Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note: Ah, a nice gorey fic. Ain't I the nice one. Something terrible has happened. And Trowa has no idea what is going on. Why are all these people dieing?.....What is going on and what is doing this? Can he stop this from happening or.....will something important to him be lost?

The rain poured in endless sheets that night as a young girl ranging from the age of 15 or 16 stood at the window of her home. The rain beat down roughly at the glass of the window, the air was cold but the house was plasently warm because of the blazeing fire which crackled in the stove. The girl had a worried yet calm face as she watched carefully out the window into the blackness of the night.

She let out a sigh and suddenly gasped and went to the door quickly. She opened the door to the house quickly and a boy stepped him his hair plastered to his now pale face his body seemed to be limp and the blood now started to gather on his left arm and and drop down his arm and to the floor. The girl let out a shakey breath and touched the wound lightly the boy insisted it was alright but the girl would not agree. She went for some bandages and came back to repair the boys arm which flinched when his arm was moved but it was soon cleaned and bandaged and she placed her hands on her hips and looked at him with a bit of anger in her voice."You went there again didn't you. Even when I specifically told you no. Now what do you have to say for yourself?Hm?"she asked. The boy merely shrugged and muttered under his breath."Sorry, sis."His sister sighed."Look theres so many things that could happen to you if you go there. Now please listen and stay away from there."she said with pleading eyes. The boy nodded.

After she had scolded him enough she sent him off to bed. It was around midnight or so that night when something strange seemed to be going on. The girl seemed to be awoken by a sound and she shifted in her bed and felt through the darkness of her desk for some matches to light her oil lamp which sat on the nightstand beside her bed. But the lamp ended up on the floor when something tugged at her leg and sent her to the floor with a gasp and just as she hit the floor something sharp peirced through her stomach and the blood flowed out in a dark sticky red the sharp object twisted through her stomach, ripping it open and making the blood flow thicker and a darker shade of crimson her insides like they were being torn out of their places her bones were now being hit against making her gasp and cough her body trembling then go weak as the sharp obejct moved and peirced her directly in the heart, she went limp and dead...the object now ripped down her body and left it cut open fully....the blood coated the wooden floor in a deep red crimson stain.


"Sis!?Come on get up!It's time to get!Are you going to make breakfast?"asked the boy as he started to opening the door to her room but stopped as he glanced down at his arm which had the bandage somehow removed and it only was a thin pink scar which was still noticable at first glance. He touched it lightly and it felt perfectly fine. He shrugged.

He continued opening the door and looked in the room and saw the bed empty but noticed a slight redness at side of the bed. He opened the door further and got a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. It felt like he had to throw up any minute. He walked in nervously and stepped over to the bed and noticed a dark substance flowing past the bed.He held both hands over his mouth and stepped over to the side of the bed where the blood flowed from and what he saw made him run from the room quickly shutting it behind him and running straight outside. Seeing his sisters body decapitated and

He took in deep breaths and let the tears flow swiftly down his pale cheeks. He fell to his knees and cried. What happened..? Who did this to my sister!? He thought rubbing the tears fiercly away.


5 years later....


"Trowa!Trowa!"a young blonde haired boy called, his blue eyes bright and full of life.

He ran through a beautiful field of grass still green but around it could be seen the ending of the warm summer was ending, he stumbled slightly, because of the speed he was running.

A brown haired boy looked up his bangs covering one side of his face, one emerald green eye showing, it held a sweet yet mysterious look and seemed to hide all the emotion. He sat with a flute rested in his lap.

The blonde boy ran up to him he breathed heavily, he gasped in air showing he was out of breath and had been running for a long time."Thought *gasp* you *gasp* were *deep breath* here!"the boy said trying to catch his breath.

The one called Trowa stood up from the tree stump he was sitting on."Yes. Why did you run all the way out here? You know you shouldn't. You know you can't catch your breath very good Quatre."Quatre only shook his head and waved a hand assuring Trowa he was fine.

"I know, I'm sorry. But Trowa I have something to tell you!" the blonde said, very excited, that he could barly stand in one spot.

"Well what is it, Quatre. You're diing to tell me."asked Trowa unable to hold back the slight laugh that escaped his lips as he watched the blonde's excitement.

Quatre grinned widely. He let out a deep breath and sat down on the tree stump where Trowa resently sat."Need to rest."he said brushing the blonde strands of his bangs from his eyes."Well ok. Elder said theres gonna be a traveling circus stopping here for awhile and I can't wait a traveler stopped by and said they were on their way here! Oh and elder also told me to come out here to tell you he needs to speak with you!"Quatre explained then taking a deep breath.

"Alright. Did he say what he wanted?"asked Trowa.

Quatre shook his head."No he didn't."he said."All I know is that its something about the old house next to yours. I think he wants the circus people to stay there I'm not sure." he added taking in another deep breath.

Trowa nodded."Ok, can you walk back alright?"

"I'm not sure. I feel a little weak now, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Quatre told him, with a sweet smile. His breath still deep and rough.

"Alright. You better be."said Trowa giving Quatre a deep intence look. From what Trowa knew Quatre was always a sick child since he was born. He had troubles breathing, but now that he was 15 he should know better not to over do it, but Quatre never listens. Even though Trowa and Quatre were the same age, Quatre was very smaller than normal 15 year olds which made his condition worse.

"I am! I am!"Quatre said."Don't make a fuss over me. I'm perfectly fine."

"Ok If you say so."said Trowa. He turned and walked through the field which led to the road and to their small town.

Quatre got up and half walked, half jogged to catch up to Trowa, and even when he did he struggled to keep up with him."So.."he breathed."Wanna come for supper, Iria's cooking yummie soup, it's the same when you came over before, you said it was great. How about it Trowa?"offered Quatre.

"Sure."replied Trowa smiling.

"Cool!"said Quatre still struggling to keep up with Trowa."..H-hey, slow down!"he said breathing hard.

"Hm? Oh! Sorry!"apologized Trowa. He slowed his walking speed down and looked at the small boy gasp and try to take in air."Are you sure you're ok? Look get on my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way."Quatre nodded weakly.. Trowa knelt down to the ground and let the boy rest against his back as he stood up and kept walking. He felt the boys chest move heavily against his own back which made him more worried.

After about a few minutes Trowa had relized the blonde had fallen asleep. He sighed and smiled shaking his head.You shouldn't over do it like that Quatre. You worry the hell outta me sometimes Trowa thought.

He had known Quatre since they were 11, always had been best friends to him. They didn't live close. Trowa had decided that it was best that he lived away from people. He had no reason for so he said but he insisted on it. But casual trips into town to work, shop or visit Quatre never made him lonely. He had no relatives and rarely ever talked about it. But he loved to listen expessially to Quatre which loved to talk. So that made them a great pair. Quatre often talked about family and what he liked and Trowa loved to see him happy like this.

Since Quatre was usually sick and couldn't do much strenuous activities he was often ignored, teased, or left out by other kids of the town. But Trowa didn't care, he liked Quatre for him not his health.

Trowa made his way through the town and to Quatre's house so he could rest some. He opened the door and stepped inside to see Quatre's sister busily cooking. She had short wavy dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She was quite tall, a real gentle and caring person and she loved to talk like Quatre did.

She turned around."Oh!"she gasped a bit startled."Trowa. I never heard you come in. You startled me!"

"Sorry, but I came to bring Quatre back."

Iria sighed."Poor thing... Take him to his room please Trowa." Trowa nodded and brought him to his room and lie him down gently on the bed and went out where Iria was now sitting at a chair at the table, her hands pressed against her forehead.

"...Is something wrong, Iria?"asked Trowa.

Iria looked up her eyes a bit shaky, like she was holding back tears." It's nothing."

"It's Quatre isn't it?"asked Trowa.

She nodded and began to cry. Trowa walked over to her."Look...I'm worried about him too. But don't let it get to you. He'll be fine."

"Yes but the docter said if he keeps over exausting himself...he....might...."she muttered."He's my responsibility, after father died I was to take care of him and.....I'm afraid.....somethings going to happen to him...."she sobbed whipping stray tears away from her eyes.

Trowa put a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be fine, like I said."He's a smart kid, he knows."

"I know. I'm sorry..."she muttered.

"Don't be. Hey Quatre invited me to have supper, I hope he asked you first."said Trowa.

"Oh yes. He doesn't even need to ask me, your welcome anytime Trowa."

Trowa smiled."Thanks. Oh I'll be back in a bit, Quatre had told me the elder wanted to talk to me so, I'll be back after alright."

Iria nodded and Trowa walked out the door.

Trowa walked down the small stair way and walked past the fountain which was placed in the center of the town where villagers would get their supply of water, when all of a sudden a strange feeling came to his stomach and chest like he was being torn apart from the inside. He fell to his knees, his eyes wide as he coughed violently as if he was fighting for air. Blood came from his mouth as he coughed. He pulled himself weakly to the side of the fountain and drank some water which he had gotten in the palm of his hand. He breathed heavily and whipped the blood from his mouth and noticed afew casual villages staring and a little girl ran up to him. "Hey Trowa, you awright?"she asked. The girl had dark blue hair down to her shoulders which was pulled back into a tiny pug. She looked at him with her giant dark blue eyes.

Trowa nodded and smiled."Yea, Noin, I'm alright go back and play with your friends."said Trowa getting weakly back up to his feet. Why does this keep happening to me?..... I don't understand.... he thought. Noin giggled and nodded. "Awright!"she said waving, then running of to where a group of small girls were playing skip rope.

Trowa shook the dizzy feeling away from himself as good as he could and continued to the house. He knocked on the door and a elderly man came to the door."Ah! Trowa! You came."he said to Trowa."Come in Come in!"

The house was old, rather dusty, and had lots of old statues, rugs, and bottles of different liquids. It had a musty smell to it giving the idea how old it was. The elder was a short quite old man, he had grey hair, or what was left of it. He wore old clokes that looked decades old, and he had beady grey eyes that gave a intelligent look, well the small reading glasses placed on his nose gave him more of the intelligent look. But he was a friendly old man, with a caring attitude for the fellow villiagers and only wanted what was best for them.

He hobbled over to a chair with his cane and sat down."Have a seat Trowa. It's been awhile since I saw you. So how are you getting alone here? Having any troubles you know you could of easily been adopted by one of these families here they would of loved to have you."

"We already discussed this. I'm fine on my own."

"Oh alright. I just suggested since you still can move in with someone here."

"I'm doing fine. what did you want to talk to me about, I told Iria I'd be back to have supper with her and Quatre."

The elder did love to ramble on."Oh how is that boy? Quatre. Are you and him still getting along?"

"Yes fine sir,we get along really well, but-"started Trowa but the elder cuz him off.

"Oh thats good. He really desearves a friend like you."

"Sir, what may I ask did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh! Yes. Well, I suspect Quatre told you about the traveling circus folk?"

"Yes, he has."

"Well you know the old house next to yours, I know it's a part of your property and I was wondering since we have no house vacant and the inn is full that they could spend the few nights they are here at your place."

Trowa paused."...Well....I suppose it wouldn't be a problem.."

"You will?"

Trowa nodded.

"Great! Now they will arrive tommorow afternoon here in the town square to leave their supplies, so be here then to lead them back to your place alright."

Trowa nodded again.

"Ok, you may leave now."

Trowa stood up and left the house. The sun was already setting in the distance and the sky was a orangey red and the villagers were already starting to disappear to their homes. Trowa jogged over to Quatre's house and opened the door to see Iria setting out the bowls for their soup on the table.

"Oh welcome back Trowa!"she said with a smile."Did you have a nice chat with the elder?"she asked."Oh wait tell it to me over supper. Could you go and wake Quatre up please. Little sleepy head refuses to wake up, he yelled at me the first time."

Trowa smiled and nodded. He walked over to the door and opened it slowly to see Quatre soundly, still, asleep on his bed."Quatre."he called out softly. He tapped the boys shoulder which then groaned sleepily.

"I'm up....!"he groaned with a wave of a hand.

"Sure you are."said Trowa, grinning slightly.

Quatre opened one eye and smiled."I am!"he said hopping out of bed and nudging Trowa in the side with his elbow.

Trowa laughed slightly." A little cranky now aren't we?"

"Noo!"replied Quatre."I'm not cranky."

Iria peered in."Hey you two supper!"she giggled.

The two boys nodded. They went out in the kitchen and sat down.

Iria smiled and looked up at Trowa."So what did the elder want Trowa?"she asked after taking a sip of her soup.

"Oh? Right, well it's about that traveling circus that will be stopping by. He just asked if they could use the abandoned house next to mine while they're here."said Trowa.

"Ohh. Alright."replied Iria.

"Oh so that means that when I go to your place to visit you I can talk with them!"said Quatre grinning. Iria cracked him on the head."OW! Iria! What was that for!?"exclaimed Quatre rubbing the back of his head with a slight pout on his face.

"Don't be rude Quatre."

"I'm not!"

She sighed."Nevermind."


Trowa left a bit early that night, he was feeling a bit tired than usually and was walking on the path back to his home. He felt a bit dizzy and decided to take a rest next to the small river which was flowing nearby. He knelt down next to the silent river which sparkled emensly from the moons soft, gentle glow. It was beautiful yet had a eerie feel to it. The trees around him swayed lightly with the cool night breeze. He took a deep breath and relaxed down on the soft grass placing his hands behind his head. He stared up at the night sky, it was clear and was filled with a vast amount of stars. After a few moments he was begaining to feel a bit worse, his stomach began to ache like it had earlier at the town, except this time worse. He was now on his hands and knees gasping in air and suddenly everything went black...


What's going on..?What's happening..?What is this all about..?Am I dreaming..?


Who's calling me?


Trowa snapped upstraight in his bed with a loud gasp and a figure fell backwards to the floor and landed with a thump. Trowa blinked ad looked over to where tow people stood over him worried and a small figure on the floor.

"...Iria? W....hat...?"he muttered rubbing the back of his head. He glanced down to the floor. "...Quatre?"

Quatre lept up off of the floor and trapped Trowa tightly in a hug."Trowa!I was soo worried!Are you ok?! When you didn't show up this afternoon we got worried and and and me and Iria found you here and we thought something was wrong so we got Dr. Sally, But your ok, right?"

Quatre soon after let go of him."O..ok..."Trowa muttered a bit confused.

"We were trying to wake you up for the past few hours but you never moved, you seemed to be passed out but I can't be sure what happened do you remember anything?"Sallly questioned crossing her arms slightly.

Trowa blinked.That's right....I don't even remember what happened...all I remember is.......leaving Quatre's last night.....then there's nothing... Trowa looked up at her."No I don't remember nothing..."

"Aw!But your ok so there's nothing to worry about." said Quatre smiling.

Trowa nodded.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Iria answered it. Soon after she came back to the room, her face pale and her voice shaky."E-excuse me....Sally....would you come hear for a moment?"Iria said bitting her lip slightly. Sally nodded a bit confused. "Quatre, stay here with Trowa alright."

"Aw!But Iria, what is it? I want to know too!"pleaded Quatre."Pl-"

"STAY."she said sternly and Quatre replied with a weak nodd.

Sally and Iria left the room and Quatre stood up."Where are you going?"asked Trowa, although he already knew the answer.

Quatre grinned."Like I'm gonna listen to Iria, I want to know what's up."he slipped out of the room and slowly and quietly climbed halfway down the stairs where he could listen without being seen. He heard a familliar voice a villager he knew from the village talking with Iria and Sally.

"E....excuse me....?"he heard Sally ask.

"....Yea.....we found him....poor Noin.....her father was found out there.....his whole body....gutted and torn apart....we could barly tell who it was..."the villager tried to explain in a shaky voice.

Iria was almost in tears, Quatre could tell she was holding back.

Sally nodded slowly."When did this happen?"she asked.

"I don't know we went out to look for him when he didn't come back from getting some fire wood and we....just found him....there was only afew of us from the village that went to look and he was just there like that..."the villager had replied a bit shooken up.

"Ok...I will check this out right away."Sally said.

"I'll.....go tell Noin...."muttered Iria.

Quatre heard the door open and Sally left with the villager. Then he heard Iria coming his way and he hurried back up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible as he slipped back in Trowas room and darted for the chair and sat down in the chair just as the door opened and Iria came in her face down and not her usual cheerful look.

Trowa shifted slightly in his bed and sat up."Something wrong Iria?"he asked noticeing Iria's cheerfulness was gone.

She nodded."...Yes...Well......Noin's.....father was....killed last night..."she tried to continue but her voice began to get shaky and she tried to hold back from crying.

"What?"Trowa muttered in a bit of shock."...who would...?"

Quatre kept his head lowered.

"Well.....we don't know what did this that's why they got Sally to check it out, she could probebly tell what did it."

"....What about Noin?"asked Trowa."...The poor kid..."

"Yes....I know...that is why Quatre and I are going there see her."Iria said giving Quatre a look, which nodded back to her.

Quatre got up and waved a bit to Trowa, which smiled a bit and waved back."Come on Quatre let's leave him here to rest!"Iria pulled at Quatres shoulder.

Iria and Quatre left and Trowa sighed. He wasn't tired nor did he need rest he felt fine. He stretched and yawned and stood up. Wait that's right those circus travelers are there now maybe I should stop by... he thought.

Trowa made his way outside and looked over to where he say a small group of only three gathering their belongings and bringing them to the house. He saw the first which had cole black hair that went down to his shoulders gracefully, and had cole balck eyes to match the hair he had a cold expression on his face. The second had messy dark brown hair and cold cobalt, emotionless, blue eyes. The third was a total opposite of the first two he had long chestnut colored hair which was tied neatly back in a braid, he had bright violet eyes to match his happy personality.

He watched the group for a moment and decided to go over to them. He swallowed and called out to them."Hello!"

They turned and looked at him, tow of them with their serious expressions the other ran up to him and instantly shook his hand. "Oh hey man, your Trowa right? Heard you were feeling under the weather hope you feel better they told us you were suppose to of shown us here, but dat's alright man we got here fine!No harm done. So you wanna see our Circus huh? Well we call it a exotic circus, not what you'd usually expect. Oh hey wait don't get me wrong, it's for kids too, just theres lots of dancing stuff like that, we just bring it to you to enjoy! Oh man it's gonna be a blast theres lots of kids here in this town!"the braided boy told him.

Man another talker like Quatre and Iria... Trowa shook his hand."Yea, my friend Quatre seems very excited about this. I'm not into much things like this but he probebly wants me to go. So I'll go."Trowa said with a shrug.

"Oh cool. Quatres which kid?"asked the braided boy.

"Er...wait your calling US kids, how old are you guys? You don't look much older than me."

"Oh heh, sorry but old habit, w-"he started to reply but the dark brown haired boy tugged at the braid of the other and pulled him away."OW! Heero! Mess off!"

"Hn. Duo you talk too much, stop bothering people if you bother everyone nobody'll show up."the one called Heero said in a emotionless voice."Go help Wufei put the stuff in the house."

"Aw. Damn fine."muttered Duo trudging off towards where Wufei stood.

Heero turned to Trowa."He tends to get a little out of hand sorry."

"It's alright. So when do you think this thing starts tonight?"



"...I better get back." Heero turned and left towards his other two companions.


It started that night a bit later than intended. Noin had not joined the party, even though Iria and Quatre encouraged her to go but the death of her father was strange and she couldn't cope with the lose too well and she would now have to move in with another family amoungst the village since she had no other known relatives...The death Sally had concidered it to be strange yes. And the cause was still human...could of done what had happened that night. It was a mystery everyone was thinking but right now it would fade for the night as the activities and fun went on. But nobody was prepared for what was going to happen...Nobody.