Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ *That* Bitch is Dead! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
A/N: Hey! This chap took longer to come along because I have a lot I want to happen in this. Like I said Chaos likes to join Mischief.
Rose Fury: Do ya really think that's a lot? I don't think so. You can never have enough guns. *grins*
D_K joy: Glad you like. I saw a pic of Quatre as a chibi-angel and had to put it in my fic. I can be such a sucker for cute things, it's scary.
Chapter 6:
MC scowled down at the two chibis at her feet. Her normally mischievous eyes were set in stone.
The two at her feet winced under the gaze and snorted restlessly.
“Never ever touch my guns.” She said with a gleam close to going Zero. The two had had a war with two of her less favorite guns. Not for the transformation it caused but because of the colors.
“It was his fauwt.” Both said simultaneously. Each pointed a `finger' at each other.
The head troublemaker looked unconvinced. Seeing that glaring wasn't helping, MC settled for laughing. Trowa, Wufei and Quatre came from their hiding spots and joined in.
Heero and Duo pouted. Heero had a pig's snout for a nose and a curl pink tail jutting from his spandex. His feet and hands were hoofs and two floppy ears twitched at the top of his head.
Duo was worse for wear. He was sporting a duck bill and webbed feet. His arms and hands were two chestnut colored wings.
“You guys are cute.: MC gasped. She then placed the pink white trimmed gun back into her lower pocket and the pastel yellow and pink one back into her upper pocket. “Relena would totally love both of you.”
At the mention of the name all cabin occupants winced at the shrill cry coming from outside. Scythe, who was sporting a pair of black pig ears (thanks to Duo), peeked out of one of the windows. The chibi-mecha then dropped to the ground with wide eyes.
“Who is it?” MC asked curiously.
“You don't want to know.”
“Heeeeerooooo saaaaaaave meeeee!”
Mc paled and the gleam in her eye became obvious. She quickly reached into her left hip pocket and pulled out a black and grey gun. “That bitch is dead.” She started to march towards the door with four chibi pilots latched onto her ankles. The door was almost in her reach when Wufei flew in her face unexpectedly. “Ahh, mierda!”
The trigger happy teen aimed and fired. The discharge missed Wufei and went into the kitchen. Everyone watched as the porcelain turned into a black laser show. Then the miniature lightning ricocheted off a pop and went into the living room.
MC was the first to be hit then others as well. Somehow, Scythe was hit by some of the black electricity. When the dust finally cleared, there were seven chibis and a door which was broken for the second time that day.
“Well this sucks.” MC said. She twisted her body to take in her appearance. She had on her normal outfit—a black tank top and charcoal jeans—and her hair was still in a spiky ponytail save for her bang. “Well, shit.” She grumbled as she found what had changed.
She had two red and black wings on her back and a forked tail. On her head, she had two curled horns. She gaped at the red pitch fork in one hand.
“What happened?” Duo cried. He would've flailed his arms if it wasn't for the scythe that was almost twice his length. He had two grey and black wings on his back and his out fit had turned into a pair of baggy black jeans, a tank top, and a backwards baseball cap.
Heero glared at the braided chibi-Shinigami then back at his own changes. He had his normal spandex and tank. Nothing seemed abnormal until he reached the mechanical wings on his back. To his surprise, they made no sounds as he experimentally flapped them. It was nothing he couldn't handle so he went to take in the state of his other comrades.
Trowa was clad in a one piece body suit. While the top was relatively tight, the pants were baggy. The suit had a thin line drawn down the middle from his neck to his crouch. Another line went horizontal from one side of his waist to the other. While the left side of the upper was green the other side was white with a blue circle. The bottom half was in a similar design with the right side being green and the left side being white with a blue circle. Half a clown mask covered the side of the ex-mercenary's face where his bang couldn't.
Quatre was wearing what looked to be desert gear. He had on pale blue pants similar to Wufei's, a faded purple button up and a rich brown vest. Around his head was a shawl he seen used by the Arabian to keep sand out of his face. Behind him was a plush chibi-camel that had came out of nowhere.
Wufei had grown back all his appendages and was now a normal chibi. He wore his usual white baggy pants and blue tank top. He looked pretty close to his normal self minus the fact his hair was still loose and he was wielding a chibi-katana.
“So no what?” Scythe called from his spot under the window. He was now the exact size of the other chibis. His limbs were short and his eyes had grown larger. He looked positively adorable!
“Heero!” Relena's voice called again. Her wheat blonde head popped through the destroyed doorway. Then her Prussian blue eyes fell on the chibis scattered across the floor. She squealed then picked up the glaring chibi with mecha wings. “You look just like Heero. I have got to have you.”
Thinking quickly, Heero reached into Spandex Space for a weapon. He pulled it out quickly and aimed. “Omae o korosu.”
MC, along with the other chibis, sweat dropped at the sight of the large bazooka in the Japanese teen's hand. Relena continued to gape without letting her grip on the smaller being go.
“Put him down!” Duo yelled. All of a sudden he felt a tad jealous that Relena had her hands on Heero. He flew clumsily on his chibi bat wings and put his scythe though Relena's dainty pink dress shoe.
Relena shrieked and dropped her prize in favor of holding her abused foot. “You terrible horrible…”
“Serves you right, you pink loving cucaracha.” MC crowed and fisted the air.
Said cucaracha glared down at the dark dressed chibi-Diablo. “Pink is better than black any day.” She said indignantly.
MC stopped in her excited whooping to look at the Foreign Minister as if she grew an extra head. Duo, having retrieved his scythe, did so as well.
Without warning, Mischief came bounding out of somewhere in the safe house and latched onto Relena's pink pantyhose clad shin. Another shrill cry filled the room.
“If she screams like that again, I'm going to have to shoot her.” MC said dryly. She was met with six pleading sets of eyes that clearly said `Why wait? Shoot her now!'.
They didn't have to plead long. A small catlike creature came from behind the annoying girl and latched onto her hind quarters.
“Get them off!” Relena cried helplessly. The gun wielding trouble maker took pity on the flailing nuisance and pulled a random gun from a random pocket.
“Say Cheese.”
A/N: Although I end it hear, I already know what I want Relena to be and what will happen next. Review and you shall know as well. *inserts mystical music*
All of the guys and my appearance were seen at some point and time on someone's website. They are quite adorable. I'll give the address as soon as I can remember where it was. Now I am off to write a not-so-kiddy chap for my more hentai group of reviewers. Ja!