Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc. etc.

Well here's the latest chapter. Guess the warnings are a 2xR lemon scene, though I think it's pretty mild and non-descript enough to call it a lime, though I've learned to be safe than sorry in the course of my fanfic writing, so I'll call it lemon just in case some people consider it so.

There is also 2xH and 1xH implied, but nothing, nothing graphic at all.


Milliardo groaned and rubbed his left temple as he felt another headache coming on. He had been up all night overlooking different amendments that would continue to ease the burdens of the people of Romafel. He rubbed his tired eyes and sunk down into his chair, to tired to even move at the sound of the door opening and then closing.

"There, there, dear, you work much too hard." It was Mariemeai, his wife, playing nursemaid, though by the patronizing tone of her voice he knew she was not there to care for him. Despite his lids feeling heavy he raised his eyes to her.

"What is it you want? You haven't spoken to me for the past week. Why now?"

"Tsk, tsk dear, I may have not felt a desire for your company, but that does not mean I am not concerned about your health. It's been so poor lately. Have some tea." She gingerly placed a china cup and matching pitcher in front of him. The steam from the hot beverage seemed to relax him as he took a couple of sips before coughing again.

" Maybe I should have my physician look over you again."

"I'm not allowing that mad man near me. I've sent for my own personal physician. She should be arriving later this evening."

With pursed lips and one eyebrow cocked the queen forced herself to remain poised and calm, all the while an inferno of rage flamed inside of her.

"But, J has done nothing but try and help you. I really don't think he…"

She was taken aback and halted her words when Milliardo rose to his feet facing her; he had always been able to intimidate her with his long, tall build that towered over her by a foot and a half.

He opened his mouth to speak but before his voice could be heard, he grew suddenly faint, loosing all strength and consciousness, falling to the floor in a heap. The queen stood over his still body.

"Must have been something in the tea." She bit her lip suppressing a giggle. "Not much longer, my dear and you will have absolutely no more cares in the world." She then turned slowly away and headed toward the study doors, calling out to the guards to assist her husband back up to his chambers.

Soon after the declaration of their impending marriage, the king of Cinq passed away, leaving the throne, to the last remaining heir, his nephew Milliardo Peacecraft. And so he and Mariemeai were in fact united in marriage, a marriage, which had survived for the last five years, though it had never been a happy one, especially on the side of the groom.

Not quite a year after their union, the queen had locked her husband out of the royal chambers and out of her bed, not that the young king had ever particularly enjoyed it there. He was content and relieved however, to live a separate life from his wife, coming together for social functions and to plan the future of their kingdoms.

Milliardo's character and policies had aided the queen in winning over the hearts and confidence of the people, just as she had wanted. The people of both kingdoms now loved her, adored her and trusted her. A planned necessary to erase all doubts from their minds when it came to telling them about the death of their beloved king. Then, power would truly be hers.

For the last six months headaches, fatigue, blurred vision and stomach ailments, the symptoms that had plagued his late father-in-law Dekim, had begun to attack him. Many days he had been forced to take to his bed where he writhed in pain and restlessness, barely able to even walk across the room.

Fed up with the treatments that J had provided him he had sent a message back to his own land, requesting the assistance of his own personal doctor, Lucrezia Noin. She had taken care of his father until his death and had become a trusted friend and lover of Milliardo. There relationship ended, however when he had left her to wed Mariemeai and so he was unsure if she would even come upon his request. But she had agreed for unbeknown to him she had never fallen out of love with him.


Elsewhere the last five years had produced its own changes in the wolf clan of Bloodstone. Odin was still alive, though very close to his own last days, which would allow him to join his long time friend Peygan, who had passed two years prior.

Heero and his band of hunters had only grown stronger and more influential, gaining much admiration from the clan, especially the attention of the young women of the tribe, who especially would flock around the young heir, who had yet to announce his mate. Though if you were to ask him, he would have told you he was having too much fun sampling what all of the girls were giving him in order to obtain his affections.

Relena, herself had grown in stature and beauty and if among her own kind she no doubt would have had many suitors who would have lavished upon her many gifts and promises of eternal love. Her family, being who they were however, still paid her little attention constantly reminding her of how much she would never be fully accepted as part of the clan. And so, she had grown apparently more quiet and withdrawn, though such actions had now become a rouse to hide her secret that had kept her strong, determined and positive.

"Hey, Lena, tonight as usual?"

"But you said I've learned all that you can teach me. Don't tell me there are even more fighting techniques." She answered him casually, continuing to gather the wild blueberries in her basket.

"Not that I know of, but, well, I just needed to talk to you, about…"



"But you have put in a claim for her to become your mate."

"True, and my fellow hunters have put in bids for their chosen mates as well, but, until Heero decides who he wants the rest of us are pretty much hung out to dry. Can you just meet me tonight? I, I don't feel comfortable talking here in the day."

She stopped her actions and turned to look at him, allowing his pleading eyes and small, hopeful smile talk her into it.

"Fine. I can get away and we'll talk."

"Aw, girly." He said sweetly as he pecked a quick kiss on her temple. "You are too good of friend."

"I know. Now will you get out of here and let me finish my work?"

"Until tonight then, girly."

"Until then."


"So, you must be Lucrezia Noin? My husband's ex-physician?"

Though it was false, the woman curtsied to the queen with grace and respect. "Yes, your excellency. I am she."

With haughty steps Mariemeia descended down the staircase until she was facing the other woman, whom she noted was quite tall.

"I've no idea why it is my husband sent for you but I have a perfectly fine physician here who has been attending to every need of his highness King Milliardo."

With a stiff smile Lucrezia stood her ground with the queen. "I am sure you have an excellent physician but it was by orders of the king that I come, and it is the king who's word is to never be argued with, is it not?"

The return smile from Mariemeai was just as stiff as she stepped to the side and summoned for the nearest attendant. "Yes, very well, then," she spoke through almost clenched teeth, "Rigor will show you the way to his lord's chambers."

"I thank you for your graciousness highness." Lucrezia curtsied again and then picked up her skirts to walk past the queen and follow the servant up the stairs.

"Oh, and, Lady Noin." Began Mariemeai. "It is true no one can dispute the king's command, but I am the queen, hence my own wishes will not be taken lightly. So it is wise not to gain ill favor with me."

Halting her steps and turning slightly Lucrezia replied to the queen's thinly veiled threat with a tenaciousness all her own. "I shall not forget, your highness, but it is the king who I will listen and obey first and foremost. Now, I have little time before the sun sets and I wish to attend to his highness before then."

Mariemeai cocked her head to the side, not used to losing a battle of words. "Very well then, proceed."


Where the hell are you Duo? Relena leaned slightly forward, all of her senses alert and aware of the surroundings around her. Suddenly, she spun around sensing Duo's presence and drew up her fist and letting it fly forward, only to have it caught by the man's hand, his fingers gently holding her wrist. Twisting her wrist to the side and then down she squatted to the ground and with a spin of her leg she was able to knock him off his feet. He landed on the ground in laughter.

"Good job. But I wasn't testing you."

She stood up and crossed her arms. "So you say…you really don't want to admit I bested you just now."

He rose to his own feet and dusted off his leather breeches. "Nah, it makes me happy to see you're able to use what I taught you."

Relaxing her stance she took his hand. "Come on. You wanted to talk, let's go up on the knoll. It's a clear, cool night. There'll be a beautiful view of the stars."

"Sounds great girly." He closed his hand around hers and they walked side by side until they reached the top of the grassy knoll where they then sat on the ground.

"So is that where she is tonight, Duo? With Heero?"

The werewolf sunk his head in a nod. "Yep her night to share the master's bed."

"I know she's completely infatuated with Heero, right now, but you are his cousin…"

"Yea, "cousin" to the future leader, the perfect hunter and protector, the alpha male. I'll always be considered second best."

She looked over at him and studied his profile trying to gage his current emotion. She saw his eyes in pain, but no doubt not as much as his heart must have been in.

I'm sorry. It must be so hard to be in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge your existence."

He sighed again and looked over at her. "Oh she acknowledges my existence. The nights she's not with Heero she comes sniffing around me and like a lovesick fool I give into her. She's just so…beautiful and spirited. I'm determined to make her mine."

"Yes, so many beauties. It's a wonder Heero's having such a hard time deciding. But I hope he doesn't choose the woman you love. I couldn't bare to see you hurt."

"Come on, Relena, that's not the only reason."

"Fine then, it's no secret to you that I dislike her. She's been the cruelest to me of all the she-wolves. And if Heero chooses her then it'll be even harder on me. Not only that but I don't want her to win. I hate feeling spiteful like that, but…"

"Hey, you know you don't have to apologize to me for your feelings. You've every right to spite her for how she's behaved towards you. Hildie can be a bitch, but I'm gonna make her my bitch."

Relena laughed good-naturedly. "How is it you can get out of any bad mood I'm in?"

"You've done the same for me on many occasions, girly." He stretched somewhat and placed a hand on her shoulder that was closest to him. "So I've vented, now it's your turn."

The blonde nervously chuckled. "Me? I'm fine." By the look he was giving her she knew he wasn't buying her attempted lie. "All right, I just, hate this time of year, when those wolves of age choose their mates…it just makes me realize how I will be the one that is never chosen by him, I mean by anyone."

"Him? Oh no don't tell me girly you're in love with Heero too?" He slipped his hand from her shoulder and back down to his side in defeat. "What is it about that guy? Even you would rather be with him than me."

She caught her breath and took his hand holding it to her cheek. "No, Duo, you're my friend and I have so much affection for you…but, I never thought…" She clasped her arms around him. "I'm so glad to have you as a friend. Since Peygan died and now, my father being in poor health, you will soon be the only one I can turn to."

He placed his arms around her as she leaned against his chest, her legs curled to the side.

"You don't have to explain, I understand and I'm not upset, I mean I've confided in you like no one else. You're pretty special to me, ya know."

Relena laughed lightly and with her cheek still pressed to his chest she looked up at him. "If Hildie could only see you now, I'm sure she'd forget all about Heero."

He returned her gaze along with a small smile and slowly brought his face closer to hers, stealing Relena's first kiss.

Her eyes were wide as she pulled away from the kiss and though he allowed for the small escape, her body from his hold he did not, but instead, he pressed his mass against hers until she was on the ground, pinned by him as she had been years before.

"Duo, stop…this isn't funny…I'm not falling for your joking."

"I'm being very serious, Relena."

She tried to push against him but knew it was futile to do so. For even though he had trained her to fight, she was no match for his strength. Her struggles turned to soft moans and her skin prickled with shivers under his touch as he began to knead her breasts underneath her fur and linen top while his lips began to suckle on the softest part of her neck.

"We are the same in that respect, both wanting people who want nothing to do with us. Let's forget about everyone else, Relena. Hildie, Heero, they're not here."

"But you've always said we should be truthful…this…this is a lie."

He stopped his ministrations long enough to lift his head and look her directly in the eye.

"The truth is, Relena, I want you and I need you this night and by your scent right now, I know you need the same, from me."

She searched his eyes with her own, looking for any reason to argue against his point, but she could find none, or maybe she wished not to, for this might be the only chance that she would ever experience any aspect of physical love. She raised her head and kissed him then, giving into the lie as well as her desires.

He continued with his previous actions, his teeth nipping along the contours of her long, smooth neck while his hands, finished with the kneading and gentle pinching of her breasts traveled further down her body, all the while pushing off any of her clothing that would get in the way. Soon she was completely naked beneath him as he raised his body slightly above her, his eyes drinking in the unearthly glow of her moonlit skin.

Quite satisfied by what he saw beneath him he came back down, pressing his body even closer, whispering into her ear how beautiful and warm she was and how her scent was driving him mad with desire for her.

She returned many of the same words to him, as well as strokes and nips of her own, mimicking his movements until even he was free of his clothing, bathed the same as she in the luminous bright light of the full moon.

Duo listened to her sounds and picked up on her scents and when he thought she was ready he brought his hand out from between the folds of her womanhood, only to use the same hand to part her legs even more. He adjusted his body slightly while bringing his mouth up to hers.

"Duo…I don't…know…I"

"You can't drive a man this far and then say no, girly." His voice was as desperate as was the struggle that he fought for his self-control. "I understand, you're unsure, but, please, Relena." He growled under his breath and rested his forehead onto her shoulder in frustration. "I feel like I'll die if I don't have you now."

Relena closed her eyes, a battle waging between her mind and body in its own right. How would this act change things between them? She knew he had his sights set on Hildie and that even if she were to give into him tonight, he would never take her as his mate. But then, he was the closest thing to male companionship, other than her father that she ever had, or ever would have. And, besides, he did want her, maybe to only fill a void, but then didn't she have her own void to fill? I need this…I want this. Duo's always made me feel wonderful and special…

She smoothed the nape of his neck and kissed his head with a slight giggle. "Well, I don't want to be responsible for your death." She gave him a small smile as he lifted his head and looked back into her eyes a smile on his own lips.

"God, Relena, you are amazing." He then gave a playful wink as he brushed his lips across her forehead, before he kissed her mouth yet again, telling her to be brave.

She did her best to strangle the sob of surprise and pain as she felt his girth breaking her maidenhead, all the while telling herself to breath even as her body relaxed against him and her hips began to move along with his.


Back at the camp, a pair of Prussian blue eyes snapped open from their slumber. A lean, powerful body rose from its bed, shrugging aside the naked form that lay half atop it. The form strode nude across to the opening of the cave where it stuck out its head, pricking its ears to the sounds carried along the wind and its nose twitching in the breeze that brought with it the smell of freshly spilt blood, blood that was familiar to the form.

Hildie rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she looked to where Heero stood at the entrance of the cave. "Something, wrong?" She heard him growling low as he turned to her.

"Get out."

"What? But Heero?" Hildie protested her eyes now wide as she held the fur quilt up to her neck.

"I ordered you to get out!" Heero's voice was low but harsh as he threw the woman her clothes. "I no longer wish to see you!"

"But, but…my lord!" Now fully clothed she was at his feet, looking up at him with a pleading face.

He gentled his tone, but still kept it stern. "You have no hope of ever becoming my mate. Return to the one who has bid on you and accept him with an open heart."

"Yes, yes, my lord." She scurried past him then with tears in her eyes and sobs in her throat, asking herself why it was he suddenly did not want her.

Heero remained in the cave, his blood boiling, he could not confirm his suspicions but his instinct told him what he thought was real. Duo had disgraced himself with the human woman and that he would have to put an end to.

He stared into the flames of the fire, poking it so that the dying sparks ignited once again. He had had a good time with Hildie, she was fun and quite the beauty but he felt she simply did not fit his needs. Releasing her to Duo would bond the two faithfully until death, not to mention it would force him to forsake Relena. He knew none-other had bid on her and strangely he found himself being comforted by the thought of no one else ever having her.

"Relena." Her name rolled from his lips and while normally it would have taken on the sound of disgust, this time it sounded as if he was amazed and slightly amused. How had the little waif of a human continued to find ways to get under his skin? Even he had to admit that she had matured into a remarkable beauty and her royal bloodline would have been a perfect match to his own, but she was human and he werewolf. He shouldn't even be having such thoughts to begin with. No. He would not allow himself to be brought down by her. Duo may be weak, but he would not be.

"It would almost be laughable if she didn't irritate the hell out of me…she thinks she's so bold as to do this and get away with it." But for now, he knew he would have to let it go, for his father still lived, even though it was said his last days were near. And, if that were to prove true, then Heero's reign as clan leader would be soon, and then he would deal with Relena, once and for all.