Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodlust ❯ The Order ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Ugh... My interenet went off.. And my dream of spending my write-free days reading have now been obliterated. Anyway, I did write my chapters.. Fun, fun. Mediaminer didn't review...but...I'll chance irritating myself to post another chapter here. Enjoy.

Warnings: Disturbing images, language

Summary: Duo realizes how much someone hates him and very, very, very briefly meets the Order.

The Order

Heero's monotonous tone obviously wasn't able to convey the shitty order of my fucking amazing house. Not worth dirt to the Order? Not with this mansion. It was easily five floors high, covered from roof to the lowest stair with vines yielding these pretty white flowers. Entering the estate from the side, I could see the bright red barn full of my carriages and my horses. Come on, I'm worth something. I couldn't even see the other side of my mansion.

But anyway, back to the ransacked look when we finally had the horses in their stalls and the carriages put away. Every single window was broken with fastidious care, not even shards stuck out from the frames. The front door was gone by the supernatural forces of my enemies, and the stone pavement leading to the steps had the words "FILTHY BLOOD".

"Well, isn't that nice. They drew me a picture."

"The devil is chopping off your head, Duo," Heero said in much the same voice as when he told us the bad news, or how would you say the sky is pretty clear tonight. The once beautiful sky cast an ominous light on my new house, half-killed by looters. Going inside, I realized, with dust prints framing invisible pictures and furniture, that that everything was a lot, and all of it was gone. Suddenly, an urge came to me to see the Fun Room. The room that can only be opened with my voice. That was interesting enough. I looked around as if I knew the way.

Heero seemed to read my mind: "If you want to see the Fun Room, it's the basement." Woo, I have a basement. "There is a door down that hall," he pointed past a long row of dusty squares that led down a hallway, "that is the only red one. I believe you would find the Order's note in there. I'll wait here until Hilde recovers enough so she can make a list."

"They didn't even leave us any food?!" Hilde cried to herself, and I made my retreat. The hallway was extremely narrow and a good many feet high, so that each step on the stone floor reverberated against the too close walls. Desolate and empty, I felt already deep into the basement, but when I walked to the door, saturated with dried blood, I had a feeling that something macabre waited on the other side.

And that sure as hell didn't stop me. There was no doorknob and so I spoke, "Alrighty then..." Next thing I knew, I was on the other side of the door, facing the greatest array of sex toys, machines, and remains of sex slaves that I've ever seen. Now, I've smacked a little booty with my belt, pierced a few penises, and drank from quite a few willing people, but I'm quite sure none of the slaves wished to be bled slowly to death in an Iron Maiden or spun until their lungs collapsed on the Wheel of Torture. Ol' dead dad had some really odd hobbies, it made what I did look like a virgin romp.

On the ceiling, and this was really sick, there were hundreds, hundreds of shrunken heads. They were all the generally the same color and I could guess they all came from the same golden cauldron in the corner of the room nearest the body-sized oven built into the wall. They definitely weren't all the same people; some had long hair, some with buzz cuts, a few with large ears and some who had them cut off and a mix of all the above. As soon as I get a few servants, some smart ones that wouldn't go looking for me when it is almost sunrise, they will have to clean this place.

Then I eyed a large envelope, the Order's letter. It had a typical skull and crossbones wax stamp, and the adrenaline rushed through me. I realized how cold I felt in this intensely sadistic room of my dead father. Without looking at the letter, I left the room, not wanting to see the corpses or shrunken heads anymore than a deer would want to see headlights.

"What does the letter say?" Hilde asked, much more sane than before, but still a little shaky around the edges, as if she was going to snap. "I can't believe they left us nothing."

I was a little piqued they didn't leave us any food. But I broke the stamp and began reading aloud:

"Dear Lord Maxwell. We understand this is your initial start as Lord of the East Estate, which borders the Forbidden Land of the Wolves." No wonder they didn't care about me. Any land bordering an enemies' land is probably the first ones to die when a war comes around. That says a lot to a person on that boundary. "However, we implore you to reside at Kush-kus-ren-ada... Hall at the stroke of twelve, so that you may be sworn into the Order, and pledge your allegiance to the Order therein. If you please our wise whims,"-someone is full of himself-"there is also Fate's chance that gifts to replace your stolen goods will be bestowed unto you. Farewell.

"Hey, guys, can you promise me they won't try to kill me?" 'Cause seriously, I've had too many close calls with halfbloods to just go hopping around to someone's hall whose name I can't even pronounce. Hilde, after hearing how she might have Fate's chance at not having to shop too, much had color on her cheeks. I realized that she was a cute little thing, would look nice in a bunny suit.

"It's already ten past twelve," Heero spoke, but he hadn't glanced at a watch, and there was no clocks anywhere. Must be one of those internal times vampires get when they lived too long. My bodyguard, I presume he was, was old enough to be my grandfather, but still he looked the same as the impassive, yet stunned face I kissed and hungered for before. He walked through the door frame, and it came to me too late that the looters must have stolen the door. "Whether they might kill you or not, we still must go."

Oh, that was just peachy. Now that I was going straight to the Order, I wouldn't mind fighting. It's either die terribly or honorably.

This was a longer ride, located on the very outskirts of my territory, so close that I could see a faint glow of fire inside the Forbidden Forest. I wondered how the wolves would react knowing I'm part them, but also part of my enemy, and part their favorite snack.

Hilde and Heero were so professional that I felt like I was waiting in the lobby to give my money to Howard. I needed to write him a letter, tell him where I was, and maybe I could pay off some of my debts, if I had any money left. Would he believe me, or would he blow the whole 'Lord Maxwell' thing as an excuse to leave the brothel. I hope he knew I liked it there, I just wanted more, and right now was my best chance.

The lonely dirt path narrowed between two forests, the one opposite of the Forbidden Land had smaller trees before both sides tapered off into orchards. At this time of year, where any one of these weeks the average temperature would drop between two days, I was sure the fruit was mostly gone- but then I saw a few oranges. Then hills rolled from the orchards and I could see the tip of a rook behind one large bump, together they blocked three-fourths of the moon, yet everything was daylight bright.

Suddenly, the thirst came onto me. After missing my evening meal, the thirst struck me hard. Fuck, I wanted to ram someone until they were nothing but mush and all their lust spent. I would feed on their fear and desire until there was nothing left.

Hilde looked away from the dirt road to me, then down to my warring erection, then back to my eyes that were probably smoldering with lust. Her ashen cheeks flushed momentarily, and again she self-consciously pulled down her skirt. Every second went past until I was agonizingly aware how pretty she was. Actually, serious girls like her were more like sisters to me, not lovers. I like more of the mysterious kind, particularly men, but, hey, beggars can't be choosers.

The white castle was coming into the view; I could see the wooden drawbridge set inside the white stone of the castle. Hundreds of carriages surround the place, some drawn by flying horses, some by unicorns, and many of them had gigantic muzzled horsemen. These golden-laced carriages drawn by horses draped in silver made my carriage look like a little wagon.

A large carriage covered in roses and made of mahogany stayed at the foot of the stairs. Given a large breadth from the smaller carriages and standing at equal paces from other large carriages gave me the impression that this was Kushrenada's sweet ride. Muzzled centaurs waited resignedly for their masters; around their necks, wrists, and ankles were thick chains. I felt sort of sorry for them, except I was in an exceedingly thirsty mood, and the only people around me was my oh-so-professional attendant and my oh-so-professional bodyguard.

"Let me do you," I whispered solicitously to Hilde, eager to go at it before we entered the courtyard and then I would really have to control myself. She blushed again and shook her head feebly, eying me with wide eyes, and I could feel the fear radiating off her skin.

But hardly a dash of desire. Energy didn't taste good when it was mostly muddled with fear. I needed that person to desire me.

We entered the courtyard, and they waited while I wanked off, feeding off my reserves of my earlier usurping of desire. A little light-headed, I jumped down. Heero had wisely parked away from the special carriages so we had quite a walk up some stupid godforsaken stairs that were were much too high.

Finally Hilde had enough courage to speak to me again, and her blush was gone.

"You must be very careful, Duo. The Order, nor anyone else, likes you all that much."

That reminded me of my destroyed house- compared to this place, it was no longer a mansion. "You think?"

"Please, Duo, try not to get into any more trouble than your looted house, alright?" She had a worried edge to her voice. "And please control yourself."

"I've been watching you for a long time," Heero spoke slowly. "I know what you can do, and I've told the Order what you can do. Now, they'll be watching you too."

That made me uncomfortable that people I didn't know from a hole in the wall knew a lot about me.

"They know how you feed, Duo, on a person's desires, and they don't like it."

Oh, great. Another bloodsucker who didn't like my lustsucking.

"Like I give a shit!"

"You see!" Hilde scolded, eyes wide. "That is what you can not do ever!"

"And don't complain about the food."

"Or the decor."

"Or the people."

"And don't disrespect the Order, or we'll all die."

I simply pushed open the door while they were talking, and they immediately quieted when every bloodsucking, snobbish pureblood upturned their noses when they saw the sight of me.

"Hello, good people!" I yelled out, knowing I was making a plumb fool of myself, especially when half the enormous hall of people turned to me. I noticed some pets crawling around in the floor, or paused in the throes of passion on display platforms. Expectedly, I found the decorations completely nauseating; corpses were hung up like Turkish rugs, spiked heads instead of knights were encased in the walls. The floor was strewn with flowers and leaves, and vampires step so lightly you wouldn't know if they stepped on them. Most of the bloodsuckers sat on these huge cushions and ottomans and sofas all the same bright red color with the same pattern of roses sewn on. I guessed that was the Kushrenada crest or something.

At the back of the room was where the chairs of the Order were, and each ugly man and woman sat comfortably on their seats, watching me. Each one had a different crest, and I guessed the one with the big skull and crossbones was where the big cheese sat. What was more interesting was the pretty red chair right under the rostrum. It was empty.

"Proceed, Duo Maxwell."

I tried to proceed through the throng of vampires, but they squeezed around me from all sides and I realized they were trying to slow me down. In a few seconds, one of the will have his throat ripped out.

"Easy now, Duo," Heero whispered huskily, "Just keep going."

At last I got through, and every vampire's throat was still attached, thanks to my bodyguard. And the Order was much uglier up close. The smallest one, a balding guy with large bifocals and a hook for his left hand, came to me with a quill a parchment with the title "OATH". He held them with the tips of his fingers, as if he didn't want to touch me, and I signed them without another word. The choices were sign or die, simple as that. You couldn't know where a member of vampire Royalty lived and go back to the human territory. That's like switching gangs, really powerful gangs that know where you live and where you are going to live if you can't stay where you live. They're just as complicated too. I knew better than to mess with the Order.

Before I even let go of the feather, it and the parchment and the Order were gone. How rude and Hilde was so worried over something that took five seconds, I thought to myself and had to concentrate hard not to say it out loud. The sex and talking resumed as soon as they left. Too many of the conversations seemed to center around me.

But before I could think about that, Hilde grabbed me by the elbow and said brightly, "Come on, I'll show you around!"

I looked around at the hard, cold, hateful faces and I was pretty sure something was wrong with Hilde.