Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note : hehe, i wrote alot of this at school. so heh, its taking awhile to look at paper then type.

Everything was dark. Trowa opened his eyes to this. Nothingness, complete and utter nothingness. All around Trowa could hear cries of pain of unknown and unseen people. It felt like his body was floating. He was confused and scared of what he could possibly of done.

He felt his eyes grow heavy. His mind was blank and unclear. The air was stale and thin making it harder to breath.

A bright light began to glow. It flashed numerous fluoresent colors, it was almost blinding. Trowa closed his eyes tightly to block the brightness. He soon opened them again, yet slowly. He felt a strong heat envelop his body, almost painful.

His knees were pressing against stone. He stayed quiet as he looked at his suroundings. His eyes widened at the site of molten lava surrounding him. He was kneeling down on a stone pillar in the middle.

Then a devilish laughter made Trowa grow angry.""Trowa uttered. The same cloaked woman floated before him."You are a demon now."she laughed.

"Leave me alone!"Trowa yelled."I can't be! I can't!"

Trowa couldn't believe that. He couldn't. He refused to believe that he had killed Quatre. He couldn't even remember doing so. His fists shaked with anger.

The woman was laughing more and she seemed pleased. She reached her arm out and placed her slender, pale, hand on Trowa's shoulder."It's wonderful. Utterly wonderful. Here you can accept your life as a demon. We demons are few, but as more people are changed to demons we will become many and rule over the human race."

Trowa pushed her arm away angrily."You're wrong!Nobody wants to become a demon, nobody!This has destroyed my life! It's your damn fault!"

The woman sighed."I knew this was going to be difficult for you...the demon blood within you spread was suppose to react faster. It was suppose to take place during your childhood..."

Trowa stood up."It doesn't matter dammit!"He glared angrily at the cloaked woman.

She laughed."You must be joking! Living as a demon you can be immortal and as a human..pft...what meaningless life!"she spatted in disgust."The human life is so frail! It's pathetic! Being a demon you cannot die!You cannot get hurt! Don't you see how wonderful it is?!"

"Wonderful?! What is wonderful about killing all those people?! What did they ever do!?They don't deserve to die...and....Quatre...AGH..This is rediculous!"

She sighed."those people we, so-called kill do not die, they merely become our life force. We use their soul, their dreams, their hopes for our life source, without that..then we would die. Now does that make you feel better?"

"No! Your taking away their lives still! They don't deserve that either!"Trowa was furious."I...I can't believe this!"

"You don't believe me? Fine, I'll show you. I'll show you just what I mean."The woman waved a arm and they appeared in a bright room, that seemed to be made of crystal yet incircling the room was glass tubes and inside were humans. They floated in green gooey liquid. They seemed to be in a deep sleep. Trowa looked around in complete shock he couldn't even speak. There was so many, that he was unable to count. It was horrible.

" can't be serious...all these people...and...."Trowa's voice became stiff and nervous."C-Catherine...? Sister...?"Trowa walked over to one of the glass tubes. He put a hand on it."Catherine...."Trowa turned back to the woman."H-how can this be? My sister is dead!Do you hear me! I want to know what this all is!"

"If I must...I shall explain."she sighed."We call these our life storage of the demons, without thses souls we will rot away. All of these people are victoms of the demon's, so when a human is killed by a demon, their life soul goes to one of these glass tubes. Understand?"

"You mean to tell me these people are still alive?"

The woman nodded."Yes. is impossible for them to get out."

"Who...are you anyway?"

"My name is Lady Une." She pulled the hood down. She had shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes and a pleasent peaceful smile. But it didn't seem to go quite well with her personality.

"...."Trowa became silent and his eyes continued to glance around the room, he then spotted a all to familiar figure within one of the glassed tubes and he quickly ran over to it."..... Quatre!!" He began to slam his fists contiuously on the tube angrily."Let him the hell go!"Trowa turned to her.

"I can't. Besides he was your kill you know. Hm...funny that you already killed the two people that you have cared about your entire life."

Trowa stared at her still filled with the same anger."It's your fault all of this was not suppose to happen! It wasn't! I can't believe this!"

"Believe it Trowa. You have nothing else to live for in the human world now you will prosper with us, the demons!"

Trowa shook his head and ran from the room. But run to where? And why?

The voice of the woman filled his head.'Where are you going Trowa? You can't escape, you should accept your fate now. I can't make you chose, but If you soon do not will be forced.'

Trowa stopped as the blackness from which he was running began to glow brightly he sheilded his eyes with his arms and when he re-opened them he found himself in a village. Filled with A numerous count.They passed him without a word as they all talked among themselves.

A hand lay gently on his shoulder."Welcome. This is where we live."

Trowa turned to see Une."There' many.."

Une shook her head."No..not really there is only forty-six in total."

Trowa went silent.

"Look, I have to bring you to our leader. Lord Balin."

"Lord Balin...? ...Ok..."


The two walked into the main chamber hall of the Demon palace. Une opened the doors and walked in with Trowa walking behind her. She knelt down before a elderly man which sat on a throne in the back of the large room.

"Ah, Une. You have returned, and as I see your mission was successful."

Une nodded."Yes."

"Hm, What is your name boy?"


"How are you enjoying yourself with this new life?"

Trowa was silent but remembered, everything, he remembered the killing, the terror...everything and most importantly Quatre."I hate it."

"Hate it?"

"Yes. I want to be let go! He wasn't ment to get involved."

"Oh, no theres no way. We can't bring him back!"

"No! I can't believe that! He deserves a life! He never did anything wrong!"

"I'm sorry, but we don't feel pity for those that we kill, those souls are our life force we can not let them go."

"AGH! This' isn't right! Dammit!"


Trowa looked at him questioningly."But what?"

"We could...make your friend..a demon. But that would take away some of your life source that you have. You nor him will obtain as much lifeforce as we do which means your life span will be limited without your full sources. It's up to you."

"I'd rather be with him than anything in the world."

"Very well then. Une here shall do this request you seem to have... I find it rather odd, I usually do not agree to such things but there's something about you.."

"Thank you. I really do."

"Well then Une?"

"Yes,sir."She nodded and stood up. Waving her hand they apeared back into the demon-life room. Une sighed."I can't believe he agreed to this, and I can't believe that you would chose eternal life for this boy....Is...he really that special to you..?"

"More than anything."

"I...see." Une began to flip switches to the glass tube which held Quatre and the green liquid began to leave, once it was gone the glass tube rose. Trowa then quickly went over and pulled the blonde out from the opened tube.

Quatre began to cough and gag and soon after he opened his eyes."T..Trowa..? I?"

Trowa just smiled and kissed him.

"I love you...I love you Quatre....I'm sorry....forgive me....just forgive me....please..."

Quatre blinked at him."Forgive you for what...?"

This was going to be hard to explain. What would Quatre think...What were they going to do...?