Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note : we go again.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet for that once happy village. It was as if a cloud of endless sadness and fear was swept over to area, unsure on what was to happen, not knowing if they would have to live in fear, not knowing who would be the next victim of this unknown death. People were scared, more scared of any other death that would possibly occur.

Quatre glumly stared out the window, he wasn't alloud to even leave. He sighed heavily and looked out into the deserted street watching the grey clouds pass over head in utter bordom. The door suddenly opened."Quatre, Trowa's here." Iria said lowly. Quatre didn't move from his spot by the window."Hm..."she sighed and closed the door quietly.

"Trowa, I'm sorry he's still refuses to see anyone."Iria said."I wish he would, I think what has previously happened afew nights ago have brought him to a silent stage."

"Iria, I should of come over sooner.But..."Trowa started to say but stopped.

Iria looked a bit confused."But what Trowa? You could of come anytime."

Trowa sighed and turned so not to face her."I didn't think I could." Remembering the last time that Iria was really mad the last time when she claimed to see them kissing and Trowa felt that it would be best to stay away from her and Quatre, even though it hurt him so, until Iria cooled off.

"Didn' could?" She stared into his eyes a bit confused.

Trowa was silent for a moment." see...I thought you... were angry with me, you know..." Trowas words fumbled as he spoke.

Iria sighed."Oh...that. I'm not mad. I was just over concerned for Quatre. I over reacted, and I'm sorry. I would never be angry with you. Trowa your like family. I always look forward to your visits."She put her hand on his shoulder gently and smiling softly.

"Trowa..?"a small voice had said. Trowa turned to see Quatre walking out from his room.

"Quatre are you ok? I heard what happened." Trowa began to walk over to the blonde and noticed the him nodd slowly.

"I'm ok now. I...was a little shocked for awhile but I'm ok. Don't worry. Ok?"

Iria sighed."I can't elder was just...there...and then I saw Quatre beside him...I thought you were both...."

A long silence crossed the three.

"We can't be like this forever." Iria muttered.

"Yeah, really! This' crazy! I want everyone to be happy again like before all this started to happen!"Quatre said.

"We all do...We all do..."Iria hugged her brother.


Trowa sighed heavily and slumped down into a chair. He was tired and it was late. Iria asked him to stay for the night but he was tired and really needed to get some rest.

He rubbed the back of his neck soothingly, exhaling a long sigh.

"I see you still don't understand. Do you?"

Trowa lifted his head, and stood up from the chair turning to face that same woman. "What is it that you want with me?"

"Oh, Trowa it's simple, you belong with us. There's not much more left, your almost there. You should know that you're different from everyone else."she uttered a small laugh as she spoke. He arms dangled to her sides lifelessly. Her hood lowered over her face.

Trowa stood still."I don't understand you. Why are you telling me this?"

"Oh Trowa, please. You are one of us. A , what shall I Demon? The dark lords. We have to build up our rule, we are few right now but with my help it is becomeing much much...better."

Trowa looked at her strangely."What!? Dark Lords? Demon? I'm not one of you! I'm human, H-U-M-A-N. Not some devilish demon!"

"Can you prove that your not? I can prove that you are. You should remmeber all the times you felt that pain." She sighed."Hm, I guess I need to explain more. You see you were inflicted with demon poison, and as you age the poison starts to take affect of your body, like it is to you right now and soon after your sixth kill you will become a full demon and join us in the dark world.Understand now?"

"I understand but that's NOT going to happen! It's not!"Trowa's body shook with anger as he stared angrily at the calm demon-woman.

"I pity you, such denial. You can't deny the fact. You will become a demon and you can't stop it. It will eat away at your human soul and consume it, completely."

"I won't become a demon! I'm not! I have a life here, damnit!"

"It's a life you were not ment to live actually, you see the demon poison was suppose to take affect in at least one year, but for seemed much longer... It seemed you hid your self from society...just far But that won't solve everything, you seem to be able to handle the demon longer."

"...You mean...I ... no...I couldn't of...No....NO! NO!!"

"Ha! You figured it out. You killed all those people made them suffer, make them feel pain, sorrow, and utter utter sadness."

"It..can't. It can't be me! "

"Oh, Trowa." She sighed."You must face the facts. You have no choice but to become a demon."

"I'll find a way to stop it!! I won't become one of you!" He yelled lancing ut a punch but the woman quickly disappeared."...Bitch..."

He stumbled to the floor breathing hard. He slammed his fist on the floor angrily. Dammit!....DAMMIT!!


It was late, really late. Trowa sat knelt down on the floor clutching his stomach. The pain was worse than before. His thoughts were so scattered he couldn't even think, his vision was blurry, his body shaky, and his actions where beganing to become uncontrolable.

There was a knock at the door...

Trowa looked up unclearly. The knocking continued and a voice called out. It was Quatre...

Recieveing no answer Quatre began to become worried... So he went to open the door finding it to be unlocked. He blinked and saw Trowa on the floor. He rushed quickly over."Trowa! Trowa are you ok?!"

"Quatre, GO!"

Quatre bit his lip."I won't! Trowa what's wrong? Do you want me to get help?"

Help? That's the last thing Trowa wanted. He'd end up killing more people."Please, Quatre. I'm OK. "

The pain became more fierce and Trowa let out a gasp and a eerie black glow surrounded his body making Quatre back off nervously.

"Trowa... Are you alright, tell me.....what is it?"

The blackness enveloped his entire body and a unhuman creature stood up looking over at the frightened blonde.

"Trowa...?"he managed to say in a quiet voice.

The black unhuman like creature began to walk toward Quatre. The blonde moved backwards still a bit startled. The creature made a reach for Quatre but he quickly moved away from it, opening the door and rushing out.

"Trowa! Stop! Please! It's me!"Quatre yelled stopping and turning.

The creature made a swing for the blonde but Quatre staggered backwards nervously."Trowa! Don't do this!"

Quatre turned to run as he now figured that yelling wasn't going to work...he didn't know what could work.

The night was cool, and a sticky, wet, mass of mist covered over the area. Quatre was running, hard. He could hear the creature he knew to be Trowa, following closely behind.Quatre's breath was soon lowering and he collapsed to the ground...

Quatre looked up weakly at the creature standing over him. Quatre coughed weakly, his body was tired, his breathing was slow yet in deep gasps.

"...Trowa...please...I....I love"

Suddenly everything in Quatres mind went black...