Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Enemies, or? ❯ Part 6 ( Chapter 6 )
I'm sorry for the long time it took to write this chapter, I had to write a short story for my Swedish-class, and it was kinda hard to write in Swedish for once, `cause I'm so used to write and express myself in English. *sweat drops* I hope the chapter makes up for the wait. ^_^
Oh, and there was someone asking about my spelling of Tsuberov's name - I'm not sure if I spelled it right, but in my subbed version of Gundam Wing (fan subbed, I should might add) they spelled it like I do now. I hope it doesn't disturb you too much!
Author: Maaya
Beta-ed by: sailor c. ryoko
Disclaimer: I hate to say this, but I don't own the characters in this story, I'm just borrowing them for a while and they *will* be returned, in the same condition they were before I entered their safe house and kidnapped them. Okay, how many people actually read the disclaimer in a fan fiction? I don't know why I am bothering to write it so long..
The song Duo sings in this part is `Holding out for a hero' by Bonnie Tyler
Special warning: Dorothy is really very Out Of Character in this part, sorry!
Enemies, or? Part 6
Dorothy hummed, uncharacteristically happy as she walked down the
corridor towards room 216. She would be stuck with Quatre in at least an hour, two if she was lucky. Now, the only problem would be the teacher, but if it was Tsuberov, it couldn't be too hard to fool him and make him go away to fetch something she actually didn't need. Tsuberov was usually more stupid than one that could be actually considered as normal. Of course, Dorothy was smarter than considered normal, at least in her own opinion. There were very few people on earth that would agree.
Suddenly, she realized that she had another problem; Dorothy Catalonia had never been in room 216. After walking some more, she realized that it was a BIG problem - because she couldn't find that number on any of the doors in the corridor. It was really very strange since the rooms 215 and 217 seemed to exist.
Dorothy looked around to see if she could find anyone to ask for
directions and unfortunately, she couldn't see anyone, not even a teacher.
Silently wondering what would happen if she was late for detention, she
continued walking down the empty corridor.
Quatre sighed as he watched Duo's half-hearted tries to balance a
pencil between his upper lip and nose. Their detention should have started five minutes ago, and neither Tsuberov nor Dorothy was anywhere near in sight. The blonde boy felt sweat trickle down his forehead as he thought about the girl who had her eyes set on him, and he desperately hoped that she wouldn't come. However, because of the fact that she never came, he only got more and more nervous.
Duo seemed to notice this, and he lowered his upper lip so the pencil
fell down in his already waiting hand, which caught it. "Hey, Quat, calm down a little. What could actually happen?" He asked and slapped Quatre on his back in a way he probably believed was soothing.
The blonde boy found it unnerving, though, and he replied. "About the
same things that could happen between you and Heero, I'd believe."
Duo stiffened, still with his hand his friend's back, and he stopped
smiling as his eyes wandered towards the dark-haired boy in question.
Heero was standing about ten meters away from them, and he never as
much as glanced towards the boys. He was holding a pencil and a math book in his right hand, and he waved to someone who came towards him in the corridor with his left. Who it was couldn't be seen from where Duo and Quatre stood, and Quatre felt an extraordinary big sweat drop taking form on his forehead. Duo knew what his friend was thinking, that it might would be Dorothy who was coming.
Luckily, it wasn't - that became clear when a Chinese boy walked in with his hair pulled into a small, tight pony-tail.
"Holy shit!"
"What?" Quatre asked and looked at Duo, questioning.
"Don't tell me that Chang will be here too! He can't have detention;
he's the scholar of this school!"
Quatre ignored the strange grammar in his friend's sentence as he
studied the other boy. "Maybe he just stopped to speak with Heero."
"Yeah, maybe." Duo didn't sound convinced. Heero Yuy and Wufei Chang
didn't seem to be the types to small-talk.
"Isn't Tsuberov here yet?"
Heero shrugged as an answer on the question his Chinese friend had just
asked. "He might have forgotten."
"Yes, sure." Wufei snorted. He tapped his fingers against the wall, and
soon, it was the only thing that sounded in the corridor. Of course, if
glances sounded, it would be a lot louder as everyone seemed to look at
each other when they thought no-one saw.
Poor McEwen, who was standing as far away from the others as possible,
was the first one to see Noin arrive.
Noin told Mrs. Une about her misfortune during a break, and the
colleague had laughed quietly before giving her a life-saving tip.
"Leave them there alone." She said. "Just let them work everything out
for themselves."
Noin burned her tongue on the hot coffee as she heard that statement.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, of course. Don't give them anything to do, just lock the door and
leave. It's the best way to make them talk."
To Mrs. Une, this was logic.
To Noin, this was mad.. but also a wicked, evil idea.
Noin opened the door and let the youths inside. When she saw that they
had all settled down in their desks, she started speaking, in a loud, firm voice.
"Have anyone seen Miss Catalonia?"
When no-one answered, so the young woman continued. "Well, she'll go
through her detention another time. Mr. Tsuberov was busy, and it fell to my lot to look after you. Unfortunately, I've got some things to do, too, so I'll leave you here for two hours."
Some gasps were heard in the room, mainly coming from Quatre and
McEwen. Wufei decided to bump his head against the dark-brown, hard,
wooden-desk in front of him. Heero and Duo just snorted and refused to look at each other.
Noin ignored the sounds and continued speaking. "Mrs. Une had a new
method of detention she'd like to test, on you."
The sound of Wufei's head banking against the desk got louder.
"You'll give me all of your things and you won't be given anything to
do. Just sit here and think over.. whatever you now did."
"I was late for class." Dou murmured lowly, and glared at Heero. "And
it wasn't exactly my fault."
"Oh, so it was my fault, Maxwell?" The other boy answered in a quiet
voice. Noin ignored it and collected their books and pencils before she went out the door and closed it behind her, none too gently.
The boys stared at her in varying amounts of shock, terror and
confusion. McEwen, who sat alone by a table in the corner, tapped his finger against the desk in an attempt to get rid of nervous energy.
The boys.. sat there for a while without speaking to each other. The
only sound in the room was the tapping from McEwen's fingers.
After a while, Duo got bored and began singing. "..he's gonna be strong
and he's gonna be fast.." He sang in an un-emotional, monotone voice, and since he didn't know anymore of the lyrics, he hummed the rest of it.
Quatre began counting the seconds. "five, six, seven, eight.."
Heero rested his hands in his hands and ignored the annoying humming.
"..nine, ten.."
Wufei groaned and silently counted together with Quatre.
"..eleven, twelve.."
Heero snapped. "Maxwell.. SHUT UP!"
Duo snorted, with mocked hurt. "Why?"
"Or I'll kill you."
"Good point." Duo fiddled with his braid for a while before speaking
again, this time to Quatre. "I have to do something before I die!"
Before Quatre had a chance to answer, Heero spoke up with a monotone
voice that sounded totally serious, in a way that made Duo very annoyed. "You should practice your math, especially mental arithmetic."
"What did you say?!"
"For example, what is.." Heero thought for a while. "Two hundred and
sixty-four multiplied by twelve?"
"Three thousand sixty-eight." Duo stated proudly, after having thought
for a
Heero looked dumbfounded for a while. "Well, what's five hundred and
twenty-five multiplied by sixty-seven?"
Duo leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and thought for a while.
Quatre, Heero and Wufei stared at him in surprise; he was a picture of
complete relaxation. McEwen had fallen asleep in his corner, completely
bored. Moments later, the braided boy had answered. "Thirty-five
thousand one hundred and seventy-five."
Heero growled silently. "Well, what is.."
Dorothy groaned as she walked past room number 215 once again, with 216
nowhere in sight. She had walked around in the school for half an hour,
and still she hadn't found the room. She sat down on the floor in one of the corridors, leaned her back against the wall, and sulked, scaring anyone who walked past her.
After a while, she saw someone's feet stopping in front of her. She
followed the feet up until her eyes met Meiran's dark brown.
"What are you doing here?!" The blonde girl snapped and glared at her
Meiran slid down to sit on the floor beside Dorothy. She played with
her black sun-glasses for a moment before replying. "Shouldn't I be asking the same?"
"Well, go ahead!"
Meiran grinned. "What are you doing here?"
"I refuse to answer!"
"Well, why did you tell me to ask?"
"Oh, shut up!"
They sat in silence for a while, before the black-haired girl spoke,
carefully, not wanting to anger the other girl more than necessary. It
could be fun to tease Dorothy for a while, but if you didn't know where to stop, it could be dangerous. "Aren't you supposed to have detention with Quatre and,"
she grinned deviously. "Heero, Duo, and my beloved husband?" The
`beloved' in her sentence dripped with heavy sarcasm.
"I told you to shut up!"
The girl held up her hands in front of her, as if to protect herself,
and waved slightly with them in an apologizing manner. "Well, sorry, sorry! Don't be so edgy."
"I couldn't find the room."
The words came uncharacteristically quiet, and so sudden that Meiran
was caught off guard. When she finally found her wits again, she spoke, he voice still filled with surprise. "You couldn't find the room! Which number was it, anyway?"
Dorothy was surprised to see her friend starting to shake with
laughter, and it didn't please her, not to the least. "What?"
"Room 216 is in the teachers' staff room."
"You have to enter the teachers' staff room to find 216. Don't ask me
why, but that's the truth. I should have guessed you wouldn't enter that room voluntary!"
Dorothy groaned and hid her face in her hands. "It's just not my day
"Don't say that." Meiran stood up. "The school has ended and I'll buy
you an ice-cream. Come on!"
"..five thousand sixty-six!" Duo`s voice proclaimed proudly, but his
violet eyes showed how tired he really was. His and Heero's math-contest had been going on for what seemed like forever. McEwen was still sleeping, with his head resting on his blue-clad arm. I small drop of drool trickled down his chin, and he snored slightly - unaware of what was going on in the room.
Quatre sat, chin resting in his hand as he stared out of the window
with a bored expression showing in his face. The clear-blue eyes were glazed and Duo guessed that he was dreaming about the circus-guy.
Wufei sat in the same style, but one of his fingers tapped against his
chin. He sighed, before shifting and leaning back in his uncomfortable chair and putting his feet on his desk. The chair creaked loudly, and he hastily returned to his former position. He glanced at his wristwatch, which was showing five o'clock.
Idly, he wondered why no-one was coming and letting them out.
I hope you like it! ^_^ Sorry about how long it took to get it out!