Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds of Love ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Notes: This is a fusion with the book: So Worthy My Love by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. While there will be no text reproduced here, the story line will follow the book's almost exactly, any changes made not too drastic.
Category: Yaoi, AU, Gundam Wing, fusion with a book
Pairings: will be 1x2, vague hints at 3x4/3+4
Warnings: crossdressing; out of necessity
Author: Arigatomina

Bonds of Love

Part 4

Even if Trowa hadn't threatened to gag and carry him, Duo wouldn't have tried to get too far away from them as he found himself moving through a very dangerous district. Although he'd never been there personally, he knew of places like these and that law had stopped going into them. As a result, all low-lives and criminals used them as hide-outs, shelters from which to make their plans. No, Duo wasn't looking forward to escaping into *this* area as freedom would probably end worse than captivity. Instead, he gave little resistance as he was drawn down twisted and winding alleys, his eyes worried as the men stopped before a wooden door in the back of a building.

A young woman answered the door and after a few whispered words from Trowa, she let them inside. As far as Duo could tell, the building had a lower level and he was led down some stairs before the three halted before a door. The red-haired woman unlocked this and Duo was gently pushed inside, Quatre giving him a regretful smile as he was told to wait. Not that he had much choice, as the door was immediately closed and locked behind him. For a moment, he stared at it, then he turned so he could view his new prison.

The room looked more like a closet than a room and as far as Duo could tell the cot, the only thing in the room, had just been brought in recently. Even it was dirty and he scuffed his old slippers over the dusty floor, staring at the cleaned spot in disgust. He didn't care *how* poor the people were, there was no excuse for such disgusting laziness. With a loud sigh, he settled on the cot, grimacing as he was certain the brown skirt he wore was as dark as the blanket despite the fact that the covering had once been white. Still, the stains on it made him wince and it wasn't until he looked at the closed door that he understood why the filth irritated him so. Obviously, his mind was trying to divert him from the real problem. He'd been placed in a room with nothing but a bed. Not a good thing.

When the door opened again, Duo let out a silent sigh as he saw it was the woman from before. His relief was short lived, however, as he spotted definite malice and distaste in her gaze. Bearing a tray, she set it on the floor at the foot of the bed and stood, staring at him.

"Well, I can't say I'm not surprised to see something like you here. I'd have thought he'd have better taste than that."

He knew he looked bad with his hair falling out of its braid and his dress very poor, but he was taken back by the blatant distaste on the woman's face. "Do I offend you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow when she let out a harsh laugh.

"Offend me?!" she laughed, staring down at where he sat. "How high and mighty you talk, I'd say you're a might drubby looking to be talking like that."

He wasn't hurt by her snide comment, but then, it didn't matter what she thought of him as he reminded himself that he needed to escape. The woman turned and bent over the tray and Duo's mouth fell open as he saw that she'd left the door wide open. Obviously, she *wanted* him to escape and he didn't pause to wonder why as he was on his feet quickly. Without so much as a glance at the woman, he bolted through the door and shut it quickly, grinning as he found she'd left the key in the lock. It was an easy thing to lock her in and he left the key as he turned to view the darkened hallway.

Again, he thought of what might happen to him in the area they were in, but possible risks were better than taking his chances in that room. Throwing his fears aside, he ran for the stairs, nearly stumbling as he heard a door open beneath him and he threw a glance over his shoulder as he saw Quatre and Trowa looking up at him in surprise. They were joined by a third man and Duo shoved himself up as he ran, holding his skirt out of his way and practically flying up the stairs. He hit the door running, and he groaned when he found it locked, closing his eyes in the agony of defeat as strong arms wrapped around his waist and he was held against a man's chest.

Unwilling to be carried back to the room without a fight, Duo kicked at the man holding him and let out a sharp scream. Then a hand was clamped over his mouth and he was brought back downstairs, the man not seeming to mind his kicks. But then, it wasn't as if he could do much damage with the thin slippers Trowa had given him earlier and he eventually stilled his struggles, vaguely aware that the man might notice his lack of breasts if he moved too much. Still, he glared when Quatre unlocked the door and the woman turned with a disappointed expression.

Dropping Duo with a sharp gasp, the man stared at the tooth-marks on his hand before looking back to him. Since he didn't know who'd ordered his kidnapping, Duo was expecting to find it was this new stranger as the black-haired man stared at him in shock. Then the man gave a small smirk, black eyes seeming to warm as he again glanced from his hand to Duo.

"Well, that was quite the greeting, I must say," he said smoothly, shaking his head when Duo glared daggers at him. "I am Chang Wufei, at your service, my lady."

Duo blinked when the man gave a slow bow and he glanced back as he heard what sounded like a growl. The woman was glaring at him, and he gave her a glare of his own before making a face at yet another ruined escape attempt.

"Is she always so difficult?" Wufei asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at Quatre's unhappy expression.

"Well..." the blonde seemed hesitant, and Trowa stepped forward, giving Duo a sharp gaze.

"Yes," Trowa said, his response saying wonders.

"I see. And how did you manage to escape?" He turned to Duo, but looked past him as he stared at the woman who was currently scowling.

"He caught me with my back turned," she said quickly, making it sound as if Duo had done something horrible that she'd never expected.

"Yeah, and you obviously didn't mind," Duo returned, scoffing as he gestured to her, "She left the door wide open. She was begging for me to escape."

"Why I never!" Enraged, the woman took a step forward, her hand raising as if she meant to slap Duo and Wufei caught her quickly, his dark gaze making her flush.

Staring at the woman in disapproval, he drew her to the door, giving her a small push. "I'd say your services are done here, wouldn't you?" He waited until she'd left before turning to smile at Duo. "Well, no harm done. Trowa, why don't you go get the chest, there really isn't any time to waste." The tall one nodded and left, returning almost immediately with a large trunk held on his shoulder.

As soon as he spotted it, Duo had a horrible suspicion and he took a step back when Wufei turned to look at him. "Tell me you're not thinking of putting *me* in that thing," he said slowly, his eyes impossibly wide. "No way!"

"Don't be afraid," Wufei said, his voice calm, "We simply can't have anyone spotting you as we take you to the ship. Also, you've proven that you're determined to escape and we can't have that either." Since his reassurances didn't seem to help, he nodded his head toward the trunk. "I will make a deal with you. If you give me your word that you won't try to scream or make any move that will draw attention to yourself, I won't tie and gag you."

"What?!" Letting out a frustrated groan, Duo rubbed his palms over his face before bowing his head in defeat. "Why can't you just let me go?"

"It won't take long," Wufei said, not liking the hopeless tone Duo spoke with. "If there was another way, I assure you, we'd use it. But there isn't."

In the end, Duo climbed into the trunk on his own, and he kept his muscles taut as the lid was slowly shut and he was surrounded by darkness. If he'd ever had fears of his death, this beat them all and he felt as if he'd been placed in a coffin that was much too small. As it was, he'd had to curl into a near ball in order to fit into the thing and had it not been for the padding that lined the inside, he was sure he'd have been bruised all over. Mostly because Trowa accidentally dropped the trunk as he was carrying it up the stairs and while the boy had given a heart-felt apology, Duo promised to hurt him later, badly. Still, the ride really didn't take *that* long, no more than an eternity.

When the lid was finally thrown back, Duo was again assaulted by light after blackness and he winced painfully. Then he winced again as he found himself unable to move at all, barely getting into a sitting position as his legs were completely numb. Had Wufei not lifted him, he might have stayed in the trunk inevitably and he was grateful to the man. At least, he was grateful until he was set on his feet and he nearly crumpled to the carpet. Then, his mind shut down as his legs screamed at him and he closed his eyes until the last of his muscles had finally awakened. It was then that he realized he was still being supported by the black-haired man and his pain-fogged mind pinpointed the man's hand on his stomach and the muscled chest pressed close to his back.

Fear sprang to mind unhampered and he lunged away, turning to glare at the man as Wufei looked to him in surprise. He didn't care if the man had been helping him and Duo could still feel fingers touching his side and the way the warm breath had reached his ear. The danger he was in once again became apparent and he grabbed the oak staff that was leaning in the corner of what he found to be a cabin. It may not have been meant as a weapon, but he intended to use it as such as he watched the three men warily, spotting Trowa and Quatre behind the black-haired man. Wufei took a small step forward and Duo swung the staff in a fast arc, warning him to stay back.

"The first one of you who tries *anything* is going to seriously regret it," he ground out, hoping his fear wasn't apparent in his voice. Again, he was convinced they had guns but as he couldn't see any, he left room for a bit of hope that he might be able to fend them off at least for a while.

"Please, English," Wufei said softly, his eyes glowing as he stared at Duo. There was something attractive in a girl with spirit and he found himself captivated by those sparking violet eyes. Most women he'd met were much too passive and he gave a mental compliment to Heero for having chosen such a spirited bride. "No one will hurt you." With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the pair standing behind him, humored by their uncertainty as they seemed wary to leave him alone. Once they were gone, he turned back to Duo. "In truth, you are my guest. You see, this is my ship and as it is the only cabin suitable for a lady, I give you leave to mine."

"Is that supposed to *comfort* me?" Duo asked, his incredulous tone not hidden. "So you'll keep me in *your* cabin, that's a real relief."

Wufei smirked again. "Well, as I was saying, I *will* find it necessary to come in every once in a while as this is where I keep my charts." Directing Duo's attention to one of such papers, he inclined is head. "But other than that, the room is yours. Once we set sail, you will, of course, have leave to the deck of the ship, but I can't risk it just yet. I can't have you jumping and trying to swim to shore, now can I?"

He'd never had much chance to swim, and Duo didn't really care if he missed that opportunity to escape as he knew he wouldn't make it to shore unless it was *very* close nearby. Still, he was irritated that the man thought he'd be reassured by the knowledge that he'd only be intruding occasionally. "You're so very kind," he said sarcastically, glaring at the man.

"I will announce my arrival with a loud knock," Wufei said. He almost laughed at the anger heating the room, but he wasn't prone to laughter and he resisted the temptation. "I'll see you again once we've set sail. Till then, English."

Duo didn't move until the man had left the cabin and he sighed as he heard a lock turn. He wasn't reassured, but at least he hadn't been attacked. //Maybe they really *are* taking me to someone else. But who?// He sat down on the soft bed that was bolted to the floor at the side of the room and rested his head in his hands. //He called me English. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to tell them I'm a boy. But then...that might make things worse. I don't know, though. If they were sent to find a girl, then I'm not the one they're after. They *might* release me. But then...they might also decide to kill me for witnessing their attempts at kidnapping. I don't know what to do...//

* * *