Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Christmas Angel ❯ Christmas Angel: Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Christmas Angel - Epilogue

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"C'mon you guys!! I wanna get there early so we can get good seats" Duo said as he pulled Heero along.

"It's just a tree Maxwell, it's not like we're going to miss something" Wufei said as he crossed the street with the rest of the boys.

"But it's the lighting of the TREE! We've got to see it! Right He-chan!?" Duo said as he glomped the boy next to him.

"If you say so" He said with a small smile.

"Uh .. where's Trowa and Quat-man?" Duo said as he looked around.

"Over there by the orchestra" Wufei said as he pointed at the snuggling couple.

"Awwwe" Duo exclaimed with wide eyes.

Heero rolled his eyes as he continued to walk towards the tree. He noticed something shimmer out of the corner of his eye. He turned and seen Tenshi talking to some people who had gathered near the tree. He never did thank her for helping him and Duo.

"Waii there's Tenshi!" Duo shouted as he started to drag him over to her.

"Tenshi!?" Wufei said as looked in the same direction. 'I didn't know they knew her' he thought as he stode over to them.

Quatre looked over to where he thought he heard Duo yell when he noticed Tenshi among a small crowd of people. He smiled brightly and whispered to Trowa, who at this time turned his attention towards the young girl. He nodded and they both walked over to her.

Tenshi said goodbye to the people when she noticed a new bunch heading her way. She smiled brightly as she seen who they were.

"Waii Tenshi!" Duo said as he hugged her tightly.

"Hello Duo .. Heero. I am pleased to see things are doing well between the two of you" She said happily.

"Thank you ... for helping us" Heero said as he shifted uncomfortably.

She smiled and nodded, leaving it at that. Then her attention drew to the young chinese boy whom she had met earlier in the week.

"Thank you Tenshi ... your wise words helped learn more about myself and others. I am greatful" He said as he smiled and bowed.

She bowed back and turned her attention to Trowa and Quatre, who were standing comfortably close with their hands entwined in one another's. She smiled softly at the both of them.

"Thank you so much. I was able to understand alot thanks to you and your kindness towards me and Trowa" He said as he hugged her.

"Yes, thank you Tenshi" Trowa spoke quietly.

Tenshi nodded and smiled at them. She watched with amuzment as they talked amongst themselves. Mostly about her and the help they graciously recieved. Neither one knowing the other had met her. Today was becoming quite a day for surprises.

"Hey you guys, it's going to start!" Duo exclaimed.

The small band played "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" as the Tree was light up in the small square. It was a beautiful site to behold. Gasps were heard from the crowd, even the pilots were in awe of the site before them. Gathered in a small circle they smiled to each other, glad something so trivial as these past days could not break the bond they shared.

"Tenshi" A small voice called.

All looked towards the voice and were quite surprised that it belonged to Relena. Tenshi approached the girl as the boys gathered behind her. She smiled softly.

"I thought about what you said last night. And I realized I was being quite childish. And I am sorry that I ran out like that" She said as she hugged Tenshi tightly.

Relena looked at Heero and walked towards him. He held tightly to Duo's hand as she stood before him. She held out the small box she had tried to give him the day before. He glared at her.

"I want you to have this Heero. I would rather have your friendship than nothing at all." She said quietly.

Heero took the box and opened it. He looked at the box again and then back at her.

"I think there is someone who is more suited for that gift than you or I" She said as she smiled at him.

Heero, for once, smiled at her and then hugged her. "Thank you for understanding" he whispered.

Heero then turned to a slightly peeved Duo. Heero grabbed Duo's hand and the took the gift from the box. Duo gasped as he seen what it was and his eyes slightly watered.

"This is for you Duo. To my one and only love. Merry Christmas" Heero said as he slipped the gold band onto his left ring finger.

Duo looked at it in awe. It shined brilliantly against the Christmas Tree lights. Duo was on cloud nine. He was so happy he swore he heard angels sing.

Duo glomped Heero in the biggest hug he had ever given him. "I love you Heero ... now and forever" He whispered as he kissed him softly on the lips.

Heero kissed Duo back and hugged him tightly. All too soon they broke and put some space between them. "I love you too Duo .. always"

Tenshi smiled at the sight before. Things were as they should be. She silently prayed for each to have a full and wonderfull life.

"Merry Christmas my children" She said as she slowly disappeared into the crowd.

Duo once again took in the sight of the Tree. He smiled brightly at it. Bringing back such good memories.

"Look mommy .. there's no star!" a child exclaimed.

Duo looked up and notice there was an angel there instead. He wondered when they had changed it to an angel.

"Yes, sweetie, that's the christmas angel" The mother said as she ushered the child off to the car.

"Angel ... Hey where's Tenshi!" He asked outloud.

"She was here a minute ago" Relena said as she looked out into the crowd.

"I wonder of if she went back to her shoppe." Quatre said as he began the short distance to her shoppe.

All were surprised to see that the shoppe was empty and looked as if it hadn't been used in years. They all looked at each other and back at the shop. "I don't get it" Relena said outloud.

"I do" Duo said as he smiled.

"Well ... what is it Maxwell" Wufei said as he crossed his arms.

Duo smiled as he grabbed Heero's hand as he turned towards the tree "Do you believe in Angels"

Tenshi .. their christmas angel .. had brought to them the best present anyone could give.

Compassion .. understanding .. paitience and kindness. They had all felt at such ease next to her and even though she was not present, they knew she would always be there.