Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Heero & Duo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Christmas Angel - Heero & Duo

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It was cold and snowing. For once Duo was happy to get out of that house. Though it wasn't for the reason he had wanted. He sighed and looked around. Christmas was approaching fast. Too fast for his liking. Not that he had a problem with that. He liked shopping for the other guys, sepcially Wufei. It was the time of year that he could actually get away with getting him something stupid and meaningless ..... like a thong or something. Duo smiled at the thought of getting him something like, and maybe a hankercheif to go with it. Duo looked through the window of a store and in the reflection seen a young couple holding hands and kissing. He sighed. 'If only Heero wouldn't be so stuborn' He shook his as tears started to form. He looked away and kept walking down the street. The sun was going down, but he didn't care, he just knew he didn't want to be at home, not right now at least.

~At home~

Quatre paced back and forth. Wufei stared at the blank TV as if watching something interesting. Trowa sat on the edge of the sofa watching Quatre pace. Heero was sitting in the chair cleaning his gun.

"I hope he comes back soon, it's getting dark ... it's supposed to be below zero tonight" Quatre said with worry in his voice.

"Serves him right" Heero said in an acidic tone.

"We would ALL be eating right now if it wasn't for your big mouth Yui" Wufei spat

"What are you implying Wufei" Heero said, wiping down his gun.

"You know damn well what I'm implying" He said, looking back out the window.

Trowa got up and put his arm around Quatre. "He'll be okay, he's streetsmart remember, he's been worse off than this"

Quatre sighed and went to his room, soon after Trowa followed, saying goodnight to everyone. Heero went to his room and began work on his computer. Wufei shut off all the lights and went to bed, he too was equally worried about the braided boy.

~Other side of Town~

Duo walked down the now empty street. Suddenly Duo slipped on a patch of ice and fell backwards, hitting his head slightly against the cold cement. He could hear rustling, but couldn't tell what it was. He slowly opened his eyes only to be met with curious bright blue eyes. It was like you could sea of blue skies. "Angel" he breathed. He could swear he saw wings.

"Perhaps the pleasentries of warmth would comfort you on this cold winter night?" She said in a soft, delicate tone.

"Nani?" He said as he slowly got up.

"Would you like to come in for a while?" She said as she helped him up.

"Uh, sure, why not" He said in his usually cheerful tone.

She guided him to the door where she opened and walked in. She shut it after him and went to the stove to start some hot chocolate. She walked back to him and helped him with his jacket, she set it on the back of the chair and ran her fingers over the lettering on the back.

"Death" she breathed.

"Nani!?" Duo said in a shocked voice

"The lettering, it mean death, doesn't it" She said, more like a statement to herself.

"Hai" He said, a little nerviously.

She sat down in a chair next to him and smoothed her skirt out. She set her arms on the table and layed her head on them, staring into his eyes, as if peering into his soul. This made him very uneasy. She sat up, smiled and extended her hand.

"Tenshi" She said "what's yours?"

"Duo, Duo Maxwell, it's nice to meet you Tenshi" He said, as he shook her warm hand.

Duo couldn't help but feel warm all over from that simple touch. Even when she was laying there looking at him, she looked like an angel.

"I hope you don't mind hot chocolate, I don't have much else to offer you. I run the shoppe attached to this house, and it doesn't sell much beverages" She said as she went to the stove and poured them each a cup.

"No problem, I like chocolate" He said as she handed him the cup.

She walked back to her chair and sat down. She slowly looked him over as she sipped form her mug. She set mug down and put her elbow on the table and her head in her hand and looked at him intently.

"What troubles you Duo?" She said in a soft sympathetic voice.

"Nothing much, just life in general..." He said, then paused.

"It is a loved one?" She asked.

He took a sip from the mug and nodded.

"What did he do to upset you so?" She asked

"Well he ... he ... how did you know it was a he?" Duo questioned.

"If it were a girl, you have said more by now" She smiled.

"Smart" He replied.

She smiled then raised her brow, as if expecting him to continue.

He sighed. "Well, we had a fight ....."


"C'mon, whatya want, I'm goin out today, I got all the rest somethin" Duo said cheerfully

"Nothing" Heero replied.

"Oh c'mon, you gotta want something" Duo said, nearly bouncing off the walls.

"I want you to leave, so I can do my work, now go"


"Now Duo, before I make you leave." Herro threatened.

"You wouldn't do that to poor lil ole me now would ya??" Duo smiled.

Heero sighed and got up, he walked over to Duo and looked at him, square in the eye. Soon the smile from Duo's face faded. He looked around as if trying to avoid the stare. He looked back and seen something other than the soft affection he seen the other day. "Heer-" He started, but was cut off by Heero's hand. They slowly backed towards the door, Heero opened it with him free hand. He let go of Duo's face and stared at him.

"Leave, I don't want anything from you Duo"

"Not even ...."

"Nothing, Duo, now get out of my face" Heero said.

He pushed Duo out of the room hard enough for him to hit the wall behind him. Heero glared at him and returned to the room, slamming the door behind him. He slowly looked to his left and seen Wufei standing there in a towel and a toothbrush in his mouth. The look in his eyes was obviously, for once, sympathy. He lowered his head and looked to his right to see Quatre and Trowa, who looked like they had just woke up. Duo lowered his head and walked past Quatre and Trowa, saying something about having to get some air. Quatre tried to stop him but Duo shrugged off his hand and kept going. Wufei walked past Heero's door, stopped and glared, hoping the pilot felt it, then joined Trowa and Quatre.


".. And that's what happened" Duo said sadly.

"I see" Was all she said.

"I guess it was more like, he yelled and pushed me around, and I took it... I didn't think he was that loud but ... I guess he was" He continued.

He closed his eyes and put his head in his hands and sighed. "I just wanted to get him a present .. .that's all"

Tenshi scooted closer and put her arm around Duo in an attempt to comfort him. She softly patted his back and suggested he stay there tonight, in the guestroom she had. She said it had gotten quite cold in the last hour and didn't want him walking home at this hour. He agreed and followed her to the room she had for him. They said goodnight and closed the door. It wasn't long before Duo fell fast asleep.

The next day Duo said his thanks, for the room and for the shoulder. She said it was no big deal and that if he ever needed anything to come back. He nodded, gave her a quick hug and left. Soon after his departure, she heard the door chime coming from the store, which meant a costomer.

She walked back to the store and greeted the costomer. She looked at him curiously, he had tossled moss green hair and looked like he hadn't slept at all, though his attitude and body language didn't show it.

"Can I help you with something young man" She asked

"I was just wondering if you have seen someone, long chestnut hair, pulled back in a braid?" He said

Tenshi looked at him, much in the way she did with Duo, as if reading the questions he had in his head. She looked at him and he looked back, just as intently. Finally she straightened, and smiled at him.

"If you love him, tell him, I'm sure he'd be happy to hear it" She smiled

"How ... how did you know" He said quietly.

"Emotions speak volumes" She replied.

"So he's been here?" He asked.

She nodded.

"When did he leave"

"About ten minutes ago" Tenshi said.

"Okay .. thank you" He said as he began to walk out the door.

"Young man.." Tenshi called. He stopped and turned around. "All he wants is the truth" He nodded and walked out the door.

Pleased with herself she started to set up shoppe for the day.