Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Enemies, or? ❯ Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I've finally installed (do you call it `installed' in English?) Windows XP!! I'm amazed; it looks sooo good compared to my old Windows 98.

You *do* realized that in this fic, it's only the second day of school right now?

Summary: Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy have a feud going on, since they were young. No one seems to remember why they dislike each other, but there's always something going on between the two of them. Is it possible to make them become friends, or more?

Pairings: future 1+2+1, (3+4, 5+M, D+4, R+1, 6+9 maybe more too!)

Warning: Shounen Ai (see the pairings), and then maybe OOC. This is probably gonna be soaked in GW-fic-clichés too, but I'm trying to keep it in a humorous way.

Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing, only this plot and the grammar-faults. The grammar-faults are for sale, though.

Genres: Romance, Humor, School-AU and so on…

Author: Maaya

Archive: *Please* if you want it, take it!! But send me an e-mail first. (I keep it at and

News!!! I have now a beta-reader!! *applauds* The name's sailor c. ryoko and it's because of her that the grammar in this chapter is so good!!!


Enemies, or? Part 5


"Mr. Winner, Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Yuy! You get detention after school because of your late arrival. Meet me in room number 216, three o'clock!" Tsuberov's hard voice was loud enough to make an echo in the big class-room, and he looked at the late-comers with an annoyed expression showing in his furrowed face.

Not Duo, Quatre or even Heero dared to look at their teacher when he was in this mood - the floor had suddenly gotten `very' interesting. They merely nodded as an answer and even their nods were quite awkward. Heero, though, kept his hands fisted, his knuckles rapidly becoming white. He had always hated Mr. Tsuberov for an unknown reason, just like he hated Duo. The only difference was that the hate he had for Duo was a lot more..intensive.

Tsuberov sighed. "Well, get to your seats now so we can continue class". He watched as Duo and Heero glared at each other when they unwillingly sat down by the same desk.

Dorothy smirked, Quatre in detention huh? She could make use of that. She picked up her pencil and hurriedly wrote `Tsuberov is a pig - from Dorothy' on a paper from the notepad. She crumpled the paper up before throwing it over the whole room to Daniel McEwen.

The boy gave her a curious look before opening the note, but what he didn't know was that Mr. Tsuberov had seen it all. Just as the boy poor boy had seen what was written, the note was snatched out of his hands by the annoyed teacher. Tsuberov read the paper, and you could see how a vein on his forehead appeared.

Daniel swallowed, and a tiny sweat-drop found its way down his forehead, followed the beginning of his nose and finally fell down the tip of the turned-up body part.

"Ms. Catalonia, Mr. McEwen, detention, three o'clock!!" The teacher's voice was filled with uncontrolled anger, and Dorothy smirked. Perfect!

McEwen banged his head against his desk in frustration, with the open history-book serving as the only thing to save him from a nasty concussion.


Wufei stared at the test he had taken yesterday in disgust. `You get detention three o'clock, room 216 - remember, you can get expelled if you cheat again' was written in angry blue letters on it. "Injustice.."


Duo and Quatre managed to get through all the classes until they got a well-deserved lunch-break. Both boys were now sitting by a table, and Duo happily chatted with his friend.

"..and then we tried to..Quatre? Quatre?"

The blonde boy looked up when he heard his friend call his name. Duo looked at him in concern. "What's wrong with you today, Quatre?"

"Detention." Quatre whispered in a strained voice.

"Yeah, so? It's not like we haven't got that before."

"Catalonia." Duo could barely hear what Quatre said now, because the boy had collapsed; face down, on the table.

Duo patted his friend's back soothingly. "Don't worry Quat, I'll be there to help you." He said, unsure, and seemed to doubt his own words. The words were of little value for the smaller boy.

"Dorothy is not an ordinary woman!" came the muffled reply. "She's a servant from hell!"

Duo agreed, but he decided to change subject. He looked at his friend with a devious gleam visible in his eyes. "Remember what I said before?"


Apparently, Quatre had, and Duo was more than happy to remind him. "If you laughed, you'd die!"

The smaller boy tried to slide backwards, but the chair he sat on didn't move. "Oh no, you don't.."

Duo came closer and closer until he was near enough to..tickle his friend. "This is your punishment for laughing at me!" he roared as his friend collapsed in his seat, shaking with laugher.

"E-e-eno-ugh!" Quatre panted between his friend's tickling-attacks, and Duo finally stopped with the torture. Quatre managed to sit up again and he took deep breaths to calm himself down. "That was evil!"

"Payback's a bitch."

"Shut up!"

Again, Duo decided to change the subject. "Have you asked about the circus? Has anyone heard about it?"

Quatre sat up again and brushed his blonde bangs out of his eyes. He had red marks on his forehead, were he had rested his head against the wooden-table "Yes, people say that a circus came to this town three days ago. They'll have their first performance this evening." He used the `puppy-eyed look' on his friend.. "Want to come with me? Hilde can come too, if she wants."

His braided friend shrugged "Sure. What do you think the wondrous guy does?"

"Wondrous guy?" Quatre was clueless "No idea"

"Do you want to bet?"

Quatre got a wicked gleam in his usually kind and soft eyes "Sure"

Notepad and a pencil appeared in a hurry. Duo wrote his own name, then Quatre's. He left room for more names, if Hilde wanted to bet too. He looked up at his friend. "Give me your best guess!"

The boy thought for a while, his index-finger on his lower lip (a position that Duo always said was adorable) , before he spoke up "He was slender and tall..I think he's an acrobat"

Duo scribbled it down on the paper. "What will happen to the one who win?" he asked when he was finished.

"He'll.." Quatre thought for a while "..I don't really know.. I'll think about it."

"'Kay.." Duo fiddled with his braid, "I think he's a clown!"

"A clown!?"

"Yup, why not?"

Quatre stared at his friend "He did most definitely *not* look like a clown!"

"How do you know?"

The blonde boy shrugged and watched as Duo wrote `clown' in untidy letters under his own name.


"I got detention three o'clock"

"I got detention three o'clock"

Heero and Wufei stared at each other in surprise. They *never* got detention! Then they started to walk side by side down the corridor. After a while, Wufei spoke.. "Okay, why?"

Heero shrugged "I was late to Tsuberov's class"

The Chinese boy nodded in sympathy "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why were you late?"

That was probably the worst thing Wufei could have asked, and Heero felt himself seething in something that was soon-to-be anger. "Maxwell!" He growled in a low voice and he clenched his fist as if he wanted to hit something, preferably a certain braided boy.

Wufei saw that fist, and he stepped aside to enlarge the space between him and Heero, just in case. "How could it be his fault?"

"He ran into me!"

The other boy blinked, and suddenly wished he had been there to see the spectacle. It could have been.. hilarious. He didn't say that tough, just asked, "What happened?"

Heero got red. For some reason, he didn't want to tell Wufei how he had landed *on* the braided boy. "Nothing"

One of Wufei's black eyebrows rose questionably, but he didn't ask anything else about it. A small smirk slowly appeared in his face though.

The two boys walked in silence for a while, before Heero spoke up again, "Why did you get detention?"

He was answered with a snort "Apparently, I was too good in the test. They thought I was cheating"

Now, it was Heero's turn to nod sympathetically. "Detention in room 216, am I right?"


"Then we'll be together"


Suddenly, Wufei remembered something important he had to ask his Japanese friend about. "By the way Heero, can you..uhh.." he stopped to collect what was left of his quickly disappearing courage before he continued "followmetothecircustonight?"

Heero's eyes widened "What?"

"Can you follow me to the circus tonight?"

"Are *you* going to the circus?"

"No, Meiran wanted to go but our parents said that someone had to follow her, more precisely, me"

Heero just stared at his friend with a strange expression on his face "You..circus..?" He sputtered.

"Don't make fun of me, Yuy!"

Heero was caught by surprise. Wufei only called him Yuy when he was *really* flustered and angry. And during those times, it was best to stay away from the Chinese boy. "Why does Meiran want to go to the circus?" he asked, quite curiously. Meiran usually wanted to be as grown-up and cool as possible, so she and a circus didn't seem to go quite well together.

"She wanted to check out that gorgeous guy who worked there" Wufei shrugged, but Heero wasn't fooled. He knew jealousy when he heard it, and his friend's voice was practically soaked in it. He didn't say anything about it though, just smirked to himself.

During the moment of silence that followed, Wufei suddenly got a scary suspicion. "Uhh, Maxwell was late too, wasn't he?"

The Chinese boy's fears became true when Heero answered; "Yes"

"So then he got detention too...!?"

The brown-haired boy thought for a while. Then; "Yes"

"God help us!" Wufei sighed, just as they arrived to their next class.


"What!?" Noin's voice screeched and she took a deep breath before continuing "You did what?"

Tsuberov shrugged as he took a sip from his coffee. They were sitting in the teachers' room during their lunch-break and Tsuberov had just told his colleague about the late students and their detention "I gave them all detention"

"Them all?"

"Yes, Yuy, Maxwell, Winner and Catalonia"

The black-haired woman groaned and hid her face in her hands "And now you've realized that you are too busy to watch them over, and you want *me* to do it?"

"Something like that, yes"

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Not really" Tsuberov stood up "I have to go now. Have fun!"

Noin stared after the disappearing man. `Why me?'




Sorry about making this so short, but I wanted the detention to come in the next chapter. I'm evil, ain't I? *laughs wickedly* What can happen? What will happen with poor McEwen? And what will happen at the circus? Horror of all horrors! And as always, tell me if you liked this! (I'm so sorry about using Tsuberov but the idea just popped up in my head and before I could stop myself, I wrote it)