Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note : Next chapie!

The village was lite brightly that night with torchs surrounding the village square, the fun was just about to start and there were decorations everywhere which gave the area a haunting feel as the drumming music which was being played, as well as other instuments to make a tune that the people could dance to.

Trowa looked around the area and found that Quatre was no where to be found. He saw the circus travelers Wufei, and Heero, dressed in strange costumes and their bodies painted over, dancing around in the rings of fire but the other was not there he figured maybe Iria would know he spotted her in the crowd talking with afew villager girls. He went over to her and taped lightly on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at him. "Well hello Trowa! Having fun?"she asked.

Trowa nodded."Yes. But do you know where Quatre is?" She looked at him puzzled.

Wasn't he with you?"

"No. I can't find him."

"...Oh dear. Where could that boy be?"

Trowa sighed and looked again when suddenly a hand reached from behind and touched his shoulder. Trowa turned around and looked down at the figure which was dressed similar to Heero and Wufei's dance style and a mask over the face. The person motioned him to come follow and Trowa did so a confused and curious look on his face. The person brought him out where the dancers where and Trowa figured that this person wanted to dance with him. They began dancing along with the crowd their bodies swayed and moved to the beat of the jurrasic tune, after hours of dancing theperson motioned Trowa to leave the dance area to rest. Trowa was pulled away from the dancers and to a quiet area in the village.

Trowa stared for a moment. "......Who...are you?"

A muffled voice came from behind the mask."It's me silly!"


The mask was removed and to reveal Quatres face. He grinned."Who else would it of been?"

"..Yeah.I should of known it was you."

"So what do you think whicked costume, huh?"


"Duo. He's cool! He let me borrow an out fit and then he let me use the paint to put designs over me! I was trying to surprise you. I guess it worked. Your a great dancer Trowa."

"Oh well. Thanks.You too."

Quatre giggled."Oh, that took alot outta me. But it was so fun!"

"Hm. You shouldn't of danced so much."

"Oh, hush. I'm fine. Let's go for a walk it's to noisey to talk here. Let's go somewhere quiet."


They snuck away from the festivities, and walked along the path and to the the place where they would usually talk and where Trowa came to practice his flute playing. Trowa sat to the tree stump and Quatre made himself comfertable on the grass leaning against the tree stumps side. Quatre gazed up at the sky and sighed.

"Something bothering you Quatre?"Trowa asked looking down at the boy.

"Hm?....No...not really."

"Not really?"

"....Well....I feel kinda scared. You know hearing about what happened to Noins father....I was thinking what could of done this....and then I kept thinking that it could happen to you....or....Iria....and...."his voice began to become shaky and his eyes glassed up.

"Quatre..."Trowa watched the boy, unsure how to comfert and make him feel better. Quatre was usually happy and Trowa never dealt with him being upset like this. What do I do....he's upset...what do I say to him...?

"I'm sorry. Look I know I shouldn't think about it but it's too hard! Because if anything ever happened to you or Iria I'd be lost and I can't stop thinking about it. Please promise me you won't go anywhere Trowa!Promise me!"pleaded Quatre looking up at him with his shaky blue eyes.

Trowa nodded."I...I promise."

"Thank you!"Quatre hugged onto Trowa his body trembling and scared. Trowa hugged him back, feeling a bit worried.

"Your shaking..."Trowa muttered. Then it just seemed that Quatre gripped onto him tighter."Quatre, it's ok, I'm here....calm down...."

"I'm cold..."

" place is close let's go there, and Iria shouldn't worry she should know I'm with you..."

Quatre nodded.


Trowa had held Quatre in his arms for awhile now. Soon relizeing the boy had fallen asleep. It didn't matter to him they where not to far from his place.

They arrived at his house and Trowa opened the door, trying not to disturb the blonde which was still silently asleep in his arms.

He brought Quatre up to his room and lie him down gently, and pulled the blankets over him. Sleep well... He though moving down over him and kissing him on the forehead. He turned to leave.


Trowa turned around."....What is it Quatre?"

"Don't leave."


Quatre smiled, and relaxed himself as Trowa sat down on the bed.

He felt a small arm cross over his chest and a small body crawl closer. He felt a light breath on his neck of the small body beside him, peering over to look at the small boy sleep in almost silence it made him not even want to move. Then suddenly he felt that same sickness again. He stomach turned and his head begain to feel like pure hell. But he seemed to shake it off not wanting to disturb the small boys sleep and soon he had fallen asleep.

Trowa could feel that same pain even as he slept. He dreamt that night but yet it wasn't a good dream it's endless ammount off blackness was all Trowa could see. He reached out yet there was nothing to touch. He called out but nothing was heard. He then looked at himself in shock...What is this..? he asked himself in confusion as his mind began to race. Whats going on? he cried out in his mind unknown answers filling his mind. Then he looked out and there stood a woman. Cathy? His eyes widened and he let out a gasp and ran toward her. She seemed to turn his way almost in like a slow motion and she screamed.







"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

Trowa rubbed his head as he relized he had fallen to the floor.


"Are you ok? I'm sorry I never ment to push you off. I was trying to wake you up theres something going on outside....and....It's....."

Trowa heard Quatres voice trail off silently.

"What?" Trowa questioned still a bit dazed. His head hurt like holy hell but he just wasn't about to tell Quatre.

"Let's go! Come on! Please!"

Trowa wasn't sure but it seemed something was wrong, he had a strange feeling that soemthing wasn't right. So he got to his feet and followed Quatre which had dashed out the door.

The sun shined brightly in Trowas face as he went out the door, still feeling a bit groggy from his not-so-good sleep that night. But he soon relized a small hand pulling and tugging on his arm.

They found a small crowd around the next door house talking in a low voice almost terrified. Soon after, Sally exited the house rubbing her forehead. The crowd went quiet. Trowa and Quatre soon joined the crowd and listened as Sally began to speak.

"...Um....nothing to worry about! This was not true these fine people left last night. They were not killed by the mysterious creature So all of you go back to your homes. Please. This was nothing so please listen to me and go about your lives."

"But Ms.Po you can't be serious! I saw them dead with my own eyes!"

"I'm sorry but you were mistaken now please all of you go back to the village."

The villagers grumbled and left in a group still talking about the event that had just occured. Sally watched with a sigh and went into the house.

"What was that all about Trowa?"Quatre asked a bit confused and startled.

"I don't really....know."Trowa muttered in reply.

"Well, let's go find out. Hm?"

Trowa nodded and the pair ran up to the house.

"Sally!?"Quatre called as he quickly snapped open the door and ran in.

"Quatre wait up!" Trowa called following the blonde boy inside the house only to find him stopped in a quiet stillness his face paler than usual as he looked in the room ahead of him.


"What's...-"Trowa stopped himself as he peered in the room and also went completely still and a shocked look appeared on his face.

Sally looked up quickly and gasped."Trowa! Quatre! Get out of here NOW!"she oredered sternly.

"Y...yea...yeah....come on Quatre."Trowa said shakily pulling on the blondes shoulder.

"Boys."Sally stopped them."Please. Don't tell anyone else this. We don't want a panic and don't you two worry yourselves any. "

"We...we...won't."replied Trowa."Come on Quatre."

Quatre was hesitant about leaving but soon caught on that Trowa was talking to him and followed him outside.



"Was that......was that Duo....and Heero......Wufei?"

".........I think so."

"Th....They horrible I can't get the image out of my head! It's awful.... Who.....What did this to them?"

Quatres stomach began to feel upset and he looked up at Trowa nervously.

"....Don't be scared Quatre.I'm here remember I won't leave unless you're alright."

"Yeah. I know....but.....thats so never know what'll happen next! Or who'"

"Do you want to go home?"

"...Yeah, I'm worried about Iria..."

"Ok come on let's go."



"What about you..."

"...What about me?"

" know you live out here....alone like this...what if-"

Trowa cut him off.

"I'll be fine Quatre don't worry."

Quatre pouted slightly.

"...Hm...Ok then I'll visit you tomorrow how's that sound. Now try and get your mind off all this OK."


Don't worry about me don't have to. I'll be fine. I care to much about you that I'd go so easily. I hope you know that.