Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Trowa & Quatre ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Christmas Angel - Trowa & Quatre

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Quatre ran down the busy street, weaving in and out of small crowds. Tears clouding his vision. He dangerously crossed the busy intersection, cars honking at him to get out of the way. He didn't care. He silently wished one of them would jolt forward and end this pain he was feeling in his heart.

He slowly came to a stop and rested in front of a small shoppe. He leaned up against the red brick wall and slowly slid down into a sitting position. He hugged his legs to his chest and lay his head upon them. Quiet sobs racked his small form. He felt like his whole world had just crashed down around him. He didn't know what to do. He just knew he couldn't stay in that house.

It felt like he had sat there for an eternity when a gentle hand shook him from his thoughts. Startled he looked up and was met with brilliant blue eyes that shined like heaven itself. He could feel her aura pulsate around her. He smiled sadly at her as she held out her hand. He gently took it and she helped him up off the cold cement sidewalk. She gestured to her shoppe and started to walk inside. She stopped at the doorway and looked back at him. She motioned with her hand for him to enter. He smiled softly and nodded, walking into the warm shoppe.

He followed her past the countertop and into another small room. She walked to the table and pulled out a chair and then walked over to the stove and started to make some hot chocolate. Quatre sat down at the table and watched her work. There was something about her that made him comfortable. Maybe it was her presence or her kindness towards him. He wondered if she was this kind to anyone or just him due to the condition she found him in.

She turned the stove off and poured the hot liquid into two mugs and then walked over to the table. She put his mug down and sat herself next to him. She rested her elbow on the table and her head in her hand. She smiled gently as her blue eyes seemed to sparkle. Then just as suddenly she took a sip from her drink.

"If I may, what seems to be troubling you?" She asked the blonde Arab.

"I .. I got into a fight with ... with my .. koi .." He said quietly, nearly on the verge of tears.

He sniffled "Well ... not really a fight .. more so that ... I bothered him and he yelled at me .." He said as he put his head in his hands.


"Trowa, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me. I still have some things to get" Quatre said as he drapped his arms around the silent boy.

"I can't" He said as he shrugged his koi's arms off of him.

"Oh ... are you busy?" Quatre said, moving to the boys side.

"What does it look like" Trowa said in a somewhat harsh tone.

"Oh .. well I'm sorry then .. I didn't mean to bother you" Quatre said as he winced at his love's harshness.

Trowa sighed in annoyance "Well you are, now please leave!" He said as he started to raise his voice.

Quatre muffled a sob as he ran out of the room.


Tenshi scooted her chair more towards him and started to rub his back. "It's alright, I understand"

Quatre cried quietly and then looked up at Tenshi. She smiled warmly and got up from her chair. She walked over behind the table and opened a door. She asked him if he would like to stay the night, since it had gotten quite cold since he has been there. He graciously accepted and went into the room.

Tenshi was cleaning the table and stove when she heard someone enter the shoppe. She moved towards the front and was greeted by a young man.

"Excuse me ... I was wondering if you had seen ... " Trowa started.

She nodded, not needing him to finish his sentence "He is resting in the back"

"May I see him please" He asked politely.

Tenshi sighed "I don't not like to force another's presence onto a person who is not yet ready to be faced"

Trowa looked down with guilt. He understood. "Then I will wait"

Tenshi smiled sympathetically and disappeared into the other room. She came back a short while to see Trowa still standing firmly in place. She smiled and motioned for him to follow her. Once into the back room she gestured to the room behind the table. He smiled and bowed slightly before knocking and entering.

When neither one emerged after two hours, she knew everything would be alright and continued on to her work. After cleaning she closed her shoppe and went to bed.

Sometime in the early morning Tenshi had made them breakfast, which they both accepted greatly. She hugged them both and bid them warm wishes for the holidays. She watched them with a smile as they both left her shoppe hand in hand.