Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Domo Arigatou, Mr. Roboto ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

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Domo Arigatou Mr. Roboto
by Konran no Tenshi

Summary: What's this? The Gundams on a sugar high? Sugar + ginseng + the ZERO system = total chaos as only the Angel of Chaos can give it to you! Find out what sort of disturbing hallucinations lurk in the minds of everyone's favorite Wild Wing Boys...

Konran no Tenshi: *pops up wielding her moon staff* Bwahahahaha... I'm baaack! I'm also on a sugar rush, and very very bored... and you know what that means!

G-boys: *cower in fear, then scatter for the nearest bomb shelter* Noooo! Not another crazy 'fic!

Quatre: You can't make us!

Konran: Wanna bet? *holds up, in order: a stuffed bear, a scaled-down thermal scythe, a clown mask, a gun, and a Nataku plushie*



Konran: *smiles sweetly* Just be cooperative and you'll get your things back at the end of the 'fic. Otherwise... *nods to a guy in the background* Kangeki-chan?

Kangeki: Right. *opens the hole to Hell in Jigoku no Tenshi's locker (don't ask how we got ahold of it, since it's summer... o.0)*

Konran: *holds the various items suspended above the hole* Now... can anybody tell me what time it is?

All G-boys: 'FIC TIME!

Konran: That's right! ^_~ Sooo, Angel... the disclaimer, if you would?

Duo: Hey! How come you didn't take anything of HERS?

Konran: *dirty look at Duo* For one thing, I created her, so she does what I say. For another thing, she's not going to be in this 'fic.

Wufei: *mutters to self* Lucky weak onna.

Konran: *clears throat* Without further ado... Angel?

Angel: *holds up a sign*

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine, nor are any of the characters, though it's not from my lack of trying. ^.^;; Jigoku no Tenshi belongs to herself. However, I DO own Kangeki. He's aaaaall mine. Bwahahaha. This is my first 'fic with my new muse, courtesy of Kaori-sama. *winks to Kaori* Arigatou!

Prologue: Zechs' Revenge

"DUOOOOO!" Zechs Merquise stood in the Gundam hangar, a look of pure rage contorting his face. "When I get my hands on yoooooou... how DARE you hide all my hair-care products?"

Only silence met his furious shouts.

"Hmm... not here, is he?" Zechs got an evil gleam in his eye. "Well then... we'll just see how you like the revenge of the great Lightning Baron! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!"

He slinked (slunk? oh well) out of the Gundam hangar, evil thoughts already beginning to swirl through his brain. He went to a pay phone and dialed up a 1-800 number.

The whispered conversation that ensued was brief, but it left Zechs with a large and decidedly insane smile on his face. "Oh yes, I'll show you what happens when you mess with my hair..."

A few hours later, Zechs stood in the still-empty hangar...

Well, empty of all *people*.

The hangar was now filled with untold numbers of crates and bags. Zechs chuckled wickedly and rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he surveyed the stacks. "Eh heh heh... let's see how you like this! And for good measure, I'll throw your friends into your punishment too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He stopped laughing for a second. "Damn, I'm good at this villain role." He experimentally tried another laugh. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He winked at himself, reflected in Sandrock's leg. "You are just too good for your own... good."

Zechs sweatdropped and decided not to try to think of any more stunning compliments. Now to get on with his revenge. First of all, he pulled out three small computer... card... thingys... and put one each in the computers of Deathscythe, Heavyarms, and Shenlong. Next, he went for the bags and crates on the floor.

The bags proved to hold sugar, and the crates to hold untold bottles of ginseng tea. Zechs giggled maniacally as he poured a hefty dose of both into each Gundam's fuel tank. "Hee hee hee..."

His work finished, he retreated from the hangar, setting fire to all the empty sugar bags and wooden crates. "Eh heh heh... we'll see who messes with whose hair products after this! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

And Zechs melted into the night.

<~*End Prologue*~>

Konran: *laughs insanely, resembling Zechs* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Duo: HEY! What did he do to my Deathscythe!

Zechs: HEY! What did SHE do to ME?

Wufei: *moaning in the background* Nataku... my Nataku...

Trowa: //.O I refuse to do this 'fic.

Konran: Oh, don't worry. This won't hurt...

Quatre: *sighs in relief*

Konran: ... much.

Quatre: Ulp!

Kangeki: *mutters to self* Dear Kami, what sort of crazy authoress have I gotten myself adopted by?

Konran: *grins and beckons to Heero* You're first.

Heero: *Death Glare* Ninmu... ryoukai.

Duo: Oh sure, you can talk. *You're* her favorite.

Konran: *kawaii grin* On to the first part! *still clutching Heero, pulls out her moon staff and glitter sparkles everywhere*