Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds of Love ❯ Chapter 3
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Notes: This is a fusion with the book: So Worthy My Love by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. While there will be no text reproduced here, the story line will follow the book's almost exactly, any changes made not too drastic.
Category: Yaoi, AU, Gundam Wing, fusion with a book
Pairings: will be 1x2, vague hints at 3x4/3+4
Warnings: none
Author: Arigatomina
Bonds of Love
Part 3
It was hard to breathe, wrapped up in the curtains, and Duo had no excess air to let out any complaints. Not that he didn't want to, as the softness beneath him had given way to an unyielding hardness as the cart rocked over the trail the men were taking. Each bump made his body ache and his anger scream at him as he was consumed with a need for revenge. It was all he could do not to move, but he knew it would do him no good to anger his captors as he was completely helpless at the moment. Instead, he tried to content himself with the knowledge that sooner or later they would have to unwrap him. Then, he was determined to see that they paid.
The muffled sounds of rapid hoof-beats broke the quiet as the cart was slowed to a halt and Duo felt a rush of excitement as he wondered if his uncle had actually come to save him. While he hadn't even dreamt of such a thing, he was still consumed with hope as the sounds grew closer. Even if the approaching men weren't looking for him, they were still possible rescuers and he had just made up his mind to try and attract their attention when a heavy foot hit the hay near his head. The warning was clear to him, and he bit back his need to moan in anger as he realized he didn't dare risk it. Still, he held his breath as the riders continued to near them, not letting it out until he heard the sound suddenly begin to diminish again. While he couldn't see it, he was correct when he hopelessly guessed they'd taken a different path from the one his kidnappers had chosen.
Fighting back the hotness that tried to reach his eyes, he glared at the black surface so close to his face. It was obvious that help wouldn't be coming from those people and he wondered who it was that had taken him. His first thought had been someone hired by Heero Yuy, but this had quickly been discarded as there was no reason for the man to want him. No, it was more likely his cousins and this realization made his blood run cold as he was suddenly sure of it. They were a cowardly lot, and it would be just like them to use the distraction Heero had made to pull off the kidnapping. This was not a comforting thought and he wondered sadly if Treize really *had* betrayed him as Edward had warned he would. But it didn't really matter as he was still captured, and his heart sank low as the cart began to move again.
* * *
When they finally unwrapped him, Duo found that not only were his limbs a bit too frozen for a sudden retaliation, but even the dim light from the moon above hurt his eyes. As a result, he lay still for a moment as his eyes adjusted then slowly looked at the ones who'd captured him. His first thought was that they were much younger than he'd expected and he stared at the taller one, taking in his evenly muscled form as he knew that one would be the one to watch out for. The other was shorter, pale blonde hair gracing his head and pale blue-green eyes watched him without a hint of malice. Still, he wasn't about to let down his guard and he made it to his feet slowly, hiding his grimace as pins and needles ran through his muscles.
Since neither of the two made a step towards him, Duo let himself take in their location, his muscles tensing as he saw how deserted the forest seemed. There was a river nearby, the bank not far from him, but other than that, all he could see were trees and shrubbery, no lights that signified people. Looking again to the two watching him, he grew cold as he could only think of two reasons for them to bring him to such a place. His not recognizing them meant his cousins hadn't been behind this, since they didn't' have the funds to hire kidnappers. That meant the two had either brought him there to kill him, or to use him for their pleasure. Either way, he wasn't eager to find out and he sidled back a bit as his eyes flitted toward a nearby tree. There was a long branch caught on one of the lower limbs and he marked it as a weapon as he moved within grabbing distance.
The taller man had stepped towards him, his green eyes wide as he seemed about to speak, when Duo grabbed the branch. He didn't bother to give any warning as he lunged forward and swung the thick wood, striking the young man in the side before he high-tailed it for the woods. While he wanted to hurt them more, he knew they probably had guns on them and it was better to escape without immediate revenge than to have a bit of revenge and die for it. Duo hadn't gone far at all when he heard the two chasing him and he was suddenly grateful to his soft slippers as they made his progress nearly silent. Holding his cumbersome skirts so he wouldn't be slowed, he dodged trees, bending at the waist so he wouldn't be seen over some of the higher bushes. Not that it was easy to see anything with the leaves blocking most of the light, but he wasn't taking any chances.
He kept running until he was cut off abruptly, his mouth falling open in disbelief as he stared at the nature-made wall that blocked his escape. Fate was obviously unhappy with him as the thicket was impenetrable, the long thorns more than he was willing to go up against. Instead, he turned back the way he'd come, running to the side as he tried not to meet his pursuers. His steps were still quiet and he could hear them passing him as he headed back to where he'd been released. The river and clearing came into sight as the tree cover was broken, and he ran faster as he hoped to find escape with whatever route they'd used when they'd brought him there. It was his skirt that betrayed him as he tripped suddenly and he'd no more than pushed himself off the grass when a weight dropped onto his back, pinning him down.
Groaning as he was practically ground into the grass, Duo let out an angry cry. "Get off me!" Nothing surpassed his surprise when the order was promptly followed and he turned slowly to stare at the blonde who'd managed to catch him. Those pale eyes were wide and the young man was breathing quickly, but again, he saw no evil intentions on his face.
"I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to harm you," the blonde said quickly, glancing over his shoulder as the tall man made an appearance. "I've found her, Trowa."
His reddish-brown bangs moving as he nodded, Trowa looked down at Duo, his green eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the slender legs showing beneath the raised skirt. Duo followed his gaze and flushed as he realized they must think he was bold since he was still dressed as a girl. //Well,// he decided, //they can think of me as a girl, that's fine. At least until I find out what they intend to do with me.// Glaring, he started to rise when a belt of pain sprang through his ankle and he realized he'd twisted it in the fall.
The blonde's eyes widened when Duo let out a soft groan and he knelt on the grass. "Are you injured, lady?"
"Stay away from me," Duo ground out, wary of the man though he didn't look too much older than himself. "Who are you?"
"Quatre," the blonde said quickly, nodding. "And that's Trowa. You don't have need to fear, we won't harm you."
"Sure," Duo muttered, keeping his voice light. "Who hired you?"
"We can't tell you that," Trowa said, his voice monotone as he knelt beside Duo. "Is your ankle injured?"
"I twisted it." The young man immediately lifted him and Duo fought the need to struggle as he realized he wouldn't be walking far at the moment. Running was obviously out of the question. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Our orders are to take you to our lord," Quatre said, following as Trowa carried the boy to the bank. "We can't say more than that."
And they didn't, despite Duo's irritation. Neither seemed dishonest in their intentions as they gave him blankets to bed down on and, having given him some food, bid him to rest for the night. It would have reassured him that they didn't tie him up, but Duo was sure the only reason they didn't was because his ankle was a bit swollen. No doubt, they knew he wouldn't get far if he tried to escape. With nothing better to do, Duo wrapped himself in the blanket and closed his eyes as he tried to get some sleep. His only hope was that he'd find himself in better condition to escape after a bit of rest and he eventually dozed off.
* * *
The fire had burnt down to red cinders when he slowly woke again, and he remained still as he looked to his captors through his eyelashes. They were asleep on the side of the fire bordering the forest, cutting off that direction of escape. Duo was infinitely careful as he sat up, making certain he was quiet so he wouldn't wake them. Luckily, he'd always been graceful, as much as his recent clumsiness begged the contrary, and he made it to his feet without gaining notice. While still too sore to last through any running, his ankle felt better and he looked to the river as he found the reason he'd woken. He hadn't noticed before, but there was a small boat near the camp, the sails obviously having aided the wind. It had been blown away from the stump it had probably been tied to, and Duo traced the rope as he followed it to a branch not too far from him. As he'd thought, the rope had been torn, but it was now caught in the tree and it was the soft tapping of the boat's hull against a log that had woken him.
It didn't take long for him to realize that the boat was his obvious means of escape and he wondered how difficult it would be to get on it and release the hindering rope without waking the two, who were still sleeping. With careful steps, he made his way to the log the boat was tapping against, and he paused as he found it coated with slick moss. Still, he couldn't hesitate and he inched forward till his hands gripped the side of the boat, his head turning so he could look to the rope. It was then that he noticed a second rope tied to the boat and he crushed his groan as he saw this rope was tied to the foot of the tall man, Trowa. Obviously, he'd been prepared just in case his prisoner tried to escape during the night. Since he didn't have so much as a knife, Duo had just made up his mind to untie the second rope from the boat when the wind suddenly picked up again.
Blowing hard against the sail, the wind shoved the boat out towards the river and Duo gave a sharp cry as he tilted forward. He barely kept his hold on the edge of the boat, and he fell against its side, knocking loose the rope that had been caught in the tree. Whether it was Duo's cry that had awakened them mattered little as Trowa was suddenly jerked toward the river, the rope tied to his ankle dragging him forcefully. Quatre had no more than sat up when the tall man was suddenly jerked into the water and the boat was blown away from shore, Duo holding tightly to the side of it. The blonde stared for a moment in complete stupefaction, then he took off, running along the shore as he kept pace with the speeding boat.
Duo drug himself upwards, grateful to the height of the boat as he hadn't been immersed in the dark water. After what seemed an eternity, he finally managed to pitch himself onto the floor of the boat and his heart sang as he saw he was being blown farther and farther away from the camp as both the river's current and the wind took him downstream. Then his excitement dwindled as he heard harsh splashing behind him. His shock was great when he saw Trowa being drug behind the speeding boat and it wasn't until he realized the man was pulling himself up with the rope that Duo moved. Within a minute, he had one of the oars that was lying in the boat and he rushed to the back as he tried to knock the tall man back into the water. At best, he merely slowed Trowa's progress and he suddenly straightened again as a loud splash sounded from the front of the boat.
Having followed the runaway vessel's progress, Quatre had found himself on a small bluff that overlooked the river. It had taken only a moment before he'd jumped in, landing in the water directly in front of the boat's path. Duo had run toward the front when he'd heard the blonde's landing and he found himself caught in the middle as both began to climb onto the boat. The rocking as the boat tipped first one direction and then the other, sent Duo off balance and he waved his arms for a moment before falling against the edge of the boat. He tumbled back and over with a long scream which was cut off by icy black water. Shaking and wet, the two men stared as the longhaired girl, as they thought him to be, broke the surface.
It was so cold, Duo didn't immediately understand why he couldn't move. Then he tried to lift a foot and he grimaced as he realized the thickness around his ankles was the sludge that covered the bottom of the river. Luckily, the water was only waist high and he was vaguely grateful that he hadn't fallen on his face as he imagined a mouth full of the thick stuff. He looked up when the boat moved closer to him and he glared with hatred at the two men's shocked expressions. If he could have caught Trowa's extended hand on fire, he would have, but he turned instead and made his pain-staking way to the shore, one slow step at a time.
Dinner was a poor thing, but the blonde had backtracked to where the supplies had been left and Duo was vaguely guilty, despite his reminding himself that *they* were the bad guys. Still, they did give him dry clothing, rags or not, and neither attempted to invade his privacy as he dressed. For this, he was glad as he had decided to uphold his pretense at being a female. Obviously, they expected less opposition out of the fairer sex and Duo meant to take advantage of that. Also, it was easier to hide his purse under the skirt of the old dress he was given. He was very grateful that his distrust of Edward had led him to carrying his life-savings under his skirts as he was sure the money would come in very handy later, during his next escape attempt. After they'd dried and eaten, the two men decided there was no reason not to set sail and Duo gave no complaints as he was escorted to the boat. As surprising as it was to him, Duo was happy when the blonde made a very warm place for him in the back of the boat and he retired there with a lighter heart as he fell asleep thinking of his next escape attempt.
* * *
Category: Yaoi, AU, Gundam Wing, fusion with a book
Pairings: will be 1x2, vague hints at 3x4/3+4
Warnings: none
Author: Arigatomina
Bonds of Love
Part 3
It was hard to breathe, wrapped up in the curtains, and Duo had no excess air to let out any complaints. Not that he didn't want to, as the softness beneath him had given way to an unyielding hardness as the cart rocked over the trail the men were taking. Each bump made his body ache and his anger scream at him as he was consumed with a need for revenge. It was all he could do not to move, but he knew it would do him no good to anger his captors as he was completely helpless at the moment. Instead, he tried to content himself with the knowledge that sooner or later they would have to unwrap him. Then, he was determined to see that they paid.
The muffled sounds of rapid hoof-beats broke the quiet as the cart was slowed to a halt and Duo felt a rush of excitement as he wondered if his uncle had actually come to save him. While he hadn't even dreamt of such a thing, he was still consumed with hope as the sounds grew closer. Even if the approaching men weren't looking for him, they were still possible rescuers and he had just made up his mind to try and attract their attention when a heavy foot hit the hay near his head. The warning was clear to him, and he bit back his need to moan in anger as he realized he didn't dare risk it. Still, he held his breath as the riders continued to near them, not letting it out until he heard the sound suddenly begin to diminish again. While he couldn't see it, he was correct when he hopelessly guessed they'd taken a different path from the one his kidnappers had chosen.
Fighting back the hotness that tried to reach his eyes, he glared at the black surface so close to his face. It was obvious that help wouldn't be coming from those people and he wondered who it was that had taken him. His first thought had been someone hired by Heero Yuy, but this had quickly been discarded as there was no reason for the man to want him. No, it was more likely his cousins and this realization made his blood run cold as he was suddenly sure of it. They were a cowardly lot, and it would be just like them to use the distraction Heero had made to pull off the kidnapping. This was not a comforting thought and he wondered sadly if Treize really *had* betrayed him as Edward had warned he would. But it didn't really matter as he was still captured, and his heart sank low as the cart began to move again.
* * *
When they finally unwrapped him, Duo found that not only were his limbs a bit too frozen for a sudden retaliation, but even the dim light from the moon above hurt his eyes. As a result, he lay still for a moment as his eyes adjusted then slowly looked at the ones who'd captured him. His first thought was that they were much younger than he'd expected and he stared at the taller one, taking in his evenly muscled form as he knew that one would be the one to watch out for. The other was shorter, pale blonde hair gracing his head and pale blue-green eyes watched him without a hint of malice. Still, he wasn't about to let down his guard and he made it to his feet slowly, hiding his grimace as pins and needles ran through his muscles.
Since neither of the two made a step towards him, Duo let himself take in their location, his muscles tensing as he saw how deserted the forest seemed. There was a river nearby, the bank not far from him, but other than that, all he could see were trees and shrubbery, no lights that signified people. Looking again to the two watching him, he grew cold as he could only think of two reasons for them to bring him to such a place. His not recognizing them meant his cousins hadn't been behind this, since they didn't' have the funds to hire kidnappers. That meant the two had either brought him there to kill him, or to use him for their pleasure. Either way, he wasn't eager to find out and he sidled back a bit as his eyes flitted toward a nearby tree. There was a long branch caught on one of the lower limbs and he marked it as a weapon as he moved within grabbing distance.
The taller man had stepped towards him, his green eyes wide as he seemed about to speak, when Duo grabbed the branch. He didn't bother to give any warning as he lunged forward and swung the thick wood, striking the young man in the side before he high-tailed it for the woods. While he wanted to hurt them more, he knew they probably had guns on them and it was better to escape without immediate revenge than to have a bit of revenge and die for it. Duo hadn't gone far at all when he heard the two chasing him and he was suddenly grateful to his soft slippers as they made his progress nearly silent. Holding his cumbersome skirts so he wouldn't be slowed, he dodged trees, bending at the waist so he wouldn't be seen over some of the higher bushes. Not that it was easy to see anything with the leaves blocking most of the light, but he wasn't taking any chances.
He kept running until he was cut off abruptly, his mouth falling open in disbelief as he stared at the nature-made wall that blocked his escape. Fate was obviously unhappy with him as the thicket was impenetrable, the long thorns more than he was willing to go up against. Instead, he turned back the way he'd come, running to the side as he tried not to meet his pursuers. His steps were still quiet and he could hear them passing him as he headed back to where he'd been released. The river and clearing came into sight as the tree cover was broken, and he ran faster as he hoped to find escape with whatever route they'd used when they'd brought him there. It was his skirt that betrayed him as he tripped suddenly and he'd no more than pushed himself off the grass when a weight dropped onto his back, pinning him down.
Groaning as he was practically ground into the grass, Duo let out an angry cry. "Get off me!" Nothing surpassed his surprise when the order was promptly followed and he turned slowly to stare at the blonde who'd managed to catch him. Those pale eyes were wide and the young man was breathing quickly, but again, he saw no evil intentions on his face.
"I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to harm you," the blonde said quickly, glancing over his shoulder as the tall man made an appearance. "I've found her, Trowa."
His reddish-brown bangs moving as he nodded, Trowa looked down at Duo, his green eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the slender legs showing beneath the raised skirt. Duo followed his gaze and flushed as he realized they must think he was bold since he was still dressed as a girl. //Well,// he decided, //they can think of me as a girl, that's fine. At least until I find out what they intend to do with me.// Glaring, he started to rise when a belt of pain sprang through his ankle and he realized he'd twisted it in the fall.
The blonde's eyes widened when Duo let out a soft groan and he knelt on the grass. "Are you injured, lady?"
"Stay away from me," Duo ground out, wary of the man though he didn't look too much older than himself. "Who are you?"
"Quatre," the blonde said quickly, nodding. "And that's Trowa. You don't have need to fear, we won't harm you."
"Sure," Duo muttered, keeping his voice light. "Who hired you?"
"We can't tell you that," Trowa said, his voice monotone as he knelt beside Duo. "Is your ankle injured?"
"I twisted it." The young man immediately lifted him and Duo fought the need to struggle as he realized he wouldn't be walking far at the moment. Running was obviously out of the question. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Our orders are to take you to our lord," Quatre said, following as Trowa carried the boy to the bank. "We can't say more than that."
And they didn't, despite Duo's irritation. Neither seemed dishonest in their intentions as they gave him blankets to bed down on and, having given him some food, bid him to rest for the night. It would have reassured him that they didn't tie him up, but Duo was sure the only reason they didn't was because his ankle was a bit swollen. No doubt, they knew he wouldn't get far if he tried to escape. With nothing better to do, Duo wrapped himself in the blanket and closed his eyes as he tried to get some sleep. His only hope was that he'd find himself in better condition to escape after a bit of rest and he eventually dozed off.
* * *
The fire had burnt down to red cinders when he slowly woke again, and he remained still as he looked to his captors through his eyelashes. They were asleep on the side of the fire bordering the forest, cutting off that direction of escape. Duo was infinitely careful as he sat up, making certain he was quiet so he wouldn't wake them. Luckily, he'd always been graceful, as much as his recent clumsiness begged the contrary, and he made it to his feet without gaining notice. While still too sore to last through any running, his ankle felt better and he looked to the river as he found the reason he'd woken. He hadn't noticed before, but there was a small boat near the camp, the sails obviously having aided the wind. It had been blown away from the stump it had probably been tied to, and Duo traced the rope as he followed it to a branch not too far from him. As he'd thought, the rope had been torn, but it was now caught in the tree and it was the soft tapping of the boat's hull against a log that had woken him.
It didn't take long for him to realize that the boat was his obvious means of escape and he wondered how difficult it would be to get on it and release the hindering rope without waking the two, who were still sleeping. With careful steps, he made his way to the log the boat was tapping against, and he paused as he found it coated with slick moss. Still, he couldn't hesitate and he inched forward till his hands gripped the side of the boat, his head turning so he could look to the rope. It was then that he noticed a second rope tied to the boat and he crushed his groan as he saw this rope was tied to the foot of the tall man, Trowa. Obviously, he'd been prepared just in case his prisoner tried to escape during the night. Since he didn't have so much as a knife, Duo had just made up his mind to untie the second rope from the boat when the wind suddenly picked up again.
Blowing hard against the sail, the wind shoved the boat out towards the river and Duo gave a sharp cry as he tilted forward. He barely kept his hold on the edge of the boat, and he fell against its side, knocking loose the rope that had been caught in the tree. Whether it was Duo's cry that had awakened them mattered little as Trowa was suddenly jerked toward the river, the rope tied to his ankle dragging him forcefully. Quatre had no more than sat up when the tall man was suddenly jerked into the water and the boat was blown away from shore, Duo holding tightly to the side of it. The blonde stared for a moment in complete stupefaction, then he took off, running along the shore as he kept pace with the speeding boat.
Duo drug himself upwards, grateful to the height of the boat as he hadn't been immersed in the dark water. After what seemed an eternity, he finally managed to pitch himself onto the floor of the boat and his heart sang as he saw he was being blown farther and farther away from the camp as both the river's current and the wind took him downstream. Then his excitement dwindled as he heard harsh splashing behind him. His shock was great when he saw Trowa being drug behind the speeding boat and it wasn't until he realized the man was pulling himself up with the rope that Duo moved. Within a minute, he had one of the oars that was lying in the boat and he rushed to the back as he tried to knock the tall man back into the water. At best, he merely slowed Trowa's progress and he suddenly straightened again as a loud splash sounded from the front of the boat.
Having followed the runaway vessel's progress, Quatre had found himself on a small bluff that overlooked the river. It had taken only a moment before he'd jumped in, landing in the water directly in front of the boat's path. Duo had run toward the front when he'd heard the blonde's landing and he found himself caught in the middle as both began to climb onto the boat. The rocking as the boat tipped first one direction and then the other, sent Duo off balance and he waved his arms for a moment before falling against the edge of the boat. He tumbled back and over with a long scream which was cut off by icy black water. Shaking and wet, the two men stared as the longhaired girl, as they thought him to be, broke the surface.
It was so cold, Duo didn't immediately understand why he couldn't move. Then he tried to lift a foot and he grimaced as he realized the thickness around his ankles was the sludge that covered the bottom of the river. Luckily, the water was only waist high and he was vaguely grateful that he hadn't fallen on his face as he imagined a mouth full of the thick stuff. He looked up when the boat moved closer to him and he glared with hatred at the two men's shocked expressions. If he could have caught Trowa's extended hand on fire, he would have, but he turned instead and made his pain-staking way to the shore, one slow step at a time.
Dinner was a poor thing, but the blonde had backtracked to where the supplies had been left and Duo was vaguely guilty, despite his reminding himself that *they* were the bad guys. Still, they did give him dry clothing, rags or not, and neither attempted to invade his privacy as he dressed. For this, he was glad as he had decided to uphold his pretense at being a female. Obviously, they expected less opposition out of the fairer sex and Duo meant to take advantage of that. Also, it was easier to hide his purse under the skirt of the old dress he was given. He was very grateful that his distrust of Edward had led him to carrying his life-savings under his skirts as he was sure the money would come in very handy later, during his next escape attempt. After they'd dried and eaten, the two men decided there was no reason not to set sail and Duo gave no complaints as he was escorted to the boat. As surprising as it was to him, Duo was happy when the blonde made a very warm place for him in the back of the boat and he retired there with a lighter heart as he fell asleep thinking of his next escape attempt.
* * *