Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Relena ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Christmas Angel - Relena

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Relena walked sliently through the park. It was a brisk night, a night that was infact before Christmas Eve. Relena held a small gift in her hand. Wrapped in a brilliant gold paper with a small silver bow attached to it. The tag read 'To Heero. With love, Relena'

She sighed heavily as she entered the well lit shopping district. She tried to find the shop where she bought the her gift but seen that it was closed. She sighed again and shook her head. She turned suddenly at the sound of a door opening. That door belonged a young blue eyed girl of whom she'd never met. And Relena was fairly certain she met everyone.

"Excuse me, but you are .." She asked as politely as she could.

"I am Tenshi. Please to meet you" She said as she held out her hand.

Relena shook it and noted how soft her skin felt. As if it were made of clouds and feathers. She shook her head slightly "My name is Relena"

Tenshi smiled and opened the door wider "Would you like to come in? It's gotten quite cold out"

Relena smiled and obliged. As they entered the small shoppe Relena easily felt at home. She couldn't quite describe it. Tenshi led her into the small room attached to the shoppe and motioned for her to sit.

"I hope hot chocolate is to your liking Miss Relena. My shoppe doesn't carry many beverages" She said happily.

"Oh it's quite alright. I like hot chocolate" She said as she smiled.

Relena felt quite calmed by Tenshi's presence. She felt ... heavenly despite all that had transpired. Tenshi's voice was also quite comforting. Like the sound of angels singing heavenly praise.

She was knocked from her reverie when Tenshi put the mug down in front of her and seated herself. Tenshi's eyes never left the girl as she sipped from her mug. She smiled and her eyes sparked something Relena didn't recognize.

"You seemed troubled Miss Relena" She stated.

"Hai ... I went to give this present to the one I love .... but he rejected it" She said sadly


"What do you want" Heero said coldly.

"I came to give your christmas present Heero" She said as she handed it to him.

He scoffed and shoved it back into her hands "I don't want it"

"But you don't even know what it is" She said, almost pleadingly.

"I don't care"

"But ... I bought it because I .."

"Look, we've been through this a thousand times! I don't love you, I am in love with Duo. Do you think you can understand that now!?" He said as he raised his voice to her.

"But .. I ... " She started

"I don't have time for this Relena, go find someone else to give it to, it's not wanted here" And with that he shut the door in her face.


Tenshi smiled sadly as Relena sniffled. She patted the girls hand. "I understand child, but you need to also"

"What do you mean?"

Tenshi straightened. "You are blinded by your love for him, that you cannot and will not accept his love for another. Do you love him Relena? More than anything on earth?"

"Yes. Yes I do Tenshi" She stated proudly.

"Then love him enough to let him go. He is happy where he is now. Pursuing this will only cause more hurt to yourself. If you want him to be happy, then let him be with the one he chooses. And if he does not choose you, accept his decision, for it is his to make. Having his friendship is better than not having him at all" She said wisely.

"I'm sorry Tenshi ... I love him too much to let him go. Thank you for the hot chocolate" And with that Relena promptly stood and walked out of the shoppe.