Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Demon ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing.
Warnings: Yaoi, 3x4, gore, horror, suspence, and some more stuff.
Note : i've been so very blocked... I have got extreme writer block fo this fic so whatever if it makes no sense or its very stupid well its the writers block. this is the last chapter so...

"You must be joking..?"

Trowa looked at Quatre's uneasy stare. He looked rather upset and nervous. He wasn't mad but more upset about what he had become but Quatre was glad to be with Trowa just the fact that they were now both demons was frightful for Quatre.

"Quatre..look..I'm sorry, this was my fault. If you hate me, I would understand. But I only wanted to be with you..."

Quatre sighed and looked down at the floor."I know... I want to be with you too! But.. Trowa! We have to figure out a way out of here!"

"I know... I know Quatre... look let me go talk with Une, alright. I'll try and get some information out of her."

Quatre nodded.


There was no sky within the Demon World. It was continuously dark. Never light.The place was far from cheerful. It was not a place to want to live in and Quatre's spirits were fading fast. Although he was with his love...he missed the beautiful world he once lived in and his sister, he missed her...alot.

Trowa had left to try and talk with Une. So Quatre stood outside looking aroundthe horrible land. He shivered and lowered his head. A slight breeze tossed his bangs over his eyes and a sigh escaped his lips.

Suddenly Quatre jumped as a hand crossed his shoulder. He turned to see two young girls about his own age. One had dark blue hair and eyes. The other had long blonde hair and her eyes were a cold, pale, blue.

"You look new here.." The blonde girl said placiong her hands on her hips.

"I...well..." He nodded."... I suppose."

"You were with that other new guy! Weren't you!?"


"I heard what he did for you! You must be awful grateful for what he did!"

"Of course! But I don't want me and him to be here!"

The blonde girl laughed."Ah, forget it! Alright?" she sighed, "I'm Dorothy and this here is Hilde. What's your name?"


"Oh! What a cute name!"She exclaimed sounding rather sarcastic.

Quatre blinked at her. He sighed to himself and wanted to get back with Trowa. These girls were rather creepy. He began to walk by the now smiling girls.

"Accept your fate, Quatre! It's the only way you will survive!"Dorothy called.

Quatre began to run. He couldn't accept this fate! This wasn't his fate! I mean... how could he? He couldn't be a blood lust demon of evil.

Many thoughts still ran through his mind as he continued to run. All scattered and confused. He didn't know what he was doing.

Tears began to swell in his eyes, creating a stinging sensation. A demon capable of tears.... He quickly whipped the tears away.

He had to find Trowa...and soon! He needed to talk with he needed to get answers. He just wanted to go home!

He searched everywhere for Trowa. He ran past other demon people and towards the dark, shadowy, castle. It must be where Trowa is!

Quatre was getting tired. He couldn't understand much of what was going on. He just wanted answers and now.

He ran, his vision still blurred a bit and into the center chamber room of the castle and stopped. His eyes widened and a horrified gasp escaped his mouth.


He saw Trowa kneeling to the floor, a sword plunged deep and through his back. Blood dripped dowjn his stomach and back. Thick and dark. His body was stiff.. almost...dead.

Ine looked up with a smile as she removed the sword and Trowa's body dropped to the floor with a thump."Oh, this is perfect, I don't have to go look for you."

"!!!!!"Quatre screamed and fell to his knees."What's going on!? I don't understand!Tell m--"Quatre gasped as the sword was plunged into his body.

"....You are....such.....such....such a lucky boy..."Une smiled at him.

Quatre blinked and winced falling to the floor. He gasped in one last breath and everything was black.


It's bright...
I hear Trowa calling me...
"Dammit! Please! Wake up!"

Quatre sat up quickly. He felt the moist ground beneath him, and he could smell the sweet smell of the morning air. He was cold and began to cough violently as if desprite for air.

He ran his hand over the slash marks of his shirt and looked up to see Trowa.

"We're.....alive? What...? Didn't we....?"Quatre asked after he caught his breath.

Trowa kissed the blonde."You're're"Trowa began muttering.

"I can not say.... But she told me it had to be done... that is all .. I don't understand why... but we're alive and that's all that matters!"

"Trowa..."Quatre hugged onto him."I love you..."

Trowa ran his fingers through Quatre's hair gently and pushed the bangs away from his eyes.

Trowa brought Quatre to the village, knowing in his mind his threat to the village was over. He went inside Quatre's house.

"Iria?"Trowa called out.

Crying Iria came from another room. She blinked."Trowa?!... Q-Quatre!!"She ran over to them instantly."What happened to you two!? I was so worried about you both! You both had been missing for the past two days! I thought... I thought... you were...dead!"She began to cry more.

Quatre hugged her."I'm fine.. I'm fine, Iria..."

She hugged him back tightly."Don't ever do that to me again...ever..."

"I promise... I won't ever.."

Trowa smiled. He wasn't sure if he would tell Quatre how he conviced UIne to let them go freely. He had convinced her by telling her his feelings, very srong feelings he had for Quatre, She said he had too much heart to even be demon. So she figured both of them failed at living their lives as a demon and set them free. He would not tell Quatre afraid that he would get made for putting himsefl in such danger.


It had been a week now and everything seemed to be going normal. Iria had now become the new cheif of the village and everyone went about their business, within and outside of town. It was becoming quite prosperous.

Quatre and Trowa stood in the meadow just outside the village. Quatre knelt down to the ground and placed a bunch of flowers on a grave stone.

"For all those people that have died. This is what this monument is for. Since I caused all of this trouble...I wish I could do something more."Trowa muttered.

Quatre stood back up."It wasn't your fault Trowa... It was those Demons! At least we know it'll never happen again!"Quatre smiled.

"...Quatre. You know those demons are still out there. We can't escape them."

"Wel... the best we can do is live out lives the best we can..."Quatre put his hand on Trowa's chest."As long as I'm with you."

"Yes, everything will be fine. I love you."

"I l--"Quatre was stopped when Trowa leaned down and kissed Quatre.

A breeze blew slightly as the sounds of and eerie laighter filled the air...
