Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodlust ❯ Treize Kushrenada ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: I did not intend for such a long time to pass before I released another chapter. In fact, I wrote this.. Goodness, sometime in October! I get to introduce one of my favorite characters, Treize Kushrenada! Yay!
Summary: Duo meets Prince Kushrenada and a sad slave, what should he do with the both of them?
Warnings: A bit of creepy detail..
Treize Kushrenada
After I was paraded around the whole damn hall, and that was a lot of space, facing incredulous looks, scathing disapproving glares and everything in between, I was ready to kill Hilde. She didn't seem to get this was just making me more anxious to list my enemies.
Everytime we met a new face, I rated their level of adversity. Some were actually very low, very apathetic to my existence, which was good. The prince of the Kushrenada estate, a totally hot hunk who was so bored he was reading a Latin dictionary, glanced at me and licked his too large fangs. When I saw those, my eyes trailed over his broad, probably extremely masculine torso stretching to the limit a red flannel shirt. He was like one of those rakes on the romance novels, short curly ginger-red hair, piercing blue eyes, muscles bulging through his and jeans, and large boots. I swear if he was my type, and I convinced myself he wouldn't crush me in bed, I would have tried to win his heart.
This other dude, old Lord Catalonia or other, gave me such a snarl I forced Hilde in another direction, but not before I saw what seemed to be his daughter rolling her eyes. Then Hilde stopped. Thank the Fates (yea, there is more than one of them presumbly) because I felt like eventually one of these bloodsuckers were going to snap.
She had a serious demeanor when she directed me to the food table. There wasn't actually real food there, just remains of humans, fresh or cooked remains from what I could see. Blood was still oozing out from wounds and steaming. Luckily, I didn't see any little kids there, so I could be rest assured the vampires stuck to their part of the bargain treaty- no disrupting families.
She began to speak. "Look, you have to make some friends somehow, and I know you can do it, even if you don't think so. I can't be here to watch over you all the time. Like Heero," who has been gone since the Order left, "we're going to have other things to watch over, you understand?"
"Yes, mom, I get it. I've been by myself before, you know, like two hours ago?"
She scoffed this off and began to walk away somewhere, "That was in the human world," and to my unasked question, "I'm going to buy some groceries. You, as a Lord, must stay here until the party ends. Be a good boy and get some freebies alright?"
I didn't know how she could have confidence in me to get some freebies when people didn't even like the way my blood smelled. In a few minutes, I was alone to look at dead bodies, feeding vampires, and mean vampires. I wandered aimlessly around, ignoring the people who tripped me or bumped into me on purpose. Nothing seemed interesting until I got to a group of white-cloaked figures, about twenty or thirty of them, kneeling in a corner. Across them in the opposite corner were twenty or thirty people dressed in blue cloaks. Their faces I couldn't see, but I knew that they were scared; the way some of them shook or had wet cheeks made it clear. At first, I believed they would provide for live feed as entertainment, and I would find a quiet place alone when that happened, but then I saw that some of them had sharp fangs- some of them were vampires.
I sniffed experimentally and discovered from their smell that they were actually mutts like me, but they must have been at the wrong end of the war or something. They weren't exactly reigning lords like I was. Well, I wasn't exactly a reigning lord, but you get the idea.
"Spoils," said a light voice behind me, very masculine, and very bored. Beside me was the insanely tall, insanely gorgeous Prince Kushrenada. He looked even more enthralling up close, and suddenly I felt the need to feed again. "And the poorest... slaves," he went on obliviously, a slight tilt to the end of his explanation that I did not miss.
"Fuck," I muttered, breathing in to control myself, but it wasn't that easy when there was blood in the air and a powerful vampire Royal beside me. Somehow I managed it without working up an uncontrollable arousal. Woohoo for me.
"Do you become aroused spontaneously, or is it just me?" the vampire asked, and his voice sounded so serious that I shook my head negatively. Then I thought about it. What he said was true wasn't it? Except for those obvious times, I just become aroused arbitrarily. So I nodded.
It took a lot of courage to stare up, and up into the face of the bored Kushrenada. His hands held his elbows behind his back, and his face had the weirdest expression, I felt compelled to rub my face to feel anything crusty or hanging.
"What is it?" I finally asked, hoping my voice sounded reverent enough that he wouldn't tear me to pieces.
He cocked his beautiful head to one side. "I can't read your mind."
Ah. That was new.
"It's one of my special abilities and is very powerful- yet, it's not working on you. Odd."
Yeah, odd. Hope it didn't get me killed. But I didn't say that, instead I said, "Well, don't worry about it, hotness, nothing much goes on up there anymore. It will probably be more interesting counting the number of words in the Latin language."
The corners of his mouth twitched, and then both elegant eyebrows raised up to his hairline, as if he was surprised to find me amusing. Then his face broke out into an all-out grin that faltered after a moment. "Why did you call me 'hotness'?"
He had to be joking, right? I mean, he couldn't be so stuck on old Latin that a simple phrase like that confuddled him. After a few minutes of his bewildered expression, I saw that he was completely serious.
"It mean's you're hot." His eyebrows only drew together more forcefully. "It's like slang for saying you're handsome."
Kushrenada's eye's narrowed, no longer smiling. "Human slang?" he spat.
"Yep!" I said cheerfully. "C'mon, your ancestors used to speak in Latin, and then your great-great-grandparents started using thee and thou and English, and now here you are, speaking, no offense, a watered down version, or the slang of what they used to speak."
He was surprised at my logic. Hell, I was surprised at my logic. A person thinks smarter when it meant the difference between ticking off a vampire and entertaining him.
"Where did it derive from?" he asked, sincerely interested. Both arms have come from his back to cross over his chest. He towered over me like a great beast- how the hell did he get so big- staring with rapt attention. I was more or less forced to come up with something.
I rubbed the back of my head, feeling my long braid, then answered, "I'm not too sure, but I think it is because when someone sees someone else they like, you know, they start to feel hot. And then someone decided to use it to say, 'you're hot' instead of 'you're fucking arousing', you know?"
"That makes sense, even if you did just make it up."
"Thank you," I said, hoping that it was a compliment. Focusing myself back on the 'spoils' I asked Kushrenada, "What are they here for?"
He shrugged. "To sell, to eat, whatever."
"Dammit," I cursed because I bet there were just enough of them to... "I wish I could have them."
"The Maxwell family has enough," he said with disgust. "I hate that such an interesting one such as you is his son. Moreso that you're of mixed blood."
Well, excuse the hell out of me! I wished he could read my mind so he could see how I imagined smashing his brains in, but he seemed the right kind of fellow to tell the truth to and come out uninjured.
"Look, Kush-"
"You have a fucking long-ass last name."
He blinked, startled at my contemptuous voice probably. I sounded a bit madder than I felt. A calculating gaze settled on his face and he said, "Please, call me Treize. That's my first name."
"Alright Treize, you gotta understand that the only relation between Lord Maxwell and me is that half of me came from his nutsack-" he burst out laughing, and his usually stoic face smiling had me losing some of my steam,"-and that's about it. Second, you need to get your head out of the books, or is it that no one knows my father and his servants died?"
Treize laughed harder, and the people, including a few jealous women, turned around to stare.
"I don't think the nutsack joke was all that funny," I said but he waved me off, getting control of his laughter.
"It's not that. You do realize they didn't die, right? They left."
"But Hilde said-"
"Hilde! She was just researching how to get into your 'Fun Room' or whatever you call it before the Order found her. Then she was ordered to get you, since you were the legal heir for the place."
I fumed inside, thinking how I should have raped her on the ride here- now I really wanted to kill her. "And Heero?" I asked, and staking the answers; if he was in on it, he'll become my pet, no doubt about it, and I don't care if I had to fight for it!
"Heero didn't know until you went into the Fun Room. Hilde had let her guard down, and Heero threatened to rape her or tell you, and then you would rape her. Whichever way, she won't betray you again," said Treize in a compassionate tone, though it was just a little of human instinct slipping before and then quickly replaced with his vampire boredom.
"Sure as hell she won't," I spat. "Well, if you read their minds about that, why did you say I have enough slaves?"
The tall vampire shrugged. "I was under the impression that a portion of the slaves had stayed. I guess not?"
"No." A portion? How does he know that the others were gone?
"I'll have to talk to my father about these." He said this with such a manly smile, that I cuoldn't think of him having a dad. "You're so interesting, I would give them to you for free but it is not my choice to make. I'll have to think of something interesting that will amuse the guests and my father."
"And yourself."
He gave me a sad smile. Right then, Treize looked a thousand years older. "Nothing amuses me anymore." He began to walk towards the door just inside the wall; it seemed to just appear there out of nothingness. Probably to go make arrangements with his dad.
"You need to get laid," I called after him, and I could hear his rich laugh before the wall, no door, closed behind him.
"You're a special character," said one of the robed figures on the floor; it was a she, seemed like. She didn't raise her head and hardly moved her lips. "It takes a lot to get Kushrenadas interested in anything."
"Doesn't seem like you're supposed to speak," I said as a warning.
She gave the very faintest of shrugs. "Don't care. Probably going to die or sold off and battered, anyway. I just wish I could've fixed my brother another plate of venison and seen his face."
The bitterness in her voice made me cold, made me want to take control of her and love her right at that moment as she believed she was going to die or face a life of misery. I don't believe any person has the right to manipulate another's life unless it was punishment or granted or just better to keep the peace. I wasn't sure why this girl was here, but for her to wish to fix another dish for her brother was too much.
"You cook?" I asked, getting her mind off her brother.
This time she nodded enthusiastically. "I love to cook."
"If this game or whatever comes to a good end, I'll make you my cook."
"Really? That would be nice... I know that this may be a lot to ask, but, if you do win whatever, could you take my brother as your pet? I don't want him to end up like Kushrenada. He's still young, but there's nothing in life without love...and... and if I go, I don't want him alone."
"Are you dying soon?"
"No!" she cried, laughing a bit, "No, it's just that, maybe if I find a lover, or he's the type to settle down with someone, I don't want to leave him a third wheel or alone."
"Depends on what he looks like, doll."
"He's gorgeous, but he has a few...problems."
I leaned down to notice her full lips and the tears running down her face. No matter what, I was going to at least have her and her brother. "Problems can be fixed, and maybe all we need is a little of Fate on our side, alright?"
Somehow, that seemed a lot more believable than I really thought it would be.
Summary: Duo meets Prince Kushrenada and a sad slave, what should he do with the both of them?
Warnings: A bit of creepy detail..
Treize Kushrenada
After I was paraded around the whole damn hall, and that was a lot of space, facing incredulous looks, scathing disapproving glares and everything in between, I was ready to kill Hilde. She didn't seem to get this was just making me more anxious to list my enemies.
Everytime we met a new face, I rated their level of adversity. Some were actually very low, very apathetic to my existence, which was good. The prince of the Kushrenada estate, a totally hot hunk who was so bored he was reading a Latin dictionary, glanced at me and licked his too large fangs. When I saw those, my eyes trailed over his broad, probably extremely masculine torso stretching to the limit a red flannel shirt. He was like one of those rakes on the romance novels, short curly ginger-red hair, piercing blue eyes, muscles bulging through his and jeans, and large boots. I swear if he was my type, and I convinced myself he wouldn't crush me in bed, I would have tried to win his heart.
This other dude, old Lord Catalonia or other, gave me such a snarl I forced Hilde in another direction, but not before I saw what seemed to be his daughter rolling her eyes. Then Hilde stopped. Thank the Fates (yea, there is more than one of them presumbly) because I felt like eventually one of these bloodsuckers were going to snap.
She had a serious demeanor when she directed me to the food table. There wasn't actually real food there, just remains of humans, fresh or cooked remains from what I could see. Blood was still oozing out from wounds and steaming. Luckily, I didn't see any little kids there, so I could be rest assured the vampires stuck to their part of the bargain treaty- no disrupting families.
She began to speak. "Look, you have to make some friends somehow, and I know you can do it, even if you don't think so. I can't be here to watch over you all the time. Like Heero," who has been gone since the Order left, "we're going to have other things to watch over, you understand?"
"Yes, mom, I get it. I've been by myself before, you know, like two hours ago?"
She scoffed this off and began to walk away somewhere, "That was in the human world," and to my unasked question, "I'm going to buy some groceries. You, as a Lord, must stay here until the party ends. Be a good boy and get some freebies alright?"
I didn't know how she could have confidence in me to get some freebies when people didn't even like the way my blood smelled. In a few minutes, I was alone to look at dead bodies, feeding vampires, and mean vampires. I wandered aimlessly around, ignoring the people who tripped me or bumped into me on purpose. Nothing seemed interesting until I got to a group of white-cloaked figures, about twenty or thirty of them, kneeling in a corner. Across them in the opposite corner were twenty or thirty people dressed in blue cloaks. Their faces I couldn't see, but I knew that they were scared; the way some of them shook or had wet cheeks made it clear. At first, I believed they would provide for live feed as entertainment, and I would find a quiet place alone when that happened, but then I saw that some of them had sharp fangs- some of them were vampires.
I sniffed experimentally and discovered from their smell that they were actually mutts like me, but they must have been at the wrong end of the war or something. They weren't exactly reigning lords like I was. Well, I wasn't exactly a reigning lord, but you get the idea.
"Spoils," said a light voice behind me, very masculine, and very bored. Beside me was the insanely tall, insanely gorgeous Prince Kushrenada. He looked even more enthralling up close, and suddenly I felt the need to feed again. "And the poorest... slaves," he went on obliviously, a slight tilt to the end of his explanation that I did not miss.
"Fuck," I muttered, breathing in to control myself, but it wasn't that easy when there was blood in the air and a powerful vampire Royal beside me. Somehow I managed it without working up an uncontrollable arousal. Woohoo for me.
"Do you become aroused spontaneously, or is it just me?" the vampire asked, and his voice sounded so serious that I shook my head negatively. Then I thought about it. What he said was true wasn't it? Except for those obvious times, I just become aroused arbitrarily. So I nodded.
It took a lot of courage to stare up, and up into the face of the bored Kushrenada. His hands held his elbows behind his back, and his face had the weirdest expression, I felt compelled to rub my face to feel anything crusty or hanging.
"What is it?" I finally asked, hoping my voice sounded reverent enough that he wouldn't tear me to pieces.
He cocked his beautiful head to one side. "I can't read your mind."
Ah. That was new.
"It's one of my special abilities and is very powerful- yet, it's not working on you. Odd."
Yeah, odd. Hope it didn't get me killed. But I didn't say that, instead I said, "Well, don't worry about it, hotness, nothing much goes on up there anymore. It will probably be more interesting counting the number of words in the Latin language."
The corners of his mouth twitched, and then both elegant eyebrows raised up to his hairline, as if he was surprised to find me amusing. Then his face broke out into an all-out grin that faltered after a moment. "Why did you call me 'hotness'?"
He had to be joking, right? I mean, he couldn't be so stuck on old Latin that a simple phrase like that confuddled him. After a few minutes of his bewildered expression, I saw that he was completely serious.
"It mean's you're hot." His eyebrows only drew together more forcefully. "It's like slang for saying you're handsome."
Kushrenada's eye's narrowed, no longer smiling. "Human slang?" he spat.
"Yep!" I said cheerfully. "C'mon, your ancestors used to speak in Latin, and then your great-great-grandparents started using thee and thou and English, and now here you are, speaking, no offense, a watered down version, or the slang of what they used to speak."
He was surprised at my logic. Hell, I was surprised at my logic. A person thinks smarter when it meant the difference between ticking off a vampire and entertaining him.
"Where did it derive from?" he asked, sincerely interested. Both arms have come from his back to cross over his chest. He towered over me like a great beast- how the hell did he get so big- staring with rapt attention. I was more or less forced to come up with something.
I rubbed the back of my head, feeling my long braid, then answered, "I'm not too sure, but I think it is because when someone sees someone else they like, you know, they start to feel hot. And then someone decided to use it to say, 'you're hot' instead of 'you're fucking arousing', you know?"
"That makes sense, even if you did just make it up."
"Thank you," I said, hoping that it was a compliment. Focusing myself back on the 'spoils' I asked Kushrenada, "What are they here for?"
He shrugged. "To sell, to eat, whatever."
"Dammit," I cursed because I bet there were just enough of them to... "I wish I could have them."
"The Maxwell family has enough," he said with disgust. "I hate that such an interesting one such as you is his son. Moreso that you're of mixed blood."
Well, excuse the hell out of me! I wished he could read my mind so he could see how I imagined smashing his brains in, but he seemed the right kind of fellow to tell the truth to and come out uninjured.
"Look, Kush-"
"You have a fucking long-ass last name."
He blinked, startled at my contemptuous voice probably. I sounded a bit madder than I felt. A calculating gaze settled on his face and he said, "Please, call me Treize. That's my first name."
"Alright Treize, you gotta understand that the only relation between Lord Maxwell and me is that half of me came from his nutsack-" he burst out laughing, and his usually stoic face smiling had me losing some of my steam,"-and that's about it. Second, you need to get your head out of the books, or is it that no one knows my father and his servants died?"
Treize laughed harder, and the people, including a few jealous women, turned around to stare.
"I don't think the nutsack joke was all that funny," I said but he waved me off, getting control of his laughter.
"It's not that. You do realize they didn't die, right? They left."
"But Hilde said-"
"Hilde! She was just researching how to get into your 'Fun Room' or whatever you call it before the Order found her. Then she was ordered to get you, since you were the legal heir for the place."
I fumed inside, thinking how I should have raped her on the ride here- now I really wanted to kill her. "And Heero?" I asked, and staking the answers; if he was in on it, he'll become my pet, no doubt about it, and I don't care if I had to fight for it!
"Heero didn't know until you went into the Fun Room. Hilde had let her guard down, and Heero threatened to rape her or tell you, and then you would rape her. Whichever way, she won't betray you again," said Treize in a compassionate tone, though it was just a little of human instinct slipping before and then quickly replaced with his vampire boredom.
"Sure as hell she won't," I spat. "Well, if you read their minds about that, why did you say I have enough slaves?"
The tall vampire shrugged. "I was under the impression that a portion of the slaves had stayed. I guess not?"
"No." A portion? How does he know that the others were gone?
"I'll have to talk to my father about these." He said this with such a manly smile, that I cuoldn't think of him having a dad. "You're so interesting, I would give them to you for free but it is not my choice to make. I'll have to think of something interesting that will amuse the guests and my father."
"And yourself."
He gave me a sad smile. Right then, Treize looked a thousand years older. "Nothing amuses me anymore." He began to walk towards the door just inside the wall; it seemed to just appear there out of nothingness. Probably to go make arrangements with his dad.
"You need to get laid," I called after him, and I could hear his rich laugh before the wall, no door, closed behind him.
"You're a special character," said one of the robed figures on the floor; it was a she, seemed like. She didn't raise her head and hardly moved her lips. "It takes a lot to get Kushrenadas interested in anything."
"Doesn't seem like you're supposed to speak," I said as a warning.
She gave the very faintest of shrugs. "Don't care. Probably going to die or sold off and battered, anyway. I just wish I could've fixed my brother another plate of venison and seen his face."
The bitterness in her voice made me cold, made me want to take control of her and love her right at that moment as she believed she was going to die or face a life of misery. I don't believe any person has the right to manipulate another's life unless it was punishment or granted or just better to keep the peace. I wasn't sure why this girl was here, but for her to wish to fix another dish for her brother was too much.
"You cook?" I asked, getting her mind off her brother.
This time she nodded enthusiastically. "I love to cook."
"If this game or whatever comes to a good end, I'll make you my cook."
"Really? That would be nice... I know that this may be a lot to ask, but, if you do win whatever, could you take my brother as your pet? I don't want him to end up like Kushrenada. He's still young, but there's nothing in life without love...and... and if I go, I don't want him alone."
"Are you dying soon?"
"No!" she cried, laughing a bit, "No, it's just that, maybe if I find a lover, or he's the type to settle down with someone, I don't want to leave him a third wheel or alone."
"Depends on what he looks like, doll."
"He's gorgeous, but he has a few...problems."
I leaned down to notice her full lips and the tears running down her face. No matter what, I was going to at least have her and her brother. "Problems can be fixed, and maybe all we need is a little of Fate on our side, alright?"
Somehow, that seemed a lot more believable than I really thought it would be.