Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ I Have To Pee! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
AyatheWaterDemon: Hey! I'm glad you like it so far!
Rose Fury: Hey chica! Glad I'm keeping you preoccupied from a certain neko fic. Don't forget to send me your requests!
Dk joy: Wow that is very nice to hear! You're on my favorites list too. I hope you continue to let me know how I am doing. I live for feedback! ^_~.
Chapter 4: I Have to Pee!
Having had enough of their cuteness competition, Heero and Duo settled down on the couch between Wufei and Quatre. Both were slowly sleepy from the long day of events.
“I think it's time for your naps.” Quatre said in a motherly tone. The two chibis sweat dropped and glared at the blonde.
“We're not childwen, Quatwe.” Duo said crossing his little arms over his chest. “I don't want to take a nap. I'm not tiewd.” Heero sat beside his fellow chibi and nodded in agreement. No sooner had the Deathscythe pilot finished his argument both gave a large yawn.
Quatre grinned triumphantly and took the two into his arms one again. Despite their protests, the Arabian took them to one of the bedrooms and tucked them in a bed together. Both glared/pouted at him stubbornly as their eyes began to droop.
“Good night, boys.”
Duo yawned and snuggled deeper into the bed. He wasn't tired. No, he was just going to rest his eyes for a while. It didn't mean he was tired. His eyes closed completely and his breath began to even out as he drifted into dreamland.
Heero wasn't far behind. He reluctantly let his eyes close as well. As soon as the two eyelids met, they didn't seem to want to part. Not that he was tired though. Being tired was a sign of weakness and he was *not* tired.
Quatre smiled as the two chibis slept. They, by some magnetic force, were beginning to move closer to each other. Before long, they were happily snuggled against each other.
Somewhere in the wood, the mystery chick (MC) was running after something. That something was too small to see over the tall grass. Whatever it was had done enough to make the troublemaker's eyes light with rage.
“Come back here with those! I need them!!” She called after it.
It stopped and took off in another direction. This led it to an opening. It was the size of a fox cub and just as cute. Its yellow green eyes stared back at its pursuer with great amusement.
MC glared at the little creature the best she could. The thing was just too cute. “Give it back.” She said through gritted teeth. The cute caramel colored creature hissed at her mischievously and darted off. “Damn.”
Wufei was watching television when Quatre came back looking all dreamy eyed. He snorted at the fair-haired teen and went back to watching the news.
Trowa sat beside him and raised an eyebrow at the Arabian. Quatre only beamed and flopped down on the sofa.
“I wish they could stay like that.” Quatre said wistfully. Wufei snorted yet again and began to flip through channels.
“What will we do when we have mission then?” Trowa said calmly. Both pilots looked at him in horror. There was no way they could complete missions with two chibis, a chibi-mech, and three pilots and their gundams. “We have to find that girl.”
A three nodded and took off.
MC was searching through the undergrowth of the woods when a sneeze took her by surprise. She sniffled and looked warily around her. There was no sign of the little thief at all. “He is so grounded after this.” She grumbled in irritation. She moved to take a step and winced at the crunch she heard under her foot.
She hesitantly looked down to see her green and blue `water gun' in four different pieces. “Shimatta.” She cursed.
Duo was awakened from his wonderful candy cane filled dream. He was just about to bite into the world's biggest Hershey kiss when a more urgent matter came up. The braided pilot looked around desperately. He was in his and Heero's room in one of the beds.
“Quatwe?” He called.
No answer.
“He must've left. Wufei? Twowa?”

No answer.
With a resigned sigh, he turned to the only source of help he could think of. “Heewo.”
The Japanese teen grunted and cracked one sleep clouded eye. “Hn, what?”
“I have to pee.”
“And that concerns me how?”
“I need help.”
“I'm not holding it for you.”
“Not that! I can't reach the bowl, duh.”
Heero sighed and sat up as he rubbed one eye. He looked around. “Ask Scythe.”
“Fine!” Duo huffed and jumped off the bed which was like jumping from a three story building. He spared one last glare in the general direction of his comrade and went in search of his Gundam.
Since Scythe didn't have to sleep, he had busied himself with becoming familiar with different objects. Right now it the lucky item was the cutest looking creature by far.
It was a rich caramel color with yellow green eyes and black bands on each of its little ankles. It also had to tails and a blue gem in the middle of its forehead. When it had snuck inside the safe house, it was carrying a neon orange and yellow toy gun. That was safely stored in his chest cavity.
“What's your name?” He said tenderly and scratched at the furry's chin. This earned a purr and more cuddling.
Scythe turned his head to the voice. “Hi, Duo.” He greeted. His chibi-master was rubbing tiredly at his eyes and pouting adorably. “What's wrong?”
“I have to pee and Heero won't help. I can't reach the bowl.” The braided American whined. Scythe's heart went out to him.
“I'll help then.”
Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei trudged through the dense vegetation the best they could. It was getting late and there was no hope that they would find the object of their problems anytime soon.
That's when they heard harsh cursing in the distance. There were some they knew and some that only Trowa knew. Those alone were enough to make the banged boy blush. They followed the stream of profanity until they met up with a royally pissed off teenage girl sitting in the clearing nursing a broken water gun.
“OH, hey.” She called cheerfully. She was partially turned away from them with a piece of plastic in one hand and a screwdriver in the other. Empty tubes of super glue lay useless at her feet. “Look, I know your friends are probably mad at me for what I did,” She stared and looked up at them. Her hazel eyes glinted in the fading light.
“But I was going to turn them back before the day was over, but Mischief took one of the things I need in order to do so and now I have to fix it.”
“She's above this high.” She held her hand about half a foot off the ground. “Caramel colored like me, but she looks like a fox. She has a pretty blue gem on her forehead and some black bands on her ankles.”
Trowa nodded along with Quatre. Wufei glared at the profile of the girl.
“Leave it to an onna to cause trouble like this.” The remark earned him a glare that rivaled Heero's and Duo's put together. The china boy flinched and closed his mouth with an audible click.
“Chang Wufei, last of the dragon clan of L5, justice ranting womanizing asshole, did I get it all?”
Wufei stuttered indignantly as Trowa and Quatre nodded their heads. “Yup, that Wufei in a nutshell.”
“I don't appreciate your `onnas are weak' speeches so keep them to yourself or out of my range of hearing.”
“Well, you seem to know us. Who are you?”
Curses and loud metal clanks could be heard coming from the bathroom. This noise was keeping Heero from his wonderful nightmare-less sleep. He grumbled and jumped from the bed to find the source and eliminate it.
“Stop moving.” Duo's voice sounded.

”I would be if you'd aim right!” Scythe hissed back at him.
“You'we shaking too much!”
“Ack! You got some on me!”
“Dammit, be still!”
Then there was a crash.
A/N: This was fun to write. I'm glad that other people like this so far. I might have to do more chibi fics if this goes well.