Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ Demon ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gundam Wing is copyright...Sotsu, I think it is, and a few other important companies and people, and I obviously don't own these wonderful bishounen.



D uo: What is wrong with you woman? Do you not need sleep or something?
Duo: Oi, oi....


Death Becomes Him
~By Shimegami-chan
Part 10
This part will be shorter than most of the rest. I had no homework tonight and other than watching GW, all I did was write write write. This fic seems to be getting fairly popular, and I really really really like it. But I think I spent too much time reading dark fics this afternoon, I am in a really dark mood and what I am about to do is horrible. Forgive me.

Duo half-limped and half-ran into the living room and threw himself on the couch. No way. This can't happen.

Heero seemed to think he was some sort of demon. He was, wasn't he? This was torture. This was completely beyond everything. Heero, his Heero, had practically rejected him. True, it seemed Heero didn't know he really was Duo, but the things he had said still hurt. 'Death in his eyes...' Duo wiped away tears to get up and look in the mirror. He couldn't see what Heero saw, neither did he see the sparkle everyone claimed was his best quality. HIs eyes were dead, emotionless.


What are you so afraid of? He was right, you're dead, you're Death, you're a demon. You've changed, Duo Maxwell. Are you even really Duo Maxwell anymore?

He didn't know.

He stepped back and regarded himself in the mirror. Long, luxurious hair, peircing violet eyes, sculpted chest, firm abdomen, slim hips and legs--the boy had a body that anybody would kill for, male or female. He had always been proud of himself, proud of his looks and his attitude and his personality. Now that Duo seemed to have been sucked into this new one, the sad, grim one with Death hiding just behind the indigo eyes and all sparks of life long ago crushed.

I was right all along. Why didn't I notice it before? I'm not just the God of Death, I am Death. Everything that was alive within me has been snuffed out.

And I don't care anymore.

That was how Quatre found him the next morning, on the floor, wearing nothing and crying in his sleep. The little Arab picked up Duo gently and carried him into one of the spare bedrooms. The American whimpered a little bit and clutched a handful of his hair.

What's happened to him? I don't understand... Quatre carefully closed the door and went to find his friend some clothes. When he knocked on the door to Heero's room he got no answer, so he stepped inside.

The room was a wreck. There was glass and blood scattered all over the floor and, Heero was lying on the bloodsoaked bed gasping and crying out, locked in some kind of nightmare.

"Heero!" Quatre ran to the Japanese pilot, whose arms and legs were streaked with blood. "Heero, wake up!"

Heero cracked his eyes open a small bit. "Quatre....the devil came for me last night."

"What?" The blonde boy gasped at all the cuts on Heero's body. "What happened to the mirror?"

"I broke it," Heero said simply. "Sorry."

"Daijobu, my friend. Are you all right?"

"I'm all right. He came to me in a dream last night, you know."

"Who?" Quatre was afraid of the answer.

"Duo. But it wasn't the real one, not the Duo I knew. His eyes were dead. He's following me, I see him everywhere. He acts just like Duo, looks just like him...but his eyes are dead."

Quatre had already seen that in the real Duo's eyes, not long ago. Whenever he thought about Heero, it seemed.

"He's going to catch up to me soon, you know." Heero's voice abruptly took Quatre out of his reverie.

"Who, Duo?" Quatre didn't like where the conversation was going.

"No, the demon." Heero smiled serenely. "He was so perfect...I want to give in to him, Quatre, I really do. But then, the real Duo..."

Quatre began to sweep up the glass. "Oh, Heero."

"I'm trying to forget, I really am, Quatre. I took all his clothes out of the closet. I've hidden away his hairthings and his hat, I've put his possessions away. I don't think it's enough."

"No?" Quatre felt so sympathetic, but he felt he should be worrying more about Duo at the moment.

At that point Duo strode into the room, wearing a pair of Heero's spandex shorts and a tank top. His face was red with blood and sweat and tears, his glorious hair was frenzied and wild, his eyes seemed to peirce holes right through Quatre's soul.

Quatre held his breath. Did Heero see Duo? The Japanese boy stared blankly ahead as Duo stood in the doorway, hands in fists, breathing hard. "You don't want me."

Heero looked at Quatre and quietly said, "Thanks for cleaning up the mess."

"No...problem." Quatre was disappointed and feeling quite sorry for Duo. Duo marched right up to him and looked Quatre in the eyes. "Forgive me, my friend. I'm about to betray that trust that you put in me."

Suddenly Quatre wasn't in control of himself anymore, and wasn't surprised.

Don't do anything you'll regret later.

Duo screamed inside their head. He doesn't see me, he still can't, he said the most horrible things last night! Quatre, you don't get it, he was telling the truth, you were right, he was right, I'm dead and my eyes are lifeless and my soul is shattered! I am DEATH! And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to change that!
Duo.... the anguish in Duo's voice struck Quatre to the core.

Duo, still in control of Quatre's body, got up on the bed with Heero, whose eyes were closed. "Heero..."

The ice-blue orbs shot open.

Duo reached out to touch Heero's chin, make him look into Quatre's aquamarine eyes. "Heero...I..."

Quatre almost couldn't stand to look, but he was mesmerized. He didn't even attempt to wrest control of his body back from Duo. So much pain...

Duo leaned in and kissed Heero deeply, and Quatre couldn't help but wonder whether the American pilot was as mad as he seemed. Heero sat there, coldly, not pushing Duo away, not returning his love.

"What's wrong?" Duo purred, licking a droplet of blood from Heero's cheek.

"Demon." Heero's eyes were vacant, staring.

"Heero! How can you say that?!" Duo was obviously shaken up. Quatre surmised that he wouldn't be in control much longer.

"Easily. I'll kill you, you devil." Heero was dead serious. Tears were starting to stream from 'Duo's' eyes.

"Heero...please...I don't know why you think that, I don't see how...Duo Maxwell is a demon! The God of Death!" he almost screamed. "Nothing has changed, but the real Duo is dying, he's dying dying dying and you're the one killing him!"

"He's already dead." Heero said simply. "Soon you'll be, too. Or maybe I'll be the one that ends up dead. It doesn't really matter to me."

"IT MATTERS TO ME!" Duo screamed. "I know it's hard to beleive! It's impossible! But I'm the real Duo. If I'm a demon, than I always was. Please don't do this to me, Heero!"

Quatre shivered when Heero burned his steely gaze into him. " can stalk me as much as you want, I'll just end my life earlier. But do not try to tell me that you're Duo, not with those cold eyes. I know better. Release Quatre, and leave me alone."

Duo relinquished control suddenly, but Quatre was too busy crying to care. He could feel Duo's pain as real as if it were his own. Is there nothing I can do?

Kill me. Kill me. But I'm already dead.


This is hell!

Quatre just lay there, sobbing, Duo screaming in anguish inside his head, Heero glaring darkly at him from above.


Shi-chan: Damn, I'm gonna explode.
Duo: You have no right to complain!
Shi-chan: I don't even know if I can *post* this! It's horrible!
Duo: You warned 'em fair and square...
Shi-chan: Ack! *Goes insane and apologizes profusely to the people who her fics for their fluff factor--if they got this far* So sorry! Really!