Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodlust ❯ The Prank ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: I did not intend for such a long time to pass before I released another chapter. In fact, I wrote this.. Goodness, sometime in October! I just started reading and that was a bad idea (well, not really, but you get my point) This is a fairly short chapter, but I like it anyway (even if it is unedited)! You know what else I like?
shevaleon: That's why Heero's there! I'm sure I put that in the first chapter, if not, sorry. And he's going to amuse Tri-Tri (who I realize as Treize, right?) to the farthest extent. Treize will always get laid. Always.
Anon: Does that stand for anonymous? Well, I'm still trying to incorporate that feature.. But it's hard to bring those old guys back.
anime gal: Thank you, I haven't given up.. I just keep reading other things or writing other things. But I like how you guys are keeping me up. Sorry to make you wait!
Lasae abyss: Does you name mean something? It sounds familiar. Oh, so that's what tongue-in-the-cheek mean. Thank for describing my fic like that, and Duo :D I tried changing the summary. But it doesn't seem any better, lol.
Summary: Duo discovers a big prank and loses control
The Prank
I couldn't imagine Treize being smaller than anyone but a giant werewolf, yet his father, though not by much, stood taller than him. His hair was gray and spiky, as if he didn't bother with the monotonous routine of brushing his hair anymore. A small woman with longer, but even less untidy hair stood by him. By her similarity to Treize, and the way she molded herself against Lord Kushrenada, I guessed this lady to be his mother.
Oh yea, they were pretty much as attractive as their son. Luckily, no ranging hormones or thirst attacked me this time.
Lord Kushrenada gestured to the white-robed slaves then whispered across the room in that vampire quick-talk that I never acquired. I also don't know how to change into a wolf, though I'm part werewolf as well. It sucks to be a mutt.
The middle of the hall cleared as the Lord and Lady went to sit down- the Lady settling quite comfortably on a cushion, leaning to the side to rest her head on her husband's lap. It was sort of cute in a we're-not-a-sadistic-couple way. Treize stood by looking like a dutiful son, watching with the barest hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Duo Maxwell, welcome to our residence," boomed his voice, but if you were deaf, you would think he was about to go to sleep. "I've heard from my son that you would like to own the leftover pets of this week." Geez, they got this many in one week! "I'm not one to just give things away without compensation or at least amusement. Since you have nothing to compensate with, as your late father's servants have ran off with everything-" The hall erupted into an uproar at a gesture the Lord made around his hall or maybe an inside joke I wasn't in on, but I only focused on the girl.
Blinking slowly, Lord Kushrenada continued, "You have nothing to compensate with. So, to add to our amusement, we challenge you to a bet," and now his eyes began to shine. "There are several groups of siblings of the opposite sex between the white group, the girls, and the blue group, the boys. If you can correctly choose those of the same consanguinity, we will be glad to give you the rest."
Skeptical outcries followed. Those who had brought compensation for the slaves or had been looking forward to a large feed now felt left out by a mutt like me. Suck it up bitches. This was going to be easier than I thought. Fate was on my side.
"What are the rules?" said Lord Catalonia's daughter or whoever. Her lips quirked a bit when I glared at her.
"Yes," Lady Kushrenada said, "There should be rules... What should be the rules?"
And her husband instantly responded, "You may only ask one question to each group, and you may not unveil one until you have chosen him or her specifically."
Fate can kiss my pretty ass.
"You have ten minutes," Treize added.
And that overgrown beast can too.
"Begin," said the Lady.
Not to waste time, I picked the girl out from the white robe crowd and pushed off her hood. Glistening gray eyes widened, her face framed in vibrant red curls.
"You look just like your father... This isn't good," she muttered, staring obsequiously at the floor.
"Kneel, woman, and turn around. Be silent," gruffed Lord Kushrenada, and I was about to retort until I realized she wasn't my servant yet. I needed to find her brother, and if she was turned and unable to speak, that was going to make it hard. My audience seemed to know that too; even the pets who were displaying themselves were allowed to watch me either ruin the fate of these group of people, or make them clean my house.
I had thirty-two boys to choose from, and I had no idea what the hell to do. One question wasn't going to help- I couldn't ask if he was this girl's sister because she was turned around and their heads were down. She couldn't speak, so damn it all if I ruined it now. I hope she wouldn't blame me.
It was five minutes of deliberation before an idea came to me. I strode over to the table and grabbed a fork and a plate of fingers, quickly counting to make sure I had enough when some of them would begin to eat. This would make me very sick, but I just felt that it had to be done.
"I want you to tell me what you want rather than what I'm giving you, only when I ask you. That's my single order," I said, and though it wasn't technically a question, no one said anything, so I guess all was good. Or maybe, from the looks on their faces, even the impassive ones of the Kushrenadas, they were just too confused to correct me.
The boys were in four rows of eight... So I started with the first one and hung the sweet-smelling meat under his nose. Even for a man with my tolerance, this hunk of finger was certainly appetizing. Without a second thought, he ate it from the fork. He seemed to wait for me to say something, but my gut feeling told me this wasn't the guy. I went through the next eight with pretty much the same results. The tenth one turned away, but he had fangs from the roof of his mouth and from his bottom jaw, and everyone knows that signal a werewolf, or at least a part wolf. Another gut feeling told me this girl's brother was a vampire at least.
I was on my twenty-second when Treize warned me, "Two minutes, Maxwell."
Fuck, I forgot I was on a time restraint. But I'd be damned if Fate wasn't on my side. The twenty-third hardly flinched. I pressed the finger to his lips and smeared blood all over his mouth, but he didn't open up nor did he move. He wasn't going to eat it, I knew, but I also thought I was on the trail. But I had to be sure. I put the plate away finally.
"What would you rather have?" There was a collective gasp at this, for they were all waiting for me to finally ask something. Now they paused for his reply.
He merely opened his mouth, and it wavered for a bit before closing again.
I reasserted, "What would you rather have?"- a little short from asking would he rather have venison, but that would be a different question and breaking the rules. I noticed, in a cheating sort of way, that he had full lips like the girl. If he was anywhere near as pretty as her, I was going to fuck him raw tonight.
"You have to answer me," I growled, much to my chagrin, and to his. He merely whimpered and began to shake; his already pale skin become sickly gray. I noticed too late that he was hugging himself. Must have been out of his wits scared by someone like me.
Then it all came crushing down in a ton of bricks, like an epiphany. The shady way Treize explained the slave's situation, the reason why Hilde left so early, the reason why everyone was laughing at me-other than for my race- and I felt like I was put out of a joke, the reason why they got the slaves this week, the reason why the girl said I looked like my father, and the reason why this guy was scared shitless.
These were my slaves! The decorations, this was all mine! Not like I wanted those- hell, the Kush family could keep it all, but it was pretty shitty to throw me out of the loop like this.
But I bet it was pretty damn interesting.
"Do you choose that one, Duo?" Treize asked genially, picking out his fingernails.
"If I say yes, will you give me my stuff back?"
Everyone went all quiet again, then the Kushrenadas started laughing, and the slave facing me rocked back and forth, as if I was adding onto his misery with my mere presence. Which, if my assmuptions about my ol' dead dad were correct, was probably true. I picked him up by a freezing cold elbow and placed him behind who I was sure would be his sister. The first thing he would see when he pulled back the hood would be his sister, not the look-alike of some psycho who didn't do him justice as a Sub, slave, or pet.
"Yea, I pick him anyway." The girl squealed with delight when she uncovered his head. So I was right, but I didn't look. I wasn't going to soil his happiness with something he probably dreaded, something he ran away from.
"And you will receive your possessions back," Treize said, giving my hand a firm squeeze. "Was it my clue that helped?"
"You mean your lie?" I retorted, and he snorted in response. "Is this how you pass the time? Teasing people?"
"No," he denied, and I didn't quite understand, but he just walked around me and said to the crowd, "All those who have gambled a million, please line up and give us our due. We will then divide the profits among us winners." The losers started to fall in line, opening purses, briefcases, and checkbooks.
"You guys betted on me! And then you lied about... What did you lie about?" I wasn't so sure anymore, everything became so confusing so quickly.
"Hilde and Heero were in on the bet- your servants and assets are hidden in my castle, and these people are your slaves. However," he said seriously, "your dad really is dead, along with his children. We just don't know how."
Okay, it was much easier to deal with a drunken father who burst to ashes in the sun, but not some clueless case of the Death of a Really Rich Person That We Aren't Going to Worry About Now.. and the moral of the story would be that leaving things alone could really bite us in the ass. I'll just have Hilde and Heero's sorry asses look into it.
Speak of the devils!
Hilde at least had the decency to look ashamed, blushing to the roots of her hair, but Heero only crossed his arms like he did nothing wrong. He leaned against a pillar near the entrance while Hilde made her way to me through the loser line paying their dues on their lost bet.
"Oh, Lord Maxwell-" she began, but I cut her off.
"Oh! After making me look like a dumbass, you want to call me lord?"
Hilde gave me one of those 'don't be like this' sighs that I've heard for a long time. "Let me explain." I stayed quiet so she continued, "You're like the outcast of this group. If this was high school you'll be like the goth or the nerd. Everyone expects you to be the weirdo your father was, and believe me, you don't hit too far from the mark."
Astounded. That was exactly how I felt. I was the outcast, the nerd, and everyone thought I was just like my dad, the freak necrophiliac. My eyes hardened, and Hilde took a precautionary step back, and I knew my violet irises were probably glowing with power. I was insanely angry. I have never had a person, less a group of people make a fucking fool out of me! What have I done to these Royal bastards? This was worse than my first days in the army.
Suddenly, Heero was beside me, arms still folded. "Calm down, Duo."
"Yea, I should just take all this shit in stride, shouldn't I?" I said bitterly, watching his face for something, anything. Dammit, I needed a fuck. I tried not to look at the siblings I saved, the two very beautiful siblings. "I want to go home, and by the time I wake up, I better have my shit and my people in my house."
"You'll get your things back in due time, Duo," Treize said, and I noticed the genteel way he said it, as if he was speaking over a motion sensor bomb.
"It's Lord Maxwell, Prince Kush."
A crack snapped in the air-I pressed a nerve and he was ready to fight. I was already holding in my energy to knock someone out. With this excuse, our powers clashed in short spurts of light energy and loud cracks.
"Duo." Heero was warning me, and I knew it was in my best interest to follow the caveat.
Trieze overrode him, fangs bared. The people beside him, his parents, and a number around us were watching our exchange like the new season of CSI. Pondering what was going to happen and how will it all turn out. "I'm sorry, Duo, but you must be delusioned to think I am obliged to give you any honorary name whatsoever. Besides, why would a pureblood like myself grovel for such a mixed blood like you."
"You sure you pureblood? Looks to me like you're a bit wolfish."
"Foolish, Duo, foolish. Just shut up. We will go home!" Hilde cried, anxiously tugging at my sleeve, but I didn't move. "They'll have your stuff ready someday."
"I want it at my home soon, all in working condition, and my slaves too."
Treize snarled even worse than that Lord Catalonia, who was watching our exchange with interest. His daughter, Dorothy, I remembered, gave us a look that said "Stupid men."
"Maybe you should bring them now, if you distrust us so much. But I can promise their safety if you take it back."
"Take what back?" I asked innocently while Hilde whispered the thousands of ways I could be killed this very moment. "Oh, you mean when I told you are a landless, daddy's little boy that looks like a were-" Pretty much seething on and on, I was pretty surprised when Heero knocked me the fuck out. Despite that, I couldn't be more grateful. Without him putting me unconscious that precise moment, a vampire attack would have made me painfully conscious that Treize's weight was an advantage to him more than something to make fun of.
I slept peacefully that morning.
shevaleon: That's why Heero's there! I'm sure I put that in the first chapter, if not, sorry. And he's going to amuse Tri-Tri (who I realize as Treize, right?) to the farthest extent. Treize will always get laid. Always.
Anon: Does that stand for anonymous? Well, I'm still trying to incorporate that feature.. But it's hard to bring those old guys back.
anime gal: Thank you, I haven't given up.. I just keep reading other things or writing other things. But I like how you guys are keeping me up. Sorry to make you wait!
Lasae abyss: Does you name mean something? It sounds familiar. Oh, so that's what tongue-in-the-cheek mean. Thank for describing my fic like that, and Duo :D I tried changing the summary. But it doesn't seem any better, lol.
Summary: Duo discovers a big prank and loses control
The Prank
I couldn't imagine Treize being smaller than anyone but a giant werewolf, yet his father, though not by much, stood taller than him. His hair was gray and spiky, as if he didn't bother with the monotonous routine of brushing his hair anymore. A small woman with longer, but even less untidy hair stood by him. By her similarity to Treize, and the way she molded herself against Lord Kushrenada, I guessed this lady to be his mother.
Oh yea, they were pretty much as attractive as their son. Luckily, no ranging hormones or thirst attacked me this time.
Lord Kushrenada gestured to the white-robed slaves then whispered across the room in that vampire quick-talk that I never acquired. I also don't know how to change into a wolf, though I'm part werewolf as well. It sucks to be a mutt.
The middle of the hall cleared as the Lord and Lady went to sit down- the Lady settling quite comfortably on a cushion, leaning to the side to rest her head on her husband's lap. It was sort of cute in a we're-not-a-sadistic-couple way. Treize stood by looking like a dutiful son, watching with the barest hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Duo Maxwell, welcome to our residence," boomed his voice, but if you were deaf, you would think he was about to go to sleep. "I've heard from my son that you would like to own the leftover pets of this week." Geez, they got this many in one week! "I'm not one to just give things away without compensation or at least amusement. Since you have nothing to compensate with, as your late father's servants have ran off with everything-" The hall erupted into an uproar at a gesture the Lord made around his hall or maybe an inside joke I wasn't in on, but I only focused on the girl.
Blinking slowly, Lord Kushrenada continued, "You have nothing to compensate with. So, to add to our amusement, we challenge you to a bet," and now his eyes began to shine. "There are several groups of siblings of the opposite sex between the white group, the girls, and the blue group, the boys. If you can correctly choose those of the same consanguinity, we will be glad to give you the rest."
Skeptical outcries followed. Those who had brought compensation for the slaves or had been looking forward to a large feed now felt left out by a mutt like me. Suck it up bitches. This was going to be easier than I thought. Fate was on my side.
"What are the rules?" said Lord Catalonia's daughter or whoever. Her lips quirked a bit when I glared at her.
"Yes," Lady Kushrenada said, "There should be rules... What should be the rules?"
And her husband instantly responded, "You may only ask one question to each group, and you may not unveil one until you have chosen him or her specifically."
Fate can kiss my pretty ass.
"You have ten minutes," Treize added.
And that overgrown beast can too.
"Begin," said the Lady.
Not to waste time, I picked the girl out from the white robe crowd and pushed off her hood. Glistening gray eyes widened, her face framed in vibrant red curls.
"You look just like your father... This isn't good," she muttered, staring obsequiously at the floor.
"Kneel, woman, and turn around. Be silent," gruffed Lord Kushrenada, and I was about to retort until I realized she wasn't my servant yet. I needed to find her brother, and if she was turned and unable to speak, that was going to make it hard. My audience seemed to know that too; even the pets who were displaying themselves were allowed to watch me either ruin the fate of these group of people, or make them clean my house.
I had thirty-two boys to choose from, and I had no idea what the hell to do. One question wasn't going to help- I couldn't ask if he was this girl's sister because she was turned around and their heads were down. She couldn't speak, so damn it all if I ruined it now. I hope she wouldn't blame me.
It was five minutes of deliberation before an idea came to me. I strode over to the table and grabbed a fork and a plate of fingers, quickly counting to make sure I had enough when some of them would begin to eat. This would make me very sick, but I just felt that it had to be done.
"I want you to tell me what you want rather than what I'm giving you, only when I ask you. That's my single order," I said, and though it wasn't technically a question, no one said anything, so I guess all was good. Or maybe, from the looks on their faces, even the impassive ones of the Kushrenadas, they were just too confused to correct me.
The boys were in four rows of eight... So I started with the first one and hung the sweet-smelling meat under his nose. Even for a man with my tolerance, this hunk of finger was certainly appetizing. Without a second thought, he ate it from the fork. He seemed to wait for me to say something, but my gut feeling told me this wasn't the guy. I went through the next eight with pretty much the same results. The tenth one turned away, but he had fangs from the roof of his mouth and from his bottom jaw, and everyone knows that signal a werewolf, or at least a part wolf. Another gut feeling told me this girl's brother was a vampire at least.
I was on my twenty-second when Treize warned me, "Two minutes, Maxwell."
Fuck, I forgot I was on a time restraint. But I'd be damned if Fate wasn't on my side. The twenty-third hardly flinched. I pressed the finger to his lips and smeared blood all over his mouth, but he didn't open up nor did he move. He wasn't going to eat it, I knew, but I also thought I was on the trail. But I had to be sure. I put the plate away finally.
"What would you rather have?" There was a collective gasp at this, for they were all waiting for me to finally ask something. Now they paused for his reply.
He merely opened his mouth, and it wavered for a bit before closing again.
I reasserted, "What would you rather have?"- a little short from asking would he rather have venison, but that would be a different question and breaking the rules. I noticed, in a cheating sort of way, that he had full lips like the girl. If he was anywhere near as pretty as her, I was going to fuck him raw tonight.
"You have to answer me," I growled, much to my chagrin, and to his. He merely whimpered and began to shake; his already pale skin become sickly gray. I noticed too late that he was hugging himself. Must have been out of his wits scared by someone like me.
Then it all came crushing down in a ton of bricks, like an epiphany. The shady way Treize explained the slave's situation, the reason why Hilde left so early, the reason why everyone was laughing at me-other than for my race- and I felt like I was put out of a joke, the reason why they got the slaves this week, the reason why the girl said I looked like my father, and the reason why this guy was scared shitless.
These were my slaves! The decorations, this was all mine! Not like I wanted those- hell, the Kush family could keep it all, but it was pretty shitty to throw me out of the loop like this.
But I bet it was pretty damn interesting.
"Do you choose that one, Duo?" Treize asked genially, picking out his fingernails.
"If I say yes, will you give me my stuff back?"
Everyone went all quiet again, then the Kushrenadas started laughing, and the slave facing me rocked back and forth, as if I was adding onto his misery with my mere presence. Which, if my assmuptions about my ol' dead dad were correct, was probably true. I picked him up by a freezing cold elbow and placed him behind who I was sure would be his sister. The first thing he would see when he pulled back the hood would be his sister, not the look-alike of some psycho who didn't do him justice as a Sub, slave, or pet.
"Yea, I pick him anyway." The girl squealed with delight when she uncovered his head. So I was right, but I didn't look. I wasn't going to soil his happiness with something he probably dreaded, something he ran away from.
"And you will receive your possessions back," Treize said, giving my hand a firm squeeze. "Was it my clue that helped?"
"You mean your lie?" I retorted, and he snorted in response. "Is this how you pass the time? Teasing people?"
"No," he denied, and I didn't quite understand, but he just walked around me and said to the crowd, "All those who have gambled a million, please line up and give us our due. We will then divide the profits among us winners." The losers started to fall in line, opening purses, briefcases, and checkbooks.
"You guys betted on me! And then you lied about... What did you lie about?" I wasn't so sure anymore, everything became so confusing so quickly.
"Hilde and Heero were in on the bet- your servants and assets are hidden in my castle, and these people are your slaves. However," he said seriously, "your dad really is dead, along with his children. We just don't know how."
Okay, it was much easier to deal with a drunken father who burst to ashes in the sun, but not some clueless case of the Death of a Really Rich Person That We Aren't Going to Worry About Now.. and the moral of the story would be that leaving things alone could really bite us in the ass. I'll just have Hilde and Heero's sorry asses look into it.
Speak of the devils!
Hilde at least had the decency to look ashamed, blushing to the roots of her hair, but Heero only crossed his arms like he did nothing wrong. He leaned against a pillar near the entrance while Hilde made her way to me through the loser line paying their dues on their lost bet.
"Oh, Lord Maxwell-" she began, but I cut her off.
"Oh! After making me look like a dumbass, you want to call me lord?"
Hilde gave me one of those 'don't be like this' sighs that I've heard for a long time. "Let me explain." I stayed quiet so she continued, "You're like the outcast of this group. If this was high school you'll be like the goth or the nerd. Everyone expects you to be the weirdo your father was, and believe me, you don't hit too far from the mark."
Astounded. That was exactly how I felt. I was the outcast, the nerd, and everyone thought I was just like my dad, the freak necrophiliac. My eyes hardened, and Hilde took a precautionary step back, and I knew my violet irises were probably glowing with power. I was insanely angry. I have never had a person, less a group of people make a fucking fool out of me! What have I done to these Royal bastards? This was worse than my first days in the army.
Suddenly, Heero was beside me, arms still folded. "Calm down, Duo."
"Yea, I should just take all this shit in stride, shouldn't I?" I said bitterly, watching his face for something, anything. Dammit, I needed a fuck. I tried not to look at the siblings I saved, the two very beautiful siblings. "I want to go home, and by the time I wake up, I better have my shit and my people in my house."
"You'll get your things back in due time, Duo," Treize said, and I noticed the genteel way he said it, as if he was speaking over a motion sensor bomb.
"It's Lord Maxwell, Prince Kush."
A crack snapped in the air-I pressed a nerve and he was ready to fight. I was already holding in my energy to knock someone out. With this excuse, our powers clashed in short spurts of light energy and loud cracks.
"Duo." Heero was warning me, and I knew it was in my best interest to follow the caveat.
Trieze overrode him, fangs bared. The people beside him, his parents, and a number around us were watching our exchange like the new season of CSI. Pondering what was going to happen and how will it all turn out. "I'm sorry, Duo, but you must be delusioned to think I am obliged to give you any honorary name whatsoever. Besides, why would a pureblood like myself grovel for such a mixed blood like you."
"You sure you pureblood? Looks to me like you're a bit wolfish."
"Foolish, Duo, foolish. Just shut up. We will go home!" Hilde cried, anxiously tugging at my sleeve, but I didn't move. "They'll have your stuff ready someday."
"I want it at my home soon, all in working condition, and my slaves too."
Treize snarled even worse than that Lord Catalonia, who was watching our exchange with interest. His daughter, Dorothy, I remembered, gave us a look that said "Stupid men."
"Maybe you should bring them now, if you distrust us so much. But I can promise their safety if you take it back."
"Take what back?" I asked innocently while Hilde whispered the thousands of ways I could be killed this very moment. "Oh, you mean when I told you are a landless, daddy's little boy that looks like a were-" Pretty much seething on and on, I was pretty surprised when Heero knocked me the fuck out. Despite that, I couldn't be more grateful. Without him putting me unconscious that precise moment, a vampire attack would have made me painfully conscious that Treize's weight was an advantage to him more than something to make fun of.
I slept peacefully that morning.