
Heero growled and hurled the food he was eating into the fire. " You're always defending her! Always putting her needs ahead of mine! If anyone has been spoiled it is her, your precious little Relena, the offspring from that human wench you…"
His words left him, as did his breath when he flew back and hit the wall of the cave, having been backhanded severely by his father, who was hovering over him, snarling.
"I've told you time and again to never speak of Clarice in such a manner! And from now on if I even hear you call Relena 'Runt' ever again then I will beat you until the fur is gone from your hide!"
Heero rose to his feet, his soft chuckle that of a mad man's as he wiped the blood from his mouth. "I truly believe you mean it. You would beat your own son and forsake his life for hers. Why should I be surprised?"
The young male wolf stalked past his father in a huff and as he exited the cave passed Relena to which he gave a threatening glare. Her eyes widened somewhat as she shrank back but continued past him until she had reached her father. He shook his head telling her not to worry when she gave him a confused questioning look. He instead told her to have a seat beside him and have her meal for it would be a long cold night. But she shook her head and sprinted back out of the cave after her so-called brother.
"Cousin Dorothy. It is so good to see you." Mariemeia spoke in delight as she greeted her cousin with a warm embrace.
Dorothy was the same age as Mariemeia, a bastard child of long deceased great uncle twice removed on her father's side, and because of that fact she could never be considered to be in the line as successor to the throne. And, it was because she was no threat, and just as capable of being diabolical and evil as the newly instated queen, that she was left alive and considered the best friend of Mariemeia.
Dorothy pulled away from her cousin.
"I heard the horrible news. How could your father have done such a thing?"
The girls scurried into the queen's chambers where they then locked the doors before settling themselves on the bed.
"Well, I plan on making sure he won't be around. The morning after our wedding night, he will…"
"Tut, tut, dear cousin." Dorothy smiled a devil's smile as she spoke softly smoothing her fingertips over the queen's soft porcelain colored cheek "I suppose you have not heard the latest news?"
"News of what?" Mariemeia asked gliding her own fingers over Dorothy's face.
"Why king Peacecraft has grown ill." Dorothy said. "It is said he may not last through the week. So, wouldn't killing his son be a little hasty?" Her eyes widened as she saw Mariemeai's eyes understand what she was saying.
The crimson haired woman squealed in laughter, and clasped together her hands. "Then, if I allow Milliardo to live awhile before doing him in…"
With a curt nod and another sly smile Dorothy giggled along with her cousin. "Then, your highness, you will have total rule over both of the kingdoms."
The two young women embraced in more laughter; Mariemeai spoke.
"Oh sweet, sweet cousin, what ever would I do without you?"
She knew not how she was able to find him, but find him she did and approached him carefully.
"I heard what you said to father. Your words were not fair. He loves me no more than he loves you."
Heero stopped from his actions leaving the tree he had been punching; bare patches were bark had been seconds before were very noticeable. He glared at her as he slowly turned to face her, his eyes still narrowed and angry. "I'm warning you Runt, leave me alone."
Though scared out of her mind, Relena willed herself to not turn and run. "I'm not a coward", she whispered to herself, her feet automatically finding her center of gravity just as Duo had taught her. Heero had overheard her, though and snorted a laugh.
"You are nothing but, dear sister." He spoke the word as if he was spitting poisonous venom out of his mouth, and his threat to her was none less sweet. "Now if you don't want my blood to be the only blood on my knuckles then I suggest you…"
She stopped him with her own powerful threat. "One day, Heero, you will push me too far, and then we will see who the true coward is."
"One day…in your dreams. Now outta my way Runt!"
The force he used to push her normally would have sent her to the ground, but she had found her center of gravity and instead she remained standing with only her shoulders wrenching to the side where he had shoved her.
He was taken aback momentarily by her strength but shrugged it off as nothing, or at least tried to as he stomped away from her.