Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Author's Note ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Basic Story Stats:

Christmas Angel
by MoonAngel 002
PG-13 for Language
Shounen-ai pairings

I do not own Gundam Wing, but I do own the girl (can't tell you her name hehehe)

It's about time I get this baby out here. I've had it sitting here on my HD for god knows how long. It was originally going to be this really long ass fic, but I decided to cut it down into 5 chapters. They go as follows. Note there are no chapter titles.

Chapter 1: Heero & Duo
Chapter 2: Wufei
Chapter 3: Trowa & Quatre
Chapter 4: Relena
Chapter 5: Epilogue

I won't be going in depth on why they are out and about. I will put the important details in the flashbacks. And no, the flashbacks are not in the fanfic. The flashback scenes happen outside the fic realm ^^ I wanted to get a Christmas fic out before the day comes. This was supposed to be last years, as I have another idea for what would have been this years. Maybe I can pop them both out lol. If not, you always have this one. And no, the girl in this fic is NOT Usagi from Sailor Moon, even though it may sound like it. It was just some random thing I thought of. Some chapters maybe shorter than others. Sorry about that. Wufei's and Relena's will most likely be shorter, considering their chapters are about them and not a couple.

As always, please read and review. Compliments and criticism are most welcome. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!