Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fever! ❯ Pairings ( Chapter 3 )
By an ebony flame
Chapter Three: Pairings
"The Trek is a beacon of opportunity to showcase one's endurance, strength, and all the other components of a great fighter. One has to start at the camp and navigate through the wilderness to the peak of the nearest mountain. The course usually takes three months, because of the height of that mountain (10,000 feet) and the weather conditions. The Trek always starts in February and ends in March. The snow melting in the seasonal change causes some problems with flooding rivers, and slippery cliffs. It's a treacherous hike, and some don't make it out alive. If you get lost, you are a goner, for no one sends search parties to try to find you. It is dangerous and risky. However, to most it is worth it. Men that have finished in the top three pairs went on to have successful military careers. Some went on to become some of the most powerful men alive."
Chang Wufei carefully took notes along with his fellow campers, who were sitting in rows of chairs in the Mess Hall, listening to the movie give instructions. Pairings were to be given out today, and he couldn't wait to see whom he was matched up with. The nameless general droned on about things that Wufei already knew. Just because I know it doesn't mean that they know it, Wufei thought to himself. They are probably going playing this old thing for the women. What would they know about survival? They should stick to their womanly duties. Stupid feminists.
"Now I will partner you up. The pairs will consist of one male and one female. This pair will work together in flight training, as well as other duties at this camp."
What! Wufei thought. That will slow down times immediately! He was mortified and appalled. Hey glanced at the others to see how they reacted. Everyone looked the same. He couldn't believe this.
"When I call you by last name. When I am done, break line and meet your partner. I will give out partners in random order. Pair One: Yuy and Peacecraft. Pair Two: Maxwell and Schbeiker. Pair Three: Barton and Noin. Pair Four: Une and Winner. Pair Five: Chang and Po. Pair Six…"
Soon the announcement of the pairings was finished. Soon the uber-organized lines diminished and became a throng of calling and searching eager youth. Soon the horde began to thin when some found their partners were found. Most went to their respective cabins to plan their route, gather supplies, and anticipate the forthcoming trip. And soon, the first five were met.
Hilde stopped at a Chinese man with a small, thin braid. "Excuse me," she said, waiting for him to turn to her. "Do you know where Maxwell is?" The man pointed to Duo, who was sitting at a table. "Thank you." She walked over to Duo and sat across from him at the table. "Are you Maxwell?"
"I'm Schbeiker. Hilde Schbeiker. It looks as though I'll be your right arm for the next few months," she said smiling. She carefully looked her new partner over, and was very satisfied. He had beautiful violet eyes, which were partially covered with bangs. The bangs were a part of a thick mass that was his hair, which was pulled back into a neat braid. Hilde remembered him from the day she stepped off the bus. He was a lot cuter up close…this is definitely going to be fun, she thought.
"I'm Duo Maxwell," he replied enthusiastically. She seems nice, Duo thought to himself, oblivious to the fact that she was undressing him very slowly with her eyes. This should be fun.
Quatre walked around from woman to woman, asking if she was Une. Finally, one woman directed the blonde to a woman with brown hair who was reading a book. "Thank you!" he said as he happily walked to meet her. He couldn't see her that well, but he noticed her hair was in two tight buns at the back of her head. I hope she's nice, thought as he stopped in front of her. When she didn't look up from her book, he cleared his throat in hopes of catching her attention. She looked up from her book, adjusting her glasses with her hand.
"Are you Winner?" she asked. Quatre nodded eagerly in response.
"You must be Une."
"Lady Une to you. Now listen and listen carefully. You are going to have to work hard to work with me. I want to win...better yet, I must win. I guess we have to start physical training with you. You are dreadfully skinny."
The hopes of having a nice partner were dashed in those few seconds. Quatre had no want to win, he just wanted to survive. In actuality, he hoped that he would be paired with Trowa, and they could spend the time together. Instead he was stuck with…her.
"You must be Chang," a feminine voice said. Wufei turned irritably to his new partner.
"Po," he said. "Yes it's true. We should get to work, yes?" he said curtly.
"Sure," Po said, smiling warmly. "My first name is Sally. What's yours?"
"Wufei," he said, smiling despite himself.
"Good. We should probably get to work if we want to win!"
His original plan was to be as short as possible with relations with his partner. He was sure that he would lose, despite any efforts with his partner being a woman. But this one seemed…different. She seemed to be efficient, yet pleasant. Maybe this won't be too bad.
"Let's go to my cabin. I only have two roommates, so it may not be as crowded as yours." As they headed out the door, Sally thought of Wufei. He seemed okay to her, possibly cantankerous, but okay nevertheless. This won't be too bad after all.
Lucrezia stopped in front of a boy with long bangs that completely covered one of his eyes. "You must be Barton. I'm Lucrezia Noin, your partner."
"That I am. My name is Trowa. Let's stay here. It's warmer near the kitchen."
"Very well then," Lucrezia said calmly, sitting down. "Should we begin planning?"
"I think I would like to get to know you first," Trowa replied. "That way when we plan, we can play on each other's strengths."
"Fine. You can start with yourself. Surprise me with something wacky."
"Well, I was a clown in a circus."
"Really? How interesting…"
Relena gulped. It was him! Her partner was the man she had a crush on. She patted down her hair, which now made it to her shoulders. She wished she was like the others, who grew hair quickly. For some reason, the camp had a strange policy to cut of the enroller's hair, then letting it grow at will. Why do they have to cut it in the first place? Relena wondered, still sitting in her chair. What's the point of - Stay on task Relena, she thought. She stood and walked to Heero, who sat gloomily. He didn't bother to try and find his partner, whoever Peacecraft was.
Heero heard someone clear their throat rather loudly behind him. He turned and made a mental groan. It was that girl that had stared at him whenever he saw her. "Are you Peacecraft?"
"Yes. But do call me Relena. What's your first name?" she said, batting her eyelashes.
"Heero. But please call me Yuy."
"Don't be silly. We're going to be together for a long time now, so I we should be on a first name basis, " she said, plopping down next to him. "Now let's begin planning…"
Oh crap, Heero thought to himself.