Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Wufei ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Christmas Angel - Wufei

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Wufei walked angrily down the street. Silently swearing to himself and glaring at anyone who dare looked his way. He was pissed. Okay, maybe pissed was a tad too strong. Miffed was a better word to use. He had every right to be. They had no reason to yell at him the way they did. He wasn't at fault. Or at least he didn't think so. He walked up to the corner of the street, looked both ways and began to cross. Suddenly out of seemingly no where a car screamed down the street, barely missing him. Now he was pissed. He hastily made his way across the street and glared down the street the car had gone.

He made his way down the busy streets and pondered a bit. He stopped as he suddenly decided to quit worrying. He sighed and looked down at his feet. He seen a rock some ten inches in front him. He sneered at it and kicked it hard, sending it flying up and hitting the sign of the shoppe he was in front of. Suddenly a very large pile of snow fell off and landed on him, covering him in the white fluff.

"And here I thought this day couldn't get any worse" He mumbled. He cursed to himself and started to dust himself off. Which seemed effortless since the snow seemed to get caked in even more. He sighed heavily and gave up. Suddenly there was a hand before him, holding a towel. He followed the hand to it's owner and was met with the most bluest eyes he has ever seen. He could have swore she was an angel of some sort. She smiled softly at him as he took the towel. That smile alone was enough to melt the snow from his jacket. She motioned for him to follow her. Which he did.

They walked inside the little shoppe and he followed her past the counter and into the back room. She motioned for him to sit down. He nodded and removed his coat, setting it gracefully on the chair and continued to sit. She moved with such grace as she went from the cupboard to the fridge to the stove.

"I hope hot chocolate is alright with you. My shoppe does not carry many beverages" She said as she poured the milk into the pan. Her voice was like a melody all it's own. It sang with such kindness and compassion. Such a sound was quite unfamiliar in this world of theirs. It sounded very otherworldly, like it was from heaven itself. As different as her voice was, it was quite nice to listen to and also quite soothing.

Wufei just nodded as he watched her. He noted how careful she was with what she did, as if she had never done it before in her entire life. She turned the stove off and poured the hot chocolate into two mugs. She walked over to the table and set the mug in front of him and sat down in the chair to his left. She offered him a smile as she sipped from her own mug. He took a drink of the warn liquid as a smile started to form.

She set her drink down. Slowly she brought her arms up to rest on the table, gently laying her head into them. She looked at him intently. As if she were searching for something. This made him quite uneasy and very conscious of himself. Determined not to let his guard down, he stared right back. He swore he caught something swirl in those blue depths. Then smiled at him and sat back up, taking a sip from her mug. As curious as she made him, he didn't dare speak. So she did instead.

"If I may ask, what is troubling you so?" She voiced sweetly.

For what ever reason it was, he couldn't seem to lie to her. "I got into a fight with my fr... friends" he said falteringly.


"You could have gotten us killed Wufei!" Heero shouted at the Shenlong pilot.

"It was a miscalculation Heero, it happens all the time" Wufei retorted.

"It shouldn't happen all the time!" He shot back.

"Wufei, please be more careful next time. We can't afford to lose anyone" Quatre said calmly

"What is it with you guys! You never jump at Duo like this when he screws up! And he does it far more than I ever do!" He said.

"Wufei .." Duo said sadly, more so out of pity for the chinese boy than hurt.

"Just leave me alone" He said as he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.


She smiled and nodded as if she understood. She sat there quietly with a look on her face he couldn't describe.

"There is nothing wrong with admitting one is in the wrong. Nor is it unjust or dishonorable. If you were to blame others for your mistakes, instead of yourself, only then would it be" She said to him.

He sat there, astonished at what he heard. He wondered if she had the ability to delve into ones mind to see what they were thinking. It bothered him quite a bit that she had been able to read him so well. Especially when his guard did not falter. He huffed and took another drink from his mug.

"I'm sure your friends would appreciate it. I doubt they would taunt or laugh at you. Real friends would not do such a thing. They are quite understanding when it comes to such things as this" She said as she smiled brightly at him.

That much was true. They never did it before. Sure they'd never let your forget it, but they would never laugh at you. Not even Duo would. Maybe she was right. He was the one that was wrong. He just didn't want to admit it. Could he ever? Yes. He knew he could, as much as he hated it. But he knew it was all out of worry and concern. They had all grown quite close over time. He knew Heero didn't mean it the way he had taken it. And he needed to tell them. Any little rift between any of them set their whole "family" on edge. He nodded to himself. He knew what he had to do.

He drank the last of the hot chocolate and got up from his seat. He grabbed his jacket, which was now completely dry and put it on. he straightened himself and turned towards the young girl.

"I apologize, I didn't get your name" He said softly.

She smiled "Tenshi"

"Thank you Tenshi. What you said made quite a deal of sense. And I think it's time I went home. I have some important things to take care of" He said with a smile. Tenshi ... yes the name fit her quite well.

Again she smiled, but this time more brighter. To his surprise she hugged him gently, telling him he could come by whenever he wanted to and that he was always welcome. He hugged her back and said his thanks. They both parted and walked towards the front of the shoppe. She moved behind the counter as he neared the door. He turned to her and bowed gently before leaving.

Tenshi smiled to herself as she arranged things on the countertop. Somehow she knew she would be getting quite a few more visitors before Christmas was over.