Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note : Um...this chapter will kinda bring out the plot a bit. so it might be a lil strange but...just read please...if you want...

Trembling....I....I'm trembling.....Am I scared....yes....and no....worried for Quatre yes.....but...Me scared?'ve been through worse...

Trowa though to himself quietly pondering the unknown deaths that had taken place that past week or so. The more he thought about it the more confused he become. The idea was complete noncense....ripped apart bodies gutted open? What was all this leading to? The thoughts surrounded Trowas mind when he began to feel a bit dizzy...he shrugged it off and went downstairs and got himself some water. He sighed deeply and sat down in a chair next to the burning fire....Wait.... Trowa almost said aloud to himself as he observed the burning flame. I never lite...that fire.... He got up swiftly feeling the dizzyness return to his body at his quick movemnet and glanced around the room. He shook his head and turned back around and his heart felt like it had skipped afew beats as he stared at a young woman dressed in a darkned, dirtied hooded cape. She had silver long hair that swayed out from the hoods front and he face was hiden by the darkness of the clothing. She reached out with a hand and spoke in a creepy manor which made Trowa shiver.

"Oh, don't be startled young one."

Trowa backed away cautiously looking at the suspicious woman carefully still not able to make out who he was talking with."Who...are you?"Trowa asked his voice sounding almost nervous.

"Oh let's just say I know you from back then."She replied her snaky, crisp voice ringed in Trowa's ear peircingly, none that he had heard before in his life.

"What are you talking about?! I don't know you!" Trowa almost yelled in reply.

"Oh but you were so young back then...I don't blame you if you don't remember....or is it that you don't want to remember that past...that horrible past that you have not shared. That horrible past that you hide from even you best friend...That event that sent you on your own. Hm? Is that why you don't remember?"

Trowa's eyes went coldly."What?... How could you...? Nothing of my past has anything to do with you...! You must be mistaken!"

"Oh then you have forgotten your sister then? Her memory has been blocked from your mind as well?Hm?"

Trowa clenched his fists."Don't you speak to me about my sister! I don't know how you know this but this is not of you business to find out!"

The woman chuckled."None of my....ha! Oh but it is. I can see right through that hidden emotion you hide inside you! The pain you feel. The guilt you felt when you walked in seeing your sister dead. The terror, the confusion. It flooded your mind and took over. "

"Shut up! I don't know who you are but get the hell out of my house!"

" a bit angry now. Don't worry my business is almost complete here." She sighed."You have to remember that night. That night you came home from the forbbidon castle. That night you were attacked. Stop blocking it from your mind. I know you remember what happened."

Trowa clutched his head and feel to his knees."...I....I do..remember...I remember your voice....I remember it clearly! Your voice running through my mind, invading my body! Then it happened...I know it well now...I was just about ot leave when something attacked me from the shadows...I never got a good look at it....or...wait...yes...I did...It was a monster...its shape liek a swung at me gashing my arm open....I remember the darkness pouring into my system...I'm not sure what happened afte that...its all blury...I remember....a figure....and then..I was....home...with Cathy scoulding me....I...thats all I can remember...."

"And those moments you were unconcious?hm?You don't remember do you. Would you like me to clear things up for you? hm? Would you?"

"!!"Trowa screamed his whole body crumpling to the floor his who body shaking in fear, acheing from a unknown feeling inside. He sighed heavily as everything went silent. He looked up and saw no one... He was crying...He then got up to his feet weakly and noticed a cold fire, its coals disappeared, the room was dark and the same sound as usual of the wind blew in from under the door.

He somehow made his way to his roomand collapsed weakly on the bed falling into a deep sleep.


It was raining... Trowa thought as he heard the noises of the rain hitting against the house and window, he then relized that he had something cold pressed against his forehead. He opened his eyes slowly. It was a bit blurry at first but his eyes adjusted. He looked over to see.. Quatre? Trowa blinked.

"...How do you feel?" he heard Quatre ask him in his soft voice.

Trowa groaned slightly." you mean?"

"...After you never showed up this morning, I got a little worried. Iria told me to stay inside because of the rain but I never listen to her. Then I saw you didn't look so good....and you were talking in your sleep."

"I did...ugh..." Was that all a dream...that was her....I can' must of been a dream...

"Something wrong Trowa?"

" not at all."

Quatre nodded."...oh...are you sure...cuz if there's something wrong you can tell me Trowa..."

"No theres nothing wrong." I can't tell's not for you to deal with Quatre...

"Oh....well....I was only worried the least you could do is tell me the truth...I thought you trusted me..."

Trowa went silent and stared at the blue eyed boy."...wh....what..?" How did he know....?

"Oh I know you better than that Trowa! Now if you won't tell me I'll have to threaten you!"

Trowa blinked."...I...It's nothing Quatre. I can't tell you."

"Why not!? I care for you Trowa!....I care for you alot...Ok! I just want to help you out, no matter what the problem is!" Quatre seemed to be almost crying, his voice was shaky and his body shok a bit. "I....I...."

Trowa sat up slightly and pulled the blonde toward himself pulling him down to sit on the bed."Quatre I'm sorry....I do trust you...I care for you also.....but this is something I have to deal with...I don't know how or why.....I'm not sure what is going on but... all I know is that you shouldn't get involved..."

"But....I....I..." Quatre was now in tears.

"Shh....don't cry..."Trowa pulled Quatre into a hug, and Quatre looked up at him, Trowa looked back, their faces edged closer until they locked in a kiss.

A figure peeking through the door observed this and frowned in disgust and the door slowly closed itself quietly.

Just as it closed that person knocked on the door, making the two pull apart quickly both flushing deeply.

"Jus..Just a sec." Quatre called getting up and opening the door."....Ah....I..Iria!....I um..."

"Quatre, you're coming home right now!"She yelled anger in her voice.

"B...but! Trowa's sick! I told you something was wrong!"Quatre replied.

"Seems fine to me. Now GO!" She ordered.

Trowa blinked."Hey...Iria! Quatre can know he'll be fine..."

"No. I forbid him to even see you again!"Iria yelled to him.

"Iria!! No!! Trowa's my best friend!!"Quatre cried.

"Iria...what are you talking always let Quatre stay....Whats so different about this time?" Trowa asked a bit puzzled.

"It just is!" Iria yelled back the anger exploding from her, she then pulled Quatre out of the room and slammed the door.

Trowa just stared blankly at the door not knowing at all why she did that.


The two angry siblings entered their house, escaping the rainfall from the outside to the dry house.

"Iria! What was all that for!?" Quatre demanding angrily pulling away from Iria's grip she had on him.

"You and him!? I can't believe you Quatre! I thought you were more responsable than that!"

"....W..what....? "

"Don't act stupid like that! I saw you and him and I know where that was heading! Now I understand why you sneak off with him like that! I should of noticed it sooner!Hell knows what he's done to you!"

"Wait...Iria it's not like that!'s not what you think!"

"Then what was it!? Tell me. Tell me what you were doing?"

Quatre went silent and looked away from her."You wouldn't understand. You have to stop being so over protective of me. It's time I started doing things that I want!"

Suddenly a hand came crashing down across Quatres face."I cant believe you, Quatre! Your not even an adult yet! Your only 16! Your still a child!"

Quatre held a hand over his now redish colored cheek, his eyes shook with anger and fear."....I....I...I hate you Iria!" he yelled backing away from her.

"Quatre...I didn't mean to hit you...I'm sorry! Don't run away!" Iria took a step toward him but Quatre continued to back away from her."Quatre please..."

"No! Not unless you let me see, Trowa!"

She looked at him silently unsure of what she should do with her brother. "Quatre I'm doing this for your own benefit...please...listen to me. Understand that I care about you."

"If you really cared about me than you will let me see Trowa!"

"Quatre, I can't do that! Not unless I know you will behave with him..."

"...I won't Iria.Besides nothing happened!"

"Bullshit! I saw you two!I can't trust you anymore, you're here liing right to my face!"

Quatre looked coldly at her." Well stop spying on me!"

"Quatre...I wasn't spying, I found that you weren't in your room... I was worried about where you could of went in this rain storm...Hell knows where you could of been..."

"...I'm sorry....I guess I never thought about how you'd feel...I guess I was only thinking of myself... I'm really sorry for making you worry like that..."

She smiled at him and sighed."It's ok, Quatre. I'll let you off the hook this time... but next time tell me where you're going so you don't worry me to death."

Quatre nodded."...So...I can still go see Trowa?"

She went silent for a moment."...We'll see."



Quatre's eyes flew open as he heard noises from in the other room, like things were being tossed across the room. He blinked for a moment and he felt a little nervous. He figured Iria would see what was wrong, so he tried to go back to sleep, but the noises continued. He got out of bed sleepily and yawned, trying to rub the sleepiness from his eyes.

He opened the door to his room slightly and peered into the darkness of the kitchen, his eyes were still adjusting to the new surroundings. He never saw no movement and the noises had stopped. It didn't matter he'd check it out anyways. He shuffled his feet across the wood floor and suddenly crashed to the floor since he had tripped over something.

He landed on his elbows roughly and the pang throbbed through his body and he blinked. He sat up shaking his head and his eyes were just beganing to adjust as he looked at what he had tripped over and his face went pure white, his head went blank, and he collapsed to the floor unconcious.