Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo's Double ❯ It's Me!! No...the other me!! ( Chapter 1 )
Duo's Double??!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Gundam characters. Just the ones I made up.
A/N: I think this may be characterised underneath "Alternate Universe" seeing as I am not sure that this could happen. Set about four years after Endless Waltz. Be kind, this is my first GW fic.
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Duo pressed his face against the window and grinned. The employees inside gave him a funny look and he backed away embarrassed. Heero rolled his eyes as Duo laughed his embarrassment away.
"Why did you drag me here again? I seem to keep forgetting in my state of boredom." Heero said. Duo made a mocking face at him.
"I told ya I needed another person's opinion before I buy the ring! These things don't come cheap and when it comes to fashion sense…I don't think I can find a black diamond." Duo replied. "Besides, it's not like you were doing anything other than stalking Relena."
"Take that back. I was just looking out for her, she is after all a big political leader and if she were killed war would break out." Heero said trying to fight the blush that was creeping up on his face. Duo grinned.
"Yadda, yadda, yadda! That's all I have to say."
"Can we get this over with?"
"Yeah okay! Don't get your underoos in a knot!" Duo laughed as he walked into the jewellery store.
"Underoos?" Heero puzzled as he walked in after Duo. They both stared at the wide selection of rings and other jewellery. Duo pointed at a ring that had a funny shaped opal rock on top of a gold bang. Heero raised an eyebrow. (Yes I know, it's amazing…)
"Aren't those things meant to be bad luck?" Heero asked. Duo's eyes widened.
Yup, I'm sure I read it somewhere." Heero said absent-mindedly. Duo cautiously stepped away from the ring and looked at another one. Duo's grin widened and he excitedly started to point at the ring.
"What's the matter boy?" Heero asked. Duo scowled.
"Funny. Take a look at this one! It's perfect." Duo pointed at a ring that had sapphire dolphins encrusted in a gold ring. Heero nodded in approval.
"It's nice. I'm sure Hilde will like it." Heero said. Duo fished an envelope out of his pocket that lots of bills inside it. He took out about a ¼ of the money.
"I've been saving for this for a while now. Never thought that out of the five of us, I'd be proposing first." Duo said.
"Believe me, it was a shock to all of us." Heero said as he slightly smiled. Duo rang the bell to get the attention of the guy behind the counter. The guy just rubbed his nails on his shirt and ignored Duo. Duo repeatedly rang the bell but the guy just kept on ignoring him. Duo's eyebrow started to twitch, he took a deep breath and shouted at the guy.
"HEY!!! CAN I BE SERVED??!" Duo yelled. Heero smirked.
"I'm on my break kid, do ya mind?" The attendant said as Duo face faulted. Heero walked up to the counter and stared the guy in the face.
"Isn't there anyone else that can help him? I have places to be you know." Heero said. The guy nodded.
"Sure. HEY NEW KID!!! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE YOURSELF!!!" The guy shouted much to Heero's chagrin.
"Do you mind?" Heero asked.
"No, not at all." The guy said as Heero face-faulted. A girl stuck her head out of a doorway.
"I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW!!" The girl shouted. Heero shook his head.
"Does everyone in this place shout?" Heero muttered. Duo looked up at the girl.
**Wow, she looks so familiar…but I can't place my finger on it.**
"You work for me and I can call you what I want!! You need to be more aware of whom you are talking to!" The guy replied.
"Well! Excuse me for being a mere mortal!" The girl replied. Heero's head snapped up.
"Hello?" Duo said to himself. "That's my line!! I feel like I'm in the twilight zone!"
"Duo…I can't believe I'm actually saying this but…this is way freaky!" Heero said as Duo agreed. The girl finally showed herself. Duo and Heero couldn't believe their eyes. She looked a lot like…Duo!
"Hey!!! She took my face!!" Duo yelled. The girl gave him a weird look as Heero clamped his hand over Duo's mouth and laughed nervously. The girl had exactly the same facial features as Duo, the eyes, the nose and she even had the bangs over her face. The main difference was that she was a girl and had the features to prove it. Her hair was the same colour as Duo's but it was at shoulder length. She blinked at the two guys and turned back to her boss.
"So, what is it you want me to do?" She asked. He pointed to Duo and Heero. "You must be joking! Oh this is so not cool!"
"She did it again!!" Duo said as Heero dragged him out of the shop.
"He…needs to take his medication! Just make sure you save that ring for him!" Heero shouted.
"Which one?" She called back.
"The dolphin one!" Heero said as he and Duo drove away.
"Weirdos. Hey, what happened to my nametag?" She wondered but shrugged it off.
Heero drove as fast as he could almost killing two senior citizens and a dog. He ran about two red lights when Duo decided to ask where they were headed.
"Where exactly are we going?" Duo asked.
"You ask too many questions! Where do we usually go when something big happens?" Heero asked as he ran a stop sign.
"Into our Gundams and raise some heck!" Duo said as Heero slapped him upside the head. "You really shouldn't take your hands off of the wheel."
"Never say heck in my presence again. We are going to Quatre's." Heero said as he swerved pass an ice cream truck.
"To go get our Gundams!" Duo said. Heero slapped him upside the head again. "I think you knocked out a brain cell."
"You are so obsessed! Not everything can be resolved using a Gundam!" Heero shouted as Duo's face went blue.
"Geez Louise!! That girl really freaked you out!"
"The last thing I need is two Duos."
"Well you're no picnic either pal." Duo said as they pulled into Quatre's driveway. "Note to self: Heero shouldn't be allowed to drive." Heero repeatedly banged on the door until Quatre came to answer it.
"No servants?" Duo asked as they walked in.
"On holiday. It's a union thing." Quatre shrugged. "So what brings you here?"
"My greatest fear has become a reality." Heero said dramatically.
"Jabba the Hut?" Quatre asked as Duo started laughing.
"No! My other worst fear!" Heero said.
"But Duo can't have a double! Besides, what would be wrong with two Duos'? Just coz he annoys you!" Quatre said sipping his tea. Heero face-faulted.
"But this one is a girl!" Heero said. Quatre's eyes opened wide.
"Really?!" Quatre asked.
"Yup! She even used my line!" Duo said.
"The god of death is back from hell?" Quatre asked.
"No, the mere mortal one." Heero said. Quatre nodded.
"Well what did she look like?" Quatre asked. Duo face-faulted.
"LIKE ME!!! SHE STOLE MY FACE!!" Duo yelled.
"Okay, okay! Don't get your knickers in a twist!" Quatre said walking off with Heero and Duo close behind.
"What are knickers?" Duo asked.
"Skip it." Quatre said. "We should call Wufei and Trowa. They might want to know before they go beating up the poor girl."
"I can just see it now…AHHH!!! THAT ONNA LOOKS LIKE MAXWELL!! FEEL THE WRATH OF NATAKU!!" Duo laughed doing an excellent impression of Wufei. Quatre smirked and picked up the phone.
"Hey Duo?" Heero asked.
"Do you think she could be related to you?"
"I'm not sure. I did grow up an orphan you know."
"Even so…"
"Besides I don't even know her name." Duo sighed.
"It's Michelle." Heero replied. Duo's eyes bugged out of his head.
"How did you know that?" Duo asked. Heero held up a nametag. "YOU TOOK THAT?!! THAT'S A FELONY!!"
"Like I care." Heero stated.
"Touché." Quatre replied.
End of part one…
Well, what did ya think? Leave a review and tell me if you want the next part.