Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ My Name is Not Onna! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
DK_Joy: Thank you for the review! It was fun writing that last one. I don't know where I got the idea but I am glad you liked it.
LiZzarD: I know. I have a momentary slip where I think he's 03. *grins* I'll fix it. Thanks for telling me.
Chapter 5:
Chibi-Heero stared down at the two on the ground as if they grew two heads. Both stared up at him sheepishly.
“Uh, hey, Heewo.” Duo greeted. He stood and quickly did up his pants. Scythe chuckled quietly at the crimson forming on the American's face. He stood unnoticed and slipped out of the room to check on his new friend.
Trowa glared from Quatre's arms. His now stubby arms were crossed over his chest.
“Don't be like that. It was an accident.” MC said. She pouted when the large emerald eyes failed to relent their intense gaze. Wufei merely glared more and kept his distance from the clumsy woman. “Tell `em, Quatre!”
The Arabian sighed and smiled down at the adorable chibi in his possession. “She didn't mean to trip.”
“And the chibifier fell out my pocket and was conveniently aimed at you when it hit the ground and went off.”
“And how did you get that in your pocket is beyond me.” The little Trowa pointed out. He felt so naked with his bang not being able to hang past his oversized eye. Not to mention that the thing had shrunk to only come to the middle of his cheek instead of his chin.
“That weird coming from a guy that pulls throwing knives from his jeans on a regular basis.” Wufei said absently.
“And what about Heero? He pulls a pistol of his spandex and do you ever see a indication its there?” MC continued the argument. She carefully stuffed the `super soaker' back into her pocket. Once it was away completely she skipped ahead to join Wufei who promptly went ape shit.
“What the hell do you think you're doing, onna!? Get away from me!” The Asian cried.
“My name is *not* `onna'.” MC growled and glared at the teen. Without warning, she pulled a red and black water pistol from another one of her many pockets. “Die!”
Wufei flinched from the black ray coming from the gun. When he reopened his eyes, he was on all fours with claws. His bottom half was black and furry while his upper half was bare. His forearms were covered in short fur as well, his hands and feet were paws.
“AHH!” The Chinese pilot shrieked. He quickly placed his clawed hands over his mouth to block out the chipmunk like sound that was his voice.
“Aww!” Quatre squealed and dumped Trowa off in MC's arms. He knelt in front of the chibi-furry. Large almond shaped eyes looked up at him in shock. The Arabian ran his hands over the raven colored cat ears sticking out of the loose mass of hair. “Ooo, I want to be one of these!”
“Sure.” MC said dumbly. “Can we make it back to your safe house first?” She said as she placed her gun back into her pocket.
“You better be able to fix this.” Wufei grumbled miserably. The girl only smiled sweetly and followed after 04. He struggled to coordinate his new limbs to walk and failed miserably. Quatre saw this and gathered him in his arms like a pet cat.
“It's alright” The Arabian cooed and ran his hair through Wufei's unbound hair. Wufei tried to glare in response but found him purring instead. This made the blonde smile happily and continue as they walked.
Back at the safe house, Duo and Heero were sitting patiently in the living room on one of the couches. Both had their hands in their lap and were kicking their legs out as they waited.
Scythe hummed merrily from the kitchen as he zipped from one task to the other. In the microwave, he had chocolate milk warming and on the stovetop, he had a pot of ramen noodles. A small radio on the counter provided some sort of entertainment as he made the meal.
Duo looked up at the sound of the front door opening. On the couch across from him, Heero lay sleeping with his arms as his pillow. The American mentally made note of how cute the teen looked in his chibi form then hopped from the two story sofa.
“Who is it?” He called playfully. Despite his cheerful greeting, he was unconsciously reaching for his gun.
Duo squawked indignantly at the outburst and fell on his back. He glared up at the caramel skinned girl standing over him. She looked back at him with big expressive hazel eyes.
“Who the hell awe you?”
“Oh, Déjà vu” The uninvited guest said. “I am the one responsible for your….present problem.” She said proudly. Duo narrowed his eyes and closed his hand around his gun. “But I aim to fix it.” MC added quickly.
“You bettew. It would be alwight and actually funny, but I can't weach the toilet.”
“I can always turn that chibi as well.”
Duo thought about it then shook his head. “That would be fun. But would it tuwn out like Scythe?”
“Yeah. Chibi eyes and all. Speaking of which—“ She slowly bent down and placed a still sulking chibi-Trowa before Duo.

”Hi! Twowa.” Chibi-Shinigami greeted.
“Hewwo, Duo.” Trowa said monotonously, but adorably all the same. “Tuwn Quatwe. Its not faiw if he gets to stay nowmal.”
MC shrugged and nodded. “Which gun do you want?” She said turning to the blonde. He had just walked in the door and had not a clue what was going on.
“He doesn't get to choose.” Wufei growled.
“Okay.” MC closed her eyes and reach into a random pocket. Finding what she wanted, she pulled out yet another gun. This was golden with silver trim. “Say cheese.” She pointed the gun at the Arabian.
“Not yet!” Wufei shouted. It was too late. The laser caught him as well as Quatre. When everything cleared Wufei was not only sporting fur and a tail, he also had two white wings growing from his back.
Quatre stared down at himself. He was in his chibi form. He had big aquamarine eyes, a button nose, and a small mouth. It didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. Then he felt his back. Two white wings fluttered behind him and a golden halo floated above his head.
“An angel? How many guns do you have?” Duo asked shakily.
MC counted on all ten of her fingers then laced them behind her back. “Twenty seven on me and sixty two more at home.” She said as if stating the weather.
All five pilots sweat dropped.
“Now, I need to repair this gun.” She said holding out the almost fixed green and blue water pistol. “But the other one was taken by Mischief.”
*Mou?* A small fox like creature padded from under one of the tables and stood at MC's feet.
“Yes you.” The girl glared down into the oversized yellow green eyes. “Now where is it?”
“What do you mean `you don't know'?”
*Mou Mou*
“Oh forget it!”
Trowa cleared his throat to get the two's attention. “What exactly do you need the other for?”
“Well, this one turned you back to normal while the other returns you back to normal size.”
“We're doomed.”
A/N: Don't you just love Mischief? She is such a wonderful thing to have around. She makes life a lot better. And just wait till her brother Chaos comes for a visit. This fic will never end!!! Mwhahahahhahaaaa!
Wufei is a griffon thingy. I saw a picture of one him as a beastie on….someone's site. It was rather cute. Then I saw one with him in beastie mode with wings. It was sooo cute. And if anyone can draw one, I'd appreciate a look at it. Just a look. Nothing more. Promise. @_@