Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Crossover ❯ Poppy Pomfrey ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7
Madam Poppy Pomfrey was, in her own words, fit to be tied.
An hour ago she had been preparing for the arrival of the students by double checking her supplies, when Minerva McGonagall had all but stormed into the infirmary. Behind her (and obviously under the mobilicorpus charm) came a small, slender boy that looked like he hadn't seen the interior of a shower room in quiet some time. Poppy hadn't dared to comment (lest Minerva be really as pissed off as she looked) and turned her attention to evaluating the boy's condition. It was less the satisfying (and that was the biggest understatement of the year).
By what the deputy headmistress told her (and what her own evaluation had revealed), they could piece together that the boy had been under serious abuse for at least three months. The wounds of the flesh would heal easily, but the wounds of the mind…
It had come as no surprise, thus, that upon waking the child had bolted for the farthest, darkest corner he could find. It was heart-breaking to watch those wide, dark eyes look at them with such distrust.
In the end, she had to use a relaxing charm so that he would allow her to move within healing distance. And even then, she could see that his every nerve was on edge.
Injuries treated (as fast as she could) and the child was immediately guided to a bed and ordered to change into a set of pajamas and to lay down.
She then turned towards Minerva and sent her a "look", trying with all her might to convey the message "you had better explain" to the other witch.
Minerva looked slightly affronted at the insinuation of her not telling the truth of the matter, but she finally mouthed something that suspiciously resembled the words "Albus' office" and Poppy reluctantly agreed.
By then, her young charge had finally settled into bed and seemed to be assessing them both more closely. Whatever he saw seemed to help him calm down enough for him to allow Minerva to approach his bed.
-"You must be hungry. Would you like something to eat?"
A cautious look.
-"I assure you it will be edible and will not contain anything remotely similar to a drug."
Poppy sent a pleased smile at Minerva as her own coaxing seemed to convince the boy.
Well, that and the quiet impressive roar of his stomach.
It was a blushingly humble little boy who finally ate his porridge.
Half an hour later, and both women were pleased to see the boy curl up under the blankets and go to sleep, obviously feeling quiet safe in their company.
A glare at Minerva served to remember the stern woman that explanations were still needed and got both women to begin their trip to the headmaster's sanctum.
They hadn't even made it to the door when hurried tapping on one of the windows and a faint screech gave them pause. They both turned towards said window and caught sight of a snow-white owl.
Minerva was letting the bird in before Poppy even managed to recognize it. An image flashed through her mind, though. A pale, green-eyed boy, the owl sitting comfortably on his shoulder.
-"Harry Potter's owl?"
Minerva was frantically trying to untie a small scrap of parchment from the owl's leg.
The dark haired witch finally got the letter and began to read.
The door to the infirmary crashed open, Albus Dumbledore standing at its threshold.
-"What does it say, Minerva?"
Slightly panicked dark eyes locked on him.
-"The express has been attacked."
For a second, Albus looked as if the whole world rested on his shoulders. But only for a second.
-"We must go. Poppy, we will probably need on-field medical attention, so you're coming with us."
Both witches nodded.
-"How far away do you think they are?"
-"An hour by train, at most."
Poppy immediately began packing some potions, just in case.
The door opened again, this time to admit Hagrid.
-"All is ready, professor Dumbledore."
The group hurriedly moved to vacate the silent infirmary, not realizing how truly empty it then was.