Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Enemies, or? ❯ Part 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or its characters. Anyone really thought I did?

Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the reviews and mail I've got for this fic! Love ya! I'm very sorry about the shortness of this part but I suddenly realized how long ago I had updated. Anyone still remember this story..? *looks around in the room* Nope? How sad!

Standard warning: Lots of funny fanfic-clichés. ^_^


Enemies, or? - Part 7


"Where is she?" Duo complained loudly in attempts to get everyone to acknowledge him. He wasn't successful - not even Quatre cared enough to raise his head from the desk he had been resting it against. The blonde boy stared blankly ahead as if he was a toy robot without batteries, and he had been in that state for over half an hour - since Duo and Heero had insisted on starting another bickering match, about if Dorothy's eyebrows were natural or not. Though, when both rivals had realized that they believed the same thing (that the brows were fake) they also stopped their bickering - defeated and with the knowledge that their worst rival believed the same thing as themselves.

Wufei wasn't better off than Quatre. The Chinese boy was staring at his wrist-watch that showed six o'clock and his lips moved silently, as if he was counting each second quietly for himself. He didn't appear to have heard the braided boy's question.

Heero was tapping his fingers against the desk, trying to get rid of some of the restless frustration he had gathered after sitting in here, bickering with his long time rival, for about three hours.

McEwen had woken up by now and he kept himself in the corner, not saying a thing as he stared straight ahead and hoped that this would soon be over.

No such luck.

Heero, who finally had sunk into a nice state of meditation, was suddenly interrupted by a loud grumbling coming from; you guessed it, Duo Maxwell. Annoyed, he looked up and glared at the boy who glared back at him with violet eyes, as if daring to say anything about the sound.

The short haired boy smirked. "Hungry, Maxwell?"

Another loud sound came from the other boy's stomach, answering the question.

Duo ignored him as he let him head fall down on the bench with a small thud. He lifted his head again and let it fall - now harder and he felt a slight pain in his forehead. He did so again and again and again - wanting the pain override the pain in his empty tummy. He was interrupted by Heero's voice which sounded slightly surprised because of his actions.

"What *are* you doing?"

A low chant coming from Duo answered him. "I'm slowly going crazy, crazy, crazy; I'm slowly going crazy, crazy, crazy.."

The shorthaired boy, accepted the sound, mostly because it lulled him to sleep..


Noin sat in her apartment, in big armchair and was reading a good book.

Now and then, she could take the tea-cup that stood on a table beside her and take a sip of hot Darjeeling. She felt completely relaxed but still, she couldn't get rid of an uncomfortable feeling that there was something that she had forgotten..


Duo stared at his watch and his many feelings of hunger, boredom, curiosity and frustration turned into anger. "She should be here by now! Look, it's seven!" He pointed at the clock before breaking out in another tirade of how God seemed to hate him.

As no-one answered him, he turned around - and was met by the sight of friends and rivals sleeping. He glared at their sleeping forms in frustration, but was interrupted as he heard something hit one of the windows in the classroom. "What?"

Curious, he went towards the window and looked outside..

"Hey, Duo! What are you still doing in there?"

"Hilde!? What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, remember? Meiran Chang told me that you all had gotten detention. I met Catalonia too, she was quite angry for some reason she didn't want to tell me about."

Inside the classroom, the others slowly woke up. Quatre rubbed his eyes and yawned. When he finally could focus normally, he glanced at the clock. "Seven?! The show starts in half an hour!"

"We've been in here for four hours?" McEwen asked as he too, yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Wufei though, looked at the blonde boy in surprise. "What show, Winner?"

"The circus, why?"

The Chinese youngster was hit by an uncomfortable thought. "Not, by any chance, together with Maxwell?"

Quatre got the same foreboding and he looked at his best friend's rival's best friend in something akin to horror showing in his cherubic face. "Yes.. you don't mean.." He didn't need to continue as the look in Wufei's face said it all. He groaned and hid his face in his hands. "Oh, no.."

"I agree Winner, oh no."

Heero didn't seem to have heard either of the boys as he made his way towards one of the windows, peering outside and listening as Hilde and

Duo spoke to each other. Well, actually they were shouting to each other to make themselves heard, even though they were roaring more than necessary.

"Have you seen Noin?" It was Duo who said this, leaning out of the window so much that Heero was almost worried that he would fall out of it.

"Maxwell, do you want to break you neck?" He asked, annoyed with both himself for saying something, and Maxwell - for being so careless and stupid.

The braided boy came inside again, looking at Heero in surprise but also with a teasing glint in his violet eyes. "Why, I didn't know you cared, Yuy." He turned back to the window again, ignoring whatever answer Heero would have come up with. "Sorry Hil, what did you say?"

Neither of the boys inside the building, except Duo, heard the short-haired girl's answer but it wasn't needed as the braided boy repeated it anyway - in a loud voice. "Gone home?! What do you mean, she went home?"

Once again, the majority of the boys inside could only hear a quiet,

muffled voice which was the only sound remaining from normally Hilde's cheerful voice as it had to go too far, up two floors and then through a small window. It still wasn't a problem though, as Duo repeated it all anyway. "Everyone's gone home?!"

Quatre felt how all color slowly faded from his face. "Oh dear.."

Duo's and Heero's cussing was harsher. "Fucking hell!" They shouted in chorus and then glared at each other as if they were sure that the other one was the one to mimic. After a moment of steadfast glaring, both looked away on the same second. Duo turned towards the window again.

"We're stuck here until Thursday?!"

"Wouldn't say that, Maxy-boy." Hilde grinned. "Just be the ape you always are!"

"What?" Duo scowled at the girl. "What are you talking about..?" The realization dawned upon him and he groaned. "We have to climb, don't we?"

"You hit the mark - Duo one score, Hilde two."

Now it was Quatre's turn to groan.




Jeez, this is just sooooooo short. *sigh* I felt stressed out while writing this and hopefully it won't take too long to get the next part up.